North Korea hydrogen bomb test.

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 58992

97% of scientists and the entire global community are aware that manmade global warming exists

Only Republicans and the oil companies are in denial
Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked
The mainstream media and climate-alarmist blogosphere uncritically accepted the Cook study and trumpeted the consensus claims as gospel. We reported on May 21 ("Global Warming 'Consensus': Cooking the Books") on the critiques of the Cook study by experts who show that Cook cooked the data. Out of the nearly 12,000 scientific papers Cook’s team evaluated, only 65 endorsed Cook’s alarmist position. That’s less than one percent, not 97 percent. Moreover, as we reported, the Cook study was flawed from the beginning, using selection parameters designed to weight the outcome in favor of the alarmist position.
Oh oh, you were duped again. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Almost no scientists endorse the GOPs position on manmade global warming.

But the oil companies do...that is what really matters
I have a question.

It seems as if you are convinced that North Korea is hellbent on detonating a nuclear bomb on American soil.

Why are they waiting?
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 58992

97% of scientists and the entire global community are aware that manmade global warming exists

Only Republicans and the oil companies are in denial
Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked
The mainstream media and climate-alarmist blogosphere uncritically accepted the Cook study and trumpeted the consensus claims as gospel. We reported on May 21 ("Global Warming 'Consensus': Cooking the Books") on the critiques of the Cook study by experts who show that Cook cooked the data. Out of the nearly 12,000 scientific papers Cook’s team evaluated, only 65 endorsed Cook’s alarmist position. That’s less than one percent, not 97 percent. Moreover, as we reported, the Cook study was flawed from the beginning, using selection parameters designed to weight the outcome in favor of the alarmist position.
Oh oh, you were duped again. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Almost no scientists endorse the GOPs position on manmade global warming.

But the oil companies do...that is what really matters
That is because manmade global warming is a myth, and the liberal elite(Al Gore, Barrack Obama, Bill and his wife Clinton and others) have made millions of dollars from the CCX. Even the UN said it was just a way to redistribute wealth. Dumbasses.
UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
If you needed any more evidence that the entire theory of manmade global warming was a scheme to redistribute wealth you got it Sunday when a leading member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change told a German news outlet, "[W]e redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."
Now for the typical response from a liberal.

Anyway, this has not been answered. I suggest it won't be answered.

I still don't see an answer in all that rant

What are you [andaronjim] proposing we do about N Korea having a bomb? You talk like a tough guy...what do you want us to do?
Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked

That rag's piece is more than two years old and more wrong now than before. The reactionary far righties and libertarians are spittling in their gruel.
Your man made global warming is over 15 years old and more wrong now than before. That polar vortex that comes from the melting Artic ocean is about to give US another smack down on warming.

Once again, to you libtards, CLIMATE CHANGE has been happening since the beginning of time. Just liberal elites have been using it to make OBSENE PROFITS that have made them very rich and in the 1%. Shame you dumbasses are too stupid to know who the REAL enemies of US really are.
Anyway, this has not been answered. I suggest it won't be answered.

I still don't see an answer in all that rant

What are you [andaronjim] proposing we do about N Korea having a bomb? You talk like a tough guy...what do you want us to do?
Since I have no POWER to do anything about NK, I have to sit back and watch how a FECKLESS, SPINELESS leader cowers in fear, yet then by executive power, FORCE upon us gun control laws, that are already in place, yet not getting the guns out of the hands of the BAD GUYS. But if I did have the power, I would give NK an ultimatum to give up their weapons or be overthrown. When G.W. dethroned Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction, because he didn't want to die. When America shows strength then the BAD GUYS get in line. When leaders like Neville Chamberlain and Barrack Hussein Obama show cowardice, the BAD GUYS are emboldened. Take out Kim Jr. and the Mullahs would get in line. Dumbasses are Dumbocrats
Anyway, this has not been answered. I suggest it won't be answered.

I still don't see an answer in all that rant

What are you [andaronjim] proposing we do about N Korea having a bomb? You talk like a tough guy...what do you want us to do?
Since I have no POWER to do anything about NK, I have to sit back and watch how a FECKLESS, SPINELESS leader cowers in fear, yet then by executive power, FORCE upon us gun control laws, that are already in place, yet not getting the guns out of the hands of the BAD GUYS. But if I did have the power, I would give NK an ultimatum to give up their weapons or be overthrown. When G.W. dethroned Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction, because he didn't want to die. When America shows strength then the BAD GUYS get in line. When leaders like Neville Chamberlain and Barrack Hussein Obama show cowardice, the BAD GUYS are emboldened. Take out Kim Jr. and the Mullahs would get in line. Dumbasses are Dumbocrats
So, tough finally come up with a lame answer

Threaten him......we have been threatening NK for 60 years
Overthrow him..... Storm across the border and lose 10,000 American casualties

Why we don't let conservatives run the country
Anyway, this has not been answered. I suggest it won't be answered.

I still don't see an answer in all that rant

What are you [andaronjim] proposing we do about N Korea having a bomb? You talk like a tough guy...what do you want us to do?
Since I have no POWER to do anything about NK, I have to sit back and watch how a FECKLESS, SPINELESS leader cowers in fear, yet then by executive power, FORCE upon us gun control laws, that are already in place, yet not getting the guns out of the hands of the BAD GUYS. But if I did have the power, I would give NK an ultimatum to give up their weapons or be overthrown. When G.W. dethroned Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction, because he didn't want to die. When America shows strength then the BAD GUYS get in line. When leaders like Neville Chamberlain and Barrack Hussein Obama show cowardice, the BAD GUYS are emboldened. Take out Kim Jr. and the Mullahs would get in line. Dumbasses are Dumbocrats
So, tough finally come up with a lame answer

Threaten him......we have been threatening NK for 60 years
Overthrow him..... Storm across the border and lose 10,000 American casualties

Why we don't let conservatives run the country
We sat on our asses when the attack on the world trade center happened in 1993. When the US barracks in Dhahran were blown up, Slick Willie didn't do anything about that. The U.S.S Cole was attacked , sailors died and were wounded, and the blow job in chief didn't do anything about that. 2 Embassies in Africa were attacked and nothing happened to that except failure of Blackhawk down. Then 3,000 Americans died women, children and men because Osama Bin Laden decided that America was a paper tiger and took it to US(thank you Jamie Gorelick). So lets sit back let Kim Jr. continue his nuclear program, let him perfect his missile program and see what happens to San Fran or Los Ang. Just a matter of time, before the bad guys get the gumption to try US once again. You cowards on the left will be the death of many.
Anyway, this has not been answered. I suggest it won't be answered.

I still don't see an answer in all that rant

What are you [andaronjim] proposing we do about N Korea having a bomb? You talk like a tough guy...what do you want us to do?
Since I have no POWER to do anything about NK, I have to sit back and watch how a FECKLESS, SPINELESS leader cowers in fear, yet then by executive power, FORCE upon us gun control laws, that are already in place, yet not getting the guns out of the hands of the BAD GUYS. But if I did have the power, I would give NK an ultimatum to give up their weapons or be overthrown. When G.W. dethroned Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction, because he didn't want to die. When America shows strength then the BAD GUYS get in line. When leaders like Neville Chamberlain and Barrack Hussein Obama show cowardice, the BAD GUYS are emboldened. Take out Kim Jr. and the Mullahs would get in line. Dumbasses are Dumbocrats
So, tough finally come up with a lame answer

Threaten him......we have been threatening NK for 60 years
Overthrow him..... Storm across the border and lose 10,000 American casualties

Why we don't let conservatives run the country
Oh, one more thing, you asked what I would do, I told you, you in your cowardice, didn't like my answer, and now go cry and bury your head up your ass again.

Anyway, this has not been answered. I suggest it won't be answered.

I still don't see an answer in all that rant

What are you [andaronjim] proposing we do about N Korea having a bomb? You talk like a tough guy...what do you want us to do?
Since I have no POWER to do anything about NK, I have to sit back and watch how a FECKLESS, SPINELESS leader cowers in fear, yet then by executive power, FORCE upon us gun control laws, that are already in place, yet not getting the guns out of the hands of the BAD GUYS. But if I did have the power, I would give NK an ultimatum to give up their weapons or be overthrown. When G.W. dethroned Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction, because he didn't want to die. When America shows strength then the BAD GUYS get in line. When leaders like Neville Chamberlain and Barrack Hussein Obama show cowardice, the BAD GUYS are emboldened. Take out Kim Jr. and the Mullahs would get in line. Dumbasses are Dumbocrats
So, tough finally come up with a lame answer

Threaten him......we have been threatening NK for 60 years
Overthrow him..... Storm across the border and lose 10,000 American casualties

Why we don't let conservatives run the country
Oh, one more thing, you asked what I would do, I told you, you in your cowardice, didn't like my answer, and now go cry and bury your head up your ass again.

View attachment 59062

Wow...tough guy responds with a lame meme

Come on tough guy....explain how your are going to overthrow Kim Jong Un

Show us how tough you are
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Too funny how the left has no idea what fear is. When SHTF they will be crying like Obama looking for someone to help their defenseless domain

If I have any guns or ammo left after arming my neighbors and locking down our street, I might come to your aid......


Too funny how the left has no idea what fear is. When SHTF they will be crying like Obama looking for someone to help their defenseless domain

If I have any guns or ammo left after arming my neighbors and locking down our street, I might come to your aid......



Locking down your street?

Damn really are afraid
It appear unlikely North Korea detonated a hydrogen bomb, the yield was far below what an H bomb would put out.

If they did and they do have this technology then the likely-hood of North Korea getting nuked out of existence has gone off the scale. In the diplomatic back channels the US will have told China "if they use even one of these weapons North Korea will cease to exist on Earth." And this will be no idle threat.

The real problem would be whether the brain-deads in that government start to threaten South Korea or other neighbors and demanding things. We may even see Japan develop and test a nuke. They have a 'bomb in the basement', or the means and material to produce a nuclear bomb within 6 months, but they haven't. This may force their hand if North Korea has in fact attained fusion capability.

If North Korea isn't lying, and it appears likely they are, then the world did just change if Little Hitler has nuclear capability.
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andaronjim's comments are feckless and spineless as he goes about making silly statements that make the informed among us laugh and point at him.
I would say he is an ideal candidate for a government post as a Maker of Threatening Gestures, third class. He will 'solve the North Korea problem' with an ultimatum, as he described.
andaronjim's comments are feckless and spineless as he goes about making silly statements that make the informed among us laugh and point at him.
As William Jefferson Clinton was Feckless and Spineless in dealing with North Korea. As I said before I am not in a position of power and cant do shit to stop Kim Jr, but as RW demanded, I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at. Just shows how lacking in intellectual fortitude, you dumbasses have.


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