North Korea Calls President Obama a Monkey

RWs will love him the way they love Pootin - and for the same reason - he's a bully. If he calls the (Black, Democrat) US president a monkey, its just one more reason they'll like him.
Funny this coming from the party of racism, the Democrat

Once again, The BIG LIE! History isn't a strong point for RWers, they simply repeat talking points and leave the details - reality - out of their posted Idiot-Grams. Lies come in two forms, lies of commission and lies of omission. BIG LIES are both.

The only question which arises from the post of AvgGuyIA is this: Is he really this ignorant or is he a liar?

The KKK was a Democrat organization there rye bread.

Sure it was. This MB has taken a turn for the worse when someone as dishonest as yourself can be put in the position of moderator.

Today's Democratic party is in no way the same as the Southern Democratic party. If you don't know that then I would be very surprised. If you already did know that then you know that you are lying in intent if not fact.

You and those like you are the reason I can no longer affiliate myself with the GOP. You have destroyed what was once a very proud political party and turned it into a den of liars and theives.

Dwight Eisenhower would have you tied to the back of a buggy and horsewhipped to within an inch of your worthless life.

I'm a liberal Democrat Hug and am older than you. I've seen the same KKK loving Dems morph into the progressives of today. The same people just calling themselves a different name. I will grant you that the majority of those SOB's are now dead and buried, but a lot of their philosophy remains which is why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward.

Progressives require a split, divide and conquer is their mantra. Thus they will do everything they can to split this country into little balkanized groups that can then be destroyed in detail.

I'll be 66 in April. I'm surprised you wouldn't differentiate the Southern Democrats from the party of today.

I had no idea you are a dem. I'm pretty much in no man's land in that my party has "morphed" into a pack of disgusting Christian Fascists that have no morality or patriotism. Rather than attempt to work with the other party they have spent all of their energy on wordsmithing a tidal wave of insults.

I have pretty much lost all faith and trust in the democratic proccess as demonstrated by the states and national forum. It has been abused and missused til as it looks now there is little to be proud of.

This isn't the America our forfathers even into WWII faught to preserve. It is a howling pack of hyenas and jackals.
RWs will love him the way they love Pootin - and for the same reason - he's a bully. If he calls the (Black, Democrat) US president a monkey, its just one more reason they'll like him.
Funny this coming from the party of racism, the Democrat

Once again, The BIG LIE! History isn't a strong point for RWers, they simply repeat talking points and leave the details - reality - out of their posted Idiot-Grams. Lies come in two forms, lies of commission and lies of omission. BIG LIES are both.

The only question which arises from the post of AvgGuyIA is this: Is he really this ignorant or is he a liar?

The KKK was a Democrat organization there rye bread.

Sure it was. This MB has taken a turn for the worse when someone as dishonest as yourself can be put in the position of moderator.

Today's Democratic party is in no way the same as the Southern Democratic party. If you don't know that then I would be very surprised. If you already did know that then you know that you are lying in intent if not fact.

You and those like you are the reason I can no longer affiliate myself with the GOP. You have destroyed what was once a very proud political party and turned it into a den of liars and theives.

Dwight Eisenhower would have you tied to the back of a buggy and horsewhipped to within an inch of your worthless life.

I'm a liberal Democrat Hug and am older than you. I've seen the same KKK loving Dems morph into the progressives of today. The same people just calling themselves a different name. I will grant you that the majority of those SOB's are now dead and buried, but a lot of their philosophy remains which is why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward.

Progressives require a split, divide and conquer is their mantra. Thus they will do everything they can to split this country into little balkanized groups that can then be destroyed in detail.

I would suggest that this isn't the reason " ... why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward ..."

Rather, I would suggest that the two parties have two different definitions of moving forward. The blacks are not interested in what the whites want, and the whites are not interested in what the blacks want. (One wants assimilation, the other wants separation).
This isn't the first time they've called Obama a monkey by the way.
So my question is, is this common for a racist in the North Korean culture to call someone who is black a "monkey" ? Is this their "n word" ?
It a word they learned from white people. When I was in S. Korea I was asked by a young lady to show her my tail. She wasnt being racist and she was dead serious. She told me her parents told her and they learned this from white GI's
Funny this coming from the party of racism, the Democrat

Once again, The BIG LIE! History isn't a strong point for RWers, they simply repeat talking points and leave the details - reality - out of their posted Idiot-Grams. Lies come in two forms, lies of commission and lies of omission. BIG LIES are both.

The only question which arises from the post of AvgGuyIA is this: Is he really this ignorant or is he a liar?

The KKK was a Democrat organization there rye bread.

Sure it was. This MB has taken a turn for the worse when someone as dishonest as yourself can be put in the position of moderator.

Today's Democratic party is in no way the same as the Southern Democratic party. If you don't know that then I would be very surprised. If you already did know that then you know that you are lying in intent if not fact.

You and those like you are the reason I can no longer affiliate myself with the GOP. You have destroyed what was once a very proud political party and turned it into a den of liars and theives.

Dwight Eisenhower would have you tied to the back of a buggy and horsewhipped to within an inch of your worthless life.

I'm a liberal Democrat Hug and am older than you. I've seen the same KKK loving Dems morph into the progressives of today. The same people just calling themselves a different name. I will grant you that the majority of those SOB's are now dead and buried, but a lot of their philosophy remains which is why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward.

Progressives require a split, divide and conquer is their mantra. Thus they will do everything they can to split this country into little balkanized groups that can then be destroyed in detail.

I'll be 66 in April. I'm surprised you wouldn't differentiate the Southern Democrats from the party of today.

I had no idea you are a dem. I'm pretty much in no man's land in that my party has "morphed" into a pack of disgusting Christian Fascists that have no morality or patriotism. Rather than attempt to work with the other party they have spent all of their energy on wordsmithing a tidal wave of insults.

I have pretty much lost all faith and trust in the democratic proccess as demonstrated by the states and national forum. It has been abused and missused til as it looks now there is little to be proud of.

This isn't the America our forfathers even into WWII faught to preserve. It is a howling pack of hyenas and jackals.

No argument from me on almost any of this statement. However, WE have to regain the America that once was. That is our battle. I'll be 70 to damn soon.
Funny this coming from the party of racism, the Democrat

Once again, The BIG LIE! History isn't a strong point for RWers, they simply repeat talking points and leave the details - reality - out of their posted Idiot-Grams. Lies come in two forms, lies of commission and lies of omission. BIG LIES are both.

The only question which arises from the post of AvgGuyIA is this: Is he really this ignorant or is he a liar?

The KKK was a Democrat organization there rye bread.

Sure it was. This MB has taken a turn for the worse when someone as dishonest as yourself can be put in the position of moderator.

Today's Democratic party is in no way the same as the Southern Democratic party. If you don't know that then I would be very surprised. If you already did know that then you know that you are lying in intent if not fact.

You and those like you are the reason I can no longer affiliate myself with the GOP. You have destroyed what was once a very proud political party and turned it into a den of liars and theives.

Dwight Eisenhower would have you tied to the back of a buggy and horsewhipped to within an inch of your worthless life.

I'm a liberal Democrat Hug and am older than you. I've seen the same KKK loving Dems morph into the progressives of today. The same people just calling themselves a different name. I will grant you that the majority of those SOB's are now dead and buried, but a lot of their philosophy remains which is why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward.

Progressives require a split, divide and conquer is their mantra. Thus they will do everything they can to split this country into little balkanized groups that can then be destroyed in detail.

I would suggest that this isn't the reason " ... why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward ..."

Rather, I would suggest that the two parties have two different definitions of moving forward. The blacks are not interested in what the whites want, and the whites are not interested in what the blacks want. (One wants assimilation, the other wants separation).

The problem is neither group is interested in what is best for the country as a whole. If the country does better, we all do better. Progressives have made it an "either/or" battle. There is no "we" in progressivism. If the blacks, whites, Hispanics and Asians got together, and worked toward the common good, the progressives would be out of a job because there would be no group they could demonize.

Progressivism thrives on chaos. That's why they are all about rioting and disarming people. If you aren't armed, you can't defend yourself, which makes the riots far more certain to occur, and their outcomes far more bloody.
Notice how the press is taking obama's side on this. If Bush had complained about the millions of americans who called him a chimp for 8 years, the press would have chided Bush for being thin-skinned.
Once again, The BIG LIE! History isn't a strong point for RWers, they simply repeat talking points and leave the details - reality - out of their posted Idiot-Grams. Lies come in two forms, lies of commission and lies of omission. BIG LIES are both.

The only question which arises from the post of AvgGuyIA is this: Is he really this ignorant or is he a liar?

The KKK was a Democrat organization there rye bread.

Sure it was. This MB has taken a turn for the worse when someone as dishonest as yourself can be put in the position of moderator.

Today's Democratic party is in no way the same as the Southern Democratic party. If you don't know that then I would be very surprised. If you already did know that then you know that you are lying in intent if not fact.

You and those like you are the reason I can no longer affiliate myself with the GOP. You have destroyed what was once a very proud political party and turned it into a den of liars and theives.

Dwight Eisenhower would have you tied to the back of a buggy and horsewhipped to within an inch of your worthless life.

I'm a liberal Democrat Hug and am older than you. I've seen the same KKK loving Dems morph into the progressives of today. The same people just calling themselves a different name. I will grant you that the majority of those SOB's are now dead and buried, but a lot of their philosophy remains which is why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward.

Progressives require a split, divide and conquer is their mantra. Thus they will do everything they can to split this country into little balkanized groups that can then be destroyed in detail.

I would suggest that this isn't the reason " ... why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward ..."

Rather, I would suggest that the two parties have two different definitions of moving forward. The blacks are not interested in what the whites want, and the whites are not interested in what the blacks want. (One wants assimilation, the other wants separation).

The problem is neither group is interested in what is best for the country as a whole. If the country does better, we all do better. Progressives have made it an "either/or" battle. There is no "we" in progressivism. If the blacks, whites, Hispanics and Asians got together, and worked toward the common good, the progressives would be out of a job because there would be no group they could demonize.

Progressivism thrives on chaos. That's why they are all about rioting and disarming people. If you aren't armed, you can't defend yourself, which makes the riots far more certain to occur, and their outcomes far more bloody.

Blah blah goes the usual Rush Limbaugh/FOX News narrative.
I rarely heard anyone call Gomer a chimp. War criminal for sure, but rarely a chimp.

HAHAHA. What a brazen lie. All libs called him that and it went on for 8 years. There was a very popular bush-hate forum called "Smirking Chimp" that i frequented.
The KKK was a Democrat organization there rye bread.

Sure it was. This MB has taken a turn for the worse when someone as dishonest as yourself can be put in the position of moderator.

Today's Democratic party is in no way the same as the Southern Democratic party. If you don't know that then I would be very surprised. If you already did know that then you know that you are lying in intent if not fact.

You and those like you are the reason I can no longer affiliate myself with the GOP. You have destroyed what was once a very proud political party and turned it into a den of liars and theives.

Dwight Eisenhower would have you tied to the back of a buggy and horsewhipped to within an inch of your worthless life.

I'm a liberal Democrat Hug and am older than you. I've seen the same KKK loving Dems morph into the progressives of today. The same people just calling themselves a different name. I will grant you that the majority of those SOB's are now dead and buried, but a lot of their philosophy remains which is why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward.

Progressives require a split, divide and conquer is their mantra. Thus they will do everything they can to split this country into little balkanized groups that can then be destroyed in detail.

I would suggest that this isn't the reason " ... why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward ..."

Rather, I would suggest that the two parties have two different definitions of moving forward. The blacks are not interested in what the whites want, and the whites are not interested in what the blacks want. (One wants assimilation, the other wants separation).

The problem is neither group is interested in what is best for the country as a whole. If the country does better, we all do better. Progressives have made it an "either/or" battle. There is no "we" in progressivism. If the blacks, whites, Hispanics and Asians got together, and worked toward the common good, the progressives would be out of a job because there would be no group they could demonize.

Progressivism thrives on chaos. That's why they are all about rioting and disarming people. If you aren't armed, you can't defend yourself, which makes the riots far more certain to occur, and their outcomes far more bloody.

Blah blah goes the usual Rush Limbaugh/FOX News narrative.

Thus speaketh a progressive who would destroy the country to see it made better. Something akin, no doubt, to Stalin's Soviet Utopia.
Sure it was. This MB has taken a turn for the worse when someone as dishonest as yourself can be put in the position of moderator.

Today's Democratic party is in no way the same as the Southern Democratic party. If you don't know that then I would be very surprised. If you already did know that then you know that you are lying in intent if not fact.

You and those like you are the reason I can no longer affiliate myself with the GOP. You have destroyed what was once a very proud political party and turned it into a den of liars and theives.

Dwight Eisenhower would have you tied to the back of a buggy and horsewhipped to within an inch of your worthless life.

I'm a liberal Democrat Hug and am older than you. I've seen the same KKK loving Dems morph into the progressives of today. The same people just calling themselves a different name. I will grant you that the majority of those SOB's are now dead and buried, but a lot of their philosophy remains which is why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward.

Progressives require a split, divide and conquer is their mantra. Thus they will do everything they can to split this country into little balkanized groups that can then be destroyed in detail.

I would suggest that this isn't the reason " ... why we are sliding backwards in terms of race relations than progressing forward ..."

Rather, I would suggest that the two parties have two different definitions of moving forward. The blacks are not interested in what the whites want, and the whites are not interested in what the blacks want. (One wants assimilation, the other wants separation).

The problem is neither group is interested in what is best for the country as a whole. If the country does better, we all do better. Progressives have made it an "either/or" battle. There is no "we" in progressivism. If the blacks, whites, Hispanics and Asians got together, and worked toward the common good, the progressives would be out of a job because there would be no group they could demonize.

Progressivism thrives on chaos. That's why they are all about rioting and disarming people. If you aren't armed, you can't defend yourself, which makes the riots far more certain to occur, and their outcomes far more bloody.

Blah blah goes the usual Rush Limbaugh/FOX News narrative.

Thus speaketh a progressive who would destroy the country to see it made better. Something akin, no doubt, to Stalin's Soviet Utopia.

Yes, destroying the country is all I dream of, I want to replace it with something better. Here's my idea of Utopia........

Blah blah goes the usual Rush Limbaugh/FOX News narrative.

Hey bigtalk. Rushbo makes 40 mill a year. How much you make?

Not 40 million. How about you dip much do you make?

You're right ... he doesn't make $40 million ... nothing like it.

According to Forbes Magazine in June 2014, he had made $63 million per year. Of course, that was before he signed his new contract for $400 million.
It seems the communists in North Korea have a lot in common with racists in this country.

North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
So you follow the lead of the Telegraph "journalist" in claiming NK 'called Obama a monkey' ?

How disingenuous of you.

NK said:
"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

Show me just where they said "Obama is a monkey".

You are just as much a race baiting idiot as is Al Sharpton.
It seems the communists in North Korea have a lot in common with racists in this country.

North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
So you follow the lead of the Telegraph "journalist" in claiming NK 'called Obama a monkey' ?

How disingenuous of you.

NK said:
"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

Show me just where they said "Obama is a monkey".

You are just as much a race baiting idiot as is Al Sharpton.

Well that answers a question I've been pondering for a little while really are this stupid.

North Korea slams U.S. over Internet shutdown calls Obama a monkey - The Washington Post
It seems the communists in North Korea have a lot in common with racists in this country.

North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
So you follow the lead of the Telegraph "journalist" in claiming NK 'called Obama a monkey' ?

How disingenuous of you.

NK said:
"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

Show me just where they said "Obama is a monkey".

You are just as much a race baiting idiot as is Al Sharpton.

They actually called Bush a monkey. In this story, Obama is not a called a monkey; his behavior is likened to the behavior of a monkey. He is actually called reckless.

But notice the accusation of racism right out the gate. The OP must be a moonbat.
Exactly! In this thread, as in another, the race baiters seem not to understand the structure of and implications made within a simple analogy.

Kim Jong did NOT call Obama a monkey.

However, misrepresentation of what another said is the cornerstone of liberal debating techniques. Repeat a lie often enough and it passes for truth among the Kool-Aid drinkers and other gullible, useful idiots.

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