None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Thats something you'll never comprehend until they decide to come and take what you have for the good of the people.
I pay taxes. I don't consider it an affront to my political belief to pay taxes. I drive on roads. I flush a toilet. I enjoy a level of freedom and security envied throughout the world. And I know none of that comes without cost.

The political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout, ain't it? How about some real consideration. How did this mess get started, and what can we do about it? Increase revenue and cut spending, or just cut spending? And what do you think is the best way to conduct our social contract between citizen and state?

That was not what you were hinting to

The same old liberal dogma bullshit. Roads trains planes protect big daddy guberment. Millions of people have still died under the guberments protection and safety. When the guberment is done taking all the rich have they'll come for you next and take what you have. Why you ask?> Because you allowed it to happen to other Americans
As I said, political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout. Raising the marginal tax rate from 35% to 39.5% doesn't quite match up with a purge on the Kulaks by Cossacks, does it?

Or are you playing the "victim" card? Sitting on a pile of dough and just hammering insipid, failed, discredited Supply Side crap on the internet for your health?

Next time you whine about some oppressed American crying out for his civil rights, don't claim he's playing the victim card. You played it this hand and I trumped it.
It is self protection. If it acceptable to steal by vote from one set of people, it is acceptable to steal by vote from any group of people.

If we once go along with the concept that there are acceptable targets that can be robbed with impunity, then the rights of all of us to safe enjoyment of what is ours are annihilated. Lets steal from the Kulaks, from the asians, from the Jews, from the target de jour. And sooner or later it becomes our turn.


The "millionaires and billionaires" mantre is just a way to get the camel's nose under the tent. Once you accept the premise that government is authorized to determine how much of your income you get to keep, then everyone's property will be up for grabs.
It is self protection. If it acceptable to steal by vote from one set of people, it is acceptable to steal by vote from any group of people.

If we once go along with the concept that there are acceptable targets that can be robbed with impunity, then the rights of all of us to safe enjoyment of what is ours are annihilated. Lets steal from the Kulaks, from the asians, from the Jews, from the target de jour. And sooner or later it becomes our turn.


The "millionaires and billionaires" mantre is just a way to get the camel's nose under the tent. Once you accept the premise that government is authorized to determine how much of your income you get to keep, then everyone's property will be up for grabs.
How do you imagine tax rates are set if not by the government? And aren't all taxes, by your "logic" just to determine how much of your income you get to keep?

Not very bright at all, are you?
I pay taxes. I don't consider it an affront to my political belief to pay taxes. I drive on roads. I flush a toilet. I enjoy a level of freedom and security envied throughout the world. And I know none of that comes without cost.

The political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout, ain't it? How about some real consideration. How did this mess get started, and what can we do about it? Increase revenue and cut spending, or just cut spending? And what do you think is the best way to conduct our social contract between citizen and state?

That was not what you were hinting to

The same old liberal dogma bullshit. Roads trains planes protect big daddy guberment. Millions of people have still died under the guberments protection and safety. When the guberment is done taking all the rich have they'll come for you next and take what you have. Why you ask?> Because you allowed it to happen to other Americans
As I said, political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout. Raising the marginal tax rate from 35% to 39.5% doesn't quite match up with a purge on the Kulaks by Cossacks, does it?

Or are you playing the "victim" card? Sitting on a pile of dough and just hammering insipid, failed, discredited Supply Side crap on the internet for your health?

Next time you whine about some oppressed American crying out for his civil rights, don't claim he's playing the victim card. You played it this hand and I trumped it.

When someones rights have been violated I will stand behind them. When they whine because of some bullshit I will ridacule them.

When they come for you I might just stand back and watch, and say to myself this is what he wanted until he got it.
How can anyone who has read rdean in this thread honestly say he doesn't hate the rich?
If that were true, you would have to be against each and every tax, and we both know that can never be. You're against having every earner pay a fair portion in taxation.

Thats something you'll never comprehend until they decide to come and take what you have for the good of the people.
I pay taxes. I don't consider it an affront to my political belief to pay taxes. I drive on roads. I flush a toilet. I enjoy a level of freedom and security envied throughout the world. And I know none of that comes without cost.

The political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout, ain't it? How about some real consideration. How did this mess get started, and what can we do about it? Increase revenue and cut spending, or just cut spending? And what do you think is the best way to conduct our social contract between citizen and state?
Well, that's mighty noble of you. Now, then while you're being so sanctimonious, why don't you tell us what you know about the REAL cost of freedom; the kind you and your liberal brethren mostly let someone else pay, because you are too good, too smart, too well-educated, and too virtuous to do it? What about it? Ever know what it is to do that?

You want to know why I oppose taking other people's hard-earned money out of spite and envy? You want to know why I demand that government be responsible with its largesse? You want to know why I insist that no tyranny, whether of the majority or the minority, use other people's money to buy votes with? You want to know why I do not support envy and sloth? You want to know why I care about the rights of those who have more than I do?

I'll tell you why; because I spent a year in combat fighting for those rights, for every American, even the ones who cursed me, and kicked me to the curb for it, when I came home; and having done that, I am not about to have any smug, self-righteous, hypocritical, covetous political hack tell me I should NOT support the rights of some Americans, (because they make more money than he thinks they should), to be treated like every other American, when it comes to taxation, or anything else! You don't think that's "fair"? Boo hoo! Was it fair, that some of us went to Vietnam, while others sat on their asses at home? Was it fair, that we were treated like lepers when we came home? How about the struggle to readjust, after all that; was THAT fair? Well, no, but you know what; LIFE ISN'T "FAIR", and I don't want to take what someone else has earned, to supposedly "make it fair". I don't want my government to do that, either. I think I just might have a bit more to legitimately bitch about, than someone who is not successful because he refused to try, and then wants to blame someone else. I have never believed that my country, or any of my fellow Americans, owe me a living for my troubles. I picked myself up, and made it on my own. I'm not a whiner, a leech, or a quitter, and I have no patience with those who are. I've paid my dues; have you?
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How do you imagine tax rates are set if not by the government? And aren't all taxes, by your "logic" just to determine how much of your income you get to keep?

Not very bright at all, are you?

All taxation is theft. That being said, it's one thing to impose a tax because it's needed to fund the government. It's another to set a tax rate because you want to get those greedy bastards who are having a better time in life than you are.

Furthermore, the last thing our country needs is to send more revenue to Washington.
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So you too are willing to stand against any cuts to HUD or WIC! That's a grand piece of thinking, as my Grandfather would say. Friends of the poor, you and I.

Why do you presume that government handouts help the poor?
Because there is demand for Section Eight rent subsidy in order to get out of homeless shelters. Because a child with a breakfast an lunch in her belly performs better in school. And being fed always helps. How does being hungry help? How does an empty shelf help more than a pantry stocked with baby formula?

You think you've got the market in compassion cornered. But lefties confuse "programs" and "checks" with compassion.. There are very few problems of the poor that are gonna get solved with a check. Churches, private orgs bring counseling and one-on-one time to determine the problems. It takes personal contact to make a diff. NONE of that comes from Wash. DC. And when it does -- people chastize the poor for buying a six pack when they could have bought breakfast for their kids. That's NOT our call is it? They didn't sign up to be mothered..

And with a straight face - OYBama wants to end the charitable deduction. Of all things -- why start with that?

You know the answer my leftist buds... He wants to hamstring the mechanism that competes with govt style compassion and surpasses the effect of free cheese.. Must have been in Alinsky's book somewhere eh??
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"None of you are rich."

<<<<<<< G O N G >>>>>>>

You're wrong!!!

My parents taught that richness was having each other as a family. We had little in the way of money, but we had each other. That was their definition of wealth, and we considered ourselves wealthy just for having each other. Riches is a state of mind, and on account of my parents, I'm richer than a lot of billionaires. I do not support forcing our billionaires, who do worlds of good for needy causes to become less wealthy than their counterparts in royal families overseas. American billionaires have always given generously to the world--Andrew Carnegie put a library in towns throughout America when he passed. Edison started a trend of putting lights in people's homes that started less fires than candles did back when kerosene lamps or tallow and matches were the mainstays of evening light that occasionally became the cause of house fires, especially during the Holiday season when Christmas trees ignited with hot wax that accelerated the fires.

Paying taxes means paying a proportion of your earnings to a government that serves the people and not a government that parses out wealth taken from those who earn it. That kind of government does not fuel the kind of progress the Bill of Rights government engendered by American Revolutionary founders who took seriously their job of planning a government that would always serve equal people.

I like being rich enough to do that--giving and being equal under the rule of law. :)
Why do you presume that government handouts help the poor?
Because there is demand for Section Eight rent subsidy in order to get out of homeless shelters. Because a child with a breakfast an lunch in her belly performs better in school. And being fed always helps. How does being hungry help? How does an empty shelf help more than a pantry stocked with baby formula?

You think you've got the market in compassion cornered. But lefties confuse "programs" and "checks" with compassion.. There are very few problems of the poor that are gonna get solved with a check. Churches, private orgs bring counseling and one-on-one time to determine the problems. It takes personal contact to make a diff. NONE of that comes from Wash. DC. And with a straight face - OYBama wants to end the charitable deduction. Of all things -- why start with that?

You know the answer my leftist buds... He wants to hamstring the mechanism that competes with govt style compassion and surpasses the effect of free cheese.. Must have been in Alinsky's book somewhere eh??

Nah, they don't really think they have the market of "compassion" cornered; hell, they know better. They just like to pretend they do, mostly to salve a guilty conscience, I suspect. I've experienced the Left's so called "compassion", first hand: curses, jeers, and a face full of spit! They have all the compassion of a feeding shark, and all the honesty of a wolf clad in a sheep's hide!
Well I'm not willing to give up my liberty for security...

It will never happen...

They're not for sale - they're innate...
i hope all of the libbs on this board work for a very rich person !! it would be kinda tough expecting paycheck from someone who made the same amount of money as you do !! if you want to be wealthy you have to work like a dog and be smart with your money !! most libbs that are rich were born with t !! most republicans that are rich worked for it !!

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