Noaa backs GISS for April being hottest in recorded history!

Where do we find, records back to the 1800's?

Average Weather In April For Los Angeles, California, USA - WeatherSpark

This report describes the typical weather at the La Civic Center (Los Angeles, California, United States) weather station over the course of an average April. It is based on the historical records from 1999 to 2012. Earlier records are either unavailable or unreliable.

What type of thermometer was being used in the 1800's? Did it measure temps to tenth of a degree, a hundredth? Did they have them all calibrated and placed all over the world? LOL Fail

Average Weather In April For Los Angeles, California, USA - WeatherSpark
Before 1999, the records are unavailable or unreliable.

Which is confirmed by this quote from NOAA, that states they made up the temperatures, based on "science".
adjusting the data for inhomogeneities using an approach that did not rely on sparse station history information

I could spend hours working on this question, there was the weather bureau, placing instruments on tall buildings? The Smithsonian sent instruments out to Telegraph stations before the Weather Bureau? Should be a thermometer in the Smithsonian I would presume. Newspapers published temperatures. So, the question is how much of a difference does it make, as the city grows which affects the temperature, obviously the original Weather Bureau locations have changed, which can make a dramatic difference.

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I see you avoided answering the questions on thermometers, placement, etc. If you want to believe in this nonsense go ahead but anyone with a lick of sense sees it for what it is, a wealth redistribution gimmik
What type of thermometer was being used in the 1800's? Did it measure temps to tenth of a degree, a hundredth? Did they have them all calibrated and placed all over the world? LOL Fail
My posts states, the records are unreliable or unavailable, before 1999! I have found information that should be a red flag, that states there are no records or there is something wrong, yet you respond as if I am stating there is Global Warming and the records prove it?

Your comprehension was the only thing that failed, I post something that confirms your point of view and you call it a fail? I was going to add a bit of sarcasm but I do not want that to go over your head!
What type of thermometer was being used in the 1800's? Did it measure temps to tenth of a degree, a hundredth? Did they have them all calibrated and placed all over the world? LOL Fail
My posts states, the records are unreliable or unavailable, before 1999! I have found information that should be a red flag, that states there are no records or there is something wrong, yet you respond as if I am stating there is Global Warming and the records prove it?

Your comprehension was the only thing that failed, I post something that confirms your point of view and you call it a fail? I was going to add a bit of sarcasm but I do not want that to go over your head!

My bad, I had you confused with someone else and I rarely read that someone's drivel.
I see you avoided answering the questions on thermometers, placement, etc. If you want to believe in this nonsense go ahead but anyone with a lick of sense sees it for what it is, a wealth redistribution gimmik

I saw the other post

Granny says, "Dat's right - inna Revelation it says it gonna get real hot fer 5 months an' then Jesus gonna come back...

WMO: Global Warming Happening Faster Than Predicted
July 21, 2016 — The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported the first six months of this year have seen all previous global warming records broken.The WMO said 2016 is on track to be the world’s hottest year on record with more heat on the way.
Record heat, land and water

According to the World Meteorological Organization, the dramatic, sweeping changes in the state of the world climate is alarming. June was the 14th month in a row of record heat for land and oceans. It also marked the 378th consecutive month with temperatures above the 20th century average. David Carlson, director of the WMO’s World Climate Research Program, told VOA global warming is happening faster than predicted. “This year suggests that the planet can warm up faster than we expected on a much shorter time. We would have thought that it would take several years to see a jump like this,” he said.


A road sign is seen in front of the Kharola glacier some 200 km (125 miles), west of Lhasa Tibet Autonomous Region​

Scientists based their assessment of the rapidly changing climate on three main indicators.The first is the record-setting global temperatures, which, for the first six months of this year, averaged 1.3 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial era levels. They noted the heat has been especially high in the Arctic, resulting in the early and fast melting of the Arctic sea ice, territories in the far Northern Hemisphere, including Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Russia, are setting heat records, and carbon dioxide emissions, which are driving global warming, have reached new highs.
Emissions, greenhouse gases

The strong 2015-2016 El Nino event, which causes unusually warm ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific, is only partially responsible for this accelerated warming trend Carlson said, however, much remains unknown. “If we got this much surprise this year, how many more surprises are ahead of us? The system cannot so far as we know — I mean, ice takes a certain amount of time to melt, the ocean takes a certain amount of time to heat up — it cannot go ballistic the way the movies have it, but this is a serious surprise even from a conservative climate point of view,” he stated.


The Fayette Power Project, a coal-fired power plant, is shown in Ellinger, Texas, Dec. 15, 2010. Some environmentalists, ranchers and scientists linked tree deaths in the area to sulfur dioxide emissions from the plant.​
Carlson warned the world is running out of time to cut the emissions of greenhouse gases leading to global warming. He said nations that have signed up to the Paris Climate Change agreement last year must take more aggressive action.

WMO: Global Warming Happening Faster Than Predicted
I wouldn't say it is happening faster as it is clearly a outsider being we have a super nino!

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