North Korea hydrogen bomb test.

I guess when the US stops its flagrant breaches of the Non Proliferation Treaty people might gaf about other countries' nuclear naughtiness.
Sometimes I get the impression that a large segment of the American rightwing is addicted to fear.
My nickname was Boy Scout which pissed me off until I asked what do you mean by that. Rely: you always have the tools and knowledge to get the job done in a minimal amount of time. Times are wasting was my reply.
Obama should confiscate all the guns and fire at NK from the roof of the whitehouse. Haha! That'd learn 'em.
I doubt very much North Korea has that level of sophistication, to smuggle that much nuclear material across the border. Consider the fact that there are also very few countries who posses weapons grade nuclear material. Fear of this happening in my mind would be unfounded.

Why? Because you waved you r magic wand and denied it?

Where exactly do you think my hypothetical scenario breaks down?

You think N Korea cant build a half dozen engine blocks made of tungsten?

That they cant smuggle it into a ship from China that is heading into Mexico with the appropriate paper work?

That they cant then have the crate shipped from Mexico to the USA....because our borders are so secure?

Where does it break down, Templar? I would like to share in your visions of security.
Why is it when I click on the Steve McGarret - Nice Going Obama:North Korea Detonates First Hydrogen Bomb Triggering 5.1 Earthquake thread in the Active Topics box on the right, it brings me to this thread?
So how long before one of Obama's 'refugees' comes to America with a NK nuke and pops it off?

Close the borders

As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
Yes but given how the world has delt with North Korea so far on this front how long before they have that type of delivery system? Again and I can't stress this enough that's if this claim is true.

Obama will wait until its to late, then give them 150 plus million dollar deal to 'stand down'

I'm not sure what Obama has to do with North Korea testing this bomb.

That's a closed society, vacuum sealed. They've been doing crazy shit for a long time.

They'd be doing crazy shit regardless of who is in the White House.

I'm talking about Obama's open border policy and how we are at more risk today of a nuke finding its way to our shores.

Why? Because you waved your magic wand and denied it?

No, I used my head. It's called assessing NK's ability to transport any nuclear material off country without the UN noticing. Doing something like that would require an enormous level of sophistication. What are you so scared of?

You think N Korea cant build a half dozen engine blocks made of tungsten?

No, they don't have enough nuclear material. If they try to sell it or transport it off country, everyone will notice. What you're referring to was the "demon core" which consisted of neutrino reflecting tungsten carbide blocks around a 14lb core of subcritical plutonium. One of these was used to bomb Nagasaki. And another during Operation Crossroads Able at Bikini Atoll, using a 23 kiloton bomb.

I seriously doubt that NK has the capability to manufacture that much plutonium and smuggle it across the border. They could build the engine blocks but not the core. And Tungsten does not provide sufficient protection against high energy beta particles, the electrons are blocked, but the target which the barrier is intended to protect can actually become irradiated. Using a simple Geiger counter would expose such an operation, given that it can detect alpha and beta particles, as well as gamma rays being emitted from the core.

Geiger counter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, let's get the science right before you get upset with me, Jim.

That they can't smuggle it into a ship from China that is heading into Mexico with the appropriate paper work?

Not even China would condone this activity. As soon as they gathered enough intelligence, they would report it to the international community. Even with the "appropriate paperwork," they wouldn't get it past the first seaport.

That they can't then have the crate shipped from Mexico to the USA....because our borders are so secure?

You're being overly paranoid.
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North Korea is claiming it has successfully carried out a hydrogen bomb test if true that's disturding. I wonder what the world reaction will be if they did pull this off you got to know Iran is watching for that.
North Korea Nukes Clinton Legacy
For example, former Clinton adviser Paul Begala, now serving as a talking head on CNN, claimed that the Clinton administration contained the threat from North Korea. Clearly, Mr. Begala missed the 1990s.
Of course, Mr. Begala simply forgot that Clinton's military chief of staff testified in 1998 that North Korea did not have an active ballistic missile program. One week later the North Koreans launched a missile over Japan that landed off the Alaska coast.
During the early Clinton years, hard-liners and so-called conservative hawks advocated a pre-emptive strike to halt North Korea's nuclear weapons development before it could field an atomic bomb. Instead of taking the hard line, President Clinton elected to rely on former President Jimmy Carter and decided to appease the Marxist-Stalinist dictatorship.
Also the Rapist in Chief gave China the technology to accurately launch a rocket into space(before this they couldn't hit the broadside of a barn). So China gives N Korea the missile tech, they develop a H Bomb, and with their missile they could hit the west coast of America. As for shooting down the missile, it is always the intent of the liberals to allow collateral damage, so the New World Order can start.
Population Control, New World Order Style
The Illuminati's idea of Population Control falls into two broad categories:
1. Limiting the size of human societies and monitoring/controlling the movement of individuals within that society, and
2. Intentionally reducing the bulk of the world's population through GENOCIDE via the introduction of population slaughter, orchestrated conflicts, and lethal bioengineered disease organisms introduced via vaccines and other means of external transmission.
Liberals think this couldn't happen to them, because they are good little ichmen, but the liberal elite couldn't give a rats ass about their voters. Those in California should worry, for if there is a launch they will be first to go.
Sometimes I get the impression that a large segment of the American rightwing is addicted to fear.
Seriously. They're afraid of their own shadow.
Well there are a few in San Bernardino who don't have to worry about being nuked. They were executed by the peaceful religion while having a Christmas party. What a New Years resolution it would be for California if N Korea decided to launch this year. No nothing to see here, move along, move along.
What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?

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