Nobody on welfare should be allowed to vote

I don't see any point in responding to baseless accusations and outright lies. Besides which, I already pointed out that I certainly don't espouse any of the views you attribute to the right.

So what's the point? You've got your script, you've got your fingers in your ears, and you're forging forward. Have fun with that.
I have always believed that Conservatives are eager to erode civil liberties and personal rights. This thread re-enforces that notion. Dis-enfranchise the poor! Capital idea!

Conservatives further would love it if the police did not have to follow so many damn rules! Crack some heads (or shoot some students) and the world will rest comfortably on its axis.

Conservatives think that giving tax breaks to the richest among us is fair. Tax breaks in the form of mortgage deductions, credits for dependant children, home improvements, tuition and the like are enjoyed by the middle class. But the Conservatives say that's not right. Everyone should pay taxes.

Conservatives rail against regulations which protect the environment. Too much government interfering in commerce. They rail against regulations protecting workers in the work place. Again, intrusive government making it impossible to profit.

And here they are wanting to take more rights away from American citizens.

And they call themselves "Patriots"


They clearly hate Americans.

I'm all for civil liberties, (the right of people to be free to say or do what they want while respecting others and staying within the law ). I'm also for making your own way in the world and not relying on cradle to grave entitlements.

Show me how civil liberties or personal freedoms (which is basically the same damn thing as civil liberty) are violated when entitlements are taken away?

The Constitution does not mention entitlements one time and Congress does not have the right to over ride the Constitution.
Here you go, a flat 5 percent tax on what you make. No more, no less.

No matter if you make 10,000/year or 10 million per year. 5 percent.

No matter if you're a corporation, business or person. 5 percent.

That would solve a lot.
Nobody who doesn't own property should be able to vote.

I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.
Sounds like an idea I tossed out a few years ago. No representation without taxation.
Good grief, I'm probably what you'd consider a "radical right winger" and my job is to determine eligibility for welfare recipients. I've been on welfare as well, when I had to.

I've worked both sides of the welfare line and come from a single parent household. My mom got foodstamps once, but couldn't bear it. She worked 3 jobs to raise us, and we got to stay home alone for long stretches because of it.

You won't ever hear me attacking welfare recipients en masse. You get more of that from people on the left, generally. Who make fun of them on one hand, while insisting we subsidize them on the other. Who declare them as noble savages one minute, and the next minute accuse them of being sub-human trailer trash. Particularly if they don't toe the party line.

Kudos to you sir for your enlightened attitude, but many of your right-wing compatriots do not in fact share your ability to see shades of grey.

Many a time I have heard folks state that welfare programs should be categorically done away with. Often on these boards.

I actually approved of the reforms that Republicans put in place in 1996. The whole welfare to workfare thing. That seemed like a rational approach.
I have always believed that Conservatives are eager to erode civil liberties and personal rights. This thread re-enforces that notion. Dis-enfranchise the poor! Capital idea!

Conservatives further would love it if the police did not have to follow so many damn rules! Crack some heads (or shoot some students) and the world will rest comfortably on its axis.

Conservatives think that giving tax breaks to the richest among us is fair. Tax breaks in the form of mortgage deductions, credits for dependant children, home improvements, tuition and the like are enjoyed by the middle class. But the Conservatives say that's not right. Everyone should pay taxes.

Conservatives rail against regulations which protect the environment. Too much government interfering in commerce. They rail against regulations protecting workers in the work place. Again, intrusive government making it impossible to profit.

And here they are wanting to take more rights away from American citizens.

And they call themselves "Patriots"


They clearly hate Americans.

I'm all for civil liberties, (the right of people to be free to say or do what they want while respecting others and staying within the law ). I'm also for making your own way in the world and not relying on cradle to grave entitlements.

Show me how civil liberties or personal freedoms (which is basically the same damn thing as civil liberty) are violated when entitlements are taken away?

The Constitution does not mention entitlements one time and Congress does not have the right to over ride the Constitution.
I never said civil liberties would be taken away should entitlements be cut.

I do know that the resistance to implementing civil liberties comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to environmental regulations comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to workplace safety regulations comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to same sex marriage comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to women's rights comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to salary caps and bonuses to financial firms taking federal bailout money regulations comes from Conservatives. And at the same time, living wage regulations are resisted by Conservatives. Seems wealth should only be held by the few, the careless and the reckless CEO class.
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
Nobody who doesn't own property should be able to vote.

I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.
Give the government a $1000 interest free loan for a year just to exercise a constitutionally protected right?

I have always believed that Conservatives are eager to erode civil liberties and personal rights. This thread re-enforces that notion. Dis-enfranchise the poor! Capital idea!

Conservatives further would love it if the police did not have to follow so many damn rules! Crack some heads (or shoot some students) and the world will rest comfortably on its axis.

Conservatives think that giving tax breaks to the richest among us is fair. Tax breaks in the form of mortgage deductions, credits for dependant children, home improvements, tuition and the like are enjoyed by the middle class. But the Conservatives say that's not right. Everyone should pay taxes.

Conservatives rail against regulations which protect the environment. Too much government interfering in commerce. They rail against regulations protecting workers in the work place. Again, intrusive government making it impossible to profit.

And here they are wanting to take more rights away from American citizens.

And they call themselves "Patriots"


They clearly hate Americans.

I'm all for civil liberties, (the right of people to be free to say or do what they want while respecting others and staying within the law ). I'm also for making your own way in the world and not relying on cradle to grave entitlements.

Show me how civil liberties or personal freedoms (which is basically the same damn thing as civil liberty) are violated when entitlements are taken away?

The Constitution does not mention entitlements one time and Congress does not have the right to over ride the Constitution.
I never said civil liberties would be taken away should entitlements be cut.

I do know that the resistance to implementing civil liberties comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to environmental regulations comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to workplace safety regulations comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to same sex marriage comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to women's rights comes from Conservatives.

I know that the resistance to salary caps and bonuses to financial firms taking federal bailout money regulations comes from Conservatives. And at the same time, living wage regulations are resisted by Conservatives. Seems wealth should only be held by the few, the careless and the reckless CEO class.

Show evidence that conservatives are resistant to implementing civil liberties, environmental regulations, same sex marriage, women's rights, salary caps and living wage regulations.

In other words, prove your claims.
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Nobody that owns a corporation with over 100 people should be allowed to vote.
No stock holder that holds over 50 grand in any one stock should be allowed to vote.
That'll take the greed to the landfill.

Kick it up a notch.
Nobody employed by, or holding any stocks or interests in, a defense contracting co. Should be allowed to vote.

To finish. No cops or military should be allowed to vote.
Nobody who was not born in the Empire should ever be given a vote.
This narrows it down to real Amurkinz.
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
Nobody who doesn't own property should be able to vote.

I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.
Give the government a $1000 interest free loan for a year just to exercise a constitutionally protected right?


Yet another example of the rich elite wanting to stand on the throats of the less fortunate.

1000 bucks is a lot of money for people in my neck of the woods, and no, they can better use it on stuff like cattle, farming and building things better than giving the government an interest free loan. wanna do that, might as well thrown in a voter quiz as well.
I remember a fellow veteran believed that only veterans should vote.

Ahh the "Starship Troopers" scenario.

It might work. You sure would see a whole lot more people signing up at the local recruiter.

Not only that, but it would also have kept us from pursuing a false war for oil on someone who had nothing to do with 9/11, and maybe then we would have actually gone to the right country and gotten OBL.

But then again, if it was that way, then most of the politicians would actually have kids in the military again.
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
Nobody who doesn't own property should be able to vote.

I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.

This is one of those posts that makes me proud to be an American.

And proud of the freedoms and opportunity that we have.

And shocked when people claiming to be American try and take them away, like what you're proposing.

Essentially, what I'm saying is that I'm proud to be an American because although you're free to say whatever you like, you personally are NOT IN CHARGE, and don't get to make your little fascist fantasies a reality..
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Ame®icano;2211503 said:
Nobody who doesn't own property should be able to vote.

I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.

This is one of those posts that makes me proud to be an American.

And proud of the freedoms and opportunity that we have.

And shocked when people claiming to be American try and take them away, like what you're proposing.

Essentially, what I'm saying is that I'm proud to be an American because although you're free to say whatever you like, you personally are NOT IN CHARGE, and don't get to make your little fascist fantasies a reality..

Yeah..........if you're a citizen, you should be allowed to vote. Taxes and property should not enter into it because then corporations will own the government.

Military service, or service in the Peace Corps should be taken into account however, because instead of serving their own interests first, they are serving the interests of this country.

And, service to this country, rather than buying and selling your fellow citizens like some of these Wall St. types did, is much more patriotic.
Good grief, I'm probably what you'd consider a "radical right winger" and my job is to determine eligibility for welfare recipients. I've been on welfare as well, when I had to.

I've worked both sides of the welfare line and come from a single parent household. My mom got foodstamps once, but couldn't bear it. She worked 3 jobs to raise us, and we got to stay home alone for long stretches because of it.

You won't ever hear me attacking welfare recipients en masse. You get more of that from people on the left, generally. Who make fun of them on one hand, while insisting we subsidize them on the other. Who declare them as noble savages one minute, and the next minute accuse them of being sub-human trailer trash. Particularly if they don't toe the party line.

Kudos to you sir for your enlightened attitude, but many of your right-wing compatriots do not in fact share your ability to see shades of grey.

Many a time I have heard folks state that welfare programs should be categorically done away with. Often on these boards.

I actually approved of the reforms that Republicans put in place in 1996. The whole welfare to workfare thing. That seemed like a rational approach.

It is a rational approach.
My supervisor and I were talking about this yesterday. She believes that the food stamp program should be overhauled so it's more like the medical programs. She thinks you should be able to purchase certain foods with foodstamps, but nothing junk or prepared, and all those who receive fs should have to take food preparation classes. In other words, this is what you get, and no more.

I've always felt that if you're going to give people foodstamps, they should be able to purchase what they want with them. But the way she put it to me...I'm actually coming around. Her view is that food is provided by the government to keep people from starving...not to make them feel better about their lives. So just because you would LIKE to buy a prepared cake for your child's birthday isn't enough to justify giving it to you...anymore than we'd give you a face lift because you would like it.

Makes sense to me.

I'm really not an entitlement person. I have worked with the poor and downtrodden all my life, and would do it regardless of whether or not the state helped them..whether or not I was a state worker. But I don't vote for these programs I administer. At the same time, I think it would be wrong to eliminate them all tomorrow.
Ame®icano;2211503 said:
I would go step further than that. Whoever wants to vote, should pay, say $1000 and claim it back on when filing tax return. That way you can avoid almost all fraud with registration and election.

This is one of those posts that makes me proud to be an American.

And proud of the freedoms and opportunity that we have.

And shocked when people claiming to be American try and take them away, like what you're proposing.

Essentially, what I'm saying is that I'm proud to be an American because although you're free to say whatever you like, you personally are NOT IN CHARGE, and don't get to make your little fascist fantasies a reality..

Yeah..........if you're a citizen, you should be allowed to vote. Taxes and property should not enter into it because then corporations will own the government.

Military service, or service in the Peace Corps should be taken into account however, because instead of serving their own interests first, they are serving the interests of this country.

And, service to this country, rather than buying and selling your fellow citizens like some of these Wall St. types did, is much more patriotic.

While I have infinite respect for veterans of the Armed Forces and the Peace Corps, I cannot agree that it should be a requirement to vote.

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