No You Do Not Have An Absolute Right To Have Certain Types Of Or The Carrying Of Firearms

“We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. ‘Miller’ said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those ‘in common use at the time.’ 307 U.S., at 179, 59 S.Ct. 816. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of ‘dangerous and unusual weapons.’”

Justice Scalia also wrote:

“It may be objected that if weapons that are most useful in military service — M-16 rifles and the like — may be banned, then the Second Amendment right is completely detached from the prefatory clause. But as we have said, the conception of the militia at the time of the Second Amendment’s ratification was the body of all citizens capable of military service, who would bring the sorts of lawful weapons that they possessed at home to militia duty. It may well be true today that a militia, to be as effective as militias in the 18th century, would require sophisticated arms that are highly unusual in society at large. Indeed, it may be true that no amount of small arms could be useful against modern-day bombers and tanks. But the fact that modern developments have limited the degree of fit between the prefatory clause and the protected right cannot change our interpretation of the right.”
An ar15 is a sporting rifle nothing more. Only fucking little snowflakes are scared of such a inadequate weapon for military muster...
Sources told ABC News that the primary weapon used in shooting was an SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle. Authorities also recovered a Smith and Wesson 9 mm pistol, though it was not clear if it was used in the attack.
I don't know what an SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle is, but it was purchased legally.
Gun used in Scalise shooting was legally purchased assault rifle, sources say

fucking clickbait.

you read the story they put STYLE In the description all of a sudden but that doesn't get as much attention.

Sources told ABC News that the primary weapon used in shooting was an SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle. Authorities also recovered a Smith and Wesson 9 mm pistol, though it was not clear if it was used in the attack.

and it would help A TON if the liberals would stop changing the definition of assault rifle to begin with.
An ar15 is a sporting rifle nothing more. Only fucking little snowflakes are scared of such a inadequate weapon for military muster...
Sources told ABC News that the primary weapon used in shooting was an SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle. Authorities also recovered a Smith and Wesson 9 mm pistol, though it was not clear if it was used in the attack.
I don't know what an SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle is, but it was purchased legally.
Gun used in Scalise shooting was legally purchased assault rifle, sources say
Of the 34 thousand people who die by firearms each year, very very few die from an assault weapon.

In mass of my last look at the Mother Jones total....167 people murdered with rifles with 34 years...

Knives are used to murder people over 1,500 times a knives are far more dangerous than these rifles...particularly if you consider there are over 8 million of them in private hands...making them common....and useful...
Fallacy of selective equivalency. Fire arms murder more than 11000 people a year. By your nutty fallacy, all guns should be registered or confiscated.

Not according to the FBI homicide Table 8....9,616 in 2015.......
So you cut it down to more than 9600 to 1500. Still a fallacy of selective equivalency, 2aguy.

So that grew to 9616 (2015) from 8,124 murders (2014) and 8,454 (2013)?
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Sources told ABC News that the primary weapon used in shooting was an SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle. Authorities also recovered a Smith and Wesson 9 mm pistol, though it was not clear if it was used in the attack.
I don't know what an SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle is, but it was purchased legally.
Gun used in Scalise shooting was legally purchased assault rifle, sources say
Of the 34 thousand people who die by firearms each year, very very few die from an assault weapon.

In mass of my last look at the Mother Jones total....167 people murdered with rifles with 34 years...

Knives are used to murder people over 1,500 times a knives are far more dangerous than these rifles...particularly if you consider there are over 8 million of them in private hands...making them common....and useful...
Fallacy of selective equivalency. Fire arms murder more than 11000 people a year. By your nutty fallacy, all guns should be registered or confiscated.

Not according to the FBI homicide Table 8....9,616 in 2015.......
So you cut it down to more than 9600 to 1500. Still a fallacy of selective equivalency, 2aguy.
Why do you cares how many are murdered? It's what you liberals all want. If you didn't liberals would not block laws that carry mandatory prison time for crimes using a gun. So, are you just talking out of both sides of your mouth here, because I know you don't give a damn how many are murdered. It helps your sick treasonous plan.
Yeah, you only have 700 firearm homicides each year in Texas, compared to 377 in Illinois (including Chicago).

All by Muslims, of course.

Texlims aint ya heard
More lib character assassination.

A crazy liberal committed attempted murder yesterday, stirred up by you people. YOU PEOPLE are doing this.
Sorry, it's a fact Texas has way more, nearly double, gun homicides than Illinois.

You want to take a single incident and write it large, eh? How come you don't want to do that when an "assault rifle" is used?

Or how about when a right wing loony kills 9 people in a church?

Because you suffer from an idiot's confirmation bias, that's why.

You are full of shit. The facts are that there is no complete reporting of the actual stats, and all of the shit you get from all of the guncontrol pushers is just like the global warming liars stats PURE LIES. Now we go for MURDER RATES. or do you want to change to the complete spectrum of all deaths by what cause, and by what. like the accidental death, LIBERAL "So MANY CHILDREN are killed accidentally with guns each year we must ban them to save all of the children" BS accidental firearm deaths of children is about the third cause from the bottom of the list every year, many times more are killed by drowning. so lets make it illegal for kids to even take baths, and save many times more than a new gun law. Your stats are all twisted compilations from a long line of lies and propaganda by the gun control activist. Any way What difference does it make if a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has an F16 and a nuke? a criminal or psycho liberal doesn't need anything that can be used as a weapon, not even pepper spray as they have used it many times on innocent by standers and NORMAL citizens.
No, I am holding up a mirror to you hypocrites. You have infected and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands and I want you out of my house.
Internment Camps...

For your enemies?
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So that grew to 9616 (2015) from 8,124 murders (2014) and 8,454 (2013)?
Texlims aint ya heard
More lib character assassination.

A crazy liberal committed attempted murder yesterday, stirred up by you people. YOU PEOPLE are doing this.
Sorry, it's a fact Texas has way more, nearly double, gun homicides than Illinois.

You want to take a single incident and write it large, eh? How come you don't want to do that when an "assault rifle" is used?

Or how about when a right wing loony kills 9 people in a church?

Because you suffer from an idiot's confirmation bias, that's why.

You are full of shit. The facts are that there is no complete reporting of the actual stats, and all of the shit you get from all of the guncontrol pushers is just like the global warming liars stats PURE LIES. Now we go for MURDER RATES. or do you want to change to the complete spectrum of all deaths by what cause, and by what. like the accidental death, LIBERAL "So MANY CHILDREN are killed accidentally with guns each year we must ban them to save all of the children" BS accidental firearm deaths of children is about the third cause from the bottom of the list every year, many times more are killed by drowning. so lets make it illegal for kids to even take baths, and save many times more than a new gun law. Your stats are all twisted compilations from a long line of lies and propaganda by the gun control activist. Any way What difference does it make if a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has an F16 and a nuke? a criminal or psycho liberal doesn't need anything that can be used as a weapon, not even pepper spray as they have used it many times on innocent by standers and NORMAL citizens.
No, I am holding up a mirror to you hypocrites. You have infected and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands and I want you out of my house.
Internment Camps...

For you enemies?
For the alt left and the alt right, if it comes to it.
And who represented that district?

A person.

Gabby Giffords.

That district was shot up later.

Mission accomplished!
1 district.

Explain the other 19?
So that grew to 9616 (2015) from 8,124 murders (2014) and 8,454 (2013)?
More lib character assassination.

A crazy liberal committed attempted murder yesterday, stirred up by you people. YOU PEOPLE are doing this.
Sorry, it's a fact Texas has way more, nearly double, gun homicides than Illinois.

You want to take a single incident and write it large, eh? How come you don't want to do that when an "assault rifle" is used?

Or how about when a right wing loony kills 9 people in a church?

Because you suffer from an idiot's confirmation bias, that's why.

You are full of shit. The facts are that there is no complete reporting of the actual stats, and all of the shit you get from all of the guncontrol pushers is just like the global warming liars stats PURE LIES. Now we go for MURDER RATES. or do you want to change to the complete spectrum of all deaths by what cause, and by what. like the accidental death, LIBERAL "So MANY CHILDREN are killed accidentally with guns each year we must ban them to save all of the children" BS accidental firearm deaths of children is about the third cause from the bottom of the list every year, many times more are killed by drowning. so lets make it illegal for kids to even take baths, and save many times more than a new gun law. Your stats are all twisted compilations from a long line of lies and propaganda by the gun control activist. Any way What difference does it make if a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has an F16 and a nuke? a criminal or psycho liberal doesn't need anything that can be used as a weapon, not even pepper spray as they have used it many times on innocent by standers and NORMAL citizens.
No, I am holding up a mirror to you hypocrites. You have infected and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands and I want you out of my house.
Internment Camps...

For you enemies?
For the alt left and the alt right, if it comes to it.
Sorry Jake.

Can't share your desire to lock up American citizens who haven't broken any laws.
So that grew to 9616 (2015) from 8,124 murders (2014) and 8,454 (2013)?
Sorry, it's a fact Texas has way more, nearly double, gun homicides than Illinois.

You want to take a single incident and write it large, eh? How come you don't want to do that when an "assault rifle" is used?

Or how about when a right wing loony kills 9 people in a church?

Because you suffer from an idiot's confirmation bias, that's why.

You are full of shit. The facts are that there is no complete reporting of the actual stats, and all of the shit you get from all of the guncontrol pushers is just like the global warming liars stats PURE LIES. Now we go for MURDER RATES. or do you want to change to the complete spectrum of all deaths by what cause, and by what. like the accidental death, LIBERAL "So MANY CHILDREN are killed accidentally with guns each year we must ban them to save all of the children" BS accidental firearm deaths of children is about the third cause from the bottom of the list every year, many times more are killed by drowning. so lets make it illegal for kids to even take baths, and save many times more than a new gun law. Your stats are all twisted compilations from a long line of lies and propaganda by the gun control activist. Any way What difference does it make if a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has an F16 and a nuke? a criminal or psycho liberal doesn't need anything that can be used as a weapon, not even pepper spray as they have used it many times on innocent by standers and NORMAL citizens.
No, I am holding up a mirror to you hypocrites. You have infected and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands and I want you out of my house.
Internment Camps...

For you enemies?
For the alt left and the alt right, if it comes to it.
Sorry Jake. Can't share your desire to lock up American citizens who haven't broken any laws.
Show me where I said that.

You can't, so you are a libelous blow hard, nothing more.
“We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. ‘Miller’ said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those ‘in common use at the time.’ 307 U.S., at 179, 59 S.Ct. 816. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of ‘dangerous and unusual weapons.’”

Justice Scalia also wrote:

“It may be objected that if weapons that are most useful in military service — M-16 rifles and the like — may be banned, then the Second Amendment right is completely detached from the prefatory clause. But as we have said, the conception of the militia at the time of the Second Amendment’s ratification was the body of all citizens capable of military service, who would bring the sorts of lawful weapons that they possessed at home to militia duty. It may well be true today that a militia, to be as effective as militias in the 18th century, would require sophisticated arms that are highly unusual in society at large. Indeed, it may be true that no amount of small arms could be useful against modern-day bombers and tanks. But the fact that modern developments have limited the degree of fit between the prefatory clause and the protected right cannot change our interpretation of the right.”
Well you are more than welcome to try and stop someone from carrying what YOU think is a gun they don't need. :) Do it in a stand your ground state though.
So that grew to 9616 (2015) from 8,124 murders (2014) and 8,454 (2013)?
You are full of shit. The facts are that there is no complete reporting of the actual stats, and all of the shit you get from all of the guncontrol pushers is just like the global warming liars stats PURE LIES. Now we go for MURDER RATES. or do you want to change to the complete spectrum of all deaths by what cause, and by what. like the accidental death, LIBERAL "So MANY CHILDREN are killed accidentally with guns each year we must ban them to save all of the children" BS accidental firearm deaths of children is about the third cause from the bottom of the list every year, many times more are killed by drowning. so lets make it illegal for kids to even take baths, and save many times more than a new gun law. Your stats are all twisted compilations from a long line of lies and propaganda by the gun control activist. Any way What difference does it make if a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has an F16 and a nuke? a criminal or psycho liberal doesn't need anything that can be used as a weapon, not even pepper spray as they have used it many times on innocent by standers and NORMAL citizens.
No, I am holding up a mirror to you hypocrites. You have infected and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands and I want you out of my house.
Internment Camps...

For you enemies?
For the alt left and the alt right, if it comes to it.
Sorry Jake. Can't share your desire to lock up American citizens who haven't broken any laws.
Show me where I said that.

You can't, so you are a libelous blow hard, nothing more.
I ask G5 a question and your reply was " If it comes to it for alt left and alt right."

Sorry if I took it as a desire to lock up people for political difference.
So that grew to 9616 (2015) from 8,124 murders (2014) and 8,454 (2013)?
No, I am holding up a mirror to you hypocrites. You have infected and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands and I want you out of my house.
Internment Camps...

For you enemies?
For the alt left and the alt right, if it comes to it.
Sorry Jake. Can't share your desire to lock up American citizens who haven't broken any laws.
Show me where I said that.

You can't, so you are a libelous blow hard, nothing more.
I ask G5 a question and your reply was " If it comes to it for alt left and alt right."

Sorry if I took it as a desire to lock up people for political difference.
No, for violence in political matters. I have never understood political riots. I did not understand the TP screaming in town hall meetings in 2009 or the left in 2017. It's all not good.
“We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. ‘Miller’ said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those ‘in common use at the time.’ 307 U.S., at 179, 59 S.Ct. 816. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of ‘dangerous and unusual weapons.’”

Justice Scalia also wrote:

“It may be objected that if weapons that are most useful in military service — M-16 rifles and the like — may be banned, then the Second Amendment right is completely detached from the prefatory clause. But as we have said, the conception of the militia at the time of the Second Amendment’s ratification was the body of all citizens capable of military service, who would bring the sorts of lawful weapons that they possessed at home to militia duty. It may well be true today that a militia, to be as effective as militias in the 18th century, would require sophisticated arms that are highly unusual in society at large. Indeed, it may be true that no amount of small arms could be useful against modern-day bombers and tanks. But the fact that modern developments have limited the degree of fit between the prefatory clause and the protected right cannot change our interpretation of the right.”

All I've got to say is Don"t Tread On Me!

Video from an annual public gun shoot in Kentucky:

(and every person there is carrying to the teeth)

So that grew to 9616 (2015) from 8,124 murders (2014) and 8,454 (2013)?
More lib character assassination.

A crazy liberal committed attempted murder yesterday, stirred up by you people. YOU PEOPLE are doing this.
Sorry, it's a fact Texas has way more, nearly double, gun homicides than Illinois.

You want to take a single incident and write it large, eh? How come you don't want to do that when an "assault rifle" is used?

Or how about when a right wing loony kills 9 people in a church?

Because you suffer from an idiot's confirmation bias, that's why.

You are full of shit. The facts are that there is no complete reporting of the actual stats, and all of the shit you get from all of the guncontrol pushers is just like the global warming liars stats PURE LIES. Now we go for MURDER RATES. or do you want to change to the complete spectrum of all deaths by what cause, and by what. like the accidental death, LIBERAL "So MANY CHILDREN are killed accidentally with guns each year we must ban them to save all of the children" BS accidental firearm deaths of children is about the third cause from the bottom of the list every year, many times more are killed by drowning. so lets make it illegal for kids to even take baths, and save many times more than a new gun law. Your stats are all twisted compilations from a long line of lies and propaganda by the gun control activist. Any way What difference does it make if a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN has an F16 and a nuke? a criminal or psycho liberal doesn't need anything that can be used as a weapon, not even pepper spray as they have used it many times on innocent by standers and NORMAL citizens.
No, I am holding up a mirror to you hypocrites. You have infected and destroyed the Republican and conservative brands and I want you out of my house.
Internment Camps...

For you enemies?
For the alt left and the alt right, if it comes to it.

Yes.....the Ferguson Effect came in in 2015.......the police have pulled back because the democrats would rather have dead poor people than live they allowed Black Lies matter and the ACLU to go after the police....
Thank you for admitting the numbers are climbing despite the good guys having guns.
Thank you for admitting the numbers are climbing despite the good guys having guns. scare the police..and the gang bangers shoot each other more.......normal people aren't the ones shooting or getting shot......

meanwhile....Americans stop criminals 1,500,000 times a year.....
“No You Do Not Have An Absolute Right To Have Certain Types Of Or The Carrying Of Firearms”


It is a settled and accepted fact of law, beyond dispute, that no right is ‘absolute,’ including the Second Amendment right.

Our rights and protected liberties are subject to restrictions and limitations by government, provided those restrictions and limitations comport with Constitutional case law.

Firearm regulatory measures such as magazine capacity limitations, universal background checks, and laws restricting the possession of AR platform rifles and other semi-automatic weapons are perfectly Constitutional – in no manner ‘violating’ the Second Amendment, regardless subjective opinions as to the efficacy of such laws.

Should the Supreme Court at some point in the future decide that magazine capacity limitations, universal background checks, or laws restricting the possession of AR platform rifles are un-Constitutional, then and only then are such measures in violation of the Second Amendment.
Mine shoots both 223 and 556 up to the NATO rounds.

Who here thinks this is an assault weapon?

“No You Do Not Have An Absolute Right To Have Certain Types Of Or The Carrying Of Firearms”


It is a settled and accepted fact of law, beyond dispute, that no right is ‘absolute,’ including the Second Amendment right.

Our rights and protected liberties are subject to restrictions and limitations by government, provided those restrictions and limitations comport with Constitutional case law.

Firearm regulatory measures such as magazine capacity limitations, universal background checks, and laws restricting the possession of AR platform rifles and other semi-automatic weapons are perfectly Constitutional – in no manner ‘violating’ the Second Amendment, regardless subjective opinions as to the efficacy of such laws.

Should the Supreme Court at some point in the future decide that magazine capacity limitations, universal background checks, or laws restricting the possession of AR platform rifles are un-Constitutional, then and only then are such measures in violation of the Second Amendment.
This is, of course, incorrect. Rights do not come from Government, and rights can only be removed by due process. Much like the right to vote.

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