Nobel Institute regrets Obama's Nobel

Just goes to show you how idiotic and rabidly-partisan, blind and gullible left-wingers are not just here but in Europe too!
That's gay.........just saying. ..... :cool:

It is also fucking hysterical. lol
People who are known to accuse others of a "war against women" merely for not wanting to subsidize their sex lives have no business calling others drama llamas. People who accuse others of racism, or have an -ist, -phobic, or -ism lable for anybody they disagree with should also avoid calling others drama queens or anything of that nature
left-wing losers will never admit obama has never been what they imagined him to be
The prize was decidedly not given to Obama because of any previous accomplishments,

well no shit!!! and he has NOT made any positive accomplishments since, nor will he.., like this one:
The Obama administration yet again is expanding one of its aid initiatives to Kenya, but is attempting – however clumsily – to keep details secret...
Read more at Obama’s latest plan to spend tax money … in Kenya

anyone care to tell me once more he is NOT a Kenyan born muslime citizen. come on liberfools defend this one. :up:
Obama cant make peace anywhere to save his life; but he's an excellent war-monger at dividing his own country
at least the Euro-libs that nominated him admit they are disappointed; not so with Obama's Lemming Horde here
he's hoping to actually earn one with his Iran "deal". Iran's lunatic leaders are LITERALLY laughing in his face
The whole thing was just awkward.

"awkward".., oooh come now, there are many other words that better describe this stupidity of giving him that award.., a few come to mind, stupid, dumb, crazy, etc. :up:

Awkward was how I felt at the time of the award. Those other words would work now though. lol
The prestige of the Nobel Peace Prize will forever be tarnished due to the fallacy of giving it to Obama. I now consider the Nobel Peace Prize a joke.

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