None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Perhaps because some of us believe that all men are created equal. Think about it and you might figure it out.

That's bullshit!

The creation process might be the same but after that it's pretty much a crapshoot.

Did it occur to you that this great experiment we call the USA was predicated on that principle?
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

I'm not sure "give" is the proper term, but when I was an employee I didn't work for poor or middle class people. There was always a high earner making decisions. He or she could usually also do my job but I could not do his.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful

Do you think employed people are peasants?
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

You're really clueless. You don't raise taxes in a recession. That's Economics 101. Your guy Obama wants to raise them on people making over $200,000. If he got his way this already weak economic recovery would grind to an immediate halt.

What's really sad is that Obama knows only too well that the House will never allow him to impose this tax. He can spout his class warfare stump speech for higher taxes from one end of the country to the other, safe in the knowledge that it won't happen. I say safe, because if it ever WERE to pass? The results would be so bad for the economy that it would completely destroy any chance of reelection for this President.

All this is political hyperbole. Instead of doing something that would actually help the 14 million people who are unemployed in this country, Barack Obama has chosen to play a political game with the economy hoping to be reelected.
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful

You just described these moochers:

[ame=]Obama Town Hall Julio's McDonalds Question - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama at Town Hall Meeting with Henrietta Hughes - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]
Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

I have no issue with the concept of everyone carrying their load. I do have a problem with the concept of lets do a two minute hate on a section of the population and rip them on based on the fact we can outvote them.
Because Dear Leader includes people making $200,000 in with the billionaires.
Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

I have no issue with the concept of everyone carrying their load. I do have a problem with the concept of lets do a two minute hate on a section of the population and rip them on based on the fact we can outvote them.

And I don't know where you're seeing that. I'm not.
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful

Damn son, you just described Obama's socialist fantasy for the US. :clap2:
Liberals vote for benefits, not conservatives, we vote for freedom for eveyone.

Wrong. Conservatives don't want freedom for everyone. Conservatism =/= Libertarianism. Conservatives want economic freedom (at least so they claim), but they don't believe in social freedoms. That's why their Conservative. They want to use law to enforce social Conservative values.

Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

It is stealing when people who don't contribute to society band together to vote more benefits for themselves from the people who do contribute to society. You're taking something that someone else earned. What's "fair" about that?
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful
You describe medieval times.

Today, the rich build factories, employ peasants, pay them for working to produce products (goods and services) to sell to others.

Have you ever been hired by a poor person?

Adding tax burdens to the already overburdened rich will not produce more jobs for the poor. Dipsticks with a static view of the economy have no clue how it really works.

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Liberals vote for benefits, not conservatives, we vote for freedom for eveyone.

Wrong. Conservatives don't want freedom for everyone. Conservatism =/= Libertarianism. Conservatives want economic freedom (at least so they claim), but they don't believe in social freedoms. That's why their Conservative. They want to use law to enforce social Conservative values.


And what, pray tell, is "social freedom"?
Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

If the rich are'nt apying their fair share, why does W. Buffet owe 1 billion in back taxes?

I'd say he is just trying to avoid paying his "fair share". Obama wants them to carry ALL the weight. How is that "fair"?

One more thing... making $250K a year is FAR from being a billionare rdean!

The group that pays nothing gets to enjoy what America has to offer without paying for any of it while the group paying for it all gets to foot the bill.

The kicker is that those pay for nothing think they are entitled to someone elses money fo live.
Oh, Emm Gee.

It is not "stealing" to expect someone to pay their fair share of the taxes. It's just not.

It is stealing when people who don't contribute to society band together to vote more benefits for themselves from the people who do contribute to society. You're taking something that someone else earned. What's "fair" about that?

Haven't you heard? Those people didn't earn anything. They stole the wealth from the little guy and are hoarding it all for themselves. Nope, not a producer or risk taker in the bunch. Their great grandparents were robber barons who cheated folks and have passed their stolen wealth down several generations. Therefore, they should pay reparations to atone for the sins of their family.

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