Nobody on welfare should be allowed to vote

Don't be flabbergasted. The Tea Party right is the demographic margainalized by the changes of the last forty years, and they aren't taking it anymore. That's OK, because most of the are old and will die out. As the years go by, their meager influence will wane even more. In that sense, they will be as relevant as the KKK today compared to 1954. A joke not a threat except in a very small way.
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
Nobody who doesn't own property should be able to vote.

I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.
Give the government a $1000 interest free loan for a year just to exercise a constitutionally protected right?


A year?

Elections are in November, and you can file return in February.

Constitutional right is to vote. Once.
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.
Give the government a $1000 interest free loan for a year just to exercise a constitutionally protected right?


Yet another example of the rich elite wanting to stand on the throats of the less fortunate.

1000 bucks is a lot of money for people in my neck of the woods, and no, they can better use it on stuff like cattle, farming and building things better than giving the government an interest free loan. wanna do that, might as well thrown in a voter quiz as well.

How much interest on $1000 you can get in three months?
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
Nobody who doesn't own property should be able to vote.

I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.

This is one of those posts that makes me proud to be an American.

And proud of the freedoms and opportunity that we have.

And shocked when people claiming to be American try and take them away, like what you're proposing.

Essentially, what I'm saying is that I'm proud to be an American because although you're free to say whatever you like, you personally are NOT IN CHARGE, and don't get to make your little fascist fantasies a reality..

What reality you got now? Registration and voter fraud, people get bought for $8 a week tax break or welfare check. If you wanna fix it, there is a way. Nobody's taking away your right to vote, just making sure that everyone has ONE vote. What's fascist about it?
My father left my mother while my brother and I were both small children.

My mother was forced to go on welfare and food stamps in order to take care of us properly.

When my brother and I were old enough to take care of ourselves when she wasn't home, she went back to work.

Since that time, she has paid back to the system many times what she received. She, my brother and I have been faithful taxpayers for decades.

The problem with the right-wing philosophy of never wanting to help anyone through difficult situations is that sometimes people need a hand up to be able to succeed, and sometimes that involves welfare.

Of course, radical right-wingers really don't want to hear that, extremists of all shades just want the world to exist in black and white terms, rather than shades of gray.

Of course the Radical leftwing philospophy is that no one ever got help with kids before the Left made it an entitlement.

Sadly, for those with such foolish notions, Dads left Moms with house fulls of kids since LONG before that and the kids and Mom's survived.

Of course, the fact is that Entitlements actually make it easier for Dads to leave Moms... because they know that the old lady is entitled to state assistance. I can't TELL you how many of you people I've debated who set Social Entitlements as a life saving instrument that freed woman from 'having to stay in bad marriages.'

So enough with how the entitlements saved your family... the odds are they provided the means to rationalize it's breakup.

My personal story is that when I finally left my husband, a drinker and a gambler, he was the one who had to turn to "welfare" in order to survive since I had been the breadwinner. Poor guy, he was SUCH a loyal Reagan Republican, too. It pained him to use food stamps, until of course he figured how to game the system and sell them for cash which he would use for alcohol or to play the ponies.

Can't decide who's bigger loser here...
Ame®icano;2212618 said:
Give the government a $1000 interest free loan for a year just to exercise a constitutionally protected right?


Yet another example of the rich elite wanting to stand on the throats of the less fortunate.

1000 bucks is a lot of money for people in my neck of the woods, and no, they can better use it on stuff like cattle, farming and building things better than giving the government an interest free loan. wanna do that, might as well thrown in a voter quiz as well.

How much interest on $1000 you can get in three months? get 1000 dollars from EVERY taxpayer, and that's a huge sum of money (right around 300 BILLION with a B).

How much interest indeed?
Ame®icano;2212618 said:
Yet another example of the rich elite wanting to stand on the throats of the less fortunate.

1000 bucks is a lot of money for people in my neck of the woods, and no, they can better use it on stuff like cattle, farming and building things better than giving the government an interest free loan. wanna do that, might as well thrown in a voter quiz as well.

How much interest on $1000 you can get in three months? get 1000 dollars from EVERY taxpayer, and that's a huge sum of money (right around 300 BILLION with a B).

How much interest indeed?

Are you saying there are 300 millions taxpayers and voters in US?
Ame®icano;2212650 said:
Of course the Radical leftwing philospophy is that no one ever got help with kids before the Left made it an entitlement.

Sadly, for those with such foolish notions, Dads left Moms with house fulls of kids since LONG before that and the kids and Mom's survived.

Of course, the fact is that Entitlements actually make it easier for Dads to leave Moms... because they know that the old lady is entitled to state assistance. I can't TELL you how many of you people I've debated who set Social Entitlements as a life saving instrument that freed woman from 'having to stay in bad marriages.'

So enough with how the entitlements saved your family... the odds are they provided the means to rationalize it's breakup.

My personal story is that when I finally left my husband, a drinker and a gambler, he was the one who had to turn to "welfare" in order to survive since I had been the breadwinner. Poor guy, he was SUCH a loyal Reagan Republican, too. It pained him to use food stamps, until of course he figured how to game the system and sell them for cash which he would use for alcohol or to play the ponies.

Can't decide who's bigger loser here...

Mags is a pretty big loser.

Hubby wouldn't be able to get anything except foodstamps.
Ame®icano;2212762 said:
Ame®icano;2212618 said:
How much interest on $1000 you can get in three months? get 1000 dollars from EVERY taxpayer, and that's a huge sum of money (right around 300 BILLION with a B).

How much interest indeed?

Are you saying there are 300 millions taxpayers and voters in US?

Well.......considering that we passed the 300 million mark a few years back, I'd guess that if you did have to drop something, take a third off the top.

That's still 200 billion dollars dude.
Don't be flabbergasted. The Tea Party right is the demographic margainalized by the changes of the last forty years, and they aren't taking it anymore. That's OK, because most of the are old and will die out. As the years go by, their meager influence will wane even more. In that sense, they will be as relevant as the KKK today compared to 1954. A joke not a threat except in a very small way.

Ame®icano;2212762 said: get 1000 dollars from EVERY taxpayer, and that's a huge sum of money (right around 300 BILLION with a B).

How much interest indeed?

Are you saying there are 300 millions taxpayers and voters in US?

Well.......considering that we passed the 300 million mark a few years back, I'd guess that if you did have to drop something, take a third off the top.

That's still 200 billion dollars dude.

That's better. Now, voting is free... but how many really vote?

Let's say about half of that. But even if all 200 million vote, money will be refunded when you file your taxes. In the wildest dream, with interest of 5%, that would be $10 billion profit that could be used for election funds, military, paying off the debt... you name it.

That's small price to pay for election without fraud. Just sayin'
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Ame®icano;2212636 said:
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.

This is one of those posts that makes me proud to be an American.

And proud of the freedoms and opportunity that we have.

And shocked when people claiming to be American try and take them away, like what you're proposing.

Essentially, what I'm saying is that I'm proud to be an American because although you're free to say whatever you like, you personally are NOT IN CHARGE, and don't get to make your little fascist fantasies a reality..

What reality you got now? Registration and voter fraud, people get bought for $8 a week tax break or welfare check. If you wanna fix it, there is a way. Nobody's taking away your right to vote, just making sure that everyone has ONE vote. What's fascist about it?

Because we don't live in a country where everyone can afford to lose a thousand dollars for 5 months.

Name one single instance of Voter FRAUD - not "registration" fraud, but evidence of one dead person that voted, or one person that voted more than once.

People are actually saying that the government MUST TAX THEM in order for them to have representation!

You shouldn't be. Ever since the Republicans were taken over by extremists they lost their conservative values and are always looking for ways to put conditions on citizenship.

The true believers in big government are those that give the government this type of power.
Show evidence that conservatives are resistant to implementing civil liberties, environmental regulations, same sex marriage, women's rights, salary caps and living wage regulations.

In other words, prove your claims.
Oh! Come on! Give you evidence?!?

Okay. show of hands. conservatives only now. Who favors implementing broader civil liberties, environmental regulations, same sex marriage, women's rights, salary caps and living wage regulations.

The whole Conservative agernda is about two things: saying "NO!" to anything Obama proposes and opposing implementing civil liberties, environmental regulations, same sex marriage, women's rights, salary caps and living wage regulations!
We are NOT citizens because we pay taxes...sheesh, how silly is that notion....and as citizens we deserve representation, even if on welfare.....and i also believe, even when released from prison after serving your time....

I think YOU ALL have it wayyyyyyyy wrong....

It is suppose to be:


instead you all are so back asswards and are trying to say:


that's JUST PLAIN LOONY in my book!!!!!:cuckoo:

If you're not taxed, then why do you need represented?

Well, let's see...there are laws representatives make that affect each and every individual...there are treaties for them to make, there are war declarations for them to make and WELFARE if people are defining it as TANF is less than 3% of the money that is spent by our congress...

So WHAT is this ALL about..........???

the right wing wants to eliminate what they believe are Democratic voters

The op is trying to disenfranchise fellow citizens from their vote, because it would help THEM become MORE important than ONE person, one vote....they would control the poor person....

IT IS SICK SICK SICK and sick Newby...

Why not just say it like it is? No one on the right is fooling ANYONE, at least NOT me.

Well, for starters, I have never advocated what the op stated, I think everyone should have the right to vote. But, a good percentage of the laws that are passed by the feds affect you in a monetary manner in one way or another. If you have nothing at stake, while at the same time you have everything to gain by these laws while having nothing at stake, then obviously you're going to vote for whoever is promising you the handouts. That is not the way to decide who should hold office or what is best for the country. It's going to be our downfall in the end.

I'm a christian, and I believe in what Jesus said about helping out those in need. What's going on today is not about that, Care, it's about the ever reaching power and control of a federal government. My opposition to most of what the 'left' wants in this country doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to help people out or pay my fair share, it has everything to do with keeping the government under control and out of our lives. By allowing the government to administer everything you think that it should, you're handing it an enormous amount of power over your life and everyone else's lives, which I believe is wrong. Again, these people in office are not there to help people, they are there to gain as much power and control as they can and they're using these tactics of 'helping' people as a way to get it.
Ame®icano;2212636 said:
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.

This is one of those posts that makes me proud to be an American.

And proud of the freedoms and opportunity that we have.

And shocked when people claiming to be American try and take them away, like what you're proposing.

Essentially, what I'm saying is that I'm proud to be an American because although you're free to say whatever you like, you personally are NOT IN CHARGE, and don't get to make your little fascist fantasies a reality..

What reality you got now? Registration and voter fraud, people get bought for $8 a week tax break or welfare check. If you wanna fix it, there is a way. Nobody's taking away your right to vote, just making sure that everyone has ONE vote. What's fascist about it?

If there is VOTER fraud, it is a local polling agent checking the voter against the grand list either making a mistake or intentionally allowing someone to vote who is not legally entitled to do so. Voter REGISTRATIONS go to a registrar of voters, so again, if there are errors, blame the state or municipality, not the federal government (or, in this case of course, Obama). If you have any information to the contrary, please post a valid source.
Ame®icano;2212650 said:
Of course the Radical leftwing philospophy is that no one ever got help with kids before the Left made it an entitlement.

Sadly, for those with such foolish notions, Dads left Moms with house fulls of kids since LONG before that and the kids and Mom's survived.

Of course, the fact is that Entitlements actually make it easier for Dads to leave Moms... because they know that the old lady is entitled to state assistance. I can't TELL you how many of you people I've debated who set Social Entitlements as a life saving instrument that freed woman from 'having to stay in bad marriages.'

So enough with how the entitlements saved your family... the odds are they provided the means to rationalize it's breakup.

My personal story is that when I finally left my husband, a drinker and a gambler, he was the one who had to turn to "welfare" in order to survive since I had been the breadwinner. Poor guy, he was SUCH a loyal Reagan Republican, too. It pained him to use food stamps, until of course he figured how to game the system and sell them for cash which he would use for alcohol or to play the ponies.

Can't decide who's bigger loser here...

He was. For all his bluster about forcing people off welfare and just let them find some other way to eat, dear Frank (RIP) found it's not that easy. He had mooched off not just me, but all his "friends" far too long, and had to grovel. I loved it... When I heard that, I told him I would prepare a final meal for him--fried crow. The State of California also helped him with rent and utilities, which he gladly TOOK even though he didn't need to. He was a world class hypocrite.
If you're not taxed, then why do you need represented?

Well, let's see...there are laws representatives make that affect each and every individual...there are treaties for them to make, there are war declarations for them to make and WELFARE if people are defining it as TANF is less than 3% of the money that is spent by our congress...

So WHAT is this ALL about..........???

the right wing wants to eliminate what they believe are Democratic voters

The op is trying to disenfranchise fellow citizens from their vote, because it would help THEM become MORE important than ONE person, one vote....they would control the poor person....

IT IS SICK SICK SICK and sick Newby...

Why not just say it like it is? No one on the right is fooling ANYONE, at least NOT me.

Well, for starters, I have never advocated what the op stated, I think everyone should have the right to vote. But, a good percentage of the laws that are passed by the feds affect you in a monetary manner in one way or another. If you have nothing at stake, while at the same time you have everything to gain by these laws while having nothing at stake, then obviously you're going to vote for whoever is promising you the handouts. That is not the way to decide who should hold office or what is best for the country. It's going to be our downfall in the end.

I'm a christian, and I believe in what Jesus said about helping out those in need. What's going on today is not about that, Care, it's about the ever reaching power and control of a federal government. My opposition to most of what the 'left' wants in this country doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to help people out or pay my fair share, it has everything to do with keeping the government under control and out of our lives. By allowing the government to administer everything you think that it should, you're handing it an enormous amount of power over your life and everyone else's lives, which I believe is wrong. Again, these people in office are not there to help people, they are there to gain as much power and control as they can and they're using these tactics of 'helping' people as a way to get it.

I simply don't believe that. Sure, some will vote for the person who will expand welfare, or promise to bring specific jobs to the region (earmarks?), but for the most part, at least in a general presidential election, I think when it's time to actually vote, people have pretty much made up their minds over which platform in its entirety best represents their own values and desires for how the country should move forward.

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