Not another Confederate statue will come down in Tennessee!

Legislation in response to Memphis' Confederate statue removal signed by Gov. Haslam

Leftist bigots destroyed history in Memphis but they won't get another chance after this was done!

A statue isn't history. History is stuff that happened, not statues.

You think it's okay for people to do what they believe in when it comes to gay people, as long as they opposing gay people, what about people who believe that having symbols of anti-Americanism is wrong and they should be taken down?
Legislation in response to Memphis' Confederate statue removal signed by Gov. Haslam

Leftist bigots destroyed history in Memphis but they won't get another chance after this was done!

A statue isn't history. History is stuff that happened, not statues.

You think it's okay for people to do what they believe in when it comes to gay people, as long as they opposing gay people, what about people who believe that having symbols of anti-Americanism is wrong and they should be taken down?

Symbols of anti-Americanism....WTF is Americanism? Something you lefty loons decide?
Legislation in response to Memphis' Confederate statue removal signed by Gov. Haslam

Leftist bigots destroyed history in Memphis but they won't get another chance after this was done!

A statue isn't history. History is stuff that happened, not statues.

You think it's okay for people to do what they believe in when it comes to gay people, as long as they opposing gay people, what about people who believe that having symbols of anti-Americanism is wrong and they should be taken down?

Symbols of anti-Americanism....WTF is Americanism? Something you lefty loons decide?

Do we need a history lesson.

Okay. Question number 1. What did the Confederacy try and do?

Answer. They tried to leave the USA.

Would you not say that someone who wants to cede from a nation is anti-that nation?

Catalonia. They're trying to leave Spain. They're being called anti-Spanish, mainly because they hate the Spanish and they want to cede.

How on Earth can someone be pro-USA and want to cede from the country?
Legislation in response to Memphis' Confederate statue removal signed by Gov. Haslam

Leftist bigots destroyed history in Memphis but they won't get another chance after this was done!

Sounds good I think. This business of vilifying metal statues of historical figures just because the events surrounding their period in history conflict with modern mores and taking their destruction as some sort of "victory" is about as silly as blaming guns and the NRA for people killing each other or a TV network taking its own most successful and popular TV show off the air to spite a woman casting a twitter slur that doesn't even apply to a woman whose not even in politics anymore and long forgotten. The people of this country have honestly gone batshit crazy and have lost all sight of what a REAL problem even is any more.
Legislation in response to Memphis' Confederate statue removal signed by Gov. Haslam

Leftist bigots destroyed history in Memphis but they won't get another chance after this was done!

A statue isn't history. History is stuff that happened, not statues.

You think it's okay for people to do what they believe in when it comes to gay people, as long as they opposing gay people, what about people who believe that having symbols of anti-Americanism is wrong and they should be taken down?

Symbols of anti-Americanism....WTF is Americanism? Something you lefty loons decide?

Do we need a history lesson.

Okay. Question number 1. What did the Confederacy try and do?

Answer. They tried to leave the USA.

Would you not say that someone who wants to cede from a nation is anti-that nation?

Catalonia. They're trying to leave Spain. They're being called anti-Spanish, mainly because they hate the Spanish and they want to cede.

How on Earth can someone be pro-USA and want to cede from the country?

Is that history, yes it is. What does California want to do?
It is not our history but the history of an enemy nation that attacked us

Tear them down
Bigotry put into law, by bigots.

There that makes it all better.
Stupidity thinks erasing history will improve the future.

What history was erased? Have you forgotten WW2 and who we fought because all of the statues to those losers were torn down? The Confederates were criminals, you weirdos celebrate the criminals in the Civil War. The losers.

Talk about a participation trophy, every single statue put up to honor any of these losers is a participation trophy. Grow up snowflakes.
only idiots think a statue is history.

Yeah, that must be why all you idiots want them taken down.

Statues are SYMBOLS, not history.

Statues are SYMBOLS of our HISTORY.

Well done.

Do you have statues that commemorate EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF HISTORY in the USA?

WTF kind of stupid question is that? Does the USA have statues to commemorate EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF HISTORY?
The left thinks that erasing the history of this country is in our best interest..................If it OFFENDS THEM.............None of us were there..........more Americans died fighting it than all the other wars combined....................and they think that isn't enough.............

Mental they are..............

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