Noah's Ark Is Ready

Where did Noah get the polar bears?

Or the penguins?

Or two of every single insect species and know the difference between male and female?

Along with the talking snake, it's just another one of those fairy tales from the Big Book of Myths and Fairytales.
Now we can see if we can fit 2 of every animal on the thing for 40 days at sea and settle the issue

It wasn't two of every animal.
It really doesn't matter given it's a fable.

You a fable, a myth, a fabrication along the lines of the central tenet of your religion....this one:

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Like that myth???

"The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?”

But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
David Mamet

Like that, huh?
"Consultants hired by Ark Encounter's nonprofit parent, Answers in Genesis, project the park will generate 20,000 jobs in the area and $4 billion in tourism revenue, when combined with Ham's already established Creation Museum. The park itself has created about 350 jobs so far..."
Noah's Ark opens at Kentucky theme park -

Surely this is a good
thing for Kentuckians.

"Yup, done der, we don got us a Noah's Ark just like the Bible says. This shows that God is Good and Great!"

"Um, why would a "good" God drown every baby in the world?"

"Shut up, blasphemer!!!"
Which part of jobs being good for people right now, isn't clear to you?
I think is a silly attraction; however, it brings jobs and tourism to an area that could dearly use both.

a magnificent work of carpentry -

and speaking of carpenters they are the only ones that would put a door inside the water line.

whatever brings out the marching band has to be a Triumph of Good.

The moonbat atheists are out protesting.
Only one reason they go out of their way to protest - they know deep down our God exists.

No, we know you guys do crazy shit to appease your imaginary sadist in the sky. That's why we challenge it.
Interesting. Tell us, JoeB131, do "we" also "challenge" Walt Disney World because Mickey Mouse is imaginary?
Interesting. Tell us, JoeB131, do "we" also "challenge" Walt Disney World because Mickey Mouse is imaginary?

While i have no use for Disney and its commercialism, Disney has never burned a witch, tortured a heretic or molested an altar boy.

That's all on you Jesus Worshipers.
Another snappy comeback from Mr. Broad Brush.
Interesting. Tell us, JoeB131, do "we" also "challenge" Walt Disney World because Mickey Mouse is imaginary?

While i have no use for Disney and its commercialism, Disney has never burned a witch, tortured a heretic or molested an altar boy.

That's all on you Jesus Worshipers.
Another snappy comeback from Mr. Broad Brush.

Hey, not my fault you guys have 2000 years of shitty behavior to answer for.
Interesting. Tell us, JoeB131, do "we" also "challenge" Walt Disney World because Mickey Mouse is imaginary?

While i have no use for Disney and its commercialism, Disney has never burned a witch, tortured a heretic or molested an altar boy.

That's all on you Jesus Worshipers.
Another snappy comeback from Mr. Broad Brush.

Hey, not my fault you guys have 2000 years of shitty behavior to answer for.
Uh huh. Keep wagging your finger, in time you may grow a muscle.
there is no way the whole town would not have gotten on that boat if serious flooding threatened their lives, especially if they were all the evil ones .... and thrown Noah overboard.

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