None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

I have a better question for the brain dead lefties:

Why do you only hate on the rich when they ideologically oppose you?

Why is Immelt and Soros exempt from your wrath?

I don't know any liberals who "hate" the rich.

Then you should meet rdean sometime. He's posts quite frequently on the board.

Asserting that rdean speaks for "liberals" in general would be the same as me stating that USArmyRetired speaks for "conservatives" in general.
I don't know any liberals who "hate" the rich.

Then you should meet rdean sometime. He's posts quite frequently on the board.

Asserting that rdean speaks for "liberals" in general would be the same as me stating that USArmyRetired speaks for "conservatives" in general.

you said you don't know "ANY" ...nice attempt at a dodge though.
And I lol at your stupidity as any rational man with a sense of humor would do.
Then you should meet rdean sometime. He's posts quite frequently on the board.

Asserting that rdean speaks for "liberals" in general would be the same as me stating that USArmyRetired speaks for "conservatives" in general.

you said you don't know "ANY" ...nice attempt at a dodge though.
And I lol at your stupidity as any rational man with a sense of humor would do.

Another rational, informative argument. You're representing your side very well.
If that were true, you would have to be against each and every tax, and we both know that can never be. You're against having every earner pay a fair portion in taxation.

Thats something you'll never comprehend until they decide to come and take what you have for the good of the people.
I pay taxes. I don't consider it an affront to my political belief to pay taxes. I drive on roads. I flush a toilet. I enjoy a level of freedom and security envied throughout the world. And I know none of that comes without cost.

The political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout, ain't it? How about some real consideration. How did this mess get started, and what can we do about it? Increase revenue and cut spending, or just cut spending? And what do you think is the best way to conduct our social contract between citizen and state?

That was not what you were hinting to

The same old liberal dogma bullshit. Roads trains planes protect big daddy guberment. Millions of people have still died under the guberments protection and safety. When the guberment is done taking all the rich have they'll come for you next and take what you have. Why you ask?> Because you allowed it to happen to other Americans
Then you should meet rdean sometime. He's posts quite frequently on the board.

Asserting that rdean speaks for "liberals" in general would be the same as me stating that USArmyRetired speaks for "conservatives" in general.

He doesn't have to speak for liberals in general to be a liberal who hates the rich.

I'm not sure I get your point. Are you quibling over my words? Or trying to claim that rdean's hatred of the rich (which isn't accepted fact, although I don't doubt it) is proof of a deep-seated hatred of the rich shared by all liberals?

The "Liberals hate the rich" meme is one of the stupidest arguments that comes up on this board.
modern American liberals believe in taxing the productive to give to the lazy...the motivation behind that is hatred, jealously, and envy. (Plus they know if they can get people free shit then they will have their votes)
Asserting that rdean speaks for "liberals" in general would be the same as me stating that USArmyRetired speaks for "conservatives" in general.

He doesn't have to speak for liberals in general to be a liberal who hates the rich.

I'm not sure I get your point. Are you quibling over my words? Or trying to claim that rdean's hatred of the rich (which isn't accepted fact, although I don't doubt it) is proof of a deep-seated hatred of the rich shared by all liberals?

The "Liberals hate the rich" meme is one of the stupidest arguments that comes up on this board.

Im doing neither of your choices.

You stated that you don't know any liberals who hate the rich. rdean is a liberal. he hates the rich. I'm not exactly sure what is difficult to understand about that.

rdeans actions are hardly indicative to all liberals hating the rich. In reality, many liberals are rich. So when they claim that they want to rich to pay their fair share they are in reality saying that want to make it as difficult as possible for anyone who is not "rich" to become so through their own hard work. That way their power base is protected. It's the new "rich" that threaten their power in the world. They don't have to worry about income taxes because they don't work and already have their money.
They're not "liberals" - they're progressives....

They're opposed to individualism..

They're not liberal they're authoritarian.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Very true. It started when left wing, Socialist or Communist governments like China, North Korea, USSR, Nat'l Socialist Party of Germany, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, and others, did such things as:

- Use armed men to confiscate free men
- Use armed men to confiscate citizen's food
- Use armed men to confiscate citizen's homes
- Use armed men to confiscate citizen's livestock
- Use armed men to force citizen's to work
- Use armed men to confiscate citizen's gold
- Use armed men to confiscate citizen's water
- Use armed men to confiscate citizen's farms
- Use armed men to exterminate surplus unwanted humans

Yes, class warfare started long ago, before Bush or Obama. It can be found throughout history in big government, left wing nations and regimes.

Thanks for reminding us.

The Sparticus revolt was the first class warfare that I know about.

The American Revolution was the the first truly successful war of the common people.

Let's continue it!

It was a war of the ambitious. The common people sat it out, and waited to be told who won. the ambitious farmers/businessmen wanted to keep what they had built from the wilderness or the businesses they grew. That is what is great about this country: anyone can do it with enough hard work, watching your wealth (money management), and perseverance, anyone can become as wealthy as they will. It is only in the last century, that the "elites" have manipulated the "lazy" into thinking that they don't ever stand a chance at being wealthy. They have used the "lazy" to vote away rights and inhibit freedom. The "lazy" have accepted their "elite" masters without a blink of an eye. Just send me another check, master, and I'll vote however you want me to vote.
Asserting that rdean speaks for "liberals" in general would be the same as me stating that USArmyRetired speaks for "conservatives" in general.

He doesn't have to speak for liberals in general to be a liberal who hates the rich.

I'm not sure I get your point. Are you quibling over my words? Or trying to claim that rdean's hatred of the rich (which isn't accepted fact, although I don't doubt it) is proof of a deep-seated hatred of the rich shared by all liberals?

The "Liberals hate the rich" meme is one of the stupidest arguments that comes up on this board.

They hate the rich...
He doesn't have to speak for liberals in general to be a liberal who hates the rich.

I'm not sure I get your point. Are you quibling over my words? Or trying to claim that rdean's hatred of the rich (which isn't accepted fact, although I don't doubt it) is proof of a deep-seated hatred of the rich shared by all liberals?

The "Liberals hate the rich" meme is one of the stupidest arguments that comes up on this board.

Im doing neither of your choices.

You stated that you don't know any liberals who hate the rich. rdean is a liberal. he hates the rich. I'm not exactly sure what is difficult to understand about that.
First of all, I've seen nothing to point towards rdean "hating" rich people. rdean is an idiot, so I wouldn't be surprised, but you guys claiming it doesn't make it fact.

rdeans actions are hardly indicative to all liberals hating the rich. In reality, many liberals are rich. So when they claim that they want to rich to pay their fair share they are in reality saying that want to make it as difficult as possible for anyone who is not "rich" to become so through their own hard work.
Huh? Where did you get that from?

How does "wanting the rich to pay their fair share" translate to "let's stop people from getting rich"?
That way their power base is protected. It's the new "rich" that threaten their power in the world. They don't have to worry about income taxes because they don't work and already have their money.

Once again, you've made a jump here that I can't seem to wrap my head around. Where did this "knowledge" of what rich liberals "really want" come from?
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

We are not defending Billionaires. We are defending the Principle of Private Property. Sadly, you just don't get it.
If that were true, you would have to be against each and every tax, and we both know that can never be. You're against having every earner pay a fair portion in taxation.

"Fair" would be for every wage earner to pay taxes. "Fair" would be when our taxes are raised, "handouts" are cut by the same percentage/amount. The top 25% of wage earners pay over 75% of income taxes in this country. How is that "fair"?
We are not defending Billionaires. We are defending the Principle of Private Property. Sadly, you just don't get it.
If that were true, you would have to be against each and every tax, and we both know that can never be. You're against having every earner pay a fair portion in taxation.

"Fair" would be for every wage earner to pay taxes. "Fair" would be when our taxes are raised, "handouts" are cut by the same percentage/amount. The top 25% of wage earners pay over 75% of income taxes in this country. How is that "fair"?

No, you're wrong...
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Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Dean you actually stated this:

"It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China."

You do realize that while Obama is out there pounding the drum for MADE IN AMERICA--that his new appointed jobs CZAR--Jeff Immelt--CEO of General Electric just partnered up with CHINA to create jobs in CHINA--while competing with American built Boening?

Furthermore--while again--Obama was calling for higher taxes on CORPORATIONS--this same corporation General Electric made 18.4 BILLION dollars last year and didn't pay a penny in Federal Taxes on it.

Thread Obama's job czar CEO of GE made 18.4 BILLION dollars and didn't pay a penny in taxes | U.S. Politics Online | BoardReader

So you're a little LATE to the party here. It's clear that Obama is just using the same old worn out rhetoric--I am going to hammer corporations and the evil rich in this country with higher taxes. Yet--when he had two years to do it with a full house--he didn't.

As we see again--Obama is out there THREATENING business with higher taxes like he has done for the last 3-1/2 years. In return they have tucked in like a turtle and are waiting for the threat to leave--or they will move their operations overseas. Take your pick.


"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill
We are not defending Billionaires. We are defending the Principle of Private Property. Sadly, you just don't get it.
If that were true, you would have to be against each and every tax, and we both know that can never be. You're against having every earner pay a fair portion in taxation.

"Fair" would be for every wage earner to pay taxes. "Fair" would be when our taxes are raised, "handouts" are cut by the same percentage/amount. The top 25% of wage earners pay over 75% of income taxes in this country. How is that "fair"?
The top 500 richest Americans control more wealth than the bottom 50% of wage earners combined. How is that fair? That's how things are run in Rwanda. The bottom wage earners scramble from day to day actually producing while the absolute minority gets the money.

If you raise taxes on the lower income wage earners, you diminish their capacity to spend. there are many more in the bottom percentages of wage earners than, obviously, the absolute richest. How can the rich create demand? They are too few in number to consume enough goods to open new means of production. The lower wage earners represent the vast majority of consumers. Consumer spending drives demand. And demand drives job growth.
So you too are willing to stand against any cuts to HUD or WIC! That's a grand piece of thinking, as my Grandfather would say. Friends of the poor, you and I.

Why do you presume that government handouts help the poor?
Because there is demand for Section Eight rent subsidy in order to get out of homeless shelters. Because a child with a breakfast an lunch in her belly performs better in school. And being fed always helps. How does being hungry help? How does an empty shelf help more than a pantry stocked with baby formula?
Thats something you'll never comprehend until they decide to come and take what you have for the good of the people.
I pay taxes. I don't consider it an affront to my political belief to pay taxes. I drive on roads. I flush a toilet. I enjoy a level of freedom and security envied throughout the world. And I know none of that comes without cost.

The political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout, ain't it? How about some real consideration. How did this mess get started, and what can we do about it? Increase revenue and cut spending, or just cut spending? And what do you think is the best way to conduct our social contract between citizen and state?

In this economy you have to decrease spending.

Too many unemployed to even give a thought at raising taxes
In order for the economy to move, somebody has to spend! The banks aren't loaning. No spending. The companies aren't hiring. no spending. The consumer is out of work. No spending. Unless you're waiting for those 500- richest Americans who control more capital than the bottom 50% of wage earners to start spending! But how much spending can 500 people do when compared to a nation of 350,000,000?

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