Noah, the movie, BANNED in middle east.

Apparently the film has also angered Christians. IMO we should not expect other countries and cultures to do things the way we do them. If they want to ban certain things, it is their business, not ours.
Agreed. But I aim to watch it. Looks like a good flick.
Apparently the film has also angered Christians. IMO we should not expect other countries and cultures to do things the way we do them. If they want to ban certain things, it is their business, not ours.

Gee, I wonder why people don't have that attitude about gay marriage here in the states?

Don't you have a realm to go wave your sword in lalaland, Baby Huey? USMB is not your fantasy game world. Time to grow up.

Kormac - Diablo 3 Wiki

Templar - Game Guide - Diablo III
“I will never succumb to
your evil.”
The templar are holy warriors, fighting for justice and eschewing the dangers that lead to cultism and demonic possession by espousing self-denial. They do not merely pay lip service to protecting the realm - they are battle-trained and experienced to a man, and the brooding, dedicated Kormac is a paragon among them.

Kormac came to the order as a young man, and was quickly molded into the ideal templar, adapting naturally to an ascetic way of life. His devotion is particularly unshakable, even for one of his order, and, despite his respect for battle prowess, his disdain for those who don't share his high moral standards is readily apparent.

Though Kormac's ways will not always be your own, your aims and goals align, and so he will fight alongside you to purge the world of the insidious darkness that would hide from the light of Heaven.

Kormac the Templar - Lore and Character Dialogue Guide - Diablo 3
Maybe cause the ME peoples know that the story of Noah was a copyright infringement upon the story that has origins in Sumerian legend....
Apparently the film has also angered Christians. IMO we should not expect other countries and cultures to do things the way we do them. If they want to ban certain things, it is their business, not ours.

Gee, I wonder why people don't have that attitude about gay marriage here in the states?


You really can't figure it out for yourself?

Here in the states, it is our business. This is my country as much as it is yours.
Apparently the film has also angered Christians. IMO we should not expect other countries and cultures to do things the way we do them. If they want to ban certain things, it is their business, not ours.

Gee, I wonder why people don't have that attitude about gay marriage here in the states?


There is a simple and easy answer to that. One, the majority of Americans are not against gay marriage (59% of Americans approve of same-sex marriage). Two, we have a government that is not arbitrarily allowed to just ban things. You entirely miss the point: if you want to live in a country and culture where the government can just ban things, move there. If you want to live in a country where the majority of the citizens are against gay marriage, go live there. My point was that different countries have different perspectives on social issues and different ways of doing things. You don't get that point. You think there is only one perception of reality, yours. You don't get it. The way you perceive reality is not the only way to perceive reality. You have an adolescent intellect. Stop playing on your computer 24/7 and get a life.
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"According to Islam, films portraying prophets are forbidden, and Noah is considered a prophet of the Muslim god Allah."

Fair point. Not at all true though. Prophets, including Mohammed can be depicted as long as done respectfully. Many Islamic artists have done so over the centuries.
Distorting a distortion: Depicting Muhammad in Art | Flopping Aces

As religions age, what their holy books actually say, and what conventional wisdom says often wind up differing as here. The supposed ban on depicting prophets isn't Scriptural, but a modern interpretation.
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The use of faces in Islamic religious depictions of prophets and God have been banned since Muhammad lived. It was considered idolatry..
Don't you have a realm to go wave your sword in lalaland, Baby Huey? USMB is not your fantasy game world. Time to grow up.

Kormac - Diablo 3 Wiki

Templar - Game Guide - Diablo III
“I will never succumb to
your evil.”
The templar are holy warriors, fighting for justice and eschewing the dangers that lead to cultism and demonic possession by espousing self-denial. They do not merely pay lip service to protecting the realm - they are battle-trained and experienced to a man, and the brooding, dedicated Kormac is a paragon among them.

Kormac came to the order as a young man, and was quickly molded into the ideal templar, adapting naturally to an ascetic way of life. His devotion is particularly unshakable, even for one of his order, and, despite his respect for battle prowess, his disdain for those who don't share his high moral standards is readily apparent.

Though Kormac's ways will not always be your own, your aims and goals align, and so he will fight alongside you to purge the world of the insidious darkness that would hide from the light of Heaven.

Kormac the Templar - Lore and Character Dialogue Guide - Diablo 3

I think the first step I took on the road to atheism was when a Catholic Nun was telling us the story of Noah.

When I asked why God drowned all the babies, she answered, "Because they were Wiiiiiiiicked!!!!"

40 years of discussing religion with people of all faiths, I never found an answer that was LESS retarded than that.
Apparently the film has also angered Christians. IMO we should not expect other countries and cultures to do things the way we do them. If they want to ban certain things, it is their business, not ours.

Gee, I wonder why people don't have that attitude about gay marriage here in the states?


You really can't figure it out for yourself?

Here in the states, it is our business. This is my country as much as it is yours.

So it's not our business if Russia has laws against promoting homosexuality?

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I think the first step I took on the road to atheism was when a Catholic Nun was telling us the story of Noah.

When I asked why God drowned all the babies, she answered, "Because they were Wiiiiiiiicked!!!!"

40 years of discussing religion with people of all faiths, I never found an answer that was LESS retarded than that.

Reason I got for why the Flood is robbery. Looking it up,

"Interpreting Genesis 6:13, Rabbi Johanan deduced that the consequences of robbery are great. For though the generation of the Flood transgressed all laws, God sealed their decree of punishment only because they robbed. In Genesis 6:13, God told Noah that "the earth is filled with violence (that is, robbery) through them, and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth." And Ezekiel 7:11 also states, "Violence (that is, robbery) is risen up into a rod of wickedness; none of them shall remain, nor of their multitude, nor any of theirs; neither shall there be wailing for them." Rabbi Eleazar interpreted Ezekiel 7:11 to teach that violence stood up before God like a staff, and told God that there was no good in any of the generation of the Flood, and none would bewail them when they were gone.[76]

Similarly, Midrash interpreted the words, "the earth is filled with violence," in Genesis 6:13 to teach that it was because they were steeped in robbery that they were blotted out from the world.[79]"
I think the first step I took on the road to atheism was when a Catholic Nun was telling us the story of Noah.

When I asked why God drowned all the babies, she answered, "Because they were Wiiiiiiiicked!!!!"

40 years of discussing religion with people of all faiths, I never found an answer that was LESS retarded than that.

Reason I got for why the Flood is robbery. Looking it up,

"Interpreting Genesis 6:13, Rabbi Johanan deduced that the consequences of robbery are great. For though the generation of the Flood transgressed all laws, God sealed their decree of punishment only because they robbed. In Genesis 6:13, God told Noah that "the earth is filled with violence (that is, robbery) through them, and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth." And Ezekiel 7:11 also states, "Violence (that is, robbery) is risen up into a rod of wickedness; none of them shall remain, nor of their multitude, nor any of theirs; neither shall there be wailing for them." Rabbi Eleazar interpreted Ezekiel 7:11 to teach that violence stood up before God like a staff, and told God that there was no good in any of the generation of the Flood, and none would bewail them when they were gone.[76]

Similarly, Midrash interpreted the words, "the earth is filled with violence," in Genesis 6:13 to teach that it was because they were steeped in robbery that they were blotted out from the world.[79]"

That's nice and all, but it really doesn't answer my question.

No matter what some adults were doing, it really didn't justify drowning all the babies.

Now, I don't think there was a worldwide flood, and there's a thousand scientific arguments that can be made about the story as written, but I'm just going by the philosophical one that a perfect God makes imperfect humans, and his solution is to genocide the shit out of every species on the planet (not just the flawed humans) including the babies and puppies and kittens.

And when it is all said and done, God Admits that there will still be evil in the world.

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