North Korea pushes time back by 30 minutes and creates new time zone called "Pyongyang"

North Korea creates its own time zone -
Would they call it " the Supreme Time Zone"?
This is a crazy nation which I don't even know what to expect of.
Don't forget they have nuclear weapon.
A nightmare of America!!!

...and the rest of the world continues to ignore N. Korea and the little nut-ball that runs it. They can set their watches back to whatever they want. Insanity like this reigns ONLY if anyone pays attention to it and goes along with it.
north Korean night time satelite photo - Google Search
99.999% of the zombies who live there don't even have a fucking watch.
The crazy pervert 'Dear Leader' is about to proclaim to his zombies that he's up and moved the entire country to a 'special planet' he built with his own hands.
Yes that's crazy but what's really crazy is 100% of the zombies will believe it.
I predict very soon he'll order every man woman and child to invade SK. They will be armed with special invisible swords the fucking lunatic will claim he put in everyone hands when they were asleep.
I wonder: is the 30 minute difference actually correct geographically ? Afghanistan, Bhagram had a 30 minute different time zone also. so it isn't actually the only one.
Koreans should try to be more creative.

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