Not a stinkin Dem mentions Antifa and Blm

You vociferous bag of wind
LOL you are like talking to a rock only worse the rock will not say anything embaressingly stupid. YHour mother must cringe every time you open your mouth.
You have the same amount of neurons as a rock
lol that one took some thought.LOL! Say something not paroted.. Prove you are human.
So far , you have not said a single rational thought of any substance
Are you Kamala Harris ?!!
You vociferous bag of wind
LOL you are like talking to a rock only worse the rock will not say anything embaressingly stupid. YHour mother must cringe every time you open your mouth.
You have the same amount of neurons as a rock
lol that one took some thought.LOL! Say something not paroted.. Prove you are human.
So far , you have not said a single rational thought of any substance
Are you Kamala Harris ?!!
parroted. Nothing but a chat bot and a realy antequated one. No real person is this stupid.
Antiquated is better than any of the immoral garbage that exists in today’s collapsed world
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace

Yup and you didn't hear them talking about the knuckleheaded Governors and mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indianapolis either.

What a pack of imbeciles.
Soros doesn't allow the party he owns, Democrats, to say anything bad about antifa and BLM, the organizations he is using to destroy out country.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.


and yet, if what he said is true, that the dems had nothing to say about terrorists groups rioting in the streets,

that is a massive failure on their part.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.

and yet, if what he said is true, that the dems had nothing to say about terrorists groups rioting in the streets,

that is a massive failure on their part.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Standard obedient Trumpster: Ignorant, arrogant, paranoid. Terrified.

and yet, if what he said is true, that the dems had nothing to say about terrorists groups rioting in the streets,

that is a massive failure on their part.
I some how doubt they care much on your opinion there.LOL As far as terrorists,LOL They got me shakin inmy boots. I am terroizedLOL yall are a hoot. I guess the Dems continue to speak for themselves and not what you wanna put in thier mouths.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Why don't you address the Op instead of just running your mouth ?? Did they speak of the anarchy and mayhem in the streets of America or not ??
The Democrats pointing out the destructive nutters in their party during their convention would be like the Republicans introducing Trump at their convention as "the guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is, to avoid angering all the critical White Nationalists in his base".

Parties don't do that, obviously.

Obtuse questions are boring.
Last edited:
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace

The Democrat Party are Antifa-Deniers, the riots in Portland are a hoax. Its official party policy that Antifa just doesn't exist.

However, no mention of Black Lives Matter- and their peaceful protests in Chicago's mag mile shopping area and NYC's 5th Ave is strange. We can see the city financed BLM mural in front of President Trump's former domicile.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
Note Jill Biden appearing in an empty classroom.
That's ironic.....because Democrats using their Draconian social-distancing and mask wearing policies have emptied every classroom in the country.
America is in isolation thanks to the Democrats and their friends in China.
Our kids will soon be basketcases with no social skills other than being a bunch of thugs trying to beat up anyone that pisses them off.
This is the Transformation of America the Democrats kept talking about while Obama was president.
And last night they tried to blame it all on TRump.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
Dolt ?? Everything I said Is accurate
Looks like CNN destroyed your already broken brain even more
Do you even have a frontal lobe ??
ya, right LOL. you are the biggest tard on here. I find myself with mixed emotion around you, I wanna laugh hard but then at the end of the laugh I feel sad for ya. Na, no sadness just laughing at something with the IQ of a rock.
Why don't you address the Op instead of just running your mouth ?? Did they speak of the anarchy and mayhem in the streets of America or not ??
Fuck if I know, I did not watch. They control what they want to talk about, it is thier convention. You and dumb fuck that started the op do not get to decide what they talk about. Did the republicans talk about thier president grabbing pusssy and all the women he has paid off? Or did they talk about how we have more corona cases than any where in the world and our laughable response. Did they talk about all the riotiing happening on Trumps watch or how he hid in the basement during them. Did they talk about how trump is hot air and has done nothing to stop the rioting and even inflamed it? If not so what it was thier convention. I have no say in it. Just as you have no say in the dmes convention. Wanna control the narrative rise to power inside the party and you have some say until then fuck off.! I decide to run for office it will be my words not your spoken not yours. You dumb fucks seem to forget others have thier own opinion and a lot better one than yours or this idiot that started the thread.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
/——/ Ahhh, poor little libtard. All you can do is lash out when someone doesn’t buy into your Marxist nightmare.
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace

The statist left reminds me a lot of the cone heads, not too bright & easy to I.D.(transparent, easy to see through).
We have both terror groups and not a single word during the Maoist Dem ,fake hate convention??

These people are close to ending all of America

Total disgrace
If brains were gold you would be the poorest person around. LOL Ya it must burn that an idot like you does not control the narrative. imagine that, just like every other day of your real life.
/——/ Ahhh, poor little libtard. All you can do is lash out when someone doesn’t buy into your Marxist nightmare.
ah. look at cell blocks atte4mpt at I am not sure what. I guess calling some one a lib tard.LOL It hurts so bad coming from a dumb fuck like you. All you have is calling of names while you follow a guy that tells you to inject cleaners in your veins and says the spanish flu ended world war 2. How many time has trump files for bankrupcy? freal smart guy, great leader.LOL. A fucking drooling retard shouting names . Funny but tragic.

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