North Korea hydrogen bomb test.

andaronjim's comments are feckless and spineless as he goes about making silly statements that make the informed among us laugh and point at him.
As William Jefferson Clinton was Feckless and Spineless in dealing with North Korea. As I said before I am not in a position of power and cant do shit to stop Kim Jr, but as RW demanded, I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at. Just shows how lacking in intellectual fortitude, you dumbasses have.

View attachment 59183

Your replies show you are basically a limp dick
All bluster and threats but no real solutions on how to remove a nuclear capability from NK
andaronjim's comments are feckless and spineless as he goes about making silly statements that make the informed among us laugh and point at him.
As William Jefferson Clinton was Feckless and Spineless in dealing with North Korea. As I said before I am not in a position of power and cant do shit to stop Kim Jr, but as RW demanded, I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at. Just shows how lacking in intellectual fortitude, you dumbasses have.

View attachment 59183

Your replies show you are basically a limp dick
All bluster and threats but no real solutions on how to remove a nuclear capability from NK
What part of "I have no power to do anything" don't you understand? You are a moron like your avatar shows.
andaronjim's comments are feckless and spineless as he goes about making silly statements that make the informed among us laugh and point at him.
As William Jefferson Clinton was Feckless and Spineless in dealing with North Korea. As I said before I am not in a position of power and cant do shit to stop Kim Jr, but as RW demanded, I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at. Just shows how lacking in intellectual fortitude, you dumbasses have.

View attachment 59183

Your replies show you are basically a limp dick
All bluster and threats but no real solutions on how to remove a nuclear capability from NK
What part of "I have no power to do anything" don't you understand? You are a moron like your avatar shows.

The Kanamits are actually super intelligent with peculiar culinary preferences
I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at.
Because it said nothing that pertained to the real world. What ultimatum is given? What happens after the ultimatum is given and ignored?
As I pointed out about Saddam Hussein and how he was overthrown, I guess it would take some real intelligence to grasp that Kim Jr. could be removed the same way. Doesn't take rocket science to figure it out, but those who have been brainwashed by public edumacation(for you imbeciles) it isn't hard to overthrow a 2 bit dictator, unless you are a spineless wiener like Bill Clinton(who raped women) or Barrack Hussein Obama, Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer who has fundamentally transformed America. How is that Hope and Change working out for ya?

I gave him my opinion, which you libtards laugh and joke at.
Because it said nothing that pertained to the real world. What ultimatum is given? What happens after the ultimatum is given and ignored?
Another thing about liberals, is that even when you engage them in dialogue and give them an answer, if they don't like it, they ignore it, and then squirrel away with insults. As this morons post just showed. Cant have conversations with people who are lacking in intellectual fortitude.

And what will our non-natural born Citizen pResident do? My guess is he will do nothing since the North Koreans are communists and Obama shares their ideology. This is Obama's fault that N. Korea is doing this. He is not respected, especially after yesterday's crying stint before a global audience. A true Constitutional Article 2 Section 1 White natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the United States (due to both parents being U.S. Citizens) would go on national television and give a stern warning to North Korea to dismantle their nuclear weapons program or face ultimate peril.

North Korea says it has conducted hydrogen bomb test -
North Korea announces hydrogen bomb test - BBC News

well just on dec 10th the admin said that was impossible

I guess it would take some real intelligence to grasp that Kim Jr. could be removed the same way.
So you're advocating the illegal invasion of North Korea by the US. Very 2000s, but I guess if you enjoyed the result of Iraq what's another clusterfuck? Going to be in the first wave, are you?
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I guess it would take some real intelligence to grasp that Kim Jr. could be removed the same way.
So you're advocating the illegal invasion of North Korea by the US? Very 2000s, but I guess if you enjoyed the result of Iraq what's another clusterfuck? Going to be in the first wave, are you?
Once again I am not a person in power, that all I can do is sit and watch Iran and NK flex their muscles by proving how ineffective Obama is in his foreign affairs. That Iran has probably had the bomb all along back in 2009 and this administration has pacified the mullahs not to use it on Israel until O is out of office, so then the blame would be on the next president like Clinton blamed Bush for the 911 attacks in 2001. I don't live on the Left Coast(California) if a nuke picked off a city over there then that would be one less football team in the NFL. You don't care, about NK having nukes, I don't care if NK uses it. It is just liberals and illegals that live there, right?
Once again I am not a person in power,
But you recommend an illegal invasion of North Korea by the US if North Korea won't give up its nukes, right? That is the solution you gave. So, going to be in the first wave are you?
Once again I am not a person in power,
But you recommend an illegal invasion of North Korea by the US if North Korea won't give up its nukes, right? That is the solution you gave. So, going to be in the first wave are you?
Not at all, if you don't give a rats ass, then neither do I. Once again I don't live on the Left Coast, what do I have to worry about?
Ah, so it's all just fantasy you've pulled out of your arse. Fair enough.
Ah, so it's all just fantasy you've pulled out of your arse. Fair enough.
I use your own Rules for Radicals back at you, now you are pouting and ranting and raving. Sorry you don't like it when you get your own shit thrown back at you.
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
andaronjim is using his own Rules for Radicals to look silly.
Whaaaaaaaa, andaronjim isn't playing nice.
Nice non-sequitur, maybe you should go play in a busy intersection or play with the Muslims of ISIS and see how far that goes? You libs are so dumb, a box of rocks has more intelligence.

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