NOAA/NCDC Commit Scienctic Fraud... Through Data Manipulation.., NOAA reports:

"NOAA Fiddles With Climate Data To Erase The 15-Year Global Warming ‘Hiatus’
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have found a solution to the 15-year “pause” in global warming: They “adjusted” the hiatus in warming out of the temperature record.

New climate data by NOAA scientists doubles the warming trend since the late 1990s by adjusting pre-hiatus temperatures downward and inflating temperatures in more recent years."

Read more: NOAA Tampers With Data To Erase The Global Warming Hiatus The Daily Caller

Tucker Carlson? Is it true he has been appointed to be the ring master at Fox to announce each clown as they depart from the clown care for the debates?

Ever notice that the really, really stupid posters try to invalidate a cogent thesis by attacking the source rather than trying to confront the truth of same?

Raise your paw.
What was it when you called NOAA "Pravda"? Wasn't that an attack on the source?, NOAA reports:

"NOAA Fiddles With Climate Data To Erase The 15-Year Global Warming ‘Hiatus’
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have found a solution to the 15-year “pause” in global warming: They “adjusted” the hiatus in warming out of the temperature record.

New climate data by NOAA scientists doubles the warming trend since the late 1990s by adjusting pre-hiatus temperatures downward and inflating temperatures in more recent years."

Read more: NOAA Tampers With Data To Erase The Global Warming Hiatus The Daily Caller

Tucker Carlson? Is it true he has been appointed to be the ring master at Fox to announce each clown as they depart from the clown care for the debates?

Ever notice that the really, really stupid posters try to invalidate a cogent thesis by attacking the source rather than trying to confront the truth of same?

Raise your paw.

Hypocrisy they name is ... those who constantly whine about the "Lame Street Media and claim all sources of information issued by the government are untrue propaganda.

When the source is Tucker Carlson one is faced with another arch conservative - like Limbaugh and Hannity - who never completed college, and yet have the audacity and arrogance to lecture on diverse issues echoing the same partisan absuridies we read on this site daily.

The primary differency between a liberal and a conservative is this: A contemporary conservative acts as if she knows the truth, a modern liberal asks "why" and "why not"., NOAA reports:

"NOAA Fiddles With Climate Data To Erase The 15-Year Global Warming ‘Hiatus’
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have found a solution to the 15-year “pause” in global warming: They “adjusted” the hiatus in warming out of the temperature record.

New climate data by NOAA scientists doubles the warming trend since the late 1990s by adjusting pre-hiatus temperatures downward and inflating temperatures in more recent years."

Read more: NOAA Tampers With Data To Erase The Global Warming Hiatus The Daily Caller

Tucker Carlson? Is it true he has been appointed to be the ring master at Fox to announce each clown as they depart from the clown care for the debates?

Ever notice that the really, really stupid posters try to invalidate a cogent thesis by attacking the source rather than trying to confront the truth of same?

Raise your paw.

Hypocrisy they name is ... those who constantly whine about the "Lame Street Media and claim all sources of information issued by the government are untrue propaganda.

When the source is Tucker Carlson one is faced with another arch conservative - like Limbaugh and Hannity - who never completed college, and yet have the audacity and arrogance to lecture on diverse issues echoing the same partisan absuridies we read on this site daily.

The primary differency between a liberal and a conservative is this: A contemporary conservative acts as if she knows the truth, a modern liberal asks "why" and "why not".

"....Limbaugh and Hannity - who never completed college, and yet have the audacity and arrogance to lecture on diverse issues echoing the same partisan absuridies we read on this site daily."

1. Oh,, being a moron, make this far too easy:

Here are some of your fellow Liberal college grads....

2. A recent study at Princeton University by Alan Krueger and Jitka Maleckova, called "Education, Poverty, Political Violence and Terrorism: Is There a Causal Connection?" argues this point. One piece of the Krueger-Maleckova evidence involves 129 members of Hezbollah who died in action, mostly against Israel, from 1982 to 1994. Hezbollah is now designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization. Biographical information from the Hezbollah newspaper al-Ahd indicates that the fighters who died were, on average, more educated and less impoverished than the Lebanese population of comparable age and regional origin….

Moreover, the Palestinians' adherence to the view that the mass murder of civilians was not terrorism was independent of education and higher among those working than unemployed. Hence, support for terrorism was not reduced by increases in education and income…

.....a study by Charles Russell and Bowman Miller (reprinted in the 1983 book Perspectives on Terrorism) considered 18 revolutionary groups, including the Japanese Red Army, Germany's Baader-Meinhof Gang, and Italy's Red Brigades. The authors found that "the vast majority of those individuals involved in terrorist activities as cadres or leaders is quite well-educated. In fact, approximately two-thirds of those identified terrorists are persons with some university training, [and] well over two-thirds of these individuals came from the middle or upper classes in their respective nations or areas."
BW Online | June 10, 2002 | The Myth That Poverty Breeds Terrorism

...."the vast majority of those individuals involved in terrorist activities as cadres or leaders is quite well-educated."

3. …men who belonged to violent Islamist groups active over the past few decades (some in jail, some not). Had those groups reflected the working-age populations of their countries, engineers would have made up about 3.5 percent of the membership. Instead, nearly 20 percent of the militants had engineering degrees. When Gambetta and Hertog looked at only the militants whose education was known for certain to have gone beyond high school, close to half (44 percent) had trained in engineering.
Today's Highly Educated Terrorists | The National Interest Blog

4. Pol Pot, was the leader of the Cambodian communist movement known as the Khmer Rouge[3] and was Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1976–1979. Pol Pot's leadership, in which he attempted to "cleanse" the country, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.7–2.5 million people…. he qualified for a scholarship that allowed for technical study in France. He studied radio electronics at the EFR in Paris from 1949 to 1953 Pol Pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan, who had studied in Paris, wrote in his doctoral dissertation that the Cambodian economy and social structure would be renewed by tapping “the dormant energy of the peasant mass” against the cities. “Kissinger, “The White House Years,” p. 518.

6. Ernesto "Che" Guevara "the man was a mass killer. Hundreds were reportedly executed on his watch" Why Do people love a mass murder like Che? // Current
As a young boy growing up, he had a passion for education, literature and philosophy. Mao Zedong
"he worked as a doctor. Che Guevara : Biography

7. Lenin was born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, April 22, 1870….In 1891 he passed the law examinations at the University of St. Petersburg as an external student, scoring first in his class. He practiced law briefly in Samara before devoting himself to the revolutionary movement. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), 1870-1924

8. Bashar al-Assad is the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Regional Secretary of the Ba'ath Party, and the son of former President Hafez al-Assad. Al-Assad is a controversial figure both in Syria and Internationally… for his disregard for human rights, economic lapses, sponsorship of terrorism, and corruption. Bashar studied ophthalmology at Damascus University 1988 and arrived in London in 1992 to continue his studies. Bashar al-Assad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Highly educated Leftists, smart guys all....

How about a proven moron like you?
College grad?
Are you attempting to suggest that education leads to sympathy towards terrorism?
Are you attempting to suggest that education leads to sympathy towards terrorism?

First of all, I don't "attempt" anything.

I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude.

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

2. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.
3. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.

Or are you suggesting that we would be better getting information from the uneducated than from the learned?
Are you attempting to suggest that education leads to sympathy towards terrorism?

First of all, I don't "attempt" anything.

I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude.

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

2. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.
3. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.


I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.
Or are you suggesting that we would be better getting information from the uneducated than from the learned?

No, you moron....I'm stating that any Leftists in charge of what is laughingly called 'education' should be jailed.

Education instead of indoctrination.
Are you attempting to suggest that education leads to sympathy towards terrorism?

First of all, I don't "attempt" anything.

I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude.

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

2. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.
3. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.


I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

"I think..."
Fact not in evidence.

I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.
Again, wrong argument.

The real argument, the real thing to deny is that man somehow is influencing the climate of the planet. That somehow man is over-riding the sun's influence.

That is where the AGW faithful cannot defend their beliefs. All they have is computer models and we all know that garbage in equals garbage out., NOAA reports:

"NOAA Fiddles With Climate Data To Erase The 15-Year Global Warming ‘Hiatus’
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have found a solution to the 15-year “pause” in global warming: They “adjusted” the hiatus in warming out of the temperature record.

New climate data by NOAA scientists doubles the warming trend since the late 1990s by adjusting pre-hiatus temperatures downward and inflating temperatures in more recent years."

Read more: NOAA Tampers With Data To Erase The Global Warming Hiatus The Daily Caller

Tucker Carlson? Is it true he has been appointed to be the ring master at Fox to announce each clown as they depart from the clown care for the debates?

Ever notice that the really, really stupid posters try to invalidate a cogent thesis by attacking the source rather than trying to confront the truth of same?

Raise your paw.

Hypocrisy they name is ... those who constantly whine about the "Lame Street Media and claim all sources of information issued by the government are untrue propaganda.

When the source is Tucker Carlson one is faced with another arch conservative - like Limbaugh and Hannity - who never completed college, and yet have the audacity and arrogance to lecture on diverse issues echoing the same partisan absuridies we read on this site daily.

The primary differency between a liberal and a conservative is this: A contemporary conservative acts as if she knows the truth, a modern liberal asks "why" and "why not".

"....Limbaugh and Hannity - who never completed college, and yet have the audacity and arrogance to lecture on diverse issues echoing the same partisan absuridies we read on this site daily."

1. Oh,, being a moron, make this far too easy:

Here are some of your fellow Liberal college grads....

2. A recent study at Princeton University by Alan Krueger and Jitka Maleckova, called "Education, Poverty, Political Violence and Terrorism: Is There a Causal Connection?" argues this point. One piece of the Krueger-Maleckova evidence involves 129 members of Hezbollah who died in action, mostly against Israel, from 1982 to 1994. Hezbollah is now designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization. Biographical information from the Hezbollah newspaper al-Ahd indicates that the fighters who died were, on average, more educated and less impoverished than the Lebanese population of comparable age and regional origin….

Moreover, the Palestinians' adherence to the view that the mass murder of civilians was not terrorism was independent of education and higher among those working than unemployed. Hence, support for terrorism was not reduced by increases in education and income…

.....a study by Charles Russell and Bowman Miller (reprinted in the 1983 book Perspectives on Terrorism) considered 18 revolutionary groups, including the Japanese Red Army, Germany's Baader-Meinhof Gang, and Italy's Red Brigades. The authors found that "the vast majority of those individuals involved in terrorist activities as cadres or leaders is quite well-educated. In fact, approximately two-thirds of those identified terrorists are persons with some university training, [and] well over two-thirds of these individuals came from the middle or upper classes in their respective nations or areas."
BW Online | June 10, 2002 | The Myth That Poverty Breeds Terrorism

...."the vast majority of those individuals involved in terrorist activities as cadres or leaders is quite well-educated."

3. …men who belonged to violent Islamist groups active over the past few decades (some in jail, some not). Had those groups reflected the working-age populations of their countries, engineers would have made up about 3.5 percent of the membership. Instead, nearly 20 percent of the militants had engineering degrees. When Gambetta and Hertog looked at only the militants whose education was known for certain to have gone beyond high school, close to half (44 percent) had trained in engineering.
Today's Highly Educated Terrorists | The National Interest Blog

4. Pol Pot, was the leader of the Cambodian communist movement known as the Khmer Rouge[3] and was Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1976–1979. Pol Pot's leadership, in which he attempted to "cleanse" the country, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.7–2.5 million people…. he qualified for a scholarship that allowed for technical study in France. He studied radio electronics at the EFR in Paris from 1949 to 1953 Pol Pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan, who had studied in Paris, wrote in his doctoral dissertation that the Cambodian economy and social structure would be renewed by tapping “the dormant energy of the peasant mass” against the cities. “Kissinger, “The White House Years,” p. 518.

6. Ernesto "Che" Guevara "the man was a mass killer. Hundreds were reportedly executed on his watch" Why Do people love a mass murder like Che? // Current
As a young boy growing up, he had a passion for education, literature and philosophy. Mao Zedong
"he worked as a doctor. Che Guevara : Biography

7. Lenin was born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, April 22, 1870….In 1891 he passed the law examinations at the University of St. Petersburg as an external student, scoring first in his class. He practiced law briefly in Samara before devoting himself to the revolutionary movement. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), 1870-1924

8. Bashar al-Assad is the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Regional Secretary of the Ba'ath Party, and the son of former President Hafez al-Assad. Al-Assad is a controversial figure both in Syria and Internationally… for his disregard for human rights, economic lapses, sponsorship of terrorism, and corruption. Bashar studied ophthalmology at Damascus University 1988 and arrived in London in 1992 to continue his studies. Bashar al-Assad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Highly educated Leftists, smart guys all....

How about a proven moron like you?
College grad?

Non Sequitur ^^^

Limbaugh and Hannity, leaders of the Crazy New Right - something you hope to be? Never fear - fear and hate, character assassination and logical fallacies will entertain all of the people, some of the time, and be believed as substantive by some of the people all of the time (yes, the Crazy New Right represented by your followers).

Mindful of the TV Series the Followers, they and their leaders assassinated imaginary people, you and the Crazy New Right assassinate the character of real people - some alive and some long dead. With any justice, you too will suffer the fate of the series.
Are you attempting to suggest that education leads to sympathy towards terrorism?

First of all, I don't "attempt" anything.

I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude.

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

2. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.
3. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.


I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

"I think..."
Fact not in evidence.

I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.
Are you attempting to suggest that education leads to sympathy towards terrorism?

First of all, I don't "attempt" anything.

I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude.

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

2. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.
3. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.


I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

"I think..."
Fact not in evidence.

I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.

Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!
Are you attempting to suggest that education leads to sympathy towards terrorism?

First of all, I don't "attempt" anything.

I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude.

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

2. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.
3. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.


I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

"I think..."
Fact not in evidence.

I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.

Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.
First of all, I don't "attempt" anything.

I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude.

1. Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

2. Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.
3. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.
Dennis Prager

a. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.” The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) inPWW(The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.


I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

"I think..."
Fact not in evidence.

I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.

Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.
I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

"I think..."
Fact not in evidence.

I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.

Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

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