North Korea hydrogen bomb test.

As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
NK smuggles a shipping container into SK. SK unwittingly puts the shipping container on a ship sailing to the US West Coast.
The container is trucked to Los Angeles.
Fucking BOOM!
What part of this journey is difficult?
Don't bother replying the trip from NK to SK. Goods are smuggled by sea all the time between the country's.
What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.
What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
The hysterical force is strong in the extreme right wing, it is, yes.
What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 58992

97% of scientists and the entire global community are aware that manmade global warming exists

Only Republicans and the oil companies are in denial
What does a Hydrogen bomb do for North Korea?

Protect them from invasion?
N Korea hasn't been invaded in 60 years and is in a military stalemate

Ensure they remain isolated from the rest of the world?
Existing sanctions will be increased as will pressure from ally China

A bargaining chip to get sanctions dropped in return for dropping its nuclear program?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 5899

What do you think we should "do" about it?
You say the US should do something about N Korea having a bomb
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 58992

97% of scientists and the entire global community are aware that manmade global warming exists

Only Republicans and the oil companies are in denial
Better not look now, but that wraskly polar vortex is coming down from the melting Arctic ocean again. Geez, you such typical goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed idiots. Rogue nations or global warming, which will kill you first? Lets talk to Ambassador Christopher Stevens, oh yeah, we cant, the vagina for president left him to die by the running scared Al Qaeda, which attacked and killed Chris and 3 other Americans. Do you think those fires that burned there contributed to global warming? hmmm?
Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 5899

What do you think we should "do" about it?
You say the US should do something about N Korea having a bomb
Lets just be good little ichmen and sit on our hands and allow Iran and NK to continue their nuclear programs(oh yeah peaceful ones at that) and see where it gets US. They have nothing to lose, while we have much, they don't care if their people live or die, while we supposedly cherish life(unless it is unborn children, then execute them on the table). Go read up on Neville Chamberlain and see what he did to stop Hitler. When you do nothing then bad things happen. Dumbasses, they vote Dumbocrat.
Does China support North Korea? Who supports this country? Why not to bring North Korea out until they strarts to drop their bombs on somebody? However if China supports them, they could influence there and bombs will remain under control...
We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 5899

What do you think we should "do" about it?
You say the US should do something about N Korea having a bomb
Lets just be good little ichmen and sit on our hands and allow Iran and NK to continue their nuclear programs(oh yeah peaceful ones at that) and see where it gets US. They have nothing to lose, while we have much, they don't care if their people live or die, while we supposedly cherish life(unless it is unborn children, then execute them on the table). Go read up on Neville Chamberlain and see what he did to stop Hitler. When you do nothing then bad things happen. Dumbasses, they vote Dumbocrat.
I still don't see an answer in all that rant

What are you proposing we do about N Korea having a bomb? You talk like a tough guy...what do you want us to do?
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North Korea is claiming it has successfully carried out a hydrogen bomb test if true that's disturding. I wonder what the world reaction will be if they did pull this off you got to know Iran is watching for that.

the prezbos administration said that was impossible

on December 10th

As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?

You think they could sneak something like that across the border?

lol, dude, they sneak in bigger and more dangerous stuff than that.

If you have a trained nuclear engineer with you, the likelihood of an accidental detonation are stupidly low. House it in lead and tungsten and you could truck it just about anywhere in the USA.

This is just one more reason that we need to gain control of our fucking borders.

I'm impressed with your knowledge of our border security and smuggling a hydrogen bomb.
Why bother to sneak in from Mexican borders when they can ship directly to Long Beach or any western shipping ports. Like I do with my products in last 26 years. They don't even inspect one in every hundred.
And what made you think we are not in control with our borders?

U.S. border apprehensions of Mexicans fall to historic lows
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Like the bargaining chips that Iran is using with the feckless US president? Yeah, lets make a deal, and set up NK with a plan like with the mullahs, and while the peaceful religion is breaking every promise in that deal, what is to keep NK from doing the same?

View attachment 58989

We gave Iran back their own money that we held back as part of the sanctions

I would support loosening the N Korean embargo in return for them dropping their nuclear program
like Iran is giving up their nuclear program? Boy you are a stupid as your president.

Seems they are in spite of rightwing hysteria
You keep saying we have hysteria, but we aren't running around saying the Earth is going to burn up in 10, 50 or even 100 years(you guys cant decide because when 10 years comes around you are wrong once again). We are just pointing out that when Rogue nations get play toys that can harm US, we think that something should be done about it, instead of just sitting back on the liberal hands wringing them and hoping the next president can have the bad shit happen under his watch. Since I don't live in California, and that state is MOSTLY liberal, then whatever happens , I don't really care, because if the chickens have come home to roost, then so be it.
View attachment 58992

97% of scientists and the entire global community are aware that manmade global warming exists

Only Republicans and the oil companies are in denial
Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked
The mainstream media and climate-alarmist blogosphere uncritically accepted the Cook study and trumpeted the consensus claims as gospel. We reported on May 21 ("Global Warming 'Consensus': Cooking the Books") on the critiques of the Cook study by experts who show that Cook cooked the data. Out of the nearly 12,000 scientific papers Cook’s team evaluated, only 65 endorsed Cook’s alarmist position. That’s less than one percent, not 97 percent. Moreover, as we reported, the Cook study was flawed from the beginning, using selection parameters designed to weight the outcome in favor of the alarmist position.
Oh oh, you were duped again. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

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