None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Because the Bill of Rights allows a billionaire to be one and the same opportunities apply to me that apply to him.

Also I'm not a pathetic loser that obsesses over what another man has... My path in life is my own, I'll either make it or I wont, however the only thing hindering me from making it is a bunch of progressive ideas...

Most notably - the white man is the devil racist..

When I get done with the progressives they'll all be on welfare for being emotional little fucks..

You're all done!
"None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?"

Perhaps if I am a good corporate slave I might score some rich poon tang one day.
The same reason the right hates the poor. The illusion that they are coasting along not pulling their own considerable weight while having every imaginable advantage showered upon them.

But we don't hate poor people. We dont divide people into classes. You do.

On the contrary, the right divides everything up into classifications - its easier than thinking. There's no need to consider policy details if its already been labeled for you as either left wing or right wing. For instance, you believe all attempts to raise taxes on the rich are attempts at "class warfare" - which absolves you of any actual obligations to consider the practical ramifications of either not raising taxes on the rich or raising them.

The practical ramification of raising taxes and empowering government by going after specific groups is always the same. It gives the government to go after groups of people and oppress them.
On the contrary, the right divides everything up into classifications - its easier than thinking. There's no need to consider policy details if its already been labeled for you as either left wing or right wing. For instance, you believe all attempts to raise taxes on the rich are attempts at "class warfare" - which absolves you of any actual obligations to consider the practical ramifications of either not raising taxes on the rich or raising them.

Take class envy away form the Left, and they have nothing. Well, perhaps a smattering of fearmongering... but not much.

It has absolutely nothing to do with class envy. On the other hand, the right wing is entirely based on hatred of the poor and the weak.

Yeah... which is why you guys are the ones who insult the poor living in trailers.
Of course not... that's fucking stupid. Why would you say that?

Then please explain to use why they are poor.

I'd have to look at each individual case. Some are born into poverty, yet some rise out of poverty. Some people make very poor choices.... others have hard times fall on them.

There are a myriad of factors. But saying the poor are "bad" is ridiculous.

Oh but you can't possibly look at them as individuals. They are a class of people. They will always be a class of people because the "great elites" of the left proclaim them so.
It is stealing when people who don't contribute to society band together to vote more benefits for themselves from the people who do contribute to society. You're taking something that someone else earned. What's "fair" about that?

Nothing is fair about Robbery.

accept its not robbery if 70-80% approve of such entitlements, just dont like the way they are run.

So 10 people are leaving a local club, 7-8 of them force the other 2-3 to give them their money, the keys to their house, and threatens to hurt them if they try to resist. Because 7-8 of them approved, it's not robbery, right?
Nothing is fair about Robbery.

accept its not robbery if 70-80% approve of such entitlements, just dont like the way they are run.

So 10 people are leaving a local club, 7-8 of them force the other 2-3 to give them their money, the keys to their house, and threatens to hurt them if they try to resist. Because 7-8 of them approved, it's not robbery, right?

Or the two wolves and one sheep also comes to mind
And Bob's your Uncle.

That's the whole Conservative view in a nutshell. The rich and powerful are rich and powerful because divinity made it so..or it's a "natural" right.

It's the whole theory behind monarchy.

Thanks. :clap2:

Natural order is free of divinity (certainly specfic organized divinity).

The laws of nature will not fail the application to modern technological and social problems.

What "law of nature"?

Society is essentially a human is weatlh. Everything within that construct is essentially governed by a rule set humans make.

So you don't understand the laws of nature. No wonder you have no freaking clue what's going on in the world.
accept its not robbery if 70-80% approve of such entitlements, just dont like the way they are run.

So 10 people are leaving a local club, 7-8 of them force the other 2-3 to give them their money, the keys to their house, and threatens to hurt them if they try to resist. Because 7-8 of them approved, it's not robbery, right?

It is democracy.
Democarcy allow slavery if the majority want it.
None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

none of us are poor either, or perhaps black, or perhaps disabled , but still we defend them. The liberal IQ in action??

A liberal will not defend rich people? Is it because he thinks the poor or the Girl Scouts grow the economy??
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accept its not robbery if 70-80% approve of such entitlements, just dont like the way they are run.

So 10 people are leaving a local club, 7-8 of them force the other 2-3 to give them their money, the keys to their house, and threatens to hurt them if they try to resist. Because 7-8 of them approved, it's not robbery, right?

It is democracy.

Which is exactly why our Forefathers set up a Republic.

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