None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Yet again, you demonstrate that your party is full of morons - you being one of them. You state the obvious assuming I have no idea what the limits are.

Moron. Don't be hard on yourself, your just another neocon/teabagger toadie talking BS on a thread...because the current proposals regarding Buffet are NOT about YOUR particular income bracket. You'd know that if you ever got your head out of Limbaugh's ass.

A household income of $250K does not make me rich. Well, YOU don't make over $250K, bunky. And again, the tax increase for that range wouldn't make you poor either, as my link aptly explained. But you obviously didn't read it carefully and comprehensively.

Again, don't be so hard on yourself...just because the Limbaugh shuffle you parrot doesn't cut it in an real discussion is no reason to belittle yourself so. Buck up.
God, you really must enjoy showing us all what a moron you are.

Don't worry, you're with the party of your peers.

Translation: I caught this neocon/teabagger jackasses in a lie....being that he did NOT read the information I posted, being that the "Buffet" tax increase is NOT about the 250K and above folks.

Si modo is just another neocon/teabagger flunkie long on rhetoric but short on honesty and facts, as the chronology of the posts shows.
Again, don't be so hard on yourself...just because the Limbaugh shuffle you parrot doesn't cut it in an real discussion is no reason to belittle yourself so. Buck up.
God, you really must enjoy showing us all what a moron you are.

Don't worry, you're with the party of your peers.

Translation: I caught this neocon/teabagger jackasses in a lie....being that he did NOT read the information I posted, being that the "Buffet" tax increase is NOT about the 250K and above folks.

Si modo is just another neocon/teabagger flunkie long on rhetoric but short on honesty and facts, as the chronology of the posts shows.
I made my millions pimping out left wing faggots to Muslims !!:lol::lol:
Again, don't be so hard on yourself...just because the Limbaugh shuffle you parrot doesn't cut it in an real discussion is no reason to belittle yourself so. Buck up.
God, you really must enjoy showing us all what a moron you are.

Don't worry, you're with the party of your peers.

Translation: I caught this neocon/teabagger jackasses in a lie....being that he did NOT read the information I posted, being that the "Buffet" tax increase is NOT about the 250K and above folks.

Si modo is just another neocon/teabagger flunkie long on rhetoric but short on honesty and facts, as the chronology of the posts shows.
Gee, thanks for letting me know how truly profound your stupidity is.

We'll just add you to the list of folks who rival TM in the smarts.

pssst: I don't listen to Limbaugh and never have.


noun /ˈkämyəˌnizəm/ 

A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

I LOOSELY use the term communism where the public(government) wants to take private(individual's) assets and distribute them throughout the populace, it isn't the precise definition of communism, but it's far to close for comfort. When Obama said he wants to "spread the wealth around" I immediately thought communism. He just hasn't gone as far as to say he wants the government to be in control of peoples wages which is the second important half of communist. So tell me how am I using the term communism incorrectly here?

Raising the top tax rate by 3% is not communism.

It's just good sense.

Are you really this dumb?

You are being dishonest here or ignorant Chris (as usual). What Obama threw on the table is NOT just raising the top INCOME tax bracket.. That's the whole fuss over the "Buffet rule".. They (the socialist class warriors in charge) are also proposing changing the Capital Gains rates and perhaps "other adjustments" pertaining to the rich such as death tax rates. Don't misrepresent the demands that are being made..

We've got one of your "warriors for socialism" (MikeY) on record this thread for having guys with guns confiscate everything over 20Mill!!!

Demonstrates an abject ignorance of how this country functions. Doing that would be a death knell for ANY socially valuable activity that requires capital funding like Symphonies and the arts, Major League Sports, movie industry, and private education to name just a few. But that's the ignorance of the COMMITTED socialists who acknowledge what their goals are.. Not the wannabee leftists who don't know exactly how much socialism they really want.
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Riiiiight. You claimed Obama was a socialist. So I went through EXACTLY what socialism REALLY means...instead of your cockamaimy bullshit idea of what you've been told it means.

One of those was the revocation of personal property. You whined "waaaaa I never said he tried to do that waaaaaaa" Uhm yes you did. When you called him a socialist. Either mean what you say or shut the fuck up.

Yeah, I was intolerant...after you pissed me the fuck off with your intolerance. Timing's a bitch isn't it? I give people the chance to be nice and honest and decent. Then they fail and that pisses me off.

Douchebag...written words are secondary to the spoken word. They're a substitute for the spoken word. You can "listen to what I have to say" even when it's written. Which you won't do. You continually fail to be reasonable at all. That's cool. You're part of 99% of USMB that acts that way.

One of the differences between the two of us is that I'm not a partisan shill, while you are. You'll never be able to interpret facts in an unbiased way...making your posts worthless. Oh well. Stay in your dream world where Obama is the evil devil of all that is unholy.
First you're not intolerant. Now you are. Tough shit if I "pissed you off"...Pity the person who is pissed off by the facts which are not on their side.
What facts did you post? You merely posted counter opinions to the facts.
I never stated not implied anything about relating to "confiscation of property" You stated that.
Obama IS a socialist. He views capitalism as unfair. He opposes the system. He rails on about "wealthy" "Corporate Jets" "tax loopholes" "Fair share" "rich"...These are simply buzz words created to gin up support for his struggle against the producers. He is trying to get votes. Period. Obama says he is a supporter of the middle class. Yet he has done nothing to improve conditions for them. In fact with his health care law, he has made those conditions worse.
Obama believes in big government. Benevolent government. All encompassing government.
Don't tell me he is not socialist. That would be untrue. Obama has freely admitted he supports "single payer" health insurance. That is socialized medicine! But ok, according to you, he's not socialist...
You refer to me as partisan shill. Hello, pot? This is kettle. You're black.
Shut the fuck up....
Reasonable? The only thing you Liberals believe to be reasonable is if everyone agrees with you. Disagreement with one of you intolerant individuals results in the same rants you've delivered here in this thread.
Not only are you a liberal. You are an angry and irrational liberal. Only an irrational and emotional( non thinking) person uses such language to express themselves.
Perhaps you should ask me if I care whether or not you're pissed off....I will give you my response....No....In fact this has been fun for me. I hit the nerve I intended to hit. Got you all lathered up...

There you go again. You're totally insane at this point.

I'm not a liberal.

You called him socialist...that requires the confiscation of property. You keep trying to avoid that.

Look man. You keep trying to paint me into something I'm not.
I keep trying to bring things back to the actual issues. You don't.

Have fun being an unreasonable whacko, not interested in having a decent conversation. Keep repeating the same stuff you have kept repeating in the last 9000 posts about how Im this or that.

None of you can prove he's socialist. But yet you keep using the word.
At least someone has begun the correct method of defining something before you compare it in order to make a conclusion.

Ok so that's not the precise definition of socialism....So what... Obama's policies are still bad for the country and that is why his disapproval rating is approaching 60%.

At least you're finally admitting that he's not socialist now. That's some personal growth there.
I admit nothing. Obama presides as a socialist and just because he doesn't the precise Oxford definition of a socialist does not mean he isn't . You're hair splitting because you are incorrect. You are fearful that the man whom you've attached yourself to his coat tails, is failing miserably at keeping the promises he made to the American people during his campaign. Do you really think Obama's historically low approval ratings are some made up right wing coup against him? Or is it that the job Obama is doing is just fine but it's because of his heritage? Both these lame defenses have come from the Left.
I will never agree with you. You're a Lefty. We have nothing in common. You people do not have the best interests of this nation in mind.
I'll allow you the chance to "bring this back to the issues"...I won't hold my breath.
And please, don't try agreeing with me just to agree. You have your ideology and that's that.
You're the one who fired off with the foul language then tried to tell me I was intolerant. I really don't see the possibility of you discussing issues.
You may not consider yourself a lib. But you post lib. You side with the libs. You support Obama's socialist/big government policies.
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful
You describe medieval times.

Today, the rich build factories, employ peasants, pay them for working to produce products (goods and services) to sell to others.

Have you ever been hired by a poor person?

Adding tax burdens to the already overburdened rich will not produce more jobs for the poor. Dipsticks with a static view of the economy have no clue how it really works.


Neal Boortz
Riiiiight. You claimed Obama was a socialist. So I went through EXACTLY what socialism REALLY means...instead of your cockamaimy bullshit idea of what you've been told it means.

One of those was the revocation of personal property. You whined "waaaaa I never said he tried to do that waaaaaaa" Uhm yes you did. When you called him a socialist. Either mean what you say or shut the fuck up.

Yeah, I was intolerant...after you pissed me the fuck off with your intolerance. Timing's a bitch isn't it? I give people the chance to be nice and honest and decent. Then they fail and that pisses me off.

Douchebag...written words are secondary to the spoken word. They're a substitute for the spoken word. You can "listen to what I have to say" even when it's written. Which you won't do. You continually fail to be reasonable at all. That's cool. You're part of 99% of USMB that acts that way.

One of the differences between the two of us is that I'm not a partisan shill, while you are. You'll never be able to interpret facts in an unbiased way...making your posts worthless. Oh well. Stay in your dream world where Obama is the evil devil of all that is unholy.

You're NOT a partisan shill? Really? You come in here, defending the liberal democrat party line and Obama's failed policies to the hilt, but you're NOT partisan? You SAY you're a "centrist"; what you are defending says, is that you are a liberal, whatever else you pretend to be. In this case, actions speak louder than mere words, and your actions here say "LIBERAL". I don't care to find common ground with liberals; for one simple reason-I don't trust them. I believe the liberal agenda is NOT in my best interest, therefore, I oppose it, any and all of it. I have ZERO interest in finding common ground, with you, or the party YOU "shill for"-and it's pretty evident which party that is. I firmly believe, that if something walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it's most likely to be...a duck. The only interest I have in the democrat party is that it is my enemy. I do not care to compromise with it, get along with it, or accept its poisonous agenda. My goal, plain and simple, is to get it out of power and keep it out of power. It so happens I don't like the religious right, it also so happens that I don't especially like the republican party either, but I dislike the democrat party more. I am less pro-republican than I am anti-democrat; I wouldn't vote for Jesus Christ if he ran as a democrat; in fact, I would vote for an one-eyed, lop-eared, mangy, flea-ridden, yellow cur dog, before I would EVER consider voting for ANY democrat, because of the tax policies of the democrat party.

I'm here to scream my head off at people. I'm not here to understand others. I know it all. No one else here knows anything.

Good to know, dude.

I'm not a shill, but keep telling yourself that.

I'm prolife. I'm pro-gun (even assault rifle). I'm a hardliner on immigration. I'm for lowering the size of government. I could go on and on and on.

But you've already said you won't listen. So to your loud "FUCK YOU" I said "Thank you very much." You've proven that you don't care about truth...otherwise you'd stop labeling me. Oh well. You're just here to yell and act like a complete child.

And you've just shot every one of your future posts in the foot by admitting you are unreasonable - and that no one should ever listen to a fucking word you say. Great job!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Yes of course...Everyone is a partisan shill. And even though you stick to your defense of Obama, you think you get a hall pass on partisanship because you claim to hold some conservative views. Horse shit.
You're every bit a partisan as anyone else. You're worse because you are too chicken shit to admit it. You're a witness.
The only thing you go on and on about is defending Obama and his policies.
I'm still failing to see the "robbery". Can someone explain that part?
When government takes our money and then throws it down a rat hole..then claims they need more without a scintilla of accountability, we call that theft.
Everyone with an interest in what government can "get them" has an interest in seeing taxes increased. These are the nearly 50% of us who have zero federal income tax liability. Ones that work who expect others to foot the bill for what they want.
These are the "redistributionists".
They see government as their meal ticket and they don't care how it gets to them as long as they are clear of responsibility.
It is time for certain people to pay their "fair share"....I agree. Let's start taxing those who pay nothing. If one wishes to benefit from the system, let them participate in the system.
Here's an example of "stop taking and start contributing".
DHS cuts off 18,000 college students from food stamps | Michigan Messenger
Tell us about the times any of your family got hired by poor people. We need jobs. Not their money.
You claimed Obama was a socialist.

He is a socialist or worse! Just ask the CPUSA!!

Obama said, in his biography, he gravitated to Marxist professors in college, he had a Marxist preacher best friend for 20 years, said in his auto biography that when he worked on Wall Street he felt as if "he had parachuted behind enemy lines", was more liberal in the Senate the Bernie Sanders (an open socialist) and now, despite 200 years of gov't growth, his deficits will be bigger than all other American presidents combined, and, he also wants perhaps absolute control over health care (already mostly controlled by gov't), banking, and the auto industry.

Through Frank Marshall Davis,( Communist Party number: 47544) Obama had an admitted deep and prolonged relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path.
But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just "Frank."

Bernie Saunders is a Democrat and an open socialist. Obama is to the left of Saunders based on his voting record in the Senate.

Oleg Klugian (head of KGB in cold war) said that when he wanted to recruit spies he looked among the liberals. When FDR's liberals went to the USSR they came back on a ship named the "Leviathan" to report, "they had seen the future and it worked."

Then of course BO appointed at least 4 communists: Mark Lloyd (supporter of communist revolution in Venezuela) and Van Jones who said "give them the wealth, give them the wealth," and Annita Dunn who said, "Mao is my favorite philosopher" , and Bloom who said, "free markets are nonsense."

Obama: the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties....... it doesn’t say what the federal government [our genius founders forgot?] or the state government must do on your behalf.

I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive [Marxist] change.

Obama: "I think we can say that the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, and that the Framers had that same blind spot."

Obama: the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties....... it doesn't say what the federal government [our genius founders forgot?] or the state government must do on your behalf.

In an article titled "The Impossible is Now Possible: Assessing the Obama Presidency," executive vice chair of the Communist Party United States, Jarvis Tyner hailed the President's "drive to the left." "The health care bill, the stimulus package, the cap-and-trade bill, the elimination of secret elections for union representation-it's a program we dared not dream possible only a year ago," Tyner wrote. "But now it's on the verge of becoming the new blueprint for a truly socialist America."

A quick visit to the CPUSA website yields:

"In some ways last night's State of the Union address by President Obama was a virtuoso performance. There were stirring moments, memorable turns of phrase, humor, a defense of activist government, and proposals that will be welcomed, and surely help, millions of people in need." Obama State of the Union: He got the ball rolling » cpusa

And, if all that is not enough BO wrote a book called " Dreams From my Father". His father was a drunken suicidal Marxist who dreamed to free the world from American imperialism. His mother married 2 communists and urged BO to follow is communist bio dad.

And lets not forget that BO is openly for single payer socialist health care!!

And lets not foget his mother married 2 communits!!
You can consider using tax payer money for something the tax payers don't want stealing from the people. Also spreading the wealth I.E. taking money from a rich person and giving it strait to a poor person is basically stealing.

It's not the best term to use though, I'll stick to communism.

All taxation is theft.


What you are saying is treason.

Oh really? So now, in the Democratik People's Republik of Amerika (as you would style it) I suppose any failure to parrot the party line of the Dear Leader is "treason" according to you. Well then, in the words of Patrick Henry, "If this be treason, let us make to most of it!" I've sworn no oath to your Dear Leader, only to the constitution he has no apparent regard for. That constitution I will defend, whether YOU, your party, or your Dear Leader like it, or not. Your Dear Leader is an avowed Marxist, and I will continue to point that out.
If someone was stuck in the ditch and needed help I would first want to know if they were rich. If they were a billionaire, I try to push them in farther. Just my good side.
Your Dear Leader is an avowed Marxist, and I will continue to point that out.

well, the CPUSA sure likes BO; he did vote the the left of Bernie Sanders, he did have two communist parents, and Rev. Wright and Frank Marshal Davis were communists.
If someone was stuck in the ditch and needed help I would first want to know if they were rich. If they were a billionaire, I try to push them in farther. Just my good side.

good idea!!! keep them all in a ditch and rely on the Girl Scouts to invent products and provide jobs
Well maybe I'd ask if he was going to be a complete coward and send his jobs overseas so he didnt have to pay for the production of his product. If he said yes, then I'd push him farther. Obviously he could never fend for himself in a situation such as this.
Well maybe I'd ask if he was going to be a complete coward and send his jobs overseas so he didnt have to pay for the production of his product. If he said yes, then I'd push him farther. Obviously he could never fend for himself in a situation such as this.

again near perfect liberal ignorance. The rich manufacture overseas because they are slaves to their customers who buy the lowest price. You hate people as consumers but lack the IQ to know you are being manipulated into senselessly hating the rich by standard Marxism!!

Its way over your head I'm sure!! You are the perfect liberal.
If someone was stuck in the ditch and needed help I would first want to know if they were rich. If they were a billionaire, I try to push them in farther. Just my good side.

Only a leftwing turd would ask someone how much money they had before pulling them out of ditch.
If someone was stuck in the ditch and needed help I would first want to know if they were rich. If they were a billionaire, I try to push them in farther. Just my good side.
You represent the American Left very well with that.
You show your intolerance, your prejudice and your ignorance.
You show your hypocrisy and the your image of compassion is a fraud.
You are a bitter angry narrow minded liberal.

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