NOAA/NCDC Commit Scienctic Fraud... Through Data Manipulation..

You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Everything I post is linked, sourced, and documented.

Yours, vague, biased, and ignorant.

But, then, so are you.

So says the narcissist. I've studied, and have come to my own set of values and opinions framed by my experience. You cherry pick your links and sources, most of which are the opinions of others which you put forth as historical fact - a logical error known as an appeal to authority.

You're a phony, and one who doesn't get it. The pathology of narcissism prevents you from even a moment of honest introspection.

(See what I mean?
The dunce is back, demanding more 'discipline.')
Here we go:)

Next time you go to a mind reader try and remember that you are entitled to a substantial discount.
You know you're lying.

The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Everything I post is linked, sourced, and documented.

Yours, vague, biased, and ignorant.

But, then, so are you.

So says the narcissist. I've studied, and have come to my own set of values and opinions framed by my experience. You cherry pick your links and sources, most of which are the opinions of others which you put forth as historical fact - a logical error known as an appeal to authority.

You're a phony, and one who doesn't get it. The pathology of narcissism prevents you from even a moment of honest introspection.
dude, there isn't one poster on here who doesn't 'cherry pick' or choose specific links. it's what everybody does, everyday on here. Sounds like you're running in scared mode. So you're going to show every link in the world eh?
I enjoy PC's posts, even when I don't totally agree. And the comment was correct. She has a theme to what she says and is consistent. But she covers many areas and adds new thoughts often. The sign of intelligence.

I appreciate that a great deal!

I have one for tomorrow on 'propaganda.'
I know that it may not be of central interest to you...but I think you may find it interesting.
The truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth. I swear on your life.

You just proved my point.
Of course, you're too dumb to realize it.

Your point is so dull it is used as an example for insipid. Your threads are all the same, exactly like a river of bullshit, always the same and always different. I hope that's not too abstract for you.

Everything I post is linked, sourced, and documented.

Yours, vague, biased, and ignorant.

But, then, so are you.
did you take a careful look at what he wrote? dudette, he said you're always the same and always different. That's a heck of thing you got going girl!!!!!!!

Funny posts, guy!

But, there is this from the Wryster's medical records....he needs punishment and turns up here on the board for same.
When I have the time, I accommodate his mental disability and provide the insults and vituperation that he so sorely desires.

He laps it up and comes back for more.

Consider your post revealing his stupidity as a good deed.
But...take care....he will latch on to you like a barnacle to an ocean liner.

Even your ad hominem comments lack originality. The evidence for a diagnosis of narcissism is an easy one to make in your case, for there are zero posts/threads of yours which provide an iota of evidence to rule it out.

As for the obsequious one, my metaphor was too abstract, and thus clearly over his/her head. Typical of your admirers.
AGWCult Motto: when the data fails to validate the theory, adjust the data
Exactly, it's a logical fallacy known as confirmation bias.

The CAGW cult leaders rely on that to trick their ignorant followers.

They are a bunch of fags who love to suck Al Gore's cock.
AGWCult Motto: when the data fails to validate the theory, adjust the data

Exactly, it's a logical fallacy known as confirmation bias.

No, it is not. Confirmation bias is a tendency to note evidence that supports one's preexisting beliefs and ignore evidence that doesn't. Altering evidence in order to match one's preconceptions is not a logical fallacy, it's simple fraud.

The CAGW cult leaders rely on that to trick their ignorant followers.

No, they do not. You have yet to provide a single instance in which a successful refutation has been made of the justifications given for dataset adjustments.

They are a bunch of fags who love to suck Al Gore's cock.

This is an extraordinarily childish bit of ad hominem flaming trollism. I bet the image gives you a woody. ;-)
An excellent article was posted over at WUWT on this subject. The fraud is very clearly seen in the graphs that were prepared. They give no reasoning for the changes nor do they give any scientific justification for the changes. As pointed out by the author what NOAA and NCEI (formerly NCDC) they have done is nothing less than scientific fraud.

There is much interest in the latest temperature anomaly adjustments by NOAA/NCEI (formerly known as NOAA/NCDC). This author has been downloading NOAA monthly temperature anomaly data since 2010. The May 2015 adjustment is not the only one. There appear to have been 8 adjustments between November 2010 and May 2015. Assuming that these changes are legitimate adjustments, one has to wonder, if they got it wrong the last 7 tries, what confidence can we have that they got it right THIS TIME, or will they change it again if Earth doesn’t cooperate? To paraphrase Darth Vader

You cant believe what has been uncovered. 8 different adjustments that they have HIDDEN. This is way worse than scientific fraud. Looking at the number of adjustments and the severity of adjustments this is planned and executed fraud. A RICO investigation should be performed IMHO. The EPA, NOAA, and NECI are acting as criminal organizations, in concert, to defraud Americans of money, property and our freedoms through EPA regulations and lies.

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WUWT? Why don't you just post from the Weekly World. Equally accurate.

Why dont you post something relevant to the debate.. You always use adhom and worthless and outright lying left wing hack sites.. why dont you find something relevant that you might have some cognitive thoughts about? Not just ones handed down from your handlers.

Another individual asked a very relevant question;

“The NOAA adjusts it’s climatic data from time to time. So What?”

Don’t people understand what constant adjustment of the data means? It means we can’t trust today’s data set because it’s going to change tomorrow. It’s now unpredictable and unreliable for scientific uses. All we really know is that the NOAA temperature data set we have today is going to change, Nobody knows how much or how often they really have been changed. This means, it is unreliable and virtually worthless for any purpose, except propaganda.

The damage these politicians and agenda driven pseudo-scientists are doing to science will take decades to repair.
An excellent article was posted over at WUWT on this subject. The fraud is very clearly seen in the graphs that were prepared. They give no reasoning for the changes nor do they give any scientific justification for the changes. As pointed out by the author what NOAA and NCEI (formerly NCDC) they have done is nothing less than scientific fraud.

There is much interest in the latest temperature anomaly adjustments by NOAA/NCEI (formerly known as NOAA/NCDC). This author has been downloading NOAA monthly temperature anomaly data since 2010. The May 2015 adjustment is not the only one. There appear to have been 8 adjustments between November 2010 and May 2015. Assuming that these changes are legitimate adjustments, one has to wonder, if they got it wrong the last 7 tries, what confidence can we have that they got it right THIS TIME, or will they change it again if Earth doesn’t cooperate? To paraphrase Darth Vader

You cant believe what has been uncovered. 8 different adjustments that they have HIDDEN. This is way worse than scientific fraud. Looking at the number of adjustments and the severity of adjustments this is planned and executed fraud. A RICO investigation should be performed IMHO. The EPA, NOAA, and NECI are acting as criminal organizations, in concert, to defraud Americans of money, property and our freedoms through EPA regulations and lies.


Nice source - and your kind whines about the MSM. Why not post three sources, something an honest and thorough journalist would do?
An excellent article was posted over at WUWT on this subject. The fraud is very clearly seen in the graphs that were prepared. They give no reasoning for the changes nor do they give any scientific justification for the changes. As pointed out by the author what NOAA and NCEI (formerly NCDC) they have done is nothing less than scientific fraud.

There is much interest in the latest temperature anomaly adjustments by NOAA/NCEI (formerly known as NOAA/NCDC). This author has been downloading NOAA monthly temperature anomaly data since 2010. The May 2015 adjustment is not the only one. There appear to have been 8 adjustments between November 2010 and May 2015. Assuming that these changes are legitimate adjustments, one has to wonder, if they got it wrong the last 7 tries, what confidence can we have that they got it right THIS TIME, or will they change it again if Earth doesn’t cooperate? To paraphrase Darth Vader

You cant believe what has been uncovered. 8 different adjustments that they have HIDDEN. This is way worse than scientific fraud. Looking at the number of adjustments and the severity of adjustments this is planned and executed fraud. A RICO investigation should be performed IMHO. The EPA, NOAA, and NECI are acting as criminal organizations, in concert, to defraud Americans of money, property and our freedoms through EPA regulations and lies.


Nice source - and your kind whines about the MSM. Why not post three sources, something an honest and thorough journalist would do?

LOL... a left wing hack site that uses conspiracy theroy against those who do not believe as you do... Nice... Alyinsky would be proud of you..

The lying Bill Nye... The ANTI-Science Guy who faked an experiment to prove CAGW... The world has no shortage of Useful Idiots.

IF I had tried something like this idiot did I would have been laughed out of chemistry class.

Tell me, Do you have even the remotest clue what a LOG function is and how it affects the diminishing return of a specific interaction of any set of molecules in our atmosphere? Bill Nye didn't either..

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