Noooow Heeeear this! Seattle U Students Occupy Office, Demand School To ‘Decentralize Whiteness’

Again, you're fine with what's happening to our society, and I understand that you're going to minimize the overall importance of each individual example.

Hey, maybe you could point out that place in time when our society hasn't been changing?

I am old enough to remember the claims made as to.what the hippies were going to do to our society. Destroy it was the word.

Did it happen? The changes were bigger and more encompassing than the changes we

But we survived. And we will survive this group of college kids as well. Or at least I will survive. You I don't know about. You seem pretty upset about these new changes.

And yes, change is harder to accept for some than others.
But try and deal with it.
Again, you're fine with what's happening to our society, and I understand that you're going to minimize the overall importance of each individual example.

Hey, maybe you could point out that place in time when our society hasn't been changing?

I am old enough to remember the claims made as to.what the hippies were going to do to our society. Destroy it was the word.

Did it happen? The changes were bigger and more encompassing than the changes we

But we survived. And we will survive this group of college kids as well. Or at least I will survive. You I don't know about. You seem pretty upset about these new changes.

And yes, change is harder to accept for some than others.
But try and deal with it.
Since you don't know me, you don't know how I'm dealing with anything.

I'm just observing. But I certainly do appreciate your concern.
Since you don't know me, you don't know how I'm dealing with anything.

Here is what I do know about you.

You couldn't point out in time when our society wasn't in a state of change. Matter of fact, you ignored the question.

Says a lot about you and your integrity in discussing what is an important issue to you.
Since you don't know me, you don't know how I'm dealing with anything.

Here is what I do know about you.

You couldn't point out in time when our society wasn't in a state of change. Matter of fact, you ignored the question.

Says a lot about you and your integrity in discussing what is an important issue to you.

Here: Societies are constantly in a state of change.

What a brave, bold, shocking statement. What an anthropological breakthrough!

Of course, it's the nature of the change that is the point, but don't let me slow down your schtick.

You like what's happening. Good.
You don't care because you're fine with it.
I take it that these college kids actions are a problem for you or someone you know. Is that correct?
Their actions are merely another example of our the splintering of our society.

I do realize that an effective tactic of the Regressive Left is, what I call, "isolation". You take an event and minimize it by ignoring the fact that it's part of a much larger trend. You isolate it down to irrelevance by concentrating on it alone.

Again, you're fine with what's happening to our society, and I understand that you're going to minimize the overall importance of each individual example.
It would seem the Elite Left wants and is diligently working to splinter American society into a thousand pieces. Then remake into their Utopian vision. You Lenin and Mao did.
Whatever their end game is, they're succeeding so far.
They have been winning for decades. How much more can the nation take, before it explodes?
Of course, it's the nature of the change that is the point, but don't let me slow down your schtick.

The nature of the change eh?

Why don't you point out how this round of change is so harmful to our society in general?

And seeing as how you don't know me, its incorrect to state that I like the changes I see. However I do accept change better than you. Fact.
You don't care because you're fine with it.
I take it that these college kids actions are a problem for you or someone you know. Is that correct?
Their actions are merely another example of our the splintering of our society.

I do realize that an effective tactic of the Regressive Left is, what I call, "isolation". You take an event and minimize it by ignoring the fact that it's part of a much larger trend. You isolate it down to irrelevance by concentrating on it alone.

Again, you're fine with what's happening to our society, and I understand that you're going to minimize the overall importance of each individual example.
It would seem the Elite Left wants and is diligently working to splinter American society into a thousand pieces. Then remake into their Utopian vision. You Lenin and Mao did.
Whatever their end game is, they're succeeding so far.
They have been winning for decades. How much more can the nation take, before it explodes?
Well, I don't think it will be an explosion, it will be more of a "clunk". The splintering is feeding on itself
Of course, it's the nature of the change that is the point, but don't let me slow down your schtick.

The nature of the change eh?

Why don't you point out how this round of change is so harmful to our society in general?

And seeing as how you don't know me, its incorrect to state that I like the changes I see. However I do accept change better than you. Fact.
I can see how important my opinions and posts are to you, but I'm afraid I don't care enough about your opinion to put much effort into this.

I think we're better off, as a country, not divided by skin color and all the other elements of Identity Politics.

If you're not willing to intellectually work your way through that statement, that's the way it goes.
This utter loser wilbur is just showing how it all happens. We all learned about the mass murders through out history. The Bolsheviks, the red army, the Khmer Rouge (red scarfs), the brown shirts, etc etc.

All of the tyrannical leaders promised the poor (useful idiots as Stalin would call them) to make their situations better. All pitting the rich against the poor and using the scapegoat to gain them seats of power.

Every generation is seduced by the same robin hood fairy tale. We all wonder how those societies ALLOWED it to happen. We all wondered how it got to that point it did.

Well, we are seeing it. Slow progress. Seduction of the poor ignorant minds. Freedoms being ripped away and the MEDIA (key to the success of the diabolical movement) all slanting information and beating our heads with lie after lie. Enough to make Goebbels proud and proving his philosophy true.

Slanted lessons in history and omitting other aspects. "Black History Month" for example. Nearly every lesson learned is some slant showing blacks as victims and ONLY victims of the mean white right America. They certainly would NEVER EVER have us learn about the true Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Wonder why we would not learn about the full history of that.

The skinny smoking lying marxist snake in the white house is playing the Saul Alinsky book perfectly. I am just wondering when the liar will stick the matador into the country before he leaves office. What I do know is the Iran nuclear deal was an utter lie and a crime of high treason.

The pieces of the GREAT TRIBULATION are being put in place. Get ready. It is almost no point even trying to convince anyone of the truth anymore. The myth of Sisyphus comes to mind when trying to convince any of these committed sheep of anything.

Those who don't learn from history.........

Watch whole video and keep wondering how it happens.
can see how important my opinions and posts are to you, but I'm afraid I don't care enough about your opinion to put much effort into this.

How typical of you. Post a bunch of your Bullshit then can't back it up or defend it.

Hell you can't have a conversation about what it is you believe is happening.

Very typical of all right wing assholes. Which you will immediately claim you ain't no right winger asshole.

You just an asshole. LMAO.

Carry on with being offended by a group of college students. It's a real big deal, to you.
can see how important my opinions and posts are to you, but I'm afraid I don't care enough about your opinion to put much effort into this.
How typical of you. Post a bunch of your Bullshit then can't back it up or defend it.

Hell you can't have a conversation about what it is you believe is happening.

Very typical of all right wing assholes. Which you will immediately claim you ain't no right winger asshole.

You just an asshole. LMAO.

Carry on with being offended by a group of college students. It's a real big deal, to you.
Thank you for the permission.

And the leg humping and personal insults and name-calling and "isolation" tactic, which always so vividly prove my point about people like you.
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A group of students at Seattle University have taken over a university dean’s office, saying they won’t leave unless the dean resigns and the school grants a set of demands that would heavily politicize the humanities curriculum.

Matteo Ricci College is one of eight schools at Seattle University, and focuses on the study of humanities. But the students who have taken over dean Jodi Kelly’s office say the college’s current curriculum is utterly stifling, and they have published a lengthy list of demands for changes.

Read more: Seattle U Students Occupy Office, Demand School To ‘Decentralize Whiteness’

Just in case you needed another reason to despise the left more than you did.

"The curriculum should be taught by “professors of color and queer professors” and should place particular emphasis not on traditional educational concepts but instead on “racism, gentrification, sexism, colonialism, imperialism, global white supremacy, and other ethical questions about systems of power.”


Isn't it? I mean, what better way to teach about the evils of systems of power, than to force a new system of power down everyone's throat?
Why don't you ask all the veterans who got spat in the face when they came back from Vietnam whether it was a big deal.

LMAO. Did you ask all the veterans coming back from Vietnam?
What an asinine comment.

Then you think there are parallels between the two events? Thats retarded..

And good ole snopes says you are full of shit about what you claim.

"Ask all the veterans" LMAO.
Hey, you do the asking and report back.
Why don't you ask all the veterans who got spat in the face when they came back from Vietnam whether it was a big deal.

LMAO. Did you ask all the veterans coming back from Vietnam?
What an asinine comment.

Then you think there are parallels between the two events? Thats retarded..

And good ole snopes says you are full of shit about what you claim.

"Ask all the veterans" LMAO.
Hey, you do the asking and report back.

I did ask them all, actually. I've got them on speed dial. Would you like to know the results?

College students protesting is a big deal = 67.4%
Protesting college students need a spanking = 83.3%
Would hit it with Jon Snow's Wildling girl if they were a younger man = 97.6%
Wouldn't hit it because they're gay = 2.4%
Wilbur Right is a whiny little bitch = 100%
Wilbur. You are correct in that change is coming. It is coming in the form of Donald Trump for President so please don't complain when change arrives. I call it emotional physics: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The pathetic leftist movement of whiny bitches has become so rediculous to the majority that we are willing to elect the most outrageous amongst us to stop this bullshit from continuing.

Don't be too upset when Trump easily beats the Beast. It is an inevitable as your self-loathing panty wearing little girly-boys crying about how evil their white skin is and how they wish they where not born into such high privilege. A bigger case of mass confusion has never existed.

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