North Carolina Draws Clear Line in the Sand on LGBT "Transgender" Delusionals.

It's absolutely stunning that a law would even need to be discussed, let along signed by a Governor, to force people to use the restroom that corresponds to their biological sex. This is an obvious one people. If you have a package hanging between your legs you use the men's room.

Really? So when this person walks into the Women's Room, your wife won't come unglued?


And the NC law is not about what someone has between their legs. It is about what is on their birth certificate.

Who is going to check??

Yes. Who is doing the checking up on people's genitals?

Funny thing is, there are uni-sex bathrooms all over and no one has a problem with them.

I DO have a problem with nutters creeping around, peeking at people's parts though.
People don't seem to understand that this is about more than bathrooms. There has already been one case of a grown man in a girls locker room with girls as young as 6. Walking around naked lying in the sauna naked. I mean does the political left have nothing better to do? This country has a lot of problems, are 6 year old girls not seeing enough adult cock really at the top of the list? I guess it works well with learning about anal sex, another love of the left.
Tell us how the law, if it had been in place, would have changed things in that case.
Well there you go again. You are making up a problem that doesnt exist.
The truth of the matter is that transgender people are more likely to be the victims of violence. And if the illegal North Carolina act was enforced they would suffer further.

Shocking Report Reveals How Often Trans People Attack You in Bathrooms

15 Experts Debunk Right-Wing Transgender Bathroom Myth

The Transgender Murder Crisis: Why Were There So Many Killings in 2015? - Law Street (TM)
It's not about transgenders. Are you telling me that transgendered people are going to carry ID identifying themselves as transgender? This nonsense allows any man to walk into a girls locker room. How long is it going to be before pictures of girls in a locker room start showing up on the internet? You know it's going to happen. When will the first rape be reported, again you know it's going to happen.

It's typical of the left, there are transgendered people that don't feel comfortable in a locker room with their own biological gender. So instead of working out some intelligent solution, you come up with sweeping "any one can do whatever they feel like" and little girls will just have to get over it. Fix a problem for a small group, create a problem for a larger group. And don't forget to scream "NAZI".
No, it's typical of most on the right to fear diversity, seek to punish dissent, and compel conformity through force of law.
I do fear diversity, sexual diversity in my grandaughter's locker room. As far as conformity, you've got to be kidding. We are the one's who do not conform to the lefts ideals and we are the ones that have their idiocy crammed down our throats. All this nonsense because a handful of people can't handle using a locker room that matches their sex. So of course the rest of the world must conform to some perverse idea of equality.

I was not aware that locker rooms were also addressed in the law.

But the restrooms are clearly an area in which men would run rampant, waves their dicks around, rape children, and fondle any available woman. Right? LMAO

Child molestation, sexual assault, rape, and even exposing your genitals to unwilling people, are all illegal now. If someone does any of those thing, prosecute the hell out of them.
There has already been an instance in Wash state with a 45 yr old man in a girls locker room frequented by girls as young as 6. Typical, you have a few people that don't feel comfortable in facilities matching their "equipment" so the whole world must change to accommodate them. They're special.

Does the NC law include locker rooms?
It's absolutely stunning that a law would even need to be discussed, let along signed by a Governor, to force people to use the restroom that corresponds to their biological sex. This is an obvious one people. If you have a package hanging between your legs you use the men's room.

Really? So when this person walks into the Women's Room, your wife won't come unglued?


And the NC law is not about what someone has between their legs. It is about what is on their birth certificate.

Who is going to check??

Yes. Who is doing the checking up on people's genitals?

Funny thing is, there are uni-sex bathrooms all over and no one has a problem with them.

I DO have a problem with nutters creeping around, peeking at people's parts though.
People don't seem to understand that this is about more than bathrooms. There has already been one case of a grown man in a girls locker room with girls as young as 6. Walking around naked lying in the sauna naked. I mean does the political left have nothing better to do? This country has a lot of problems, are 6 year old girls not seeing enough adult cock really at the top of the list? I guess it works well with learning about anal sex, another love of the left.
Tell us how the law, if it had been in place, would have changed things in that case.
I've stated before on this thread that the issue for me is not the NC law. It's the rulings that the law is reacting to. The instance in Wash left the staff at a loss, they can't do anything about it. I just don't get it, the left tells people they have to get over having other sexes in private facilities, why not tell a man that feels like a woman to "get over it" and use the men's room? Of course that would rob the left of an opportunity to rant about bigotry and fascists.
Well there you go again. You are making up a problem that doesnt exist.
The truth of the matter is that transgender people are more likely to be the victims of violence. And if the illegal North Carolina act was enforced they would suffer further.

Shocking Report Reveals How Often Trans People Attack You in Bathrooms

15 Experts Debunk Right-Wing Transgender Bathroom Myth

The Transgender Murder Crisis: Why Were There So Many Killings in 2015? - Law Street (TM)
It's not about transgenders. Are you telling me that transgendered people are going to carry ID identifying themselves as transgender? This nonsense allows any man to walk into a girls locker room. How long is it going to be before pictures of girls in a locker room start showing up on the internet? You know it's going to happen. When will the first rape be reported, again you know it's going to happen.

It's typical of the left, there are transgendered people that don't feel comfortable in a locker room with their own biological gender. So instead of working out some intelligent solution, you come up with sweeping "any one can do whatever they feel like" and little girls will just have to get over it. Fix a problem for a small group, create a problem for a larger group. And don't forget to scream "NAZI".
No, it's typical of most on the right to fear diversity, seek to punish dissent, and compel conformity through force of law.
I do fear diversity, sexual diversity in my grandaughter's locker room. As far as conformity, you've got to be kidding. We are the one's who do not conform to the lefts ideals and we are the ones that have their idiocy crammed down our throats. All this nonsense because a handful of people can't handle using a locker room that matches their sex. So of course the rest of the world must conform to some perverse idea of equality.

I was not aware that locker rooms were also addressed in the law.

But the restrooms are clearly an area in which men would run rampant, waves their dicks around, rape children, and fondle any available woman. Right? LMAO

Child molestation, sexual assault, rape, and even exposing your genitals to unwilling people, are all illegal now. If someone does any of those thing, prosecute the hell out of them.
There has already been an instance in Wash state with a 45 yr old man in a girls locker room frequented by girls as young as 6. Typical, you have a few people that don't feel comfortable in facilities matching their "equipment" so the whole world must change to accommodate them. They're special.

It's not about transgenders. Are you telling me that transgendered people are going to carry ID identifying themselves as transgender? This nonsense allows any man to walk into a girls locker room. How long is it going to be before pictures of girls in a locker room start showing up on the internet? You know it's going to happen. When will the first rape be reported, again you know it's going to happen.

It's typical of the left, there are transgendered people that don't feel comfortable in a locker room with their own biological gender. So instead of working out some intelligent solution, you come up with sweeping "any one can do whatever they feel like" and little girls will just have to get over it. Fix a problem for a small group, create a problem for a larger group. And don't forget to scream "NAZI".
No, it's typical of most on the right to fear diversity, seek to punish dissent, and compel conformity through force of law.
I do fear diversity, sexual diversity in my grandaughter's locker room. As far as conformity, you've got to be kidding. We are the one's who do not conform to the lefts ideals and we are the ones that have their idiocy crammed down our throats. All this nonsense because a handful of people can't handle using a locker room that matches their sex. So of course the rest of the world must conform to some perverse idea of equality.

I was not aware that locker rooms were also addressed in the law.

But the restrooms are clearly an area in which men would run rampant, waves their dicks around, rape children, and fondle any available woman. Right? LMAO

Child molestation, sexual assault, rape, and even exposing your genitals to unwilling people, are all illegal now. If someone does any of those thing, prosecute the hell out of them.
There has already been an instance in Wash state with a 45 yr old man in a girls locker room frequented by girls as young as 6. Typical, you have a few people that don't feel comfortable in facilities matching their "equipment" so the whole world must change to accommodate them. They're special.

Man undresses in front of girls in Seattle locker room, cites “Gender Identity” regulation

‘Transgender’ man may continue using girls’ locker room, says college

Washington Non-Discrimination Policy Allows Transgender Man To Share Locker Room With Young Girls
No, it's typical of most on the right to fear diversity, seek to punish dissent, and compel conformity through force of law.
I do fear diversity, sexual diversity in my grandaughter's locker room. As far as conformity, you've got to be kidding. We are the one's who do not conform to the lefts ideals and we are the ones that have their idiocy crammed down our throats. All this nonsense because a handful of people can't handle using a locker room that matches their sex. So of course the rest of the world must conform to some perverse idea of equality.

I was not aware that locker rooms were also addressed in the law.

But the restrooms are clearly an area in which men would run rampant, waves their dicks around, rape children, and fondle any available woman. Right? LMAO

Child molestation, sexual assault, rape, and even exposing your genitals to unwilling people, are all illegal now. If someone does any of those thing, prosecute the hell out of them.
There has already been an instance in Wash state with a 45 yr old man in a girls locker room frequented by girls as young as 6. Typical, you have a few people that don't feel comfortable in facilities matching their "equipment" so the whole world must change to accommodate them. They're special.

Man undresses in front of girls in Seattle locker room, cites “Gender Identity” regulation

‘Transgender’ man may continue using girls’ locker room, says college

Washington Non-Discrimination Policy Allows Transgender Man To Share Locker Room With Young Girls

Yeah, "Thanks" ^^ but no comment... Well WinterBorn? COMMENT on the links, don't just say "thanks".

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