NorCal Couple Finds $10M In Gold Coins;

This just in. It turns out that they are actually the gold colored foil covered chocolate coins that they sell around Easter time. They were buried last week for some guy's children's Easter egg hunt....
My conscience informs me what's proper to do with found money. As a kid I found someone's wallet with $28 in it (and ID.) By all rights I could have returned it, but I didn't. As I recall I went to 7-11 and bought a ton of candy. But to this day I feel bad (so bad I remember it.) And that was just $28. $10M? Not hard to know what's proper. :)

When I was a teen I went to an amusement park and when I got on a ride I found a wallet with about $600 in it sitting on the seat. When I got off the ride, I walked to the customer service desk and handed them the wallet. I figured it was someones vacation money and losing it would ruin their vacation

and.., just what makes you feeeeeel they done the right thing in finding the owner ??????? :lmao:
May Be Greatest Buried Treasure Ever Found In U.S.

Wow! How many of their neighbors are now going to rush out and dig up every inch of their property?

And, how can they keep them? Will the government claim them? Read more with videos @ NorCal Couple Finds $10M In Gold Coins; May Be Greatest Buried Treasure Ever Found In U.S. « CBS San Francisco


Find a few bucks, then congratulations. But finding millions someone obviously buried I'd try to find out who it belongs to and return it. Rather be thanked and possibly rewarded with my honor intact than basicly steal something because it's on my property.
BS I buy a piece of property I own what's on/in it. 'Water rights/mineral rights' excepted.....sometimes.
I love your typical LIB 'selective sense of morality/honor. At what amount of money does your morality/honor kick in? Anything over ten bucks/hundred bucks/thousand bucks?
"Will you give me a 'BJ' for five bucks?" NO WAY!!!!!! "Will you give me a 'BJ" for ten thousand bucks?" "Do you have the money in cash on you?"
Five bucks or ten thousand bucks you are still selling your morality/honor.
Take your head out of your phony self righteous ass pal.

Five bucks or ten thousand bucks you are still a :suck: :lmao: ... :lmao:
May Be Greatest Buried Treasure Ever Found In U.S.

Wow! How many of their neighbors are now going to rush out and dig up every inch of their property?

And, how can they keep them? Will the government claim them? Read more with videos @ NorCal Couple Finds $10M In Gold Coins; May Be Greatest Buried Treasure Ever Found In U.S. « CBS San Francisco


That IS a unique story. Since they own the land, I would hope the coins remain their property, they purchased. I would love to know the history of the good find.

Depends on who put them there and why...

oooh ! i am fairly certain with all the publicity, the facts will eventually come out.
The people who found this money should have kept quiet. The govt will say they lost it 100 years ago. Indian tribes will say the same. All sorts of scum will say they lost it. I bet the idiots end up with nothing.

If you find something, shut up.

Yeah, I was going to say that. There is nothing easier to unload than gold coins. No one would even ask where they came from.
The blind greed of progressives truly knows no bounds.

No more greedy than conservitives claiming property that is not their property.
You mean like in eminent domain abuse, more often than not perpetrated by progressives?

Anyways. the cache of coins was found on their own private property. No conservative is laying any claim to them.

nor demand they pay any tax..., but being loyal liberals as i suspect they are, they will gladly give all they can to everyone but the poor starving widow with 6 kids, all under 12 y.o. living in a two room shack with a leaky roof near the rat infested city dump which is across the dirt road from the city sewage plant that also has two slaughter houses and a tanning factory about half mile away.
I doubt very much they will get to keep these coins.
Progressives will piss and moan and make a big stink that they didn't "earn"
this widfall and that it should belong to government.

What will government do with the proceeds from the sale of these coins...
What government does best.
Spend the fuck out of it....
No more greedy than conservitives claiming property that is not their property.
You mean like in eminent domain abuse, more often than not perpetrated by progressives?

Anyways. the cache of coins was found on their own private property. No conservative is laying any claim to them.

Give it time, people don't just discard priceless gold coins.
Time to wake up pal. Whoever hide those coins did NOT "discard" them ass hole.
They put them somewhere where only they knew. They obviously had a reason. It likely being to keep the gold out of the hands of the fucking government who had passed a law restricting private possession of gold. The gold owner was saying 'fuck you' to the government. Then whoever hide the coins died or for some reason could not get back to the coins.
I say whoever found the coins ought to have honored the previous owners wish and kept the coins away from the government.
What's Bobo going to do with the coins? Sell them to pay for another golf vacation.
I say whoever found the coins ought to have honored the previous owners wish and kept the coins away from the government.

i agree 1000% :up:

i would bet $1000.00 that the folks who found the gold coins are 100% liberal, THAT ! is why they went public with their find.
How could they be stupid enough to announce this find?

They could have sold off a coin or two (I'm told the nuismesmic values are very high) and none's the wiser.

Now their gonna pay serious taxes and face who knows what kind of legal shark attacks?
How could they be stupid enough to announce this find?

They could have sold off a coin or two (I'm told the nuismesmic values are very high) and none's the wiser.

Now their gonna pay serious taxes and face who knows what kind of legal shark attacks?

If you had $10000 in gold you could do that. $10 million and you are going to draw attention to yourself and face serious jail time
You mean like in eminent domain abuse, more often than not perpetrated by progressives?

Anyways. the cache of coins was found on their own private property. No conservative is laying any claim to them.

Give it time, people don't just discard priceless gold coins.
Time to wake up pal. Whoever hide those coins did NOT "discard" them ass hole.
They put them somewhere where only they knew. They obviously had a reason. It likely being to keep the gold out of the hands of the fucking government who had passed a law restricting private possession of gold. The gold owner was saying 'fuck you' to the government. Then whoever hide the coins died or for some reason could not get back to the coins.
I say whoever found the coins ought to have honored the previous owners wish and kept the coins away from the government.
What's Bobo going to do with the coins? Sell them to pay for another golf vacation.

ass hole? ok internet tough guy :lol: Maybe the coins were stolen from someone. Anyway they should be returned to the rightful owners,if no one can be found the finders can keep them.
The blind greed of progressives truly knows no bounds.

No more greedy than conservitives claiming property that is not their property.
You mean like in eminent domain abuse, more often than not perpetrated by progressives?

Anyways. the cache of coins was found on their own private property. No conservative is laying any claim to them.

Keystone Pipeline eminent domain abuse is being perpetrated by conservatives.
No more greedy than conservitives claiming property that is not their property.
You mean like in eminent domain abuse, more often than not perpetrated by progressives?

Anyways. the cache of coins was found on their own private property. No conservative is laying any claim to them.

Keystone Pipeline eminent domain abuse is being perpetrated by conservatives.
Keystone pipeline isn't eminent domain abuse.

Razing neighborhoods for commercial projects, which end up going to politically connected cronies is.

Anything else I can clear up for you?

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