Zone1 Noah's Ark

You're an ignorant child.

You are Biblically illiterate.

I don't know anyone who uses the Schofield Bible, you use Cyrus as club to batter Christians you don't agree with into submission. When you throw away the supernatural aspects of God you reduce him to a "god" that serves only an academic purpose. You don't have any use for Salvation because you don't believe in Hell, that renders Jesus as just another player in your Morality play.
You are Biblically illiterate.

I don't know anyone who uses the Schofield Bible, you use Cyrus as club to batter Christians you don't agree with into submission. When you throw away the supernatural aspects of God you reduce him to a "god" that serves only an academic purpose. You don't have any use for Salvation because you don't believe in Hell, that renders Jesus as just another player in your Morality play.

Do you believe in the rapture? Are you a Dominionist or Dispensationist? If the answer is yes, you were taught from the Scofield Bible. It's just that simple.
In the Babylonian myth ...

have you thought per chance theirs is a myth because they did not understand the - heavenly event, its true meaning and extension from the beginning for the journey chosen by a&e ... their reiteration from ancient lore and not knowing the goal the beginning was made possible for.

why so, even a myth does not account the tendency for the weight of evil as greater than that of good there even being a struggle between the two.

sorry, no myth will explain the crucifixion of jesus a simple itinerant ... the reversal then to this day the lesson of noah not in the least the influence of the desert religions and the crime committed.
Nope, but I can Judge your unbelief.

unbelief in what - the book of forgeries and fallacies, true for some not sure who you accuse who like you indulge in a proven document of historical debauchery.


the two judges - sure, it reminds you the heyday of christianity too bad for you your entertainment came to an end the wooden wheel anyway.
Was there really two of every animal in the whole entire world? Also, if all of creation was made in six days does that mean humans and dinosaurs lived together after all? I don't think that they meant literal twenty-four hour days there I was just wondering what the general consensus was for that question. Oh and why only promise to have one flood when the earth desperately needs it now?

Chapter 6​

20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.
God is talking to the Israelites.. or Isaiah is. God, calls Israel his servant all the way through Isaiah.

10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
All serving the true God are his witnesses.
there are no commandments, heavenly goals made to be accomplished ...

you're lost - stop being servitile that's how evil will corrupt ones spirit - its your own, no one else's.
I showed what the bible teaches--- You throw it away and see where it gets you.
Meaning what if it was just two of every animal of where they lived?

What if?

I don't see the issue.

We're talking about God here, you know...The creator of the universe.

I think he knew what he was doing and instructing Noah to do.

But, the earth was much different before the flood, I believe all land was connected then.

So again, I don't see an issue.
What if?

I don't see the issue.

We're talking about God here, you know...The creator of the universe.

I think he knew what he was doing and instructing Noah to do.

But, the earth was much different before the flood, I believe all land was connected then.

So again, I don't see an issue.

Me neither as I was just simply asking a question.
Was there really two of every animal in the whole entire world? Also, if all of creation was made in six days does that mean humans and dinosaurs lived together after all? I don't think that they meant literal twenty-four hour days there I was just wondering what the general consensus was for that question. Oh and why only promise to have one flood when the earth desperately needs it now?

Depends on what one picked for a religion, evolution or creation. Being I was not alive & kicking back in that era(though I am starting to physically feel like I was!) I can not give you a certainty based on physical facts either way. Your opening question sounds to be zeroing the passage of Genesis 7:1-9;

The 2nd question you asked about could(?)/may be somewhat answered by the following link/passage. Peter 3: 8, unfortunately this topic could/would quickly lead into Theoretical Physics plus interdimensional, & even worse extradimensional conjecture which for our USMB rank & file crew, & for that matter ANY human alive today could/may prove too steep a climb for humanity in general to comprehend.

There is a REASON why I curtailed my historical sociological studies @ the rise of the Akkadian empire. I did go into the Sumer/Sumerian era a tad but the farther I went back in my studies the more bizarre history(His-Story) became. Yeah, I too read about the human/dinosaur coexistence & also seen the cave artwork. Seen one cave artwork where a guy was riding bareback just behind the shoulders of a Triceratops with reins & bridle, actually if memory serves me right I believe the artist had illustrated a BOSAL & headstall like no bit in mouth what so ever(smart guy!). The best I can do regarding your question about Humans/Dinosaurs coexisting is give you several links. I included a link on the coneheads of Peru (another bizzaro special) that their DNA matches no other human DNA. One can't take these stories, cave artworks, carbon dating & coneheads any too serious as it's all based on 100% pure conjecture @ best.

I told ya above it gets bizzro the further one researches back into history. Below; bat birds, wire people, balloons(?) on cave walls. I'll take the buck deer off their hands though gratefully!

I'm looking @ the image below & to me the image does not look frightening(CALM EYES). If I woke up one sunny morning & went outside then seen a Steg or Tric moseying up my driveway I WOULD be shocked! On recovery my natural instinct with a new but non aggressive creature is to anchor them & the universal ice breaker to anchor them with is the ole FEEDBAG! It'd help if it was a cow without calves but in a freak situation as described above one has to take what is available. What I am getting @ is that people ride gigantic African bull elephants which would simple tower over a little Triceratops but not so sure about the size of a Stegosaurus. If people & dinosaurs coexisted the farmers would have most likely have attempted to train the vegetarian dino's to pull discs & harrows. A cow is a cow like a bull is a bull. Just because they come in different species/body size/shapes they still think/reason the same.

Off subject here but thought the below shorts might give you a chuckle. My God the sheer innocence of the lil tykes like 2 or 4 legs does not matter for those lil Baboos are ALL sooooo preciously cute! Looks like the lil cutie pies are fresh deliveries. The one lil guy is a tad wobbly but he keeps advancing towards Lynn. Mamma is still cleaning her 2nd delivery like these two links below are definitely bringing back some vivid memories for me from a looong time ago!

Boy those does make for EXCELLENT/ATTENTIVE mommas!

In the Babylonian myth, the gods send the Flood to solve the problem of overpopulation. However, the god Ea, god of intelligence and helper of man, forewarns Atrahasis of the flood and instructs him to build a boat and 'save living things'. The deluge lasted for seven days and nights, wiping away humanity.
There are many such stories across different civilizations. Curious, eh?
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The bible writer had no clue about the earth traveling around the sun. For centuries man had it wrong about that.
The earth is actually the center of the universe regardless of its orbit around the sun. Although scientists are busily trying to make Mars the center. :auiqs.jpg:
The largest ever wooden boat made needed pumps because it leaked the whole time. Even this boat wouldn't have got two of every animal on the boat. And then you needed more because all these animals would have needed to be fed.
Several Wyoming's would fit inside the ark.

Why weren't nautical terms used in the design and construction of the ark? Any architect would recognize the ark was a building and not a ship, based on the terms described in the narrative.

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