North Korea hydrogen bomb test.

As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Liberals wouldn't know, because they smoke it as fast as it gets here. Happy people are those who have no clue what is going on around them. They will lose their heads when the 5th Imam shows up.
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Liberals wouldn't know, because they smoke it as fast as it gets here. Happy people are those who have no clue what is going on around them. They will lose their heads when the 5th Imam shows up.
^ A typically insane conservative rant
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
andaronjim is using his own Rules for Radicals to look silly.
Whaaaaaaaa, andaronjim isn't playing nice.
Nice non-sequitur, maybe you should go play in a busy intersection or play with the Muslims of ISIS and see how far that goes? You libs are so dumb, a box of rocks has more intelligence.
Why are you whining, andronjim? You have looked very silly in this thread. Anyone who disagrees with you is a lib in your mind, and a silly mind it is.
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at.
Because it said nothing that pertained to the real world. What ultimatum is given? What happens after the ultimatum is given and ignored?
As I pointed out about Saddam Hussein and how he was overthrown, I guess it would take some real intelligence to grasp that Kim Jr. could be removed the same way. Doesn't take rocket science to figure it out, but those who have been brainwashed by public edumacation(for you imbeciles) it isn't hard to overthrow a 2 bit dictator, unless you are a spineless wiener like Bill Clinton(who raped women) or Barrack Hussein Obama, Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer who has fundamentally transformed America. How is that Hope and Change working out for ya?

View attachment 59200

OK....lets use Saddam Hussein as an example
Invading Iraq and removing him from power cost 5000 American lives and 100,000 Iraqi civilians. Was the threat of Saddam worth the price?
Invading N Korea would cost many more American, S Korean and N Korean lives. The resulting collapse of N Korea would probably cost a million lives before we could get some semblance of control....would it be worth it just so you can act like a tough guy?
I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at.
Because it said nothing that pertained to the real world. What ultimatum is given? What happens after the ultimatum is given and ignored?
As I pointed out about Saddam Hussein and how he was overthrown, I guess it would take some real intelligence to grasp that Kim Jr. could be removed the same way. Doesn't take rocket science to figure it out, but those who have been brainwashed by public edumacation(for you imbeciles) it isn't hard to overthrow a 2 bit dictator, unless you are a spineless wiener like Bill Clinton(who raped women) or Barrack Hussein Obama, Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer who has fundamentally transformed America. How is that Hope and Change working out for ya?

View attachment 59200

OK....lets use Saddam Hussein as an example
Invading Iraq and removing him from power cost 5000 American lives and 100,000 Iraqi civilians. Was the threat of Saddam worth the price?
Invading N Korea would cost many more American, S Korean and N Korean lives. The resulting collapse of N Korea would probably cost a million lives before we could get some semblance of control....would it be worth it just so you can act like a tough guy?
I said before I don't care, since you don't care, let North Korea continue with their nuclear program and the same with Iran. Why are you continuing with this, for it seems that you have some fear of catastrophe. Do you?
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Dont worry; he's a libtard. Thinking is not their long suit.
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Dont worry; he's a libtard. Thinking is not their long suit.
Careful Jim, according to andaron the 5th Imam is hiding under your bed :rofl:
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
Wow. You have no idea...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
Wow. You have no idea...

This sums up liberalism.

Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
this is a nuclear mine, very small, can be carried by one person.


Special Atomic Demolition Munition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you set it off on I-95 between Washington DC and Baltimore it would shut down most of the East Coast economy, not to mention over load our medical facilities.

the m etal container second from the left is a W45 nuclear demolition explosive. All quite small.

W45 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
I think you meant to link to this instead.

Suitcase nuclear device - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The highest-ranking GRU defector Stanislav Lunev claimed that such Russian-made devices do exist and described them in more detail.[6] These devices, "identified as RA-115s (or RA-115-01s for submersible weapons)" weigh from fifty to sixty pounds. They can last for many years if wired to an electric source. In case there is a loss of power, there is a battery backup. If the battery runs low, the weapon has a transmitter that sends a coded message—either by satellite or directly to a GRU post at a Russian embassy or consulate.” According to Lunev, the number of "missing" nuclear devices (as found by General Lebed) "is almost identical to the number of strategic targets upon which those bombs would be used." [6]

Lunev suggested that suitcase nukes might be already deployed by the GRU operatives on US soil to assassinate US leaders in the event of war.[6] He alleged that arms caches were hidden by the KGB in many countries for the planned terrorism acts. They were booby-trapped with "Lightning" explosive devices. One such cache, identified by Vasili Mitrokhin, exploded when Swiss authorities sprayed it with a high pressure water gun in a wooded area near Bern. Several others caches were removed successfully.[7] Lunev said that he had personally looked for hiding places for weapons caches in the Shenandoah Valley area[6] and that "it is surprisingly easy to smuggle nuclear weapons into the US" either across the Mexican border or using a small transport missile that can slip undetected when launched from a Russian airplane.[6] US Congressman Curt Weldon supported claims by Lunev but noted that Lunev had "exaggerated things" according to the FBI.[8] Searches of the areas identified by Lunev have been conducted, "but law-enforcement officials have never found such weapons caches, with or without portable nuclear weapons."[9]

Lol, I love how the gooberment thinks if they cant find it it must not exist, roflmao
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
Wow. You have no idea...

This sums up liberalism.

View attachment 59228
He's coming for you andaron


The 5th Imam!
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
Wow. You have no idea...

This sums up liberalism.

View attachment 59228
He's coming for you andaron


The 5th Imam!
Not me, I don't live in California, I don't have to worry about a thing.

Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
Wow. You have no idea...

This sums up liberalism.

View attachment 59228
He's coming for you andaron


The 5th Imam!
Not me, I don't live in California, I don't have to worry about a thing.

View attachment 59229
Oh well for someone who's not worried you sure keep posting a lot about it

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