None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Do you really think people care if you put them on ignore? LOL. Most would appreciate it.
Yeah. You are done. I sat your ass down on a spike in my post above.

Here's the funniest part of your post...not that you'll "get the joke":

You scream intolerance of others while being intolerant. Making a sweeping, unsubstantiated mischaracterization of a large group of people.

Not only that, but you can't fucking read. I'm not a liberal. Your continuous attempts to keep painting me as one make you look like you haven't passed 1st grade reading comprehension.

Yeah, I used "not only that" because the continual point I'm making is that you're a complete fucking moron/partisan shill who is insulated from reality. You're the type of person that spews his load all over the pages of USMB, anesthetized by their own self-importance. You're in this stupor of "libs r so evul. I must protekt the kuntree with my posts" that you dont try to have a real conversation with people.

Here's a tip...I can tell that you're a real shill because you're a bad listener AND you won't try to reach common ground in a conversation. No you won't be giving up your values if you try to understand someone with an opposing viewpoint...or find a basis for agreement with one.

Oh wait. I'm sure you'll call being reasonable some hippie liberal bullshit.

No.When you end your post to me with "Fucking get a life you worthless pile of excrement."...That is intolerance.
Your posts have no basis in fact. You responded for the sole purpose of cursing at me.
And I'm intolerant...Face palm.
Oh I really enjoy reading this...." you're a bad listener AND you won't try to reach common ground in a conversation. ".....Really...All that says is I refuse to see things your way. Based on that you spew insults.
How can I listen to a written word?
I posted several facts in response to your post. Your counterpoint was a bunch of nonsense followed up with colorful metaphors questioning my IQ....
Then to make yourself feel better you claim some sort of "victory"....Please.
The only thing that wins out here is facts.
You go ahead keep those insults and colorful metaphors coming. Goes to credibility. Or in your case, lack thereof.
Ok, your turn...... To flip out.

Riiiiight. You claimed Obama was a socialist. So I went through EXACTLY what socialism REALLY means...instead of your cockamaimy bullshit idea of what you've been told it means.

One of those was the revocation of personal property. You whined "waaaaa I never said he tried to do that waaaaaaa" Uhm yes you did. When you called him a socialist. Either mean what you say or shut the fuck up.

Yeah, I was intolerant...after you pissed me the fuck off with your intolerance. Timing's a bitch isn't it? I give people the chance to be nice and honest and decent. Then they fail and that pisses me off.

Douchebag...written words are secondary to the spoken word. They're a substitute for the spoken word. You can "listen to what I have to say" even when it's written. Which you won't do. You continually fail to be reasonable at all. That's cool. You're part of 99% of USMB that acts that way.

One of the differences between the two of us is that I'm not a partisan shill, while you are. You'll never be able to interpret facts in an unbiased way...making your posts worthless. Oh well. Stay in your dream world where Obama is the evil devil of all that is unholy.

You're NOT a partisan shill? Really? You come in here, defending the liberal democrat party line and Obama's failed policies to the hilt, but you're NOT partisan? You SAY you're a "centrist"; what you are defending says, is that you are a liberal, whatever else you pretend to be. In this case, actions speak louder than mere words, and your actions here say "LIBERAL". I don't care to find common ground with liberals; for one simple reason-I don't trust them. I believe the liberal agenda is NOT in my best interest, therefore, I oppose it, any and all of it. I have ZERO interest in finding common ground, with you, or the party YOU "shill for"-and it's pretty evident which party that is. I firmly believe, that if something walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it's most likely to be...a duck. The only interest I have in the democrat party is that it is my enemy. I do not care to compromise with it, get along with it, or accept its poisonous agenda. My goal, plain and simple, is to get it out of power and keep it out of power. It so happens I don't like the religious right, it also so happens that I don't especially like the republican party either, but I dislike the democrat party more. I am less pro-republican than I am anti-democrat; I wouldn't vote for Jesus Christ if he ran as a democrat; in fact, I would vote for an one-eyed, lop-eared, mangy, flea-ridden, yellow cur dog, before I would EVER consider voting for ANY democrat, because of the tax policies of the democrat party.
"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

Policy or practice based on this theory

(in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism

REGULATED- thus the defibition is every gov't in the world it's so general ANYWAY, since World War II, socialism is always democratic, communism is is never democratic, always put in by violent revolutions.

Socialism is not a political model and authoritarianism is its means of success...

Marxism is a social plan and the economy is socialist...

Without writing a thesis on the topic, has anyone ever heard of Kim Jong il, Stalin, Kim Il sung, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot..

Mao took "socialism" to a batshit crazy level in the late 60's...

Now let me guess - it cant happen here?

IT is you through progressive means.....
Riiiiight. You claimed Obama was a socialist. So I went through EXACTLY what socialism REALLY means...instead of your cockamaimy bullshit idea of what you've been told it means.

One of those was the revocation of personal property. You whined "waaaaa I never said he tried to do that waaaaaaa" Uhm yes you did. When you called him a socialist. Either mean what you say or shut the fuck up.

Yeah, I was intolerant...after you pissed me the fuck off with your intolerance. Timing's a bitch isn't it? I give people the chance to be nice and honest and decent. Then they fail and that pisses me off.

Douchebag...written words are secondary to the spoken word. They're a substitute for the spoken word. You can "listen to what I have to say" even when it's written. Which you won't do. You continually fail to be reasonable at all. That's cool. You're part of 99% of USMB that acts that way.

One of the differences between the two of us is that I'm not a partisan shill, while you are. You'll never be able to interpret facts in an unbiased way...making your posts worthless. Oh well. Stay in your dream world where Obama is the evil devil of all that is unholy.
First you're not intolerant. Now you are. Tough shit if I "pissed you off"...Pity the person who is pissed off by the facts which are not on their side.
What facts did you post? You merely posted counter opinions to the facts.
I never stated not implied anything about relating to "confiscation of property" You stated that.
Obama IS a socialist. He views capitalism as unfair. He opposes the system. He rails on about "wealthy" "Corporate Jets" "tax loopholes" "Fair share" "rich"...These are simply buzz words created to gin up support for his struggle against the producers. He is trying to get votes. Period. Obama says he is a supporter of the middle class. Yet he has done nothing to improve conditions for them. In fact with his health care law, he has made those conditions worse.
Obama believes in big government. Benevolent government. All encompassing government.
Don't tell me he is not socialist. That would be untrue. Obama has freely admitted he supports "single payer" health insurance. That is socialized medicine! But ok, according to you, he's not socialist...
You refer to me as partisan shill. Hello, pot? This is kettle. You're black.
Shut the fuck up....
Reasonable? The only thing you Liberals believe to be reasonable is if everyone agrees with you. Disagreement with one of you intolerant individuals results in the same rants you've delivered here in this thread.
Not only are you a liberal. You are an angry and irrational liberal. Only an irrational and emotional( non thinking) person uses such language to express themselves.
Perhaps you should ask me if I care whether or not you're pissed off....I will give you my response....No....In fact this has been fun for me. I hit the nerve I intended to hit. Got you all lathered up...

There you go again. You're totally insane at this point.

I'm not a liberal.

You called him socialist...that requires the confiscation of property. You keep trying to avoid that.

Look man. You keep trying to paint me into something I'm not.
I keep trying to bring things back to the actual issues. You don't.

Have fun being an unreasonable whacko, not interested in having a decent conversation. Keep repeating the same stuff you have kept repeating in the last 9000 posts about how Im this or that.

None of you can prove he's socialist. But yet you keep using the word.
At least someone has begun the correct method of defining something before you compare it in order to make a conclusion.

Ok so that's not the precise definition of socialism....So what... Obama's policies are still bad for the country and that is why his disapproval rating is approaching 60%.

At least you're finally admitting that he's not socialist now. That's some personal growth there.

I'll try to add a little civility to this conversation.

"spread the wealth around" is what obama said he wants to do and he did say this himself.

He wants to do this by TAXING(Confiscating) money from the rich and giving it(Distributing) to the poor.


This is not socialism; because, socialism is controlled by the COMMUNITY I.E. the people

Obama wants the government to do it which is actually communism.

So wouldn't "spreading the wealth around" Technically make Obama a communist?
Doesn't matter whether you call it communism, socialism, facism, or what. Taking money from people by force to give to others (in reality yourself) is robbery.
No.When you end your post to me with "Fucking get a life you worthless pile of excrement."...That is intolerance.
Your posts have no basis in fact. You responded for the sole purpose of cursing at me.
And I'm intolerant...Face palm.
Oh I really enjoy reading this...." you're a bad listener AND you won't try to reach common ground in a conversation. ".....Really...All that says is I refuse to see things your way. Based on that you spew insults.
How can I listen to a written word?
I posted several facts in response to your post. Your counterpoint was a bunch of nonsense followed up with colorful metaphors questioning my IQ....
Then to make yourself feel better you claim some sort of "victory"....Please.
The only thing that wins out here is facts.
You go ahead keep those insults and colorful metaphors coming. Goes to credibility. Or in your case, lack thereof.
Ok, your turn...... To flip out.

Riiiiight. You claimed Obama was a socialist. So I went through EXACTLY what socialism REALLY means...instead of your cockamaimy bullshit idea of what you've been told it means.

One of those was the revocation of personal property. You whined "waaaaa I never said he tried to do that waaaaaaa" Uhm yes you did. When you called him a socialist. Either mean what you say or shut the fuck up.

Yeah, I was intolerant...after you pissed me the fuck off with your intolerance. Timing's a bitch isn't it? I give people the chance to be nice and honest and decent. Then they fail and that pisses me off.

Douchebag...written words are secondary to the spoken word. They're a substitute for the spoken word. You can "listen to what I have to say" even when it's written. Which you won't do. You continually fail to be reasonable at all. That's cool. You're part of 99% of USMB that acts that way.

One of the differences between the two of us is that I'm not a partisan shill, while you are. You'll never be able to interpret facts in an unbiased way...making your posts worthless. Oh well. Stay in your dream world where Obama is the evil devil of all that is unholy.

You're NOT a partisan shill? Really? You come in here, defending the liberal democrat party line and Obama's failed policies to the hilt, but you're NOT partisan? You SAY you're a "centrist"; what you are defending says, is that you are a liberal, whatever else you pretend to be. In this case, actions speak louder than mere words, and your actions here say "LIBERAL". I don't care to find common ground with liberals; for one simple reason-I don't trust them. I believe the liberal agenda is NOT in my best interest, therefore, I oppose it, any and all of it. I have ZERO interest in finding common ground, with you, or the party YOU "shill for"-and it's pretty evident which party that is. I firmly believe, that if something walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it's most likely to be...a duck. The only interest I have in the democrat party is that it is my enemy. I do not care to compromise with it, get along with it, or accept its poisonous agenda. My goal, plain and simple, is to get it out of power and keep it out of power. It so happens I don't like the religious right, it also so happens that I don't especially like the republican party either, but I dislike the democrat party more. I am less pro-republican than I am anti-democrat; I wouldn't vote for Jesus Christ if he ran as a democrat; in fact, I would vote for an one-eyed, lop-eared, mangy, flea-ridden, yellow cur dog, before I would EVER consider voting for ANY democrat, because of the tax policies of the democrat party.

I'm here to scream my head off at people. I'm not here to understand others. I know it all. No one else here knows anything.

Good to know, dude.

I'm not a shill, but keep telling yourself that.

I'm prolife. I'm pro-gun (even assault rifle). I'm a hardliner on immigration. I'm for lowering the size of government. I could go on and on and on.

But you've already said you won't listen. So to your loud "FUCK YOU" I said "Thank you very much." You've proven that you don't care about truth...otherwise you'd stop labeling me. Oh well. You're just here to yell and act like a complete child.

And you've just shot every one of your future posts in the foot by admitting you are unreasonable - and that no one should ever listen to a fucking word you say. Great job!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
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true, i was just defining the type of robber Obama is. Ideally the proper amount to tax every1 is 0%, its just all about how much money the people of a country want spent on public services, i think less is better liberals think more is better. Just personal taste is all i suppose.
I see where you're going with the 0%. But that'll never happen. Not because dems/libs want to give away their money...but there a so many things that are absolutely necessary for the country to function - national defense, secret service, etc.

I like where your head's at though.
Doesn't matter whether you call it communism, socialism, facism, or what. Taking money from people by force to give to others (in reality yourself) is robbery.

Did we lose the vote in America? Did we lose the ability to vote out legislators who pass laws? When did Obama start passing laws as a President?

There I go again, defending Obama. What a liberal.

Does it ever cross anyone's mind that you can play devil's advocate or simply disagree without being an Obama lover?
Doesn't matter whether you call it communism, socialism, facism, or what. Taking money from people by force to give to others (in reality yourself) is robbery.

Did we lose the vote in America? Did we lose the ability to vote out legislators who pass laws? When did Obama start passing laws as a President?

There I go again, defending Obama. What a liberal.

Does it ever cross anyone's mind that you can play devil's advocate or simply disagree without being an Obama lover?

No we didn't that's why Obama can never get anything passed though, We are lucky to have democrats in office who are against communism or "spreading the wealth around". As for "voting out" legislators, we can only vote on a particular legislator once every 4 years to "vote him out" of office, other then that we can either impeach him or throw a revolution. When it comes down to it politicians make the policies and when Americans get pissed about it we can send them packing, eventually.

I still consider Obama a commi though
You'd have to see some radical changes to the US Constitution.
Otherwise I would state categorically that you are in a parallel universe.
Confiscation?....This is precisely why the people founded this nation left England in the first place. To escape an authoritarian monarchy.
BTW without abolition of the 2nd Amendment and the confiscation ( would have to be by force) of all weapons, you're proposal goes nowhere.
Nice dream for you ,I guess.

At the end of the day you are accusing Obama of being a socialist, when he is far from so.

You don't get to define words, Websters, Collins and Oxford do..

You might not like is policies, and you might want to line those policies up like ducks in a row and pull them apart. That is fine. But don't call it socialism. It is not.

Go live in China or North Korea...then we'll talk about 'socialism"...Hell, even Greece for that matter....

You do yourself, and those that think like you, no favours when you describe something that is clearly not socialism, as socialism...

And what evidence do you present that refutes your claim his is NOT a socialist other than your meaningless word??

I can prove he is a socialist and you cannot prove he isn't..

He is certainly without question a socialist....

Capitalism is his fucking problem - that and a bunch of congress critters...

That stupid motherfucker fails because he actually believed "if only the world worked my way" well guess what - it doesn't....

I'm sick of the "think how i was taught to think" ironic progressives walking up in here and having the audacity to have an opinion on anything....

You all think the same - how is that??

You do as you're told.

Now shut the fuck up....

Is he confiscating your property? no.
Does he want to control the means of production? no

Capitalism CAN be a problem

What do you think caused the meltdown of 2008? I can categorically tell you it wasn't socialism..
You'd have to see some radical changes to the US Constitution.
Otherwise I would state categorically that you are in a parallel universe.
Confiscation?....This is precisely why the people founded this nation left England in the first place. To escape an authoritarian monarchy.
BTW without abolition of the 2nd Amendment and the confiscation ( would have to be by force) of all weapons, you're proposal goes nowhere.
Nice dream for you ,I guess.

At the end of the day you are accusing Obama of being a socialist, when he is far from so.

You don't get to define words, Websters, Collins and Oxford do..

You might not like is policies, and you might want to line those policies up like ducks in a row and pull them apart. That is fine. But don't call it socialism. It is not.

Go live in China or North Korea...then we'll talk about 'socialism"...Hell, even Greece for that matter....

You do yourself, and those that think like you, no favours when you describe something that is clearly not socialism, as socialism...
The dictionary and the ideological definitions are different. Intelligent people know this.
Obama loves China He even said he was so impressed by what government can do if permitted to do so by copying China's road and transit systems.
In any event...let's say for a moment Obama's policies do not quite fit the precise dictionary definition of socialism...So what? The issue here is Obama's belief that the Central government is the answer to everything. He has stated he supports single payer health insurance. Has hired 70 or un elected and accountable to only to him, "Czars"....He has unilaterally ordered the shut down of a legal and legitimate business( oil drilling in the Gulf). Has assisted in passing a law which requires consumers to buy something from the federal government that they may not want( Health insurance) Has threatened the entire coal industry with bankruptcy, has tried and failed to nationalize large banking institutions. Briefly nationalized the largest auto maker in the world....Ok so that's not the precise definition of socialism....So what... Obama's policies are still bad for the country and that is why his disapproval rating is approaching 60%.

He was kicking and screaming about the auto industry. Of course the alternative was so brilliant....:cuckoo: THe first opportunity he got, he got the govt out of the business

Of course he stopped driling in the gulf...had nothing to do with socialism, had to to with oil companies being ecologically bankrupt...

The banking was about bankers being morally bankrupt..

Your basic argument is "Obama didn't want bankers and oilmen having no accountability"...How dare he look out for the American people

Naughty Obama

Oh, and it doesn't even become CLOSE to being socialism...
I see where you're going with the 0%. But that'll never happen. Not because dems/libs want to give away their money...but there a so many things that are absolutely necessary for the country to function - national defense, secret service, etc.

I like where your head's at though.

Yes I know that some spending is needed, but I also know for a fact that we are spending WAY WAAAYYY to much as of right now
Doesn't matter whether you call it communism, socialism, facism, or what. Taking money from people by force to give to others (in reality yourself) is robbery.

So you don't believe in any taxation? I think most people's the degree of taxation that is the problem..

Taxation is fine, It's what my money is being spent on that is not.

And there lies the rub...and I agree too....We all want it spent on what we think is important...
I'm still failing to see the "robbery". Can someone explain that part?

Some people want to live on an island.

To them I say, don't pay taxes, but don't use any utility, or visit any monumnet, or drive on any road that has been tax payer funded...or don't eat any food that has been subsidised by the govt...i could go on...
So you don't believe in any taxation? I think most people's the degree of taxation that is the problem..

Taxation is fine, It's what my money is being spent on that is not.

And there lies the rub...and I agree too....We all want it spent on what we think is important...

I mean I don't really mind losing a quarter of my paycheck to the government, but when the government is fucking up the economy and making it harder and harder to get that paycheck. That's when i got issues.

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