Non US citizens have a say! Why?

So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.

Nope, not even a little.
A person coming into a place with intention to establish his domicil or permanent residence, and who in consequence actually remains there. Time is not so essential as the intent, executed by making or beginning an actual establishment, though it be abandoned in a longer, or shorter period.

Not all non residents come with the intention of establishing permanent residence here. Sorry.

You keep bringing up this intention of permanent residence. I don't know of anything in the Constitution that requires this.
Other than the operational definition of resident.

I think the issue with you is more about intention than anything else. The Constitution doesn't say anything about intention.
I just provided the operational definition of what a resident is. To me it is illogical to treat people who don't at least have a green card as residents but I don't make the laws.

No, you don't the laws.
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.

Nope, not even a little.
A person coming into a place with intention to establish his domicil or permanent residence, and who in consequence actually remains there. Time is not so essential as the intent, executed by making or beginning an actual establishment, though it be abandoned in a longer, or shorter period.

Not all non residents come with the intention of establishing permanent residence here. Sorry.

You keep bringing up this intention of permanent residence. I don't know of anything in the Constitution that requires this.
Other than the operational definition of resident.

I think the issue with you is more about intention than anything else. The Constitution doesn't say anything about intention.
I just provided the operational definition of what a resident is. To me it is illogical to treat people who don't at least have a green card as residents but I don't make the laws.

No, you don't the laws.
God damn good thing that freak doesn't make the laws
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.
Not certain about vacationers from abroad or Canada or Mexico etc...

You have to reside in a state permanently.... vacationers/tourists are not counted.
Nope you have to have intent to reside here permanently. Tough to prove intent sans a green card
You live in a home, have a lease, pay rent or mortgage, pay utility bills, are not a resident of another State.... then you are a resident, and counted....

They don't distribute census forms to hotels, or vacaction resorts.... No reason for a tourist to fill out all that census info....

Our main problem, is getting all of the citizens and people who do reside here, to fill out a census.....
So if a visitor for Russia stays with my parents for say six months should they be counted?
If your parents want to lie, sure.
Lie? What do you mean lie? Don't follow.
There is 1 census per household residence.... your parents would fill out the questionnaire... if your father didn't follow instructions and counted a guest in his household as having residence here, then so be it...

The census is not perfect, mostly because they can't get residents to fill it out.

This census will result in a huge under count due to covid, census counters were on lockdown, couldn't chase the non reply people, plus TRUMP cut the census time period short when an extension was asked for.....
...and they were all counted in the census, including non citizens. So again, what is the point in regards to the op claiming only citizens should be counted?
It's not about being counted. Slaves counted for 0 and women couldn't vote. Claims that representation should be based on a whole-count census was not what the 1700s were all about. You left out 100s of years of history like so many ignorant lefties.
The COTUS says "all people residing in the United States."

They are people residing in the United States.
That's find and dandy but in order to understand COTUS one has to understand the English-American literate lexicon.

From Merriam-Webster: "Reside"

"to dwell permanently or continuously : occupy a place as one's legal domicile."
Definition of RESIDE

An illegal alien should not have a permanent or continously occupied legal domicile or be able to dwell permanently on U.S. soil. They were categorized separate from Citizens and may or may not have been counted as part of a legal, political constituency. Over the years leftists and those who wish to undermine America are re-defining words according to their political whims. Sadly and unfortunately, especially for the Left in this country today, illiteracy is rampant and history is to be erased and/or torn down.
The COTUS says "all people residing in the United States."

They are people residing in the United States.
That's find and dandy but in order to understand COTUS one has to understand the English-American literate lexicon.

From Merriam-Webster: "Reside"

"to dwell permanently or continuously : occupy a place as one's legal domicile."
Definition of RESIDE

An illegal alien should not have a permanent or continously occupied legal domicile or be able to dwell permanently on U.S. soil. They were categorized separate from Citizens and may or may not have been counted as part of a legal, political constituency. Over the years leftists and those who wish to undermine America are re-defining words according to their political whims. Sadly and unfortunately, especially for the Left in this country today, illiteracy is rampant and history is to be erased and/or torn down.
An apartment that they pay rent for, is a legal domicile.
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.

Nope, not even a little.
A person coming into a place with intention to establish his domicil or permanent residence, and who in consequence actually remains there. Time is not so essential as the intent, executed by making or beginning an actual establishment, though it be abandoned in a longer, or shorter period.

Not all non residents come with the intention of establishing permanent residence here. Sorry.

You keep bringing up this intention of permanent residence. I don't know of anything in the Constitution that requires this.
Other than the operational definition of resident.

I think the issue with you is more about intention than anything else. The Constitution doesn't say anything about intention.
I just provided the operational definition of what a resident is. To me it is illogical to treat people who don't at least have a green card as residents but I don't make the laws.

No, you don't the laws.
LOL or the grammar
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.
Not certain about vacationers from abroad or Canada or Mexico etc...

You have to reside in a state permanently.... vacationers/tourists are not counted.
Nope you have to have intent to reside here permanently. Tough to prove intent sans a green card
You live in a home, have a lease, pay rent or mortgage, pay utility bills, are not a resident of another State.... then you are a resident, and counted....

They don't distribute census forms to hotels, or vacaction resorts.... No reason for a tourist to fill out all that census info....

Our main problem, is getting all of the citizens and people who do reside here, to fill out a census.....
So if a visitor for Russia stays with my parents for say six months should they be counted?
If your parents want to lie, sure.
Lie? What do you mean lie? Don't follow.
There is 1 census per household residence.... your parents would fill out the questionnaire... if your father didn't follow instructions and counted a guest in his household as having residence here, then so be it...

The census is not perfect, mostly because they can't get residents to fill it out.

This census will result in a huge under count due to covid, census counters were on lockdown, couldn't chase the non reply people, plus TRUMP cut the census time period short when an extension was asked for.....
He wouldn’t and shouldn’t and neither should non green card members count as it could create major issues

They don't care that they're wrong. They talking about what they want and acting like that makes it real.

Kinda like the "stolen election" thing.

They know they lost but dammit...they WANTED to win
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.
Not certain about vacationers from abroad or Canada or Mexico etc...

You have to reside in a state permanently.... vacationers/tourists are not counted.
Nope you have to have intent to reside here permanently. Tough to prove intent sans a green card
You live in a home, have a lease, pay rent or mortgage, pay utility bills, are not a resident of another State.... then you are a resident, and counted....

They don't distribute census forms to hotels, or vacaction resorts.... No reason for a tourist to fill out all that census info....

Our main problem, is getting all of the citizens and people who do reside here, to fill out a census.....
So if a visitor for Russia stays with my parents for say six months should they be counted?
If your parents want to lie, sure.
Lie? What do you mean lie? Don't follow.
There is 1 census per household residence.... your parents would fill out the questionnaire... if your father didn't follow instructions and counted a guest in his household as having residence here, then so be it...

The census is not perfect, mostly because they can't get residents to fill it out.

This census will result in a huge under count due to covid, census counters were on lockdown, couldn't chase the non reply people, plus TRUMP cut the census time period short when an extension was asked for.....
He wouldn’t and shouldn’t and neither should non green card members count as it could create major issues
That's your opinion, but the Constitution, differs with it!
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.
Not certain about vacationers from abroad or Canada or Mexico etc...

You have to reside in a state permanently.... vacationers/tourists are not counted.
Nope you have to have intent to reside here permanently. Tough to prove intent sans a green card
You live in a home, have a lease, pay rent or mortgage, pay utility bills, are not a resident of another State.... then you are a resident, and counted....

They don't distribute census forms to hotels, or vacaction resorts.... No reason for a tourist to fill out all that census info....

Our main problem, is getting all of the citizens and people who do reside here, to fill out a census.....
So if a visitor for Russia stays with my parents for say six months should they be counted?
If your parents want to lie, sure.
Lie? What do you mean lie? Don't follow.
There is 1 census per household residence.... your parents would fill out the questionnaire... if your father didn't follow instructions and counted a guest in his household as having residence here, then so be it...

The census is not perfect, mostly because they can't get residents to fill it out.

This census will result in a huge under count due to covid, census counters were on lockdown, couldn't chase the non reply people, plus TRUMP cut the census time period short when an extension was asked for.....
He wouldn’t and shouldn’t and neither should non green card members count as it could create major issues
That's your opinion, but the Constitution, differs with it!
Now you follow it. But you don’t when we discuss the EC. Hypocrisy 101
At the time of our founders, we had people coming over in boatloads.... initially I believe they just had to live here and toil the soil/ or reside here and support yourself for 5 years and then citizenship was granted to you and your family, it later was reduced to just 2 years of living here, then citizenship was granted...if you were not black...

We, America, was one of the only places in the world, that was offering citizenship, to any foreigner wanting to live here....and not through bloodline most nations.

No one was prevented from living here if they were not citizens, no one had to have a green card, at the time of our founders....

The census, was to get a count of every person living here... on the old census counts all members of households, separated by age group and female vs male were counted and an addendum with all slaves in household, separate count by age group and male/female.

There was no question on citizenship.
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.
Not certain about vacationers from abroad or Canada or Mexico etc...

You have to reside in a state permanently.... vacationers/tourists are not counted.
Nope you have to have intent to reside here permanently. Tough to prove intent sans a green card
You live in a home, have a lease, pay rent or mortgage, pay utility bills, are not a resident of another State.... then you are a resident, and counted....

They don't distribute census forms to hotels, or vacaction resorts.... No reason for a tourist to fill out all that census info....

Our main problem, is getting all of the citizens and people who do reside here, to fill out a census.....
So if a visitor for Russia stays with my parents for say six months should they be counted?
If your parents want to lie, sure.
Lie? What do you mean lie? Don't follow.
There is 1 census per household residence.... your parents would fill out the questionnaire... if your father didn't follow instructions and counted a guest in his household as having residence here, then so be it...

The census is not perfect, mostly because they can't get residents to fill it out.

This census will result in a huge under count due to covid, census counters were on lockdown, couldn't chase the non reply people, plus TRUMP cut the census time period short when an extension was asked for.....
He wouldn’t and shouldn’t and neither should non green card members count as it could create major issues
That's your opinion, but the Constitution, differs with it!
Now you follow it. But you don’t when we discuss the EC. Hypocrisy 101
So we should count illegals too? They are inhabitants.
For the purpose of an accurate census...yes.
Isn't that what the Constitution calls for?
Tourists are inhabitants too. Do we count them?

It's generally assumed that tourists are not residents.
Why can’t non citizens be as well? Their stay is also unpredictable

Because they are residents. Should we also stop counting people over the age of 80?
Tourists are residents. Albeit short term.
Not certain about vacationers from abroad or Canada or Mexico etc...

You have to reside in a state permanently.... vacationers/tourists are not counted.
Nope you have to have intent to reside here permanently. Tough to prove intent sans a green card
You live in a home, have a lease, pay rent or mortgage, pay utility bills, are not a resident of another State.... then you are a resident, and counted....

They don't distribute census forms to hotels, or vacaction resorts.... No reason for a tourist to fill out all that census info....

Our main problem, is getting all of the citizens and people who do reside here, to fill out a census.....
So if a visitor for Russia stays with my parents for say six months should they be counted?
If your parents want to lie, sure.
Lie? What do you mean lie? Don't follow.
There is 1 census per household residence.... your parents would fill out the questionnaire... if your father didn't follow instructions and counted a guest in his household as having residence here, then so be it...

The census is not perfect, mostly because they can't get residents to fill it out.

This census will result in a huge under count due to covid, census counters were on lockdown, couldn't chase the non reply people, plus TRUMP cut the census time period short when an extension was asked for.....
He wouldn’t and shouldn’t and neither should non green card members count as it could create major issues
That's your opinion, but the Constitution, differs with it!
Now you follow it. But you don’t when we discuss the EC. Hypocrisy 101
You want to abolish the EC. Correct?

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