None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Amazing ain't it?

What's amazing is how naive you are and how senile Buffett appears...

A lot of people are listening to Buffet right now and admire him for what he is doing. He is the only one who doesn't care which party gets the tax issue fixed. He just wants it fixed.

I don't feel like watching the GOP continue to do nothing while our country suffers so. I appreciate Buffet and any other influential person wanting to help the president move this country forward. It's the smart thing to do for all of us.
Amazing ain't it?

What's amazing is how naive you are and how senile Buffett appears...

A lot of people are listening to Buffet right now and admire him for what he is doing. He is the only one who doesn't care which party gets the tax issue fixed. He just wants it fixed.

I don't feel like watching the GOP continue to do nothing while our country suffers so. I appreciate Buffet and any other influential person wanting to help the president move this country forward. It's the smart thing to do for all of us.

We know the left doesn't care about paying taxes because of Gethner and buffett. but before you start robbing more people of their money, shouldn't you at least take care of your own back taxes?
CIVILIZATION is class warfare when it works.

To have a fuctional society requires the exploitation of the many to create a power structure in society.
What's amazing is how naive you are and how senile Buffett appears...

A lot of people are listening to Buffet right now and admire him for what he is doing. He is the only one who doesn't care which party gets the tax issue fixed. He just wants it fixed.

I don't feel like watching the GOP continue to do nothing while our country suffers so. I appreciate Buffet and any other influential person wanting to help the president move this country forward. It's the smart thing to do for all of us.

We know the left doesn't care about paying taxes because of Gethner and buffett. but before you start robbing more people of their money, shouldn't you at least take care of your own back taxes?

You don't know that, it's just another talking point you picked up on the internet. Stop being stupid.
A lot of people are listening to Buffet right now and admire him for what he is doing. He is the only one who doesn't care which party gets the tax issue fixed. He just wants it fixed.

I don't feel like watching the GOP continue to do nothing while our country suffers so. I appreciate Buffet and any other influential person wanting to help the president move this country forward. It's the smart thing to do for all of us.

We know the left doesn't care about paying taxes because of Gethner and buffett. but before you start robbing more people of their money, shouldn't you at least take care of your own back taxes?

You don't know that, it's just another talking point you picked up on the internet. Stop being stupid.

I don't know what? That githerner owed back taxes or buffett owes back taxes? It's in the news if you pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while you might hear about it.
We know the left doesn't care about paying taxes because of Gethner and buffett. but before you start robbing more people of their money, shouldn't you at least take care of your own back taxes?

You don't know that, it's just another talking point you picked up on the internet. Stop being stupid.

I don't know what? That githerner owed back taxes or buffett owes back taxes? It's in the news if you pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while you might hear about it.

You are spreading lies for your precious teaparty. Good job useful tool.
You don't know that, it's just another talking point you picked up on the internet. Stop being stupid.

I don't know what? That githerner owed back taxes or buffett owes back taxes? It's in the news if you pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while you might hear about it.

You are spreading lies for your precious teaparty. Good job useful tool.

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002

Geithner's Tax History Muddles Confirmation -
I don't know what? That githerner owed back taxes or buffett owes back taxes? It's in the news if you pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while you might hear about it.

You are spreading lies for your precious teaparty. Good job useful tool.

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002

Geithner's Tax History Muddles Confirmation -

Berkshire Hathaway, the eighth-largest public company in the world according to Forbes, openly admits to still owing taxes for years 2002 through 2004 and 2005 through 2009, according to the New York Post. The company says it expects to "resolve all adjustments proposed by the US Internal Revenue Service" within the next year.

Teapartiers are so crazy..
I don't know what? That githerner owed back taxes or buffett owes back taxes? It's in the news if you pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while you might hear about it.

You are spreading lies for your precious teaparty. Good job useful tool.

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Owes Taxes Going Back To 2002

Geithner's Tax History Muddles Confirmation -

"I still support him," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) as he emerged from the meeting. "He's a very competent guy."

HaHa. You must not even read this stuff.

"I still support him," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) as he emerged from the meeting. "He's a very competent guy."

HaHa. You must not even read this stuff.

You said I was spreading lies? So which is it? Did Geithner owe back taxes and does Buffett owe back taxes?

"I still support him," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) as he emerged from the meeting. "He's a very competent guy."

HaHa. You must not even read this stuff.

You said I was spreading lies? So which is it? Did Geithner owe back taxes and does Buffett owe back taxes?

You did say he owes back taxes, did you not? This attack on Geitner happened back when he was being confirmed. You should let this one go, it won't end well for you. You have no idea what he owes.

The other lie you picked up was from the NY Post. Notorious for their lies. They are no better than Drudge.
"I still support him," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) as he emerged from the meeting. "He's a very competent guy."

HaHa. You must not even read this stuff.

You said I was spreading lies? So which is it? Did Geithner owe back taxes and does Buffett owe back taxes?

You did say he owes back taxes, did you not? This attack on Geitner happened back when he was being confirmed. You should let this one go, it won't end well for you. You have no idea what he owes.

The other lie you picked up was from the NY Post. Notorious for their lies. They are no better than Drudge.

So you think Geithner is doing a great job???

Btw, often times news organizations report stories that turn out untrue then do a retractions.

If you close yourself off to everything that you don't like you're gonna end up being misinformed. That's what folks like Obama count on.
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Let's face it, Obama isn't trying to get anything done. He's looking for excuses. He wants divisions and he wants scapegoats. He doesn't want to lead because he has no answers.
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

I'm not sure "give" is the proper term, but when I was an employee I didn't work for poor or middle class people. There was always a high earner making decisions. He or she could usually also do my job but I could not do his.
It's been a while since I read them so I'm not sure if I'm recalling from, Roots, or from, Mandingo, but in one of those books there is a dialogue between an older slave and one newly acquired. While instructing the new slave as to what is expected of him the elder makes it clear that slaves can never be masters and the manner in which that point is made implies a kind of natural superiority of the master class.

I'm mentioning this because it popped into my mind while reading your above comment.

Fair enough. In the myopic old worldview of unions, that's true. Always a worker, never an owner. That's not the case these days. I truly loved the day I hired my former boss.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful

Do you think employed people are peasants?
That would depend on what you believe peasants to be. The literal meaning is offensive. But if you are referring mainly to economic status then an increasing percentage of working Americans are indeed peasants in comparison to the emerging neo-aristocracy.

Prosperity is only relative to the envious. My prosperity is defined by what I want and what I can get. It is not defined by what I have compared to someone else.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

You're really clueless. You don't raise taxes in a recession. That's Economics 101. Your guy Obama wants to raise them on people making over $200,000. If he got his way this already weak economic recovery would grind to an immediate halt.
You've got it backward.

The correct formula is one does not reduce taxes in tandem with launching a major military engagement, such as the Iraq invasion and occupation, which is what Bush did. By restoring the tax rate of Bush's "base" of super-rich cronies Obama will be correcting what in fact was a deliberate and very bad mistake.

The effect of raising taxes on the rich will be a redistribution of hoarded wealth, via a jobs program, into the hands of those who will re-circulate-- which is what the stagnant U.S. economy desperately needs.

Raising INCOME taxes will not affect WEALTH at all.
Thats something you'll never comprehend until they decide to come and take what you have for the good of the people.
I pay taxes. I don't consider it an affront to my political belief to pay taxes. I drive on roads. I flush a toilet. I enjoy a level of freedom and security envied throughout the world. And I know none of that comes without cost.

The political hyperbole is mighty fun to spout, ain't it? How about some real consideration. How did this mess get started, and what can we do about it? Increase revenue and cut spending, or just cut spending? And what do you think is the best way to conduct our social contract between citizen and state?
Well, that's mighty noble of you. Now, then while you're being so sanctimonious, why don't you tell us what you know about the REAL cost of freedom; the kind you and your liberal brethren mostly let someone else pay, because you are too good, too smart, too well-educated, and too virtuous to do it? What about it? Ever know what it is to do that?

You want to know why I oppose taking other people's hard-earned money out of spite and envy? You want to know why I demand that government be responsible with its largesse? You want to know why I insist that no tyranny, whether of the majority or the minority, use other people's money to buy votes with? You want to know why I do not support envy and sloth? You want to know why I care about the rights of those who have more than I do?

I'll tell you why; because I spent a year in combat fighting for those rights, for every American, even the ones who cursed me, and kicked me to the curb for it, when I came home; and having done that, I am not about to have any smug, self-righteous, hypocritical, covetous political hack tell me I should NOT support the rights of some Americans, (because they make more money than he thinks they should), to be treated like every other American, when it comes to taxation, or anything else! You don't think that's "fair"? Boo hoo! Was it fair, that some of us went to Vietnam, while others sat on their asses at home? Was it fair, that we were treated like lepers when we came home? How about the struggle to readjust, after all that; was THAT fair? Well, no, but you know what; LIFE ISN'T "FAIR", and I don't want to take what someone else has earned, to supposedly "make it fair". I don't want my government to do that, either. I think I just might have a bit more to legitimately bitch about, than someone who is not successful because he refused to try, and then wants to blame someone else. I have never believed that my country, or any of my fellow Americans, owe me a living for my troubles. I picked myself up, and made it on my own. I'm not a whiner, a leech, or a quitter, and I have no patience with those who are. I've paid my dues; have you?
yeah. I'm sanctimonious.

I had no idea that only veterans could take the moral and intellectual high ground in a debate on taxation.
"I still support him," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) as he emerged from the meeting. "He's a very competent guy."

HaHa. You must not even read this stuff.

You said I was spreading lies? So which is it? Did Geithner owe back taxes and does Buffett owe back taxes?

You did say he owes back taxes, did you not? This attack on Geitner happened back when he was being confirmed. You should let this one go, it won't end well for you. You have no idea what he owes.

The other lie you picked up was from the NY Post. Notorious for their lies. They are no better than Drudge.

Liberals can't read unless it fit's into their agenda. Here's what I said yoiu stupid fucking bitch

We know the left doesn't care about paying taxes because of Gethner and buffett. but before you start robbing more people of their money, shouldn't you at least take care of your own back taxes?

You don't know that, it's just another talking point you picked up on the internet. Stop being stupid.

I don't know what? That githerner owed back taxes or buffett owes back taxes? It's in the news if you pull your head out of obama's ass once in a while you might hear about it.

As for buffett
According to page 56 of the company report, “At December 31, 2010… net unrecognized tax benefits were $1,005 million”, or about $1 billion. “Unrecognized tax benefits represent the company’s potential future obligation to the IRS and other taxing authorities. They have to be recorded in the company’s financial statements.”

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