North Korea: Stop The Hate

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
North Korea: Stop The Hate

I see all kinds of images on social media that have North Korea nuked into oblivion. Odd thing is the people who post that kind of crap never once give thought to all the innocent Koreans trapped in that god forsaken country. How pathetically sick are we as a nation that we cannot differentiate between a people and their government?

Oh sure we condemn their government for enslaving their people even as we condemn them to a most inhumane death. Right Wing reactionaries and unthinking Americans remind me that America becomes what they hate most in times of hysteria and alarmist saber rattling.
In what way does this look "enslaved"?


Intelligence hard to come by from No. Korea...
North Korea difficult intel target
April 4th, 2013 - A former senior US official, who recently retired, says North Korea is a difficult target for the intelligence community but "the coverage is very extensive using national technical means: imagery, intercepts and other means." The official said, "It's hard to get in there, but we do have external capabilities. Looking, listening and watching are all in play."
Moving a missile to the east coast is "very discernible", the official said, even on mobile launchers. The mobile launchers are more difficult–one or two might get through, the official said, but North Korea has limited routes to take whether by rail or road. "It's not a large country with an intricate transportation system." What is difficult to ascertain is its uranium enrichment program. It could be buried in underground facilities where there are no air samples, nothing to collect. There are other shortfalls for gathering intelligence on North Korea, in particular a lack of human intelligence, the official said. "We don't have physical access, minimal, if at all," the official said.


"Okay you guys, let's talk in pig-Korean so the Americans won't be able to tell what we're sayin'."

What's missing from US knowledge is what are the plans and intentions of the Kim Jung Un regime. "They're not going to attack us or anybody else with nuclear weapons because they know the consequences. They're not suicidal." But there are a lot of unanswered questions, the official said, "Where are they going with their nuclear program? Who is whispering in Kim Jung Un's ear? What's the bottom line?"

The official says the physical aspects are very important, but "we don't necessarily know where all facilities are, the amount of fissile material it has, how many actual weapons they have produced." "We look from afar, but we're not in the eye of the storm," the official said. If the regime decides to launch a missile it would undoubtedly be a test, not a strike, the former official said. "They know enough to know not to take the country down." But the former official warned that "it doesn't mean we can't stumble into something that escalates and spins out of control."

The former official does agree with the moves the US has taken in response to North Korea's continued provocations. "Kim Jung Un and the hardliners need to know we are very serious, we have capabilities that are extensive, which extend to our allies in Japan and South Korea and that we are prepared to use them if North Korea does anything of a kinetic nature." The official doesn't think there is a risk Kim Jung Un and the hardliners could feel they are backed into a corner and be forced to act. "They respect you when you are straight, honest, show what you have and don't threaten them." But when asked if the show of force by the US–the B2 flights, the additional ships–could be considered a threat by North Korea, the official responded, "They put the ball in play with threats of strikes against the U.S."
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North Korea: Stop The Hate

I see all kinds of images on social media that have North Korea nuked into oblivion. Odd thing is the people who post that kind of crap never once give thought to all the innocent Koreans trapped in that god forsaken country. How pathetically sick are we as a nation that we cannot differentiate between a people and their government?

Oh sure we condemn their government for enslaving their people even as we condemn them to a most inhumane death. Right Wing reactionaries and unthinking Americans remind me that America becomes what they hate most in times of hysteria and alarmist saber rattling.


north korean pictures of new york in flames - Google Search
North Korea: Stop The Hate

I see all kinds of images on social media that have North Korea nuked into oblivion. Odd thing is the people who post that kind of crap never once give thought to all the innocent Koreans trapped in that god forsaken country. How pathetically sick are we as a nation that we cannot differentiate between a people and their government?

Oh sure we condemn their government for enslaving their people even as we condemn them to a most inhumane death. Right Wing reactionaries and unthinking Americans remind me that America becomes what they hate most in times of hysteria and alarmist saber rattling.


north korean pictures of new york in flames - Google Search

scaredy cat!

North Korea: Stop The Hate

I see all kinds of images on social media that have North Korea nuked into oblivion. Odd thing is the people who post that kind of crap never once give thought to all the innocent Koreans trapped in that god forsaken country. How pathetically sick are we as a nation that we cannot differentiate between a people and their government?

Oh sure we condemn their government for enslaving their people even as we condemn them to a most inhumane death. Right Wing reactionaries and unthinking Americans remind me that America becomes what they hate most in times of hysteria and alarmist saber rattling.

Right Wing reactionaries and unthinking Americans remind me that America becomes what they hate most in times of hysteria and alarmist saber rattling.

How pathetically sick are we as a nation that we cannot differentiate between a people and their government?
Note the healthy habits of North Koreans. All their lights are out at night so they can get up early and go to work. Further, NKn's don't ship cheap electronics and other geegaws into the US thereby undermining wages in the US. In other words NK is not only a well rested, healthier nation, by not exporting cheap geegaws to the US it is not a trade-parasite. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Barack Obama for getting something right by not antagonizing NK.

Dante, you are always going to find shit like that. It in no way means we are sick as a nation. Hyperbole much?

After 9/11, President George W Bush had to clam the nation, he cautioned the nation in a national address. He calmed the nation down before we invaded Afghanistan to go after al qaeda. A majority of Americans would have supported wiping the whole region off the face of the Earth because we lost a few thousand people. :cuckoo:

Hyperbole? Hardly. Dante just likes his facts dealt out with truth
Note the healthy habits of North Koreans. All their lights are out at night so they can get up early and go to work. Further, NKn's don't ship cheap electronics and other geegaws into the US thereby undermining wages in the US. In other words NK is not only a well rested, healthier nation, by not exporting cheap geegaws to the US it is not a trade-parasite. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Barack Obama for getting something right by not antagonizing NK.][/quote]

you're on the demented side, eh? :eusa_whistle:
Dante, you are always going to find shit like that. It in no way means we are sick as a nation. Hyperbole much?

After 9/11, President George W Bush had to clam the nation, he cautioned the nation in a national address. He calmed the nation down before we invaded Afghanistan to go after al qaeda. A majority of Americans would have supported wiping the whole region off the face of the Earth because we lost a few thousand people. :cuckoo:

Hyperbole? Hardly. Dante just likes his facts dealt out with truth

Take your meds.
Dante: you're on the demented side, eh [Jukes]? :eusa_whistle:


IF plenty of sleep is not healthy.

If not undermining US wages as a trade-parasite is a bad thing for US labor.
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North Korea: Stop The Hate

I see all kinds of images on social media that have North Korea nuked into oblivion. Odd thing is the people who post that kind of crap never once give thought to all the innocent Koreans trapped in that god forsaken country. How pathetically sick are we as a nation that we cannot differentiate between a people and their government?

Oh sure we condemn their government for enslaving their people even as we condemn them to a most inhumane death. Right Wing reactionaries and unthinking Americans remind me that America becomes what they hate most in times of hysteria and alarmist saber rattling.

Let us know when NK decides to come sit by the fire with you and sing Kumbayah. I'll buy the marshmallows! (And I'm not worried I'll have to spend the money anytime soon.)
Dante, you are always going to find shit like that. It in no way means we are sick as a nation. Hyperbole much?

After 9/11, President George W Bush had to clam the nation, he cautioned the nation in a national address. He calmed the nation down before we invaded Afghanistan to go after al qaeda. A majority of Americans would have supported wiping the whole region off the face of the Earth because we lost a few thousand people. :cuckoo:

Hyperbole? Hardly. Dante just likes his facts dealt out with truth

Take your meds.

troll somebody else today. :eusa_whistle:

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