Nobody is Vetting these thousands of Syrian Refugees

Trump should ask HRC at debate to explain the "vetting process" if she wants to increase imported savages.

Just explain in a simple 10 point summary, step by step. What is it HRC?
That would be fair. But why does he have to ask? Does he know what current vetting steps are now? I suspect not.

KInda hard to vet people from a war torn country. The FBI says its impossible yet here's douchebag in the WH and HRC saying they will import more of them to the US.

Doesn't make much sense to anyone with common sense.
Agreed. Trump should hit her harder on this.

Most Americans can understand this simple issue.
Obama doesn't seem to care one bit about protecting American Lives by not Vetting these thousands of Syrian Refugees that he is allowing into the country! Does he or his stooge Loretta Lynch really care about us? There seems to be little if any doubt that Obama gives a hoot about the average American in the street. After all he is steadily importing these Syrian refugees. Refugees, who nobody knows a damn thing about because their records have been destroyed or never even existed. . And further more, our former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton if elected would even increase the numbers of un-vetted immigrants should God Forbid she be elected president. Even tho ISIS has shown it’s ability to infiltrate those hundreds of thousands fleeing the war torn country both Obama and Hillary seem hellbent to allow thousands of these potential terrorist into this country. Obama is playing Russian Roulette, but the gun never goes to his head, but only to the heads of ordinary Americans. He is gambling that one of these newly arrived aliens is not some stealth terrorist who will go on a bloody rampage before he leaves office this January. He is aware of the dangers posed by the thousands of Syrians allowed in to this nation, but frankly he doesn’t seem to give a damn. But these Koolaide Drinking Liberals, don't care... As long as this Sheep in American clothing tells them that is peachy, then they buy right into it.
So what do we get? We get more and more of these Mass Shootings from YOU KNOW WHO!

That douchebag in the WH doesn't care that fifty three percent of Americans and thirty one State don't want these refugees here. They can't be vetted coming from a war torn country.

His sole role is to protect America and Americans and it looks like he couldn't care less about protected anything.

I can't wait for Jan of next year and seeing the backside of that useless fuck leaving the WH. Good riddance and I sure hope the next POTUS can clean up the mess that POS is leaving.

Wow, Claudette! Don't hold back!
Can you show that the Syrian refugees are not being vetted, as you say here?
"Obama doesn't seem to care one bit about protecting American Lives by not Vetting these thousands of Syrian Refugees that he is allowing into the country! Does he or his stooge Loretta Lynch really care about us?"

Please forgive the question from an old codger who can remember how we denied entry to Jews trying to escape Germany. I'm pretty sure we had good national security reasons then too.
Well Muslim Jihadists want to kill us and letting unvetted Muslims into America is a good way for that to happen as I'm sure there will be jihadists among them. The FBI says they can't be properly vetted and they should know.

This old codger has common sense which apparently is lacking in most of our leaders and others.

Not to mention we taxpayers will be footing the bills for these people for years. That might be your idea of a good thing but it sure as HELL ain't mine.
Obama doesn't seem to care one bit about protecting American Lives by not Vetting these thousands of Syrian Refugees that he is allowing into the country! Does he or his stooge Loretta Lynch really care about us? There seems to be little if any doubt that Obama gives a hoot about the average American in the street. After all he is steadily importing these Syrian refugees. Refugees, who nobody knows a damn thing about because their records have been destroyed or never even existed. . And further more, our former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton if elected would even increase the numbers of un-vetted immigrants should God Forbid she be elected president. Even tho ISIS has shown it’s ability to infiltrate those hundreds of thousands fleeing the war torn country both Obama and Hillary seem hellbent to allow thousands of these potential terrorist into this country. Obama is playing Russian Roulette, but the gun never goes to his head, but only to the heads of ordinary Americans. He is gambling that one of these newly arrived aliens is not some stealth terrorist who will go on a bloody rampage before he leaves office this January. He is aware of the dangers posed by the thousands of Syrians allowed in to this nation, but frankly he doesn’t seem to give a damn. But these Koolaide Drinking Liberals, don't care... As long as this Sheep in American clothing tells them that is peachy, then they buy right into it.
So what do we get? We get more and more of these Mass Shootings from YOU KNOW WHO!

That douchebag in the WH doesn't care that fifty three percent of Americans and thirty one State don't want these refugees here. They can't be vetted coming from a war torn country.

His sole role is to protect America and Americans and it looks like he couldn't care less about protected anything.

I can't wait for Jan of next year and seeing the backside of that useless fuck leaving the WH. Good riddance and I sure hope the next POTUS can clean up the mess that POS is leaving.

Wow, Claudette! Don't hold back!
Can you show that the Syrian refugees are not being vetted, as you say here?
"Obama doesn't seem to care one bit about protecting American Lives by not Vetting these thousands of Syrian Refugees that he is allowing into the country! Does he or his stooge Loretta Lynch really care about us?"

Please forgive the question from an old codger who can remember how we denied entry to Jews trying to escape Germany. I'm pretty sure we had good national security reasons then too.
Commonsense just left the building.

How much evidence does it require for an obamabot to realize vetting is not being done?

Answer: A whole lot of evidence.
Hillary needs more voters who will listen to her lies in full. Her only chance is to make America the middle east. There they believe in lies all day. Lies such as gays are sinful and therefore need to be executed.
Hillary needs more voters who will listen to her lies in full. Her only chance is to make America the middle east. There they believe in lies all day. Lies such as gays are sinful and therefore need to be executed.
It is most ironic and hypocritical.

Hillary claims Trump is a sexist and homophobic and she is a feminist and pro-gay. Yet, she wants these anti women and anti gay Muslims imported here.

I guess D voters don't see the hypocrisy or the danger.

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