No wonder Trump created this immigration crisis diversion with another Russian bombshell

Hate to tell you but Russia did not steal the election for Trump.

If you believe fake news like twenty million Amish would vote for Trump and stayed home then you are an idiot and not Russia fault.

If you believe Wikileaks leaking of facts against the DNC played a roll in Hillary loss, then alright but still it was not fake news, and should have been released.

Comey also damaged Hillary days before the election with his comments.

In the end Hillary lost not because of Russia but because she thought she was entitled to be President.

Hillary has been hated by many since the 1990's and her weakness in the Senate and Secretary of State did not help her plus her comments during the 2016 election alienated a large part of society from her.

Finally blame Jill Stein for her loss and notice in 2016 Libertarians and Greens saw a good amount of voters that year and expect more in 2020 because the younger generation has sicken of the two party rule.
Oh, make no mistake. The election was stolen, and it can be proven. Just ask Fox news; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"
Hate to tell you but Russia did not steal the election for Trump.

If you believe fake news like twenty million Amish would vote for Trump and stayed home then you are an idiot and not Russia fault.

If you believe Wikileaks leaking of facts against the DNC played a roll in Hillary loss, then alright but still it was not fake news, and should have been released.

Comey also damaged Hillary days before the election with his comments.

In the end Hillary lost not because of Russia but because she thought she was entitled to be President.

Hillary has been hated by many since the 1990's and her weakness in the Senate and Secretary of State did not help her plus her comments during the 2016 election alienated a large part of society from her.

Finally blame Jill Stein for her loss and notice in 2016 Libertarians and Greens saw a good amount of voters that year and expect more in 2020 because the younger generation has sicken of the two party rule.
Oh, make no mistake. The election was stolen, and it can be proven. Just ask Fox news; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"

No, it was not stolen because no voting machine was hacked, and the limited amount of voter fraud found was not enough to say Russians were involved.

Again, if you were stupid enough to fall for fake news then you should not be allow to vote or even allow in public my personal opinion.

Reality is you can not accept the Electoral College Vote so you need Russia to excuse Hillary and the DNC failure to beat Trump...

Also if Russia stole it then Comey is a Russian spies along with Stein...
And at the end of the day, the bi-partisan select committee on Benghazi concluded she had done her job. If there had been any validity to her incompetency, Gowdy and McCarthy would have never had the need to try and frame her. You just don't have the God given talent to understand that a four year investigation into her was a flop and found nothing, at the expense of closing down by way of a frame job. Get a hold of reality boss. You're making a fool of yourself.

Nothing you said, contradicted anything I said. The only one making a fool of himself, is you.
Sure it does. The links you posted do not reflect Clinton doing anything wrong. For example, the timelines. Okay! What about them? The timelines do not prove incompetence. The select committee confirms this. The Framed Benghazi investigation, proves this.

You post these links as if they reveal something. They don't. If they had, don't you think the botched Benghazi investigation would have zeroed in on it? Instead, they got caught for framing Clinton.

Let me explain it this way, that a grade school child could understand. If you have a four year investigation into one person that concludes with nothing more than trying to frame that person, you have no worth. The investigation was predicated on a lie for political reasons and at the expense of four dead people. They had, and have zero credibility. Get it now?

She lied directly to the people who lost loved ones, saying they were killed over an online video, when she knew clearly that video had nothing to do with it.

Do you get it now? She's trash or incompetent, or both.
Why do you keep beating your own dead horse about this? The select committee said that the video was likely part of the reason for the attack, confirming Clinton's statement. This is old news. Get with the program. That is not incompetency. That is the truth, spelled out by the bi-partisan committee. You are rehashing crap that was debunked years ago. Get a clue.

So you still can't deny the facts I posted. But please keep beating your dead argument, and complaining I'm smacking it down. Get a clue.
The committee and the fake Benghazi investigation have proven you wrong. And at the end of the day, your fantasy not withstanding, your partisan hate is irrelevant. Nothing became of it, and you are still sitting there sucking on the same old sour grapes you were always sucking on.
Hate to tell you but Russia did not steal the election for Trump.

If you believe fake news like twenty million Amish would vote for Trump and stayed home then you are an idiot and not Russia fault.

If you believe Wikileaks leaking of facts against the DNC played a roll in Hillary loss, then alright but still it was not fake news, and should have been released.

Comey also damaged Hillary days before the election with his comments.

In the end Hillary lost not because of Russia but because she thought she was entitled to be President.

Hillary has been hated by many since the 1990's and her weakness in the Senate and Secretary of State did not help her plus her comments during the 2016 election alienated a large part of society from her.

Finally blame Jill Stein for her loss and notice in 2016 Libertarians and Greens saw a good amount of voters that year and expect more in 2020 because the younger generation has sicken of the two party rule.
Oh, make no mistake. The election was stolen, and it can be proven. Just ask Fox news; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"

No, it was not stolen because no voting machine was hacked, and the limited amount of voter fraud found was not enough to say Russians were involved.

Again, if you were stupid enough to fall for fake news then you should not be allow to vote or even allow in public my personal opinion.

Reality is you can not accept the Electoral College Vote so you need Russia to excuse Hillary and the DNC failure to beat Trump...

Also if Russia stole it then Comey is a Russian spies along with Stein...
A conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election is a stolen election. Why do you think there is a crime called a "conspiracy? It's not there for no reason. Using private polling data, using stolen emails, using cambridge Analytica, using Jerome Corsi, using a Trump Tower meeting with Russians, and using hush money to hide affairs is a stolen election. It is also a stolen election when you purge millions of voters and close 868 polls in the south in mostly minority areas;

Greg Palast: Investigative Reporter
Hate to tell you but Russia did not steal the election for Trump.

If you believe fake news like twenty million Amish would vote for Trump and stayed home then you are an idiot and not Russia fault.

If you believe Wikileaks leaking of facts against the DNC played a roll in Hillary loss, then alright but still it was not fake news, and should have been released.

Comey also damaged Hillary days before the election with his comments.

In the end Hillary lost not because of Russia but because she thought she was entitled to be President.

Hillary has been hated by many since the 1990's and her weakness in the Senate and Secretary of State did not help her plus her comments during the 2016 election alienated a large part of society from her.

Finally blame Jill Stein for her loss and notice in 2016 Libertarians and Greens saw a good amount of voters that year and expect more in 2020 because the younger generation has sicken of the two party rule.
Oh, make no mistake. The election was stolen, and it can be proven. Just ask Fox news; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"

No, it was not stolen because no voting machine was hacked, and the limited amount of voter fraud found was not enough to say Russians were involved.

Again, if you were stupid enough to fall for fake news then you should not be allow to vote or even allow in public my personal opinion.

Reality is you can not accept the Electoral College Vote so you need Russia to excuse Hillary and the DNC failure to beat Trump...

Also if Russia stole it then Comey is a Russian spies along with Stein...
A conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election is a stolen election. Why do you think there is a crime called a "conspiracy? It's not there for no reason. Using private polling data, using stolen emails, using cambridge Analytica, using Jerome Corsi, using a Trump Tower meeting with Russians, and using hush money to hide affairs is a stolen election. It is also a stolen election when you purge millions of voters and close 868 polls in the south in mostly minority areas;

Greg Palast: Investigative Reporter

Then owners of Facebook, Google, Bing, Twitter and so much more conspired and should be put in jail.

Again, no votes were changed because of any hacking and if you were too stupid to know the difference between fake and real news, well you shouldn't be voting or allow in public.

When it is over Comey will be the one remembered sinking Hillary and not Russia.
New Russia revelations in court docs surrounding Trump Tower meeting attendees Now we see why there is a shut down, a made up immigration crisis, and a speech about the fake crisis. It's all about the revelations that were going to come down the pipe about Manafort giving polling data to Russia. Trump probably saw this coming, and decided to create another distraction about immigration. Look over here Trump followers. Lol!
I thought Drumpf Jr said that meeting was about adopting starving Russian babies?

“..primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children.”
-Drumpf Jr
Hate to tell you but Russia did not steal the election for Trump.

If you believe fake news like twenty million Amish would vote for Trump and stayed home then you are an idiot and not Russia fault.

If you believe Wikileaks leaking of facts against the DNC played a roll in Hillary loss, then alright but still it was not fake news, and should have been released.

Comey also damaged Hillary days before the election with his comments.

In the end Hillary lost not because of Russia but because she thought she was entitled to be President.

Hillary has been hated by many since the 1990's and her weakness in the Senate and Secretary of State did not help her plus her comments during the 2016 election alienated a large part of society from her.

Finally blame Jill Stein for her loss and notice in 2016 Libertarians and Greens saw a good amount of voters that year and expect more in 2020 because the younger generation has sicken of the two party rule.
Oh, make no mistake. The election was stolen, and it can be proven. Just ask Fox news; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"

No, it was not stolen because no voting machine was hacked, and the limited amount of voter fraud found was not enough to say Russians were involved.

Again, if you were stupid enough to fall for fake news then you should not be allow to vote or even allow in public my personal opinion.

Reality is you can not accept the Electoral College Vote so you need Russia to excuse Hillary and the DNC failure to beat Trump...

Also if Russia stole it then Comey is a Russian spies along with Stein...
A conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election is a stolen election. Why do you think there is a crime called a "conspiracy? It's not there for no reason. Using private polling data, using stolen emails, using cambridge Analytica, using Jerome Corsi, using a Trump Tower meeting with Russians, and using hush money to hide affairs is a stolen election. It is also a stolen election when you purge millions of voters and close 868 polls in the south in mostly minority areas;

Greg Palast: Investigative Reporter

Then owners of Facebook, Google, Bing, Twitter and so much more conspired and should be put in jail.

Again, no votes were changed because of any hacking and if you were too stupid to know the difference between fake and real news, well you shouldn't be voting or allow in public.

When it is over Comey will be the one remembered sinking Hillary and not Russia.

You were given the facts. It's your handicap that you can't debate them, not mine. You aren't saying anything. Trump paid Cambridge Analytica to use stolen data that was used against Clinton. The voter purge illegally took voters off the rolls that was also paid for by Trump, courtesy of Kris Kobach. The fact that you cannot debate these voter suppression schemes is a testament to your bankrupt abilities as a debater. You came to this debate with nothing, and you are leaving here with nothing, until you've finally had enough.
New Russia revelations in court docs surrounding Trump Tower meeting attendees Now we see why there is a shut down, a made up immigration crisis, and a speech about the fake crisis. It's all about the revelations that were going to come down the pipe about Manafort giving polling data to Russia. Trump probably saw this coming, and decided to create another distraction about immigration. Look over here Trump followers. Lol!
I thought Drumpf Jr said that meeting was about adopting starving Russian babies?

“..primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children.”
-Drumpf Jr
That was the first lie, that morphed into opposition research.
The fact that Trump and his campaign adviser are in the hot seat for criminal activity, tells us that the Democrat Congress does in fact work for us. Putting them in the same category as the other is an insult.
Na, not really
Now shut the fuck up
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