NOAA/NCDC Commit Scienctic Fraud... Through Data Manipulation..

IF I had tried something like this idiot did I would have been laughed out of chemistry class.
are you famous and accomplished like he is or are you some "Billy Bob" get real

Why dont you address the LOG function he did not and lied about in his propaganda to create alarmism?

Bill Nye's accomplishments: Left wing useful idiot who indoctrinates our young with lies so they can be stripped of their freedoms without firing a shot later in life.
IF I had tried something like this idiot did I would have been laughed out of chemistry class.
are you famous and accomplished like he is or are you some "Billy Bob" get real
BTW, was his experiment accurately done or did he fudge it?
The dam fool couldn't get the response he wanted so they FAKED it. HE did not consider the LOG function of the trace gas and his runaway rise did not occur. So they took another shot and applied heat to the box to get the rise they wanted. The footage was doctored to hide this fact.

The deception was massive and the damage it has done is far worse. Even Mythbusters screwed this up by showing the actual amount of CO2 they pumped into their experiments to get the desired response, some 70 times atmosphere levels.
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IF I had tried something like this idiot did I would have been laughed out of chemistry class.
are you famous and accomplished like he is or are you some "Billy Bob" get real
BTW, was his experiment accurately done or did he fudge it?
The dam fool couldn't get the response he wanted so they FAKED it. HE did not consider the LOG function of the trace gas and his runaway rise did not occur. So they took another shot and applied heat to the box to get the rise they wanted. The footage was doctored to hide this fact.

The deception was massive and the damage it has done is far worse.
Exactly. Want to see what tyron says
" Altering evidence in order to match one's preconceptions is not a logical fallacy, it's simple fraud." -- Crick finally admits the AGWCult is a fraud


From the WUWT article. Five years of adjustments. Nice step change in the 40's. Interesting to know that we didn't know how to interpret temperature readings in 2010. Anyone doubt that more changes will be made by 2020? In the 'right' direction of course.

From the WUWT article. Five years of adjustments. Nice step change in the 40's. Interesting to know that we didn't know how to interpret temperature readings in 2010. Anyone doubt that more changes will be made by 2020? In the 'right' direction of course.

That essay shows EIGHT step changes since 2010 in the data. They have been doing a hell of a lot more than just fiddling... Falsifying is more the correct term.

IF empirical evidence dont match the models, CHANGE THE DATA not the failed theory! The shear level of deception is stunning when it is exposed.

The fact that he shared the data he collected adds tonnage to his claims as it can be seen by all and repeated by all..
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Tony Heller asked GISS for the graphs of yearly changes and intermediate steps made in the last 25 years, as well as the emails involved. He was presented with a bill for $250,000 to initiate proceedings.

Too bad all the money that 'deniers' are supposedly getting is just a mirage. The basic information from the last 25 years would be useful. Up until a few years ago you could get a fair amount of information back to about 2000 via the Wayback Machine but that access has been cut off. I wonder why?
Tony Heller asked GISS for the graphs of yearly changes and intermediate steps made in the last 25 years, as well as the emails involved. He was presented with a bill for $250,000 to initiate proceedings.

Too bad all the money that 'deniers' are supposedly getting is just a mirage. The basic information from the last 25 years would be useful. Up until a few years ago you could get a fair amount of information back to about 2000 via the Wayback Machine but that access has been cut off. I wonder why?

There is no wonder why, The Obama machine has been scrubbing all data that could make him look bad and deny him a legacy item. Even Obama is running form the disaster known as Obamacare. It truly is that simple.

That is what makes the data collected over time so priceless. It is something that can not be taken away. Now they must release NOAA and NCDC data to the public to defend themselves. They wont do it but they will find ways to discredit and marginalize even if they have to lie.
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I don't think Obama has much to do with it. I think it has everything to do with inconvenient questions being easier to duck when your words and data cannot be easily thrown in your face. Climate science is notorious for hiding evidence from prying eyes.
I don't think Obama has much to do with it. I think it has everything to do with inconvenient questions being easier to duck when your words and data cannot be easily thrown in your face. Climate science is notorious for hiding evidence from prying eyes.

All things being equal, the simplest answer is usually the correct one..:beer::biggrin:
The simplest theory that explains all of the observed evidence is that deniers are conspiracy nutters. That's way, way simpler than a globe-spanning secret socialist plot.

Occams Razor is not kind to deniers.
The simplest theory that explains all of the observed evidence is that deniers are conspiracy nutters. That's way, way simpler than a globe-spanning secret socialist plot.

Occams Razor is not kind to deniers.
Let's see the temperature charts, come now
He's completely right. Occam's Razor says you folks are whacked.

And surely you've seen enough temperature charts here that you can figure out how to find one on your own. And since the adjustments you've been bitching and whining about all this while have made the global numbers go DOWN, why don't YOU pull one up and show us what a fool you've been all this while?

And while we're here, where's the quote you claim to have seen of me admitting I get paid to post here?
He's completely right. Occam's Razor says you folks are whacked.

And surely you've seen enough temperature charts here that you can figure out how to find one on your own. And since the adjustments you've been bitching and whining about all this while have made the global numbers go DOWN, why don't YOU pull one up and show us what a fool you've been all this while?

And while we're here, where's the quote you claim to have seen of me admitting I get paid to post here?
Still nothing with temperatures you're mistaken
Do you not know how to punctuate a sentence?

Everyone here has seen diagrams of CO2 absorption and most of them understand what the graph actually says. If you want to keep whining that no one will show you temperatures, thus demonstrating your severe science ignorance, feel free to carry on. Just don't expect to get any more responses from me. Unlike other here, I feel as if I AM here to educate folks - just not those who want to pick and choose what facts they're willing to accept based on positions developed in complete ignorance.

And while we're here, where's the quote you claim to have seen of me admitting I get paid to post here?
Do you not know how to punctuate a sentence?

Everyone here has seen diagrams of CO2 absorption and most of them understand what the graph actually says. If you want to keep whining that no one will show you temperatures, thus demonstrating your severe science ignorance, feel free to carry on. Just don't expect to get any more responses from me. Unlike other here, I feel as if I AM here to educate folks - just not those who want to pick and choose what facts they're willing to accept based on positions developed in complete ignorance.

And while we're here, where's the quote you claim to have seen of me admitting I get paid to post here?
Ever hear of logarithmic?
Yes, I am familiar with logarithms. What do they have to do with anything under discussion?
He's completely right. Occam's Razor says you folks are whacked.

And surely you've seen enough temperature charts here that you can figure out how to find one on your own. And since the adjustments you've been bitching and whining about all this while have made the global numbers go DOWN, why don't YOU pull one up and show us what a fool you've been all this while?

And while we're here, where's the quote you claim to have seen of me admitting I get paid to post here?

You've been cut by Occam's razor many times... As to charts and ability to read them, you are not the one to be talking.

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