Non-Accomplished Democrat Candidates (Motley Crew)

No, he said "Low IQ Joe Bidan"…..

In all her years in Congress, Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills. 2 passed.

Cory Booker introduced 120 bills. 0 passed.

Kamala Harris introduced 54 bills. 0 passed.

Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.
He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.

In all his years in the Senate, he introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.

And all of these people are heading toward the 2020 presidential election with ZERO EXPERIENCE OF BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
If only there was a failed businessman and reality TV game show host! If he was a draft dodger, thrice married, had numerous sexual harassment charges and can't pronounce 'origins'! Then we would have a candidate worthy of the office.

Good thing he didn't have to say 'corpse-man".
Or oranges for origins or whatever Teump mumbled when he wanted to say diversity.

Are you claiming Trump as a Churchillian orator?
In all her years in Congress, Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills. 2 passed.

Cory Booker introduced 120 bills. 0 passed.

Kamala Harris introduced 54 bills. 0 passed.

Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.
He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.

In all his years in the Senate, he introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.

And all of these people are heading toward the 2020 presidential election with ZERO EXPERIENCE OF BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

Biden is by far the most accomplished, experienced, and qualified to be president – far more qualified than Trump.

Warren, Harris, and Sanders are also accomplished, experienced, and qualified – likewise far more qualified than Trump.

The fear and desperation on the right is palpable.
In all her years in Congress, Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills. 2 passed.

Cory Booker introduced 120 bills. 0 passed.

Kamala Harris introduced 54 bills. 0 passed.

Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.
He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.

In all his years in the Senate, he introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.

And all of these people are heading toward the 2020 presidential election with ZERO EXPERIENCE OF BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
If only there was a failed businessman and reality TV game show host! If he was a draft dodger, thrice married, had numerous sexual harassment charges and can't pronounce 'origins'! Then we would have a candidate worthy of the office.

Good thing he didn't have to say 'corpse-man".
Or oranges for origins or whatever Teump mumbled when he wanted to say diversity.

Are you claiming Trump as a Churchillian orator?

Nope, not claiming Trump is a Churchillian orator. Fortunately he's a doer, unlike the previous clown.
What was tRumps record?
HA HA. See folks ? This is what happens when you succumb to watching liberal OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc) You become one of the millions of information-deprived know-nothings, who don't know how much they don't know.

Brought GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Lowest disabled unemployment EVER.

6. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

7. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

8. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

9. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

10. More Americans working than EVER before.

11. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

To name a few :biggrin:

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL
Dude, you were supposed to share that koolaide, not drink it all yourself.
In all her years in Congress, Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills. 2 passed.

Cory Booker introduced 120 bills. 0 passed.

Kamala Harris introduced 54 bills. 0 passed.

Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.
He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.

In all his years in the Senate, he introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.

And all of these people are heading toward the 2020 presidential election with ZERO EXPERIENCE OF BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
If only there was a failed businessman and reality TV game show host! If he was a draft dodger, thrice married, had numerous sexual harassment charges and can't pronounce 'origins'! Then we would have a candidate worthy of the office.

Good thing he didn't have to say 'corpse-man".
Or oranges for origins or whatever Teump mumbled when he wanted to say diversity.

Are you claiming Trump as a Churchillian orator?

Nope, not claiming Trump is a Churchillian orator. Fortunately he's a doer, unlike the previous clown.
A doer eh? Where's the middle class tax cut? Where's the wall? Why are we in a trade war? Where are all the manufacturing jobs? Why are we treating immigrants like runaway slaves?
In all her years in Congress, Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills. 2 passed.

Cory Booker introduced 120 bills. 0 passed.

Kamala Harris introduced 54 bills. 0 passed.

Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.
He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.

In all his years in the Senate, he introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.

And all of these people are heading toward the 2020 presidential election with ZERO EXPERIENCE OF BEING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
If only there was a failed businessman and reality TV game show host! If he was a draft dodger, thrice married, had numerous sexual harassment charges and can't pronounce 'origins'! Then we would have a candidate worthy of the office.

Good thing he didn't have to say 'corpse-man".
Or oranges for origins or whatever Teump mumbled when he wanted to say diversity.

Are you claiming Trump as a Churchillian orator?

Nope, not claiming Trump is a Churchillian orator. Fortunately he's a doer, unlike the previous clown.
A doer eh? Where's the middle class tax cut? Where's the wall? Why are we in a trade war? Where are all the manufacturing jobs? Why are we treating immigrants like runaway slaves?

I got a tax cut. Being built. Because the previous trade agreement was a joke. In the process of coming back. You mean the ILLEGAL immigrants, yea, they sure don't appear to be treated like runaway slaves.

Biden is by far the most accomplished, experienced, and qualified to be president – far more qualified than Trump.

Warren, Harris, and Sanders are also accomplished, experienced, and qualified – likewise far more qualified than Trump.

The fear and desperation on the right is palpable.
HA HA HA. Who can ever forget when dum dum Biden, in a press conference, stood at a podium and expressed his wholehearted condolences to the prime minster (I forgot which country), for the death of the prime minister's wife.

Only trouble is, she was very much alive at the time. Whew!

If this guy ever became president....fogetaboutit !!


A doer eh? Where's the middle class tax cut? Where's the wall? Why are we in a trade war? Where are all the manufacturing jobs? Why are we treating immigrants like runaway slaves?
1. The middle class tax cut is right HERE in the USA. Why ? Did CNN tell you it wasn't ?
  • 10%: $0 to $9,525 of taxable income for an individual
  • 12%: $9,526 to $38,700
  • 22%: $38,701 to $82,500
  • 24%: $82,501 to $157,500
  • 32%: $157,501 to $200,000
  • 35%: $200,001 to $500,000
  • 37%: over $500,001
2. The wall is being built, and it is Democrats who are responsible for stopping its progress.

3. Wow! Amazing how ignorant Liberals are. We're in a trade war because 4 idiot US presidents gave China, Japan, et al unrestricted access to our market, while restricting our exporters from theirs. Duh!

4. The manufacturing jobs are right HERE in the USA. Haven't noticed that the economy is doing well, huh ? Have you been living in a closet ? US manufacturing having best year since 2004.

5. We DON'T treat immigrants like runaway slaves. We treat ILLEGAL immigrants like the criminal invaders that they are (US Code 8, Section 1325), and you should too.
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Cool, he's just like Trump!
Exact opposite of Trump (who by 2020, has 4 years experience as POTUS)

Not only that, but all of these Democrats have made HOW MUCH just writing useless go nowhere do nothing bills just so it looks like they are doing something? Tens of Millions? All out of taxpayer's pockets. And that is with them in power most of the time. And how many businesses have they a record of running? Successfully? Here is a list I found of all of Trump's successful core and shell businesses he's run profitably:


And how many employees have these democrats hired and created wealth for? ZERO?

Best estimate I can find estimates that Trump employs between 22,000 up to 40,000 people under him. And collectively have earned or created about 9.5 billion dollars. That is a MINIMUM of $230,000 per person.

Democrats? ZERO.

Donald Trump is probably the most qualified person in history to run the country based just on his successful business record alone. He could be getting 10X more done if not for all of the obstruction by the Democrats.

TRUMP: fighting to make America better.
DEMOCRATS: Fighting to see to it he fails.

Just why would I want to vote Democrat again?

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