North Korea hydrogen bomb test.

Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
Wow. You have no idea...

This sums up liberalism.

View attachment 59228
He's coming for you andaron


The 5th Imam!
Not me, I don't live in California, I don't have to worry about a thing.

View attachment 59229
Oh well for someone who's not worried you sure keep posting a lot about it
You keep posting, I just keep answering. I bet Kim Jr. would kick your ass with that weapon in the picture, you would go running off to Obama demanding protection because he hurt your pansy ass feelings.
Wow. You have no idea...

This sums up liberalism.

View attachment 59228
He's coming for you andaron


The 5th Imam!
Not me, I don't live in California, I don't have to worry about a thing.

View attachment 59229
Oh well for someone who's not worried you sure keep posting a lot about it
You keep posting, I just keep answering. I bet Kim Jr. would kick your ass with that weapon in the picture, you would go running off to Obama demanding protection because he hurt your pansy ass feelings.
Next thing you would know, Obama would be out there trying to make purchasing water guns with stricter water gun laws. All because of pansies like you.th422YUM95.jpg
As of now, North Korea lacks the necessary delivery system. And if they did, we have systems in place to shoot their missiles out of the sky (or low orbit).
What if they have a suicide squad smuggle it across in Mexican tunnels?
Then they will have accomplished the most logistically impossible feat in the history of all stealth missions... or any kind of mission. And American security would have to fail on the most epic magnitude of proportions, on all levels, from Congress to border patrol to local law enforcement...

How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean

There does not have to be a gigantic nuclear weapon. The Russians had a number of suitcase nukes and may still have them.
How many TONS of marijuana and other drugs do you think have been smuggled across the border in tunnels?
Yeah because marijuana from a neighboring state is the same as a gigantic nuclear weapon across an ocean
Yeah really massive nuclear weapon, you are really as stupid as the president of the US. Don't worry, nothing to see here, move along. I sure am glad I don't live in California.

View attachment 59220
Lol that retard thinks you can fit a nuke in a suitcase :rofl:
Nuclear briefcase - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nuclear briefcase is a specially outfitted briefcase used to authorize the use of nuclear weapons
I wont call you a retard as that insults the intelligence of people who are mentally challenge by comparing their IQ to yours. Yours is so low that a negative must be added to it -1 IQ. A box of rocks has more intelligence than you do.

View attachment 59226
Wow. You have no idea...


"A suitcase nuclear device (also suitcase bomb, backpack nuke, mini-nuke and pocket nuke) is a tactical nuclear weapon which uses, or is portable enough that it could use, a suitcase as its delivery method. Thus far, only the United States and the Soviet Union/Russian Federation are known to have possessed nuclear weapons programs developed and funded well enough to manufacture miniaturized nuclear weapons. Both the United States and the Soviet Union have acknowledged producing nuclear weapons small enough to be carried in specially-designed backpacks during the Cold War, but neither have ever made public the existence or development of weapons small enough to fit into a normal-sized suitcase or briefcase. It has also been reported that Israel has produced nuclear warheads small enough to fit into a suitcase."
The NKs have had major problems building bombs.

Miniaturizing one is beyond their capability.
Is It Time to Accept Reality? State Dept: "No"
"It’s preferable to live in a fantasy world?"
January 11, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The AP's Matt Lee is one of the reporters to actually ask difficult questions of the government. Which is how exchanges like this happen.

MATT LEE, ASSOCIATED PRESS: And then the last one is – and every time this happens, the line comes out from people in this Administration and other governments as well, is that we will not accept North Korea as a nuclear-armed state, and yet, it is. You also say this about other things too. You say you will never accept Crimea as a part of Russia. And yet, it is. Isn’t it time to recognize these things for what they are and not live in this illusion or fantasy where you pretend that things that are, are not?



MR KIRBY: But I would challenge --

QUESTION: It’s preferable to live in a fantasy world?

MR KIRBY: I would challenge this idea that it’s a fantasy world. Just because – let me put it this way. At this level of foreign policy, you have to make choices. And you don’t have to accept everything --

QUESTION: You have to accept reality, though.


Is It Time to Accept Reality? State Dept: "No"
Folks, the world is running out of oil and soon thereafter natural gas in amounts we can rely on as our energy source. Nuclear electric energy is our future sustainable energy source.

Having said that we need all the existing centrifuges we can make as well as all the uranium we can find to run these electric nuclear generation plants.

The world needs to “buy” North Korea’s enriched uranium giving North Korea a good money source to improve the living standards of their country.

Anyone here agree or disagree?
Folks, the world is running out of oil and soon thereafter natural gas in amounts we can rely on as our energy source. Nuclear electric energy is our future sustainable energy source.

Having said that we need all the existing centrifuges we can make as well as all the uranium we can find to run these electric nuclear generation plants.

The world needs to “buy” North Korea’s enriched uranium giving North Korea a good money source to improve the living standards of their country.

Anyone here agree or disagree?
Folks, the world is running out of oil
I heard shit like this in 1976 when Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter started odd and even days at the gas lines. We were supposed to run out of oil back than in 10 years, and guess what? We have more oil today in reserve than all the oil that Jimmy thought we had. This country has more energy needs than all the rest of the world. One day we will run out of energy, but not in my or my great grand children's children lifetime.

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