Nord Stream and Germany's shrinking economy


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
In one point the guy is wrong.
Germany hasn't shrinking economy, sooner a dying one.
Without cheap Russian gas supply and atomare electricity it will lose most of economy branches within 3 - 5 years.
An indeed good job of Scholz & Co, the best friends of USA since the last three hundred years

Hardly. Germany is climbing out of Russian oil dependency without much damage.


now Germany must pay four times more expensive 'democratic' prices.

The German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BVMW) is reporting that almost one in five member companies is considering relocating at least some elements of production to sites abroad. Meanwhile, the chemical industry is warning of an industry exodus due to high energy prices.

Germany’s heavy-industry sector has mostly been concerned about the price of energy, especially gas, in the country, with many organisations looking to move abroad to cut costs.

It's the Derivatives situation that will sink the US with an EU domino effect and Germany probably at greatest risk because its banks are weakest in terms of the vast sums owed that cannot and will not be repaid .

Once the Russians and Chinese halt all further liquidity sources for the US , it is curtains for the Land of the Fat Heads .

Here you are talking to a couple of Trolls from the same Troll House and neither have any grasp of financial matters -- just parrots repeating nonsense

Come on Horsey , Horsey and Nazi Troll Winkle .
Look up the meaning of Derivatives and see how many trillions have been created that are actually just figments of banker's imaginations with a net real value of zero .

Once BRICS24 moves the world to a gold standard it is Game Over .
In one point the guy is wrong.
Germany hasn't shrinking economy, sooner a dying one.
Without cheap Russian gas supply and atomare electricity it will lose most of economy branches within 3 - 5 years.
An indeed good job of Scholz & Co, the best friends of USA since the last three hundred years ...

Forget it, Russian. This game is over. Germany gave Russia all chances to live in peace with everyone. Sure we have to pay now for our wrong trust in Russia. But that's the way it is. Putin decided to make everything wrong when he attacked Europe in the Ukraine. This means you made whole Europe to your problem.

By the way: The crisis which you caused seems to be a little bigger than you seem to think. Although we have a crisis now we came back to place 3 of world economy. Lots of nations seem to need help.
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A prominent German politician made wise remarks on the war in Ukraine.

"The idea of weakening Russia militarily, politically, and economically so that it can no longer threaten us is an attitude that goes back to the 19th century. This lays the groundwork for further conflicts."

The Prime Minister of the German state of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, said that Ukraine should come to terms with the occupation of its territories by Russia. This, in his opinion, will ensure a truce and a cease-fire. “Perhaps, in the event of a ceasefire, Ukraine will first have to admit that certain territories are temporarily inaccessible to Ukraine,” Spiegel quoted Kretschmer as saying.

"The idea of weakening Russia militarily, politically, and economically so that it can no longer threaten us is an attitude that goes back to the 19th century. This lays the groundwork for further conflicts."

It will be conflicts, a lot of new ones.
Germany is a thousands year old enemy of Russians, it will be no business as usual even after Putin, even after hundred years.
The country did anything possible to piss on Russia anywhere it can.
It will be conflicts, a lot of new ones.
Germany is a thousands year old enemy of Russians,

From 1933-1945 before you wan world war 2 against the rest of the world?

it will be no business as usual even after Putin,


even after hundred years.


The country did anything possible to piss on Russia anywhere it can.

We offered peace - you chose war. Now you will have to live with "your own" decisions. And the rest of the world will have to find a way now to live with or withpout Russia. Currently I would say very most nations of the world - if not all nations at all - prefer to live without Putinia.
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The economy will grow quickly now that is no longer dependent on Rus piss.
exactly, they are moving away from industrial to high - end , high - teach economy . Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians , Rumanians, Georgians will do industrial goods

by the way, you like the history like me, dont call Muscovites for Rus´, this name belong to Ukrainians

background :

From 1933-1945 before you wan world war 2 against the rest of the world?



We offered peace - you chose war. Now you will have to live with "your own" decisions. And the rest of the world will have to find a way now to live with or withpout Russia. Currently I would say very most nations of the world - if not all nations at all - prefer to live without Putinia.

Before Scholz & Merkel Germany was the best friend of Russia who completely opened its market to German goods and sold natural resources much cheaper as to Belarus or Kazakhstan.
Now any relations are irreparable and completely destroyed, you can tell anything you want but for almost all Russians Germany is an enemy number one, even USA is number three after Ukraine.
The 'government' of Scholz, Baerbock & Co has did a 'good' job for Germans, Russians are well aware Germany is a traitorous backstabber and trust is gone.
I don't think it can be a rapprochement between Germany and Russia in this century, even if the next Russian governemnet will desire it.
All Russians families suffered through exported from Germany Lenin, WWI, WWII and now Germany is a main financier of the war in Ukraine which has costs more as 200,000 lives of Russians.
Even Hitler is no so hated by Russians as Scholz with his 'cabinet'

Here is my prophecy:

1. In five years Russia and China will build an union
2. One currency and free trade between China and Russia in seven - ten years
3. A construction like EU in 10 - 15 years.

By the way.
As 'thank' your beloved Ukrainians will cut off the last gas pipellinie from Russia to Germany in the next year.
Your dream is fulfilled, nothing comes from Russia to Germany anymore.
Enjoy four times higher 'democratic' LNG gas prices from USA and see how your industry is gone
Before Scholz & Merkel Germany was the best friend of Russia who completely opened its market to German goods and sold natural resources much cheaper as to Belarus or Kazakhstan.
Now any relations are irreparable and completely destroyed, you can tell anything you want but for almost all Russians Germany is an enemy number one, even USA is number three after Ukraine.
The 'government' of Scholz, Baerbock & Co has did a 'good' job for Germans, Russians are well aware Germany is a traitorous backstabber and trust is gone.
I don't think it can be a rapprochement between Germany and Russia in this century, even if the next Russian governemnet will desire it.
All Russians families suffered through exported from Germany Lenin, WWI, WWII and now Germany is a main financier of the war in Ukraine which has costs more as 200,000 lives of Russians.
Even Hitler is no so hated by Russians as Scholz with his 'cabinet'

Here is my prophecy:

1. In five years Russia and China will build an union
2. One currency and free trade between China and Russia in seven - ten years
3. A construction like EU in 10 - 15 years.

By the way.
As 'thank' your beloved Ukrainians will cut off the last gas pipellinie from Russia to Germany in the next year.
Your dream is fulfilled, nothing comes from Russia to Germany anymore.
Enjoy four times higher 'democratic' LNG gas prices from USA and see how your industry is gone

Do not forget to leave with all of your honorless soldiers the Ukraine, Russian. The day before yesterday!!! The one, two or three Russians with a little rest of honor in their breasts may stay there and become a part of the Ukrainian army.


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A prominent German politician made wise remarks on the war in Ukraine.

"The idea of weakening Russia militarily, politically, and economically so that it can no longer threaten us is an attitude that goes back to the 19th century. This lays the groundwork for further conflicts."

The Prime Minister of the German state of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, said that Ukraine should come to terms with the occupation of its territories by Russia. This, in his opinion, will ensure a truce and a cease-fire. “Perhaps, in the event of a ceasefire, Ukraine will first have to admit that certain territories are temporarily inaccessible to Ukraine,” Spiegel quoted Kretschmer as saying.

east germans are more friendly to russia than west germand

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