Norway Muslims encircle Synagogue to support Jews


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
OSLO—A group of young Muslims embraced the Jewish synagogue in Oslo in a “ring of peace” Saturday, protesting anti-Semitism and denouncing violence after terrorist attacks targeting Jews in neighboring Denmark and in France, in what Jewish leaders described as a unique and heartwarming event.
“I feel gratitude and hope,” said Ervin Kohn, head of the Jewish congregation in Oslo. “This sends a strong signal to our little congregation, that we’re not alone.”
About a thousand people showed up at the event, which was heavily protected by police. The symbolic human chain around the synagogue was formed by mostly younger Muslims, holding hands and expressing their support of Jews in speeches, and the crowd applauded and cheered the initiative.
“We must kill the prejudices we have and move on from hate,” Hassan Raja, 30, one of the organizers, told The Wall Street Journal. “We hope to get people to respect and understand other religions.”
well , sure I'd be hopeful but I don't know if I'd ever trust people that hold the Koran and Mohamed in high esteem .
I still don't trust them. They were probably scoping out the premises for an attack.
'taqiyah' although some might be sincere . Hard to tell but if they hold the koran or mohamed in high esteem then I wouldn't trust them.
well , sure I'd be hopeful but I don't know if I'd ever trust people that hold the Koran and Mohamed in high esteem .
Why do you distrust Muslims?

Well its a start


None of them belong in Norway or any other European Nation

I expected as much coming from YOU!

I still don't trust them. They were probably scoping out the premises for an attack.

I'll take their gesture at face value until something happens that changes my mind!
'taqiyah' although some might be sincere . Hard to tell but if they hold the koran or mohamed in high esteem then I wouldn't trust them.
Taqiyah doesn't apply here as none of the Muslims were under duress or being coerced into being "nice"' to Jews.
Actually, JQ, I have been to the Middle East and I have done business with many muslims. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met. I have also drank beer with some hard core racists who were active members of hate groups...they were nice peoples too. In the is a war can trust them as far as you can throw them and that is about it. When they stand up (like here and there are MANY other examples)...but when they stand up and call for peace in Palestine and every where else....I will begin to trust them.

This is why I think the US really needs to back off of ISIS in the ME...let the muslims handle their house...the best case scenario...Muslim nations defeat ISIS...worst case scenario....they join them and we have viable targets for war.

Either way...Muslims are gonna have to die...there is no peaceful solution. I just believe we let them kill each other instead of putting our soldiers in harms way.

(But if they keep on killing Christians and attacking Isreal....we are gonna have to fuck them up).
Too bad they won't be there when one of them returns to burn it down or carry out some other attack.
The question now is, when will Jews stop slaughtering Muslims and bombing mosques in Palestine? I can't anticipate anytime soon.
original poster asks why people distrust muslims . Just checkout some of their double talk and checkout the meaning of some of the words that they use in the double talk . Plus look at their history of death and invasion of western lands since the year they invented islam . Look at whats going on in the countries where muslims run the country .
yeah Nutz , probably just scoping things out , course , i'm sure that some small number of the muslims at the kumbaya moment were genuine in their feeling of sympathy . Course those few have probably been identified and will be dealt with .
original poster asks why people distrust muslims . Just checkout some of their double talk and checkout the meaning of some of the words that they use in the double talk . Plus look at their history of death and invasion of western lands since the year they invented islam . Look at whats going on in the countries where muslims run the country .
But there have been Christian extremists who have committed similar atrocities. Yet, we don't define all Christians by the actions of violent Christians do we? Here is my point: Anything an Arab does in a negative way is judged by the West to be the workings of Islam. That holds true whether the Arab is Muslim or not. The ME is characterized as an Islamic haven: a place where world domination is being plotted for a take over by any means necessary. But is that really the case?

The only way to know is through our clandestine operatives in the INtelligence community. I believe Obama's actions are governed by information he receives from those operatives. Those reports would also be accessible to Whites on his administration to include the NSA and VP Biden. So, I do not want to hear of any nonsense about his colluding with the enemy. His cabinet members would not tolerate that! Given those parameters, Obama and his administration have eyes in the ME, but Benghazi has proven the vision in those eyes is not 20/20. Yet, I believe it has improved enough to know that there is no universal Muslim threat...just isolated extremist groups similar to those that pop up in Christian American society from time to time!
OSLO—A group of young Muslims embraced the Jewish synagogue in Oslo in a “ring of peace” Saturday, protesting anti-Semitism and denouncing violence after terrorist attacks targeting Jews in neighboring Denmark and in France, in what Jewish leaders described as a unique and heartwarming event.
“I feel gratitude and hope,” said Ervin Kohn, head of the Jewish congregation in Oslo. “This sends a strong signal to our little congregation, that we’re not alone.”
About a thousand people showed up at the event, which was heavily protected by police. The symbolic human chain around the synagogue was formed by mostly younger Muslims, holding hands and expressing their support of Jews in speeches, and the crowd applauded and cheered the initiative.
“We must kill the prejudices we have and move on from hate,” Hassan Raja, 30, one of the organizers, told The Wall Street Journal. “We hope to get people to respect and understand other religions.”

You just know someone's gonna print that last graph out of context so as to read,

"We must kill...People...And other religions." :)
OSLO—A group of young Muslims embraced the Jewish synagogue in Oslo in a “ring of peace” Saturday, protesting anti-Semitism and denouncing violence after terrorist attacks targeting Jews in neighboring Denmark and in France, in what Jewish leaders described as a unique and heartwarming event.
“I feel gratitude and hope,” said Ervin Kohn, head of the Jewish congregation in Oslo. “This sends a strong signal to our little congregation, that we’re not alone.”
About a thousand people showed up at the event, which was heavily protected by police. The symbolic human chain around the synagogue was formed by mostly younger Muslims, holding hands and expressing their support of Jews in speeches, and the crowd applauded and cheered the initiative.
“We must kill the prejudices we have and move on from hate,” Hassan Raja, 30, one of the organizers, told The Wall Street Journal. “We hope to get people to respect and understand other religions.”

You just know someone's gonna print that last graph out of context so as to read,

"We must kill...People...And other religions." :)
well. if I see that, I won't allow them to get a way with it. How about YOU?
don't care what you want to hear JQ , read the Koran , look at muslim history . Check out the acts of Mohamed and his ilk from the 7th century [about] to see what muslims have done throughout history . Check out their invasion of Spain and attempts to invade Europe via France . I advise all westerners to check islam out . Check out the fact that islam means SUBMISSION !! Checkout the meanings of the words that they use . Words like taqiyah , jizrah , kaffir and other words . Concerning Christians , thread is not about Christian but I salute the Christian Crusaders of old as they fought their enemies in defensive wars . Course this thread is not about Christians. As far as the 'COLLUDER' in chief , I have nothing to say about that bonehead in this thread at the moment !!
but concerning the COLLUDER in chief , well the colluder in chief is the guy that calls murder by an islamist that shouts 'alahu akbar' as he is murdering , well he calls that murder of quite a few American soldiers as 'workplace violence' JQ . Course there are many more examples of collsion but thats just one good example . Oughta have a contest and see how many examples of collusion can be remembered . Winner receives the equivalent of hunnerd bucks for the best one . Prize is payable in Iranian camel dollars sometime / someday in the future [maybe] .
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don't care what you want to hear JQ , read the Koran , look at muslim history . Check out the acts of Mohamed and his ilk from the 7th century [about] to see what muslims have done throughout history . Check out their invasion of Spain and attempts to invade Europe via France . I advise all westerners to check islam out . Check out the fact that islam means SUBMISSION !! Checkout the meanings of the words that they use . Words like taqiyah , jizrah , kaffir and other words . Concerning Christians , thread is not about Christian but I salute the Christian Crusaders of old as they fought their enemies in defensive wars . Course this thread is not about Christians. As far as the 'COLLUDER' in chief , I have nothing to say about that bonehead in this thread at the moment !!
I guess the feeling is mutual concerning what each of us wants to hear. We are going to say what we have to say regardless.

In regards to Islamic history, I have read some of the Koran and am somewhat familiar with their bloody past.
That past, though, is no worst than that of Christianity. Furthermore, there is some evidence that those Muslims who commit terrorists acts have simply misinterpreted the Koran just as some Christians have misinterpreted the Bible. Some prominent Muslims have posited that down through the centuries the teachings of the Koran have been corrupted and misused to foment terror and war by some. President George Bush also publicly subscribed to that premise in the wake of 9/11. Plausible? Well, considering that many sects exist within the Muslim community. There had to be at least a difference of opinion about some parts of the Koran as a dividing factor. Christians have the same dissonance within their ranks...That is why we have Baptists, Catholics, Methodists and so on.and so forth in the CHristian community.

Given that some Muslim sects have always been peaceful while others have been more warlike, there is some validity to be found in the altruistic actions of the Norway Muslims.

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