NOAA/NCDC Commit Scienctic Fraud... Through Data Manipulation..

"I think..."
Fact not in evidence.

I think you just proved that you have no idea what the word "prove" means.

I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.

Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.
I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.

Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

You had a point? I guess that orange cone on your head hid it.
Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

You had a point? I guess that orange cone on your head hid it.

Looka you!! Tryin' to be witty???

Before being a smartass, it is wise to first ensure one is smart. Otherwise one is merely being an ass. Someone should have informed you.
I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

You had a point? I guess that orange cone on your head hid it.

Looka you!! Tryin' to be witty???

Before being a smartass, it is wise to first ensure one is smart. Otherwise one is merely being an ass. Someone should have informed you.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but your balther will never hurt me.

I'm now off with my oldest son to play and exercise the dog. Since the Giant's game is on now, and the Dubs play later, you are free to insult me for a while. Have fun, I will.
More proof that this is POLITICAL...

It seems that Todd Peterson of NCDC has enlisted Miriam OBiren to parrot and attack Anthony watts for daring to speak up. his choice of political hactivist site is telling..
More proof that this is POLITICAL...

It seems that Todd Peterson of NCDC has enlisted Miriam OBiren to parrot and attack Anthony watts for daring to speak up. his choice of political hactivist site is telling..

I have no idea who Miriam OBiren might be and I see no links to any material that might illustrate or support these charges. WTF are you talking about?
Ahh.. Miriam O'Brien! Sou of Okay Bobby, what is it that makes you think Todd Peterson has enlisted Miriam O'Brien to attack Anthony Watts? Ms O'Brien needs no encouragement. She's been attacking Watts since she first began her website. Her "About HotWhopper" page reads "This site and the HotWhopper blog is aimed at exposing the disinformation promulgated on websites and blogs like WUWT and elsewhere and replacing it with what the science says." (Emphasis mine).

And even had he done precisely as you've so vaguely charged, what makes you think that such a contact indicates that "this" (whatever "this" might be) "is POLITICAL"?
Ahh.. Miriam O'Brien! Sou of Okay Bobby, what is it that makes you think Todd Peterson has enlisted Miriam O'Brien to attack Anthony Watts? Ms O'Brien needs no encouragement. She's been attacking Watts since she first began her website. Her "About HotWhopper" page reads "This site and the HotWhopper blog is aimed at exposing the disinformation promulgated on websites and blogs like WUWT and elsewhere and replacing it with what the science says." (Emphasis mine).

And even had he done precisely as you've so vaguely charged, what makes you think that such a contact indicates that "this" (whatever "this" might be) "is POLITICAL"?

Watts purveyed a private email asking for discussion and explanation from one of the co-writers of the OP paper Todd Petersen. Obviously Dr Peterson could not defend his actions so rather than act like an adult and a real scientist he Chose to violate federal law and disclosed US government email with a foreign entity, showing he has no moral or ethical fiber. He even violated Obama's EO on scientific integrity.

SO why would a high level US Scientist run from Anthony Watts and enlist the help from Slandering Sou over at the left wing hack garbage site HOTWHOPPER.? Even Andy Revkin from the NY Slimes bought the slandering Sou lie hook line and sinker... He failed to check out the facts and now he too has a large amount of egg on his face.

Under The Privacy Act of 1974, a federal government official cannot publicly disclose a private communication from a private citizen, or group of citizens, by name without permission. Period.

And that is just the topping on the cake...
Ahh.. Miriam O'Brien! Sou of Okay Bobby, what is it that makes you think Todd Peterson has enlisted Miriam O'Brien to attack Anthony Watts? Ms O'Brien needs no encouragement. She's been attacking Watts since she first began her website. Her "About HotWhopper" page reads "This site and the HotWhopper blog is aimed at exposing the disinformation promulgated on websites and blogs like WUWT and elsewhere and replacing it with what the science says." (Emphasis mine).

And even had he done precisely as you've so vaguely charged, what makes you think that such a contact indicates that "this" (whatever "this" might be) "is POLITICAL"?

Watts purveyed a private email asking for discussion and explanation from one of the co-writers of the OP paper Todd Petersen.

This sentence is poorly formed. Can you try to make this comprehensible?

Obviously Dr Peterson could not defend his actions

What actions? You've yet to describe any.

so rather than act like an adult and a real scientist he Chose to violate federal law and disclosed US government email with a foreign entity

As I asked once before, what is it that makes you believe this happened? And to what email do you refer?

showing he has no moral or ethical fiber.

Fiber is it he lacks? Both the moral AND the ethical. My my. And why do you come to this conclusion?

He even violated Obama's EO on scientific integrity.

In what way?

SO why would a high level US Scientist run from Anthony Watts

Where do you get the idea that he was running from Anthony Watts?

and enlist the help from Slandering Sou over at the left wing hack garbage site HOTWHOPPER.?

Has Ms O'Brien been convicted of slander? Who was her victim? Was this in a US or Australian court?

Even Andy Revkin from the NY Slimes bought the slandering Sou lie hook line and sinker... He failed to check out the facts and now he too has a large amount of egg on his face.

What was Ms O'Brien "slandering... lie"? What facts did he fail to check? You suggest Ms O'Brien made factual errors. What were they?

I finally found your "source" link. However, I think most of my questions still stand unanswered.
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Ahh.. Miriam O'Brien! Sou of Okay Bobby, what is it that makes you think Todd Peterson has enlisted Miriam O'Brien to attack Anthony Watts? Ms O'Brien needs no encouragement. She's been attacking Watts since she first began her website. Her "About HotWhopper" page reads "This site and the HotWhopper blog is aimed at exposing the disinformation promulgated on websites and blogs like WUWT and elsewhere and replacing it with what the science says." (Emphasis mine).

And even had he done precisely as you've so vaguely charged, what makes you think that such a contact indicates that "this" (whatever "this" might be) "is POLITICAL"?

Watts purveyed a private email asking for discussion and explanation from one of the co-writers of the OP paper Todd Petersen.

This sentence is poorly formed. Can you try to make this comprehensible?

Obviously Dr Peterson could not defend his actions

What actions? You've yet to describe any.

so rather than act like an adult and a real scientist he Chose to violate federal law and disclosed US government email with a foreign entity

As I asked once before, what is it that makes you believe this happened? And to what email do you refer?

showing he has no moral or ethical fiber.

Fiber is it he lacks? Both the moral AND the ethical. My my. And why do you come to this conclusion?

He even violated Obama's EO on scientific integrity.

In what way?

SO why would a high level US Scientist run from Anthony Watts

Where do you get the idea that he was running from Anthony Watts?

and enlist the help from Slandering Sou over at the left wing hack garbage site HOTWHOPPER.?

Has Ms O'Brien been convicted of slander? Who was her victim? Was this in a US or Australian court?

Even Andy Revkin from the NY Slimes bought the slandering Sou lie hook line and sinker... He failed to check out the facts and now he too has a large amount of egg on his face.

What was Ms O'Brien "slandering... lie"? What facts did he fail to check? You suggest Ms O'Brien made factual errors. What were they?

I finally found your "source" link. However, I think most of my questions still stand unanswered.

Are you to lazy to read? Thought so... I dont know why I provide you links, you fail to use them every time and then you fail to use commonsense or cognitive thought.

So lets bring out the crayolas for the child...

*Anthony Watts sends letter to Dr Tom Peterson discussing his unethical behavior..

*Tom Peterson violates ethical conduct standards and the 1974 privacy act forbidding US employees to send out any email or other correspondence without the express written permission of the other party. And he chooses to send this to a FOREIGN entity equivalent to the enquirer rather than discuss his actions in an adult manner.

*Peterson's choice was Hotwhopper, a left wing hactavist blog known for slandering those with whom they disagree.

*Andy Revkin picks up the story, fails to use any journalistic skills and fails to check the facts. He too uses his bully pulpit in the NY slimes to repeat slandering Sous BS. He is challenged and asked to review the facts by others and refuses. This is either intentional journalistic malpractice or simply his activist side.

You can always try to read the links dumbass..
I will admit that it appears Peterson sent O'Brien an email that Watts had not explicitly released. However, Watts had already made the email's [laughably over-the-top] accusations, repeatedly, on his website. The charge that Peterson has "slimed" Watts is laughable and the Kip Hansen's idea that Watts and Peterson are colleagues is simply pathetic.

It certainly looks to me as if the denier response to all this is being driven solely by embarrassment. Such a response was completely unneeded. It's not as if we all (and I do mean ALL) didn't realize what an ignorant dick Anthony Watts has been from day one.

And that Watts or Hansen should spend an ounce of breath attacking Miriam O'Brien in this affair is simply pathetic.

Peterson's science is just fine. The adjustments in Karl 2015 are, so far, still standing. The Hiatus appears to have been an artifact of the '98 el Nino and poor coverage in the Arctic (and I still believe changes in the trades subducting warm surface waters). You have to admit that it makes more sense than anything YOU'VE come up with.
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I think you just proved you've never attended a University. Only an ignorant fool would post, " I just proved that education, especially one based on the Liberal monestaries called university, in no way equate to rectitude"

I find it hilarious that you of all people PC would lay claim that morally correct behavior or thinking is absent from a liberal arts eduation (LAE). Your propensity to assassinate the character of historical figures (Wilson, FDR for example) and everyone who disagrees with you is simply the antithesis of morally correct behavior.

Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.
Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Everything I post is linked, sourced, and documented.

Yours, vague, biased, and ignorant.

But, then, so are you.
Let me know when you want to compare educational backgrounds, you clod.

My alma mater has the best fight song in the nation.....and I'm the personification of same!

I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.
what the 'f' does this mean..... "always the same and always different". How is that at all possible? please enlighten the class on how one can be both?

I don't know but the hate that flows through your body is insane. look what it made you post!!! dude, you wrote that for real. Published it on the forum. wow, and holy crap you need help.
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Next you'll write you believe in climate change by humans all the time and don't believe in climate change by humans all the time. In that scenario, you can't be wrong right? hahahahahahahahaha.............. my gawd, I can't stop laughing.
I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Everything I post is linked, sourced, and documented.

Yours, vague, biased, and ignorant.

But, then, so are you.
did you take a careful look at what he wrote? dudette, he said you're always the same and always different. That's a heck of thing you got going girl!!!!!!!
You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Everything I post is linked, sourced, and documented.

Yours, vague, biased, and ignorant.

But, then, so are you.
did you take a careful look at what he wrote? dudette, he said you're always the same and always different. That's a heck of thing you got going girl!!!!!!!

Funny posts, guy!

But, there is this from the Wryster's medical records....he needs punishment and turns up here on the board for same.
When I have the time, I accommodate his mental disability and provide the insults and vituperation that he so sorely desires.

He laps it up and comes back for more.

Consider your post revealing his stupidity as a good deed.
But...take care....he will latch on to you like a barnacle to an ocean liner.
I enjoy PC's posts, even when I don't totally agree. And the comment was correct. She has a theme to what she says and is consistent. But she covers many areas and adds new thoughts often. The sign of intelligence.
I was going to list my educational background, but then reconsidered. The fact is you don't (can't?) write with the skill of a University Freshman, let alone a graduate.

Yes, I have an advanced degree and spent a part of my career recruiting LE Personel for an agency whose MQ's required a 4-year college degree. Many of them didn't have the skills expected of a college grad.

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Everything I post is linked, sourced, and documented.

Yours, vague, biased, and ignorant.

But, then, so are you.

So says the narcissist. I've studied, and have come to my own set of values and opinions framed by my experience. You cherry pick your links and sources, most of which are the opinions of others which you put forth as historical fact - a logical error known as an appeal to authority.

You're a phony, and one who doesn't get it. The pathology of narcissism prevents you from even a moment of honest introspection.

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