Zone1 Not all jews are white

White people do not support Israel because they are white. Leftists, on the other hand, hate Israel because they view the so-called "Palestinians" as people of color.

The actual truth of the matter is that both groups are very closely related genetically.

The biggest difference between the two groups is that one is living in the 21st century, and the other the 7th.
Also, one cuts heads off babies and sets toddlers on fire, and the other doesn’t.
I have to give more context im saying this as person of color and quite liberal person that supporting Israel is not neccessarily a white or right wing thing but maybe that is common sense and my thread is unneccessary
Still doesn’t make sense as to why you made a distinction between American Jews and Hollywood Jews.
I have the impression that white right wingers support Israel and BLM and leftists palestinians because jews are viewed as white most American and Hollywood jews are white but in Israel i saw many jews who look no different from arabs just wanted to say that
I have the impression that white right wingers support Israel and BLM and leftists palestinians because jews are viewed as white most American and Hollywood jews are white but in Israel i saw many jews who look no different from arabs just wanted to say that

I have to give more context im saying this as person of color and quite liberal person that supporting Israel is not neccessarily a white or right wing thing but maybe that is common sense and my thread is unneccessary
Mr. Mortimer, if you are using your own picture, you look lily white to me, although in your thoughts, you don't see what I see, so I hope you'll forgive me for what I don't see.

I read the Bible almost every day, and I believe that my God is the creator of mankind and loves us in spite of our tendency to disobey his commandments established by Moses and confirmed as well as explained by Jesus Christ, who I accept as God's son who suffered a death on the cross as the Lamb of God who affirmed his title as Prince of Peace by forgiving his killers several times as they were nailing his hands and feet to a cross, taunting him with cruel words, stoning, piercing him with a spear, and murdering him for those whose job including his fellow Jewish Rabbis who with ignorant false witnesses goaded the Romans into giving Jesus a cruel, torturous death on the cross, only to arise from the tomb, and visiting his apostles to give them instructions to bring the new covenant through faith and thwarting Satan's Hell by forgiving the sins of mankind so they could re-create Eden on earth so God's people could live lives of joy, understanding, with kindness and support for one another when walking in the path of peace that God opened unto us, but which we frequently forget when we ignore his laws and our failure to obey what is right and good for everyone, and breaking laws that would keep us in the straight and narrow simplicity of God's love for us the way I see Him. And by the way, this war is no different from any other, and yes, the Lord weeps when nations formed by brothers go after each other with lethal weapons and destruction of each others' homes. God pays a price for not forcing us to behave, and giving us the freedom to make decisions, whether we acknowledge Mosaic law or not, believe in God's goodness, or not, and wanting freedom without exercising responsibility we have to protect each other from harm when we could have chosen being responsible but didn't care to be the souls of responsibility for ourselves and others.

Greed for power put this nation in harm's way, and we either fix it or pay the price of letting criminality win, and it's a huge price indeed.
... in spite of our tendency to disobey his commandments ...

More like whole-hearted full-throttle life-long work to disobey His commandments ... except for the Amish ... Man is sinful in all ways and at all times ... maybe it's only a tendency in Woman, I wouldn't know ...
Still doesn’t make sense as to why you made a distinction between American Jews and Hollywood Jews.
American jews in general and Hollywood jews in particular because Hollywood jews are world wide famous I think thats what I tried to say but im not sure why i made that distinction myself just that there was no ill intent
I have the impression that white right wingers support Israel and BLM and leftists palestinians because jews are viewed as white most American and Hollywood jews are white but in Israel i saw many jews who look no different from arabs just wanted to say that
Real Jews (by ethnicity) are white. The others have adopted the RELIGION OF JUDAISM and call themselves Jews.

Jews are Judah one of the sons of Israel. Jacob was white.
No im just saying what my impression is but i agree with dogmaphobe the leftists hate Israel because they see palestinians as people of color that was my impression too or how do you explain BLM support for palestinians
Normal people judge by BEHAVIOR, not skin tone

Palestinians are barbarians of the worst kind. They are taught to despise innocent life from birth. They are a thoroughly corrupt people from the core
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Mr. Mortimer, if you are using your own picture, you look lily white to me, although in your thoughts, you don't see what I see, so I hope you'll forgive me for what I don't see.
You dont need to apologise perceptions are subjective, i dont really care but i usually get told that im brown, and southasian looking, so people do not view me as white. It is not me who says that, i adjusted to the general perception i think most people do that, when they are born and grow up they learn what others perceive them of course its also important what you yourself perceive yourself as, but if many people disagree it is strange if you keep saying you are white but others say no you are a mullato or southasian, or asian or native american or whatever. Im just saying what many told me, I myself think im not as southasian as my some others in my family, like my grandparents, my mum, my uncle not as dark brown, but also not fully white, i think if people notice im a foreigner or gypsy then im probably not fully white. But thanks for your opinion. I agree with your second part on Jesus.
Real Jews (by ethnicity) are white. The others have adopted the RELIGION OF JUDAISM and call themselves Jews.

Jews are Judah one of the sons of Israel. Jacob was white.
Can you tell me the description of Jacob? How do you know Jacob was white? In religion classes my teacher said, that humans were made by God out of clay, is a metaphor because jews/arabs/middle easterners have a brown skin, or many. That this is typical of arabs and jews are related to arabs. Do you disagree? Why were humans made out of clay?
Real Jews (by ethnicity) are white. The others have adopted the RELIGION OF JUDAISM and call themselves Jews.

Jews are Judah one of the sons of Israel. Jacob was white.
Can you tell me the description of Jacob? How do you know Jacob was white? In religion classes my teacher said, that humans were made by God out of clay, is a metaphor because jews/arabs/middle easterners have a brown skin, or many. That this is typical of arabs and jews are related to arabs. Do you disagree? Why were humans made out of clay?

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