Not All Democrats Committing Political Suicide...

The tax plan passed. The rich are richer now. What is the right wing's problem?

There's more in my paycheck dan, what's the problem? You unemployed?
It was merely added to the (other) Peoples' debt. Only the right wing, never gets it.
/----/ Thanks for proving Rush is right. He said Liberals think the amount of wealth is finite and for someone to make money, it must be taken from someone else. The reality is the pool of wealth is ever expanding and there is always enough for everyone.

Then why not raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour?

Higher unemployment for what, more Democrat votes? It's always party before country with you guys
Unemployment compensation for being naturally unemployed!
Unlike the right wing; we don't simply resort to fallacy and abandon our platform.

You started in fallacy, so no address change necessary. The socialist platform remains, we know.
big wall=big government.

That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a while. Can you explain how you came up with that?
I have to keep it simple for right wingers.

So you can’t explain how you came up with something so stupid? Not surprising at all.
The right wing has nothing but repeal. The left still has, healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

How did Obama's tax reform package work? Eight years erased in six months. :lol:

Stock market up 33%, lowest unemployment rate in decades, a large number of illegals fled the country.

When Seattle officials voted three years ago to incrementally boost the city's minimum wage up to $15 an hour, they'd hoped to improve the lives of low-income workers. Yet according to a major new study that could force economists to reassess past research on the issue, the hike has had the opposite effect.

The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

The costs to low-wage workers in Seattle outweighed the benefits by a ratio of three to one.

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
It is ok to "shed low paying jobs" in modern times.

Then shed low paying jobs by getting rid of 20 million illegals McDonald's would then start people off at $17 an hour.

Why One Walmart in North Dakota Is Paying $17.40 an Hour

socialism on a national basis; how right wing of you.
Unlike the right wing; we don't simply resort to fallacy and abandon our platform.

You started in fallacy, so no address change necessary. The socialist platform remains, we know.
big wall=big government.

That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a while. Can you explain how you came up with that?
I have to keep it simple for right wingers.

So you can’t explain how you came up with something so stupid? Not surprising at all.
silly right wingers; y'all have nothing but fallacy not any form of valid arguments.
Read what the poster said. He said that it is bullshit that for one person to make more money, it must be taken from someone else.

So, according to HIM, if someone makes $15 an hour instead of 10, he wouldn't be taking that money from anyone else.

Maybe more coffee before reading for content NYC.

Fuck off:

Thanks for proving Rush is right. He said Liberals think the amount of wealth is finite and for someone to make money, it must be taken from someone else. The reality is the pool of wealth is ever expanding and there is always enough for everyone.

that's what the poster said.
big government=right wing.

Democrats demand big government, that is how they plan on winning elections with enslaved minority voters. Opportunity comes with freedom to pursue your legal options for success, not steal it through ignoring the law.
You started in fallacy, so no address change necessary. The socialist platform remains, we know.
big wall=big government.

That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a while. Can you explain how you came up with that?
I have to keep it simple for right wingers.

So you can’t explain how you came up with something so stupid? Not surprising at all.
silly right wingers; y'all have nothing but fallacy not any form of valid arguments.

I didn’t argue dumbass, I asked a question. How stupid are you really?
If the Republicans want the CHIPS program continued, they should quit fucking around and put it in a standalone bill. IOW take it off the chess board.
Once the Dems stop holding America hostage for illegals Congress says it will tackle immigration...

If the Republicans want the CHIPS program continued, they should quit fucking around and put it in a standalone bill. IOW take it off the chess board.
Once the Dems stop holding America hostage for illegals Congress says it will tackle immigration...

No reason to take their word for that.

Somehow, someway shit has turned weird....the feeling is being pushed and we are being told that we OWE the DACA “kids” a resolution.... FUCK THAT.....Let’s be real clear...the U.S. Constitution was authored for Americans...not for the residents of Mexico....the people of this nation OWE nothing to our filthy neighbors to the south...we don’t OWE them an immigration program that works for them...we do however OWE the American people an immigration program that works for them....PERIOD!
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There's more in my paycheck dan, what's the problem? You unemployed?
It was merely added to the (other) Peoples' debt. Only the right wing, never gets it.
/----/ Thanks for proving Rush is right. He said Liberals think the amount of wealth is finite and for someone to make money, it must be taken from someone else. The reality is the pool of wealth is ever expanding and there is always enough for everyone.

Then why not raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour?

Higher unemployment for what, more Democrat votes? It's always party before country with you guys
Unemployment compensation for being naturally unemployed!
/-----/ Do you realize how idiotic that makes you look? Naturally unemployed as opposed to what.....artificially unemployed? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Lib Thought Process.jpg
Schumer claims this is Trump's shutdown, but he admits he is an idiot by initiating a filibuster to shut down the govt over illegals, which he called 'insane' in 2013.

Is Schumer too stupid to realize CONGRESS is responsible for passing legislation for the President to sign? (Are snowflakes too stupid to know this?)

The House passed the CR - Schumer is running the filibuster in the Senate. It is a 'SCHUMER Shutdown'!

Time to wipe the Senate Cloture rule off the books to prevent 10 Democrats from from hilding America hostage for Illegals / partisan politics of 'Hate'.
The Republicans came up with a plan.

The House passed it.

Several Democrats in tbe Senate voted for it

Schumer and Pelosi put illegals 1st, not Americans.

They betrayed America in attempt to salvage what Obama Un-Constitutionally tried to accomplish with his Illegal EO...
The tax plan passed. The rich are richer now. What is the right wing's problem?
/----/ "The rich are richer now." So are the Middle Class, Working Class and Poor. Your Class Envy card is completely worn out.
No, they aren't. The poor are still losing money. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

The "poor" gained bigly with a doubled standard deduction and doubled child credits. Further, millions were given raises as a result of the tax cut.
Fuck off:

Thanks for proving Rush is right. He said Liberals think the amount of wealth is finite and for someone to make money, it must be taken from someone else. The reality is the pool of wealth is ever expanding and there is always enough for everyone.

that's what the poster said.

That money supply comes from WORKING and RISKING in the economy, not redistributing it. You need sugar or cream with that coffee? Maybe just reading glasses or a tissue.

Here's my opinion, for what it's worth. The democrats picked the wrong social issue from the start. Most people I know, are concerned about health care and jobs. Quite frankly, no one except the democratic elite, really cares about DACA. I have no doubt the dems staged this DACA government because of the gain in voters they think they will receive. And what about health care? Many people are looking at a single payer system which both the democrats and republicans oppose.Why didn't they make health care a priority instead of DACA?

I don't buy democratic bullshit anymore than I buy republican bullshit.

The right wing has nothing but repeal. The left still has, healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

How did Obama's tax reform package work? Eight years erased in six months. :lol:

Stock market up 33%, lowest unemployment rate in decades, a large number of illegals fled the country.

When Seattle officials voted three years ago to incrementally boost the city's minimum wage up to $15 an hour, they'd hoped to improve the lives of low-income workers. Yet according to a major new study that could force economists to reassess past research on the issue, the hike has had the opposite effect.

The city is gradually increasing the hourly minimum to $15 over several years. Already, though, some employers have not been able to afford the increased minimums. They've cut their payrolls, putting off new hiring, reducing hours or letting their workers go, the study found.

The costs to low-wage workers in Seattle outweighed the benefits by a ratio of three to one.

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
It is ok to "shed low paying jobs" in modern times.

Then shed low paying jobs by getting rid of 20 million illegals McDonald's would then start people off at $17 an hour.

Why One Walmart in North Dakota Is Paying $17.40 an Hour

socialism on a national basis; how right wing of you.

Enforcing federal law is now socialism?
big government=right wing.

Democrats demand big government, that is how they plan on winning elections with enslaved minority voters. Opportunity comes with freedom to pursue your legal options for success, not steal it through ignoring the law.
democrats have more credit in their trust account on that.

the right wing likes to clam small government, cut taxes, and finance big government spending.
big government=right wing.

Democrats demand big government, that is how they plan on winning elections with enslaved minority voters. Opportunity comes with freedom to pursue your legal options for success, not steal it through ignoring the law.

Freedom is Donald Trump starting a fake university con game screwing Americans out of millions of dollars.

Government is Donald Trump having to give the money back.
democrats have more credit in their trust account on that.

the right wing likes to clam small government, cut taxes, and finance big government spending.

Sure they do, that is why they won the White House last year and control both Congressional chambers. :lol:

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