Nobody on welfare should be allowed to vote

Yes, keep those damned war vets out of the voting booth

Those fucking leeches with their veterans' benefits and disability!

What have they ever done for this nation...


She was being sarcastic me thinks. Especially Bodecea was in the Military if I recall.
So only those who have served in the military should vote on wars?
Only those who work in insurance should vote on health insurance issues?
Only Doctors and such should vote on health care issues?

Yeah how well that would work out.

What if only those in the military could vote on going to war? I would like the checl and balance of Congress and the President too, but it sort of makes sense.
We are NOT citizens because we pay taxes...sheesh, how silly is that notion....and as citizens we deserve representation, even if on welfare.....and i also believe, even when released from prison after serving your time....

I think YOU ALL have it wayyyyyyyy wrong....

It is suppose to be:


instead you all are so back asswards and are trying to say:


that's JUST PLAIN LOONY in my book!!!!!:cuckoo:

If you're not taxed, then why do you need represented?

Who in this country is not taxed?

Actually, I believe this is how we began...where only Male, White, property owners could vote.... not 100% certain if this continued after our constitution was ratified, but i believe it was the case with the union?

White male property owners were the only ones who could run for office, but voting rights varied by state.

Women had the vote in Wyoming, they had to give up that right to become a state. I wouldn't have gone for it myself.
source, please
So only those who have served in the military should vote on wars?
Only those who work in insurance should vote on health insurance issues?
Only Doctors and such should vote on health care issues?

Yeah how well that would work out.

What if only those in the military could vote on going to war? I would like the checl and balance of Congress and the President too, but it sort of makes sense.

Question.........have you ever talked to someone who has been under heavy fire?

They don't like it.

Also.......did you ever watch the movie "Hero" with Jet Li? The highest art of war a warrior could practice was peace.

All soldiers wish for peace. They don't want to fight, they want to get to Beer:30.

War sucks. Conflict is necessary, that's where new ideas come from.

Peace is best when conflict becomes competition for the next best idea that benefits all.
So only those who have served in the military should vote on wars?
Only those who work in insurance should vote on health insurance issues?
Only Doctors and such should vote on health care issues?

Yeah how well that would work out.

What if only those in the military could vote on going to war? I would like the checl and balance of Congress and the President too, but it sort of makes sense.

Question.........have you ever talked to someone who has been under heavy fire?

They don't like it.

Also.......did you ever watch the movie "Hero" with Jet Li? The highest art of war a warrior could practice was peace.

All soldiers wish for peace. They don't want to fight, they want to get to Beer:30.

War sucks. Conflict is necessary, that's where new ideas come from.

Peace is best when conflict becomes competition for the next best idea that benefits all.

You said it well Bikersailor. Precisely why letting them have a vote in it made sense to me.
How about this...nobody who does ANY BUSINESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT, be it as indididuals or though stock ownership, can vote?

Do that and I'lll happily agree that people who do not pay taxes, ought not to vote.
Caging (voter suppression) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."[

What is it about the right that makes them want to keep people from voting in the USA?
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How about this...nobody who does ANY BUSINESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT, be it as indididuals or though stock ownership, can vote?

Do that and I'lll happily agree that people who do not pay taxes, ought not to vote.
That includes lobbyists, trade associationists, small businessmen who interact with city hall for permits and such. Yeah, like that will fly.
I have always believed that Conservatives are eager to erode civil liberties and personal rights. This thread re-enforces that notion. Dis-enfranchise the poor! Capital idea!

Disenfranchise the poor? Whuh?

If you're being subsidized... you forfeit the franchise.

It's a CHOICE!

Conservatives further would love it if the police did not have to follow so many damn rules! Crack some heads (or shoot some students) and the world will rest comfortably on its axis.

What the hell are you talkin' about? Do you not see the individual bearing NO RESPONSIBILITY for their CHOICES/Actions?

Conservatives think that giving tax breaks to the richest among us is fair. Tax breaks in the form of mortgage deductions, credits for dependant children, home improvements, tuition and the like are enjoyed by the middle class. But the Conservatives say that's not right. Everyone should pay taxes.

Again... Just because the government has the power to tax, that does NOT mean that the government is entitled to everything you earn.

So this notion of deductions is absurd. A mortgage, children, home improvements, tuition, are all necessary expenses... thus they arsubtracted from one's gross receipts... thus are not 'income'... thus are not justifiably taxable; except where one believes that the government is entitled to every dollar one earns.

And unless I am missing something here, that seems to be where you're coming from.

Now where do you get the idea that the Government is entitled to every dolar one earns and is therefore "GIVING" someone something when they do not tax a particular item? You began this by lamenting what you see as the usurpation of individual liberty... yet here ya are implying that the individual owes the government the full measure of the product of their labor; minus whatever the government "GIVES THEM"...

Not to consistent...

Conservatives rail against regulations which protect the environment. Too much government interfering in commerce. They rail against regulations protecting workers in the work place. Again, intrusive government making it impossible to profit.

And here they are wanting to take more rights away from American citizens.

And they call themselves "Patriots"


They clearly hate Americans.

See Sig...
How about this...nobody who does ANY BUSINESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT, be it as indididuals or though stock ownership, can vote?

Do that and I'lll happily agree that people who do not pay taxes, ought not to vote.

Done... Let's get that signed and implemented...

America is SAVED!

Ending the means of Most Unions and ALL Government employees from voting...

Truly a moment of clarity there Ed. Congrats!
No......the right wants only the right wing people to vote.

They want to stop everyone else so they can turn this democracy and into a theocracy of Christians.

Basically, a Christian Taliban state.

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