North Korea is a horrific example of the dangers of right wing ideology

A fucking maoist talking about ideology?
Dude, STFU

Amazing... I mean just amazing!

In another thread the OP'er wrote about the Decline of Texas population ( which is a total lie ) because of Texas Gun Laws and how Texas remind him of Afghanistan and now is writing about how North Korea Police state is just like the Republican Party and it voters...

Then the OP'er has written about how China is the perfect example of what they would like to see this country become, but what the OP'er has yet to explain why China is the country that props up the Dictator in North Korea and support the police state there!?!
He is VERY inconsistent

Read the book The Cleanest Race by Brian Meyers. i/t is a groundbreaking explanation about how the backwards police state of North Korea is not socialist at all, but rather the result of right wing ideology.

North Korea has much in common with conservative ideology all around the globe, including the republican party in the USA. There is a heavy focus on a "traditional family" structure, with a mother, father, and children. There is extreme xenophobia, fear of immigration, and a belief that their race is the purest (much like the white racism so prevalent in the South.) There is a heavy focus on the military, much like the military worship in the U.S.A. In fact, in North Korea, just like the the red states of the U.S.A, black citizens (or in the case of North Korea, a black Cuban diplomat) live in constant fear of lynching.

This is in direct contrast to true socialism, which treats all human beings as equal, regardless of race, gender, or nationality. True socialism has lead to the development of China from a medieval state to one of the most developed countries of the world, and has led to the creation of the world's greatest healthcare system in Cuba. Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | Huffington Post

In fact, North Korea has OPENLY REJECTED socialism. There are no pictures of Marx, or Mao, or Lenin on classrooms or in public. There is ZERO mention of communism in the constitution. The focus is on "Juche" an avowedly far right, militaristic, xenophobic ideal that doesn't sound so different than what Donald Trump preaches.

The next time some idiot mentions North Korea as "communist," tell them that North Korea is actually very reminiscent of the American right wing, and that the party line of the Korean Workers Party and the party line of the GOP are frighteningly similar.


North Korea is a cult of personality, much like Obama and the Democrats.
You are fucking retarded

There it is, the pot calling the kettle black...

Read the book The Cleanest Race by Brian Meyers. i/t is a groundbreaking explanation about how the backwards police state of North Korea is not socialist at all, but rather the result of right wing ideology.

North Korea has much in common with conservative ideology all around the globe, including the republican party in the USA. There is a heavy focus on a "traditional family" structure, with a mother, father, and children. There is extreme xenophobia, fear of immigration, and a belief that their race is the purest (much like the white racism so prevalent in the South.) There is a heavy focus on the military, much like the military worship in the U.S.A. In fact, in North Korea, just like the the red states of the U.S.A, black citizens (or in the case of North Korea, a black Cuban diplomat) live in constant fear of lynching.

This is in direct contrast to true socialism, which treats all human beings as equal, regardless of race, gender, or nationality. True socialism has lead to the development of China from a medieval state to one of the most developed countries of the world, and has led to the creation of the world's greatest healthcare system in Cuba. Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | Huffington Post

In fact, North Korea has OPENLY REJECTED socialism. There are no pictures of Marx, or Mao, or Lenin on classrooms or in public. There is ZERO mention of communism in the constitution. The focus is on "Juche" an avowedly far right, militaristic, xenophobic ideal that doesn't sound so different than what Donald Trump preaches.

The next time some idiot mentions North Korea as "communist," tell them that North Korea is actually very reminiscent of the American right wing, and that the party line of the Korean Workers Party and the party line of the GOP are frighteningly similar.


Seeing China is propping up the North Korean Dictatorship, does it mean China is just like those Republicans you hate so much?!
NK = communist = not exactly "right wing"

but it is LEFT WING.

In fact, the list of humans with the most murders is all left wingers - socialists and communists

1. Mao - Commie
2. Stalin - Commie
3. Hitler - Socialist
Hitler was NOT a socialist. He was a Nazi, which is a FAR RIGHT WING party

This statement does nothing to build your credibility, of which you have none. Nada. Zero. Zilch...

Seeing China is propping up the North Korean Dictatorship, does it mean China is just like those Republicans you hate so much?!
China has no choice. If they let North Korea fall, and be annexed by South Korea, that means that China will have a massive US military puppet state on it's doorstep.

It is far better for China to support an anti-imperialist country, as vile as it's leaders are, than to put its national security at risk of an american invasion

In fact, China is trying to PEACEFULLY change the regime in North Korea, and encourage slow but steady reform in the country. This has achieved FAR more than than the us and south korean saber rattling has.

Read the book The Cleanest Race by Brian Meyers. i/t is a groundbreaking explanation about how the backwards police state of North Korea is not socialist at all, but rather the result of right wing ideology.

North Korea has much in common with conservative ideology all around the globe, including the republican party in the USA. There is a heavy focus on a "traditional family" structure, with a mother, father, and children. There is extreme xenophobia, fear of immigration, and a belief that their race is the purest (much like the white racism so prevalent in the South.) There is a heavy focus on the military, much like the military worship in the U.S.A. In fact, in North Korea, just like the the red states of the U.S.A, black citizens (or in the case of North Korea, a black Cuban diplomat) live in constant fear of lynching.

This is in direct contrast to true socialism, which treats all human beings as equal, regardless of race, gender, or nationality. True socialism has lead to the development of China from a medieval state to one of the most developed countries of the world, and has led to the creation of the world's greatest healthcare system in Cuba. Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | Huffington Post

In fact, North Korea has OPENLY REJECTED socialism. There are no pictures of Marx, or Mao, or Lenin on classrooms or in public. There is ZERO mention of communism in the constitution. The focus is on "Juche" an avowedly far right, militaristic, xenophobic ideal that doesn't sound so different than what Donald Trump preaches.

The next time some idiot mentions North Korea as "communist," tell them that North Korea is actually very reminiscent of the American right wing, and that the party line of the Korean Workers Party and the party line of the GOP are frighteningly similar.

North Korea is a left wing paradise you moron.....if it was right wing it wouldn't be a totalitarian markets, free minds, rights of the individual.....checks on government press, free religion, and the Right to bear arms....nothing in common with North Korea....look at the democrat party though....they are kissing cousins....

Seeing China is propping up the North Korean Dictatorship, does it mean China is just like those Republicans you hate so much?!
China has no choice. If they let North Korea fall, and be annexed by South Korea, that means that China will have a massive US military puppet state on it's doorstep.

It is far better for China to support an anti-imperialist country, as vile as it's leaders are, than to put its national security at risk of an american invasion

In fact, China is trying to PEACEFULLY change the regime in North Korea, and encourage slow but steady reform in the country. This has achieved FAR more than than the us and south korean saber rattling has.

China is not wanting their boy dictator removed from power in North Korea. Every time China whines about the South China Sea North Korea launches tests because their puppet master ( China ) told them to do it...

So seeing you support China and their support of North Korea make you as bad as those Republicans you hate so much!
Another demonstration of the brilliant intellect and knowledge of history of liberals. ROFL!

Seeing China is propping up the North Korean Dictatorship, does it mean China is just like those Republicans you hate so much?!
China has no choice. If they let North Korea fall, and be annexed by South Korea, that means that China will have a massive US military puppet state on it's doorstep.

It is far better for China to support an anti-imperialist country, as vile as it's leaders are, than to put its national security at risk of an american invasion

In fact, China is trying to PEACEFULLY change the regime in North Korea, and encourage slow but steady reform in the country. This has achieved FAR more than than the us and south korean saber rattling has.

Yeah, that's why they moved 30,000 troops to the border in '04 and have security forces on alert and prepared for armed violence.
Although the OP is a paid troll of the Clinton camp I do LOVE NK's way of dealing with traitors....the anti aircraft gun execution just sounds awesome! :)

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