Nobody ever heard of Juneteenth before Trump made it famous

Our president actually said that. If there was any doubt about how little knowledge or concern he has for the black community, that one remark is enough to illustrate how much concern he has. I doubt his remark will hurt him though, because there couldn't be more than a few dozen black voters supporting him anyay. Seeing that Juneteenth is a state holiday in 48 states, and the White House released remarks commemorating it for the last three years, is there anyone who didn't know about Juneteenth before Trump came along?
June 19 is the anniversary of the death of Len Bias. No one ever mentioned anything else about that date for the past 34 years.
You’re just parroting another democrat propaganda point.
Our president actually said that. If there was any doubt about how little knowledge or concern he has for the black community, that one remark is enough to illustrate how much concern he has. I doubt his remark will hurt him though, because there couldn't be more than a few dozen black voters supporting him anyay. Seeing that Juneteenth is a state holiday in 48 states, and the White House released remarks commemorating it for the last three years, is there anyone who didn't know about Juneteenth before Trump came along?

Which is true. I had never heard of it either. I guess only woke progtards know about it.

Not my fault you never had any black friends, or cared to learn about the history of the country.

Most of my black friends are AFRICAN. However, I do have a couple in the States, and they had never heard of it either.

I guess they ain't black enough for you.

Not surprising. Right wingers such as yourself often brag about their lack of knowledge.

Right wingers often brag about their lack of knowledge, but liberals demonstrate it in every post.
Hey, Trump thinks that if you wear a mask, it's because you don't like Trump.

This is a child.

We should be thankful liberals like to wear mask, because it cover their ugly-ass faces!
Outstanding Trump-level response there, cool.
Seeing that Juneteenth is a state holiday in 48 states
Incorrect Poindexter. ... :cool:
Juneteenth is an official state holiday only in Texas where the historical event took place.

Celebrations date to 1866, at first involving church-centered community gatherings in Texas. It spread across the South and became more commercialized in the 1920s and 1930s, often centering on a food festival. During the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, it was eclipsed by the struggle for postwar civil rights, but grew in popularity again in the 1970s with a focus on African American freedom and arts.[7] By the 21st century, Juneteenth was celebrated in most major cities across the United States. Activists are campaigning for the United States Congress to recognize Juneteenth as a national holiday. Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or special day of observance in 49 of the 50 U.S. states.
Come on Bulldog! How many States recognize Juneteenth as a "State holiday" and how many recognize it as a "special day of observance? There is a HUGE difference! I'm guessing you never heard of it before this tempest in a teapot got started!

Holiday or a special day of observence? You're gonna nit pick over that? Go ahead. Almost every state recognizes it. I'm just amazed that you are so proud of your lack of knowledge, but I'm not really surprised.
I'm actually proud of my knowledge which is why when I first heard the term "Juneteenth" I went and looked it up in State holidays. The only one that I could find that had it listed as an official State holiday was Texas. Quite frankly...this attempt by the left to portray Juneteenth as this sacred national holiday that Trump was shitting all over by holding a rally on that day is laughable!
Seeing that Juneteenth is a state holiday in 48 states
Incorrect Poindexter. ... :cool:
Juneteenth is an official state holiday only in Texas where the historical event took place.

Celebrations date to 1866, at first involving church-centered community gatherings in Texas. It spread across the South and became more commercialized in the 1920s and 1930s, often centering on a food festival. During the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, it was eclipsed by the struggle for postwar civil rights, but grew in popularity again in the 1970s with a focus on African American freedom and arts.[7] By the 21st century, Juneteenth was celebrated in most major cities across the United States. Activists are campaigning for the United States Congress to recognize Juneteenth as a national holiday. Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or special day of observance in 49 of the 50 U.S. states.
Come on Bulldog! How many States recognize Juneteenth as a "State holiday" and how many recognize it as a "special day of observance? There is a HUGE difference! I'm guessing you never heard of it before this tempest in a teapot got started!

Holiday or a special day of observence? You're gonna nit pick over that? Go ahead. Almost every state recognizes it. I'm just amazed that you are so proud of your lack of knowledge, but I'm not really surprised.
In Florida we have a special day of observance for "Homeless Persons' Memorial Day". We also have one for a lot of other obscure things. Claiming that a special day of observance is the same thing as a State holiday is farce! Under far left "logic" I suppose anyone who scheduled an event for the same day as "Homeless Persons' Memorial Day hates homeless people?
View attachment 351928
Except he did.

Very few people ever heard of this so called holiday. I certainly never heard of it and the handful of people I asked hadn't either.
In fact MANY places are now giving employees the day off as a result.
It could be argued that it is worthy of national recognition but its clear that you all are only interested in it as a weapon.
It's true. These crazy clowns look for any reason to misrepresent Trump. I saw low performer Don Lemon look with a straight face, though it was clearly condescending to anyone with 10 brain cells to rub together, "a coicidence"? he asks rhetorically, regarding the date of Trumps rally.

If Trump doesn't win in 2020, China may take over the West without ever firing a shot. These SOB's would have been rolled over by the Germans in 1941, too afraid to fight for what REALLY matter (liberty).

. I saw low performer Don Lemon

I have never seen or known anyone of any age in any industry who is more desperate for approval and congratulations than this person.

Not even a child would be like this. He even speaks like a child.

And, it is super fantastic the way it gets under the skin of little pukes like you.
Actually I never hear of it in my 60 plus years. When I heard juneteenth I thought it was a made up holiday like kwanzaa or festivus. Can't be that important Hallmark doesn't even make a card for it

actually it is kinda like that -

Except a lot more people know about festivus
You know, while I didn't know what Juneteenth was growing up in Montana, I did learn about it while stationed in Meridian MS from some black co workers. I've known what it was since around 1983, long before Trump made it "famous".

And, Texas, they not only study American history, but they study Texas history as well, and just about everyone in TX (black and white) knows what it is.

Nope, sorry, Trump is trying to take credit for something he didn't do. But, that's par for the course for him.

Poor attention whore baby
Juneteenth is a TEXAS holiday.

See, in TEXAS, we love our black brothers and sisters. They are TEXANS first.




Prolly less so in places like Austin.
Our president actually said that. If there was any doubt about how little knowledge or concern he has for the black community, that one remark is enough to illustrate how much concern he has. I doubt his remark will hurt him though, because there couldn't be more than a few dozen black voters supporting him anyay. Seeing that Juneteenth is a state holiday in 48 states, and the White House released remarks commemorating it for the last three years, is there anyone who didn't know about Juneteenth before Trump came along?
FACT: Juneteenth is the date two years after President Lincoln emancipated the slaves that the Democrat Politicians informed their slaves that they had been emancipated.

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