North Korea hydrogen bomb test.

As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
Yes but given how the world has delt with North Korea so far on this front how long before they have that type of delivery system? Again and I can't stress this enough that's if this claim is true.
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?

You think they could sneak something like that across the border?

lol, dude, they sneak in bigger and more dangerous stuff than that.

If you have a trained nuclear engineer with you, the likelihood of an accidental detonation are stupidly low. House it in lead and tungsten and you could truck it just about anywhere in the USA.

This is just one more reason that we need to gain control of our fucking borders.
Here is how the N Koreans could smuggle in an atom bomb or two.

First start with the Plutonium in one third critical masses in the shape of Pistons and put them into tungsten containers shaped like engine blocks, totally sealed off. Tungsten reflects neutrons and other subatomic particles back where they cam from and you can further dampen it by filling the blocks with nuclear dampening materials in fine granular form.

Second, you have it crated and tagged as a Chinese export to Mexico. On all the X-ray scans these parts will look just like normal engine blocks.

Third, when you get the blocks into Mexico, you smuggle them in like any other material that gets smuggled in by the ton across our border.

Fourth, when the material gets to its area of operation, you pack the plutonium into one of the piston shafts in three separate pieces so that it is still under critical mass. You rig explosives to the bottom of the piston shaft so that when the explosives go off, it will drive the plutonium into one mass, thus reaching critical mass and exploding.

Fifth, mushroom cloud over DC.

easy peasy
I doubt very much North Korea has that level of sophistication, to smuggle that much nuclear material across the border. Consider the fact that there are also very few countries who posses weapons grade nuclear material. Fear of this happening in my mind would be unfounded.
And what will our non-natural born Citizen pResident do? My guess is he will do nothing since the North Koreans are communists and Obama shares their ideology. This is Obama's fault that N. Korea is doing this. He is not respected, especially after yesterday's crying stint before a global audience. A true Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 White natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the United States (due to both parents being U.S. Citizens) would go on national television and give a stern warning to North Korea to dismantle their nuclear weapons program or face ultimate peril.

North Korea says it has conducted hydrogen bomb test -
North Korea announces hydrogen bomb test - BBC News
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Obama is more interested in disarming US citizens than bothering with messy little things like North Korean nukes or the ME about to go up in flames.
You people are functional morons lol...What RW a-hole governments is he supposedly stabbing in the back- on your ridiculous propaganda machine?
Obama is more interested in disarming US citizens than bothering with messy little things like North Korean nukes or the ME about to go up in flames.
No arms have even been talked about being taken away...just what 88% of the country wants, functional moron.
Sometimes I get the impression that a large segment of the American rightwing is addicted to fear.
What does this have to do with Obama?

What's your solution? Invade a country that has 40,000 miles of tunnels, a massive military industrial complex, millions of suicidal soldiers, and a country that is more mountainous than Switzerland??

Did you think Iraq was too hard or are you one of those hold-outs who believe Iraq was won until Obama removed US troops from a warzone hahaha.
The far right wing always runs around in fear flapping its collective hands in the air. Nothing new.

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