Not a stinkin Dem mentions Antifa and Blm

Could you give a list of the 500 successful businesses you say Trump has. I was not aware that he was that diversified
And to answer the OP, Black lives matter as much as any other lives, getting that point across is the reason for the protests. and ANTIFA just stands for antifascism, is that not what we fought a world war over?
And to answer the OP, Black lives matter as much as any other lives, getting that point across is the reason for the protests. and ANTIFA just stands for antifascism, is that not what we fought a world war over?
Yes Black lives matter, but no more or no less than any other lives matter in life. To suggest any such thing, otherwise means to suggest that a person is more special than all other lives in which is somehow to be based upon one's skin color ??? It is utter ridiculousness and bullcrap non-sense. "Justice matters to all" should be the call of those not being represented properly in life.

Nothing wrong with saying "black lives matter also" as a slogan, but to say "black lives matter" as if most in a 99.9% range don't understand this to be true already, uhh is just ridiculous. When will "black lives matter" to blacks ?????? Now that is the daunting question that sadly alot of blacks face in their own communities. Blacks preying upon vulnerable blacks is a huge problem in America, and maybe even in the world.

The blaming of white's for everything that is wrong with blacks is ridiculous, and might be a political tactic used heavily today by groups seeking power and never unity.

Wake up America.
Last edited:
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
I've said it many times in many threads, but since you're whining about me again, I'll say it yet again:

The Democrats avoid talking about violence for purely cynical partisan political reasons. It doesn't help them to address it.

Just like the Republicans avoid talking about White Nationalists & Supremacists & Separatists like you.

I'll say it for the three thousandth time: The two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors, enabling their own worst behaviors.

But you knew that. You just wanted to whine about me, again.
Last edited:
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
I've said it many times in many threads, but since you're whining about me again, I'll say it yet again:

The Democrats avoid talking about violence for purely cynical partisan political reasons. It doesn't help them to address it.

Just like the Republicans avoid talking about White Nationalists & Supremacists & Separatists like you.

I'll say it for the three thousandth time: The two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors, enabling their own worst behaviors.

But you knew that. You just wanted to whine about me, again.
White supremacy lol
Wow are you a “ useful idiot “
Only thing I see are black supremacist
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
I've said it many times in many threads, but since you're whining about me again, I'll say it yet again:

The Democrats avoid talking about violence for purely cynical partisan political reasons. It doesn't help them to address it.

Just like the Republicans avoid talking about White Nationalists & Supremacists & Separatists like you.

I'll say it for the three thousandth time: The two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors, enabling their own worst behaviors.

But you knew that. You just wanted to whine about me, again.
White supremacy lol
Wow are you a “ useful idiot “
Only thing I see are black supremacist
Yes, I'm sure that's all you can "see".
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
I've said it many times in many threads, but since you're whining about me again, I'll say it yet again:

The Democrats avoid talking about violence for purely cynical partisan political reasons. It doesn't help them to address it.

Just like the Republicans avoid talking about White Nationalists & Supremacists & Separatists like you.

I'll say it for the three thousandth time: The two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors, enabling their own worst behaviors.

But you knew that. You just wanted to whine about me, again.
White supremacy lol
Wow are you a “ useful idiot “
Only thing I see are black supremacist

Reminder: America is a nation built by whites for whites. Mac is probably one of the invader types, not accepting American people and values for what they are.

He most likely does not have big beef with white nationalists, but Americans. Republicans will never denounce Americans, but have already denounced the ridiculous circle jerk white nationalist movement, where some of the biggest morons ever demonstrate inferior LARP ability. Why do I think this? Because these LARPers are completely irrelevant not worthy of a second thought.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
I've said it many times in many threads, but since you're whining about me again, I'll say it yet again:

The Democrats avoid talking about violence for purely cynical partisan political reasons. It doesn't help them to address it.

Just like the Republicans avoid talking about White Nationalists & Supremacists & Separatists like you.

I'll say it for the three thousandth time: The two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors, enabling their own worst behaviors.

But you knew that. You just wanted to whine about me, again.
White supremacy lol
Wow are you a “ useful idiot “
Only thing I see are black supremacist

Reminder: America is a nation built by whites for whites. Mac is probably one of the invader types, not accepting American people and values for what they are.

He most likely does not have big beef with white nationalists, but Americans. Republicans will never denounce Americans, but have already denounced the ridiculous circle jerk white nationalist movement, where the biggest morons ever demonstrate inferior LARP ability.
And there it is.

I'm glad you didn't try to deny my point. I'll give ya credit for that.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
I've said it many times in many threads, but since you're whining about me again, I'll say it yet again:

The Democrats avoid talking about violence for purely cynical partisan political reasons. It doesn't help them to address it.

Just like the Republicans avoid talking about White Nationalists & Supremacists & Separatists like you.

I'll say it for the three thousandth time: The two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors, enabling their own worst behaviors.

But you knew that. You just wanted to whine about me, again.
White supremacy lol
Wow are you a “ useful idiot “
Only thing I see are black supremacist

Reminder: America is a nation built by whites for whites. Mac is probably one of the invader types, not accepting American people and values for what they are.

He most likely does not have big beef with white nationalists, but Americans. Republicans will never denounce Americans, but have already denounced the ridiculous circle jerk white nationalist movement, where the biggest morons ever demonstrate inferior LARP ability.
And there it is.

I'm glad you didn't try to deny my point. I'll give ya credit for that.

I did add to an edit that you are incorrect. Trump has denounced the LARPers.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace

The following is being under reported on: Hispanic Dems are fleeing the Dimm's due to their failure to denounce mob violence in Dem controlled cities.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.

Rioting - fine.
Questioning why democrats have not addressed rioting - OMGWTFNAZI!

Mac always puts the form of the message above the content. The OP was a valid question.
I've said it many times in many threads, but since you're whining about me again, I'll say it yet again:

The Democrats avoid talking about violence for purely cynical partisan political reasons. It doesn't help them to address it.

Just like the Republicans avoid talking about White Nationalists & Supremacists & Separatists like you.

I'll say it for the three thousandth time: The two ends can be comically similar in their behaviors, enabling their own worst behaviors.

But you knew that. You just wanted to whine about me, again.
White supremacy lol
Wow are you a “ useful idiot “
Only thing I see are black supremacist

Reminder: America is a nation built by whites for whites. Mac is probably one of the invader types, not accepting American people and values for what they are.

He most likely does not have big beef with white nationalists, but Americans. Republicans will never denounce Americans, but have already denounced the ridiculous circle jerk white nationalist movement, where the biggest morons ever demonstrate inferior LARP ability.
And there it is.

I'm glad you didn't try to deny my point. I'll give ya credit for that.

the ws are an irrelevant fringe and the antifa/blm goons are a rioting in the streets, WITH THE COPS ORDERED TO STAND DOWN SO THE MOB CAN TERRORIZE INNOCENT PEOPLE.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
actually, YOU are one of the poorest specimens of human life---ignorant and totally brain dead---btw whats an --idot--did you mean the word that describes you? its spelled IDIOT---YOU---now i would say you are the brain dead idiot and that you should learn how to spell....just saying
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.
WTF? Are they so afraid of? We get some real idiots on here. Do they not hear thier own words? I guess they like following a baffoon that tells people they shouo inject themselves with cleaners or that the spanish flu ended world war 2. Must make them think their dumb asses could rise to leadership or some thing.
Okay, dead serious here. I've talked about this with friends and family, and it seriously might help you understand this group pathology.

Make a time commitment to spend about 12-20 hours listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin. At least. Those guys. And very important -- don't listen critically. Listen like you're absolutely believing every last word they say. Imagine avoiding any contrary information, as they instruct. Then, in your mind, imagine doing that for, say, 12 years.

If you're curious as to how this happened, do that, and you'll have a much better understanding. Again, dead serious.
I don’t think you have any clue what you’re saying ??
I don’t listen to any of those ..maybe you should
I think you are just a bot promoting propaganda. Prove you are human. Write some thing personal and of substance.
when confronted, these assholes run---now that says it all about asswipe democrats
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace

Not a stinking trumptard has mentioned QAnon, oh probably because the majority are QAnon.

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