Not another Confederate statue will come down in Tennessee!

Blow me, you feckless kunt.

Snyd idiocy doesn't cover for the fact that you seek to eradicate history. You are a Stalinist shit bag who thinks you will get away with altering the past so as to pervert the future.
Legislation in response to Memphis' Confederate statue removal signed by Gov. Haslam

Leftist bigots destroyed history in Memphis but they won't get another chance after this was done!

A statue isn't history. History is stuff that happened, not statues.

You think it's okay for people to do what they believe in when it comes to gay people, as long as they opposing gay people, what about people who believe that having symbols of anti-Americanism is wrong and they should be taken down?

Oh, Okay Comrade.

Then you Stalinist would be totally kewl bulldozing Bull Run or Antium...

Fucking Stalinists, what putrid shit you are.

bull run and antium are places, dumbo, not statues.

keep swinging :thup:

My allah but you're dumb, derp.

Really, you're just a feckless kunt.

You support erasing the historical artifacts of your enemies, just as the Taliban mentors you shit eating Stalinists follow do.

Look derp, you're fucking scum, gutter trash of the same level as your Taliban buddies are. You think you can change reality by destroying history. And yes, you drooling fucking retard, art is part of history.

Exactly... in the democrats case they want to destroy every artifact related to their evil past and rewrite history ..
Statues don't teach history, they celebrate it. Take them all down tonight and the history will be there just fine, in the schools and libraries and museums.

A statue in the town square is a commemoration, a statement that this is the person we want to emulate, and wants our kids to idolize. I think we as a people have moved beyond wanting our kids growing up wanting to be just like Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Blow me, you feckless kunt.

Snyd idiocy doesn't cover for the fact that you seek to eradicate history. You are a Stalinist shit bag who thinks you will get away with altering the past so as to pervert the future.

snide, dummy, snide

jesus, 5 years in sixth grade and you still can't spell single syllable words

carry on
Statues don't teach history, they celebrate it. Take them all down tonight and the history will be there just fine, in the schools and libraries and museums.

A statue in the town square is a commemoration, a statement that this is the person we want to emulate, and wants our kids to idolize. I think we as a people have moved beyond wanting our kids growing up wanting to be just like Nathan Bedford Forrest.
How about Robert E. Lee? Nathan Bedford Forrest was a better man than Abraham Lincoln.
Symbols of anti-Americanism....WTF is Americanism? Something you lefty loons decide?

Do we need a history lesson.

Okay. Question number 1. What did the Confederacy try and do?

Answer. They tried to leave the USA.

Would you not say that someone who wants to cede from a nation is anti-that nation?

Catalonia. They're trying to leave Spain. They're being called anti-Spanish, mainly because they hate the Spanish and they want to cede.

How on Earth can someone be pro-USA and want to cede from the country?

Is that history, yes it is. What does California want to do?

Wait, who's saying those who want to cede as California are pro-USA? No one. It's not relevant to this topic. Oh, right deflection.

Yes, it's history that the confederacy wanted to leave the USA.

Would you put up a statue of say Saddam Hussein? No. Why not? What about his generals? No?

So why put up a statue of generals from an army which FOUGHT THE US ARMY?
Saddam invaded his neighbors. The Confederacy invaded no one.

when did pennsylvania join the confederacy, herr derp?
That was after 2 years of constant Union invasion of the Confederacy, dipstick. That's called "self defense."
Statues don't teach history, they celebrate it. Take them all down tonight and the history will be there just fine, in the schools and libraries and museums.

A statue in the town square is a commemoration, a statement that this is the person we want to emulate, and wants our kids to idolize. I think we as a people have moved beyond wanting our kids growing up wanting to be just like Nathan Bedford Forrest.
How about Robert E. Lee? Nathan Bedford Forrest was a better man than Abraham Lincoln.
Regardless of his 'Southern Gentleman' persona, Lee still took up arms against the United States in order to defend the institution of slavery. Personally, I don't particularly want that glorified in my town square.

Also, your second sentence is, to say the least, a minority opinion.

You're so full of double standards, that this picture is actually very representative of you. Pretending you don't have double standards when you clearly do.
Bigotry put into law, by bigots.

There that makes it all better.
Stupidity thinks erasing history will improve the future.

Statues are not history. They are made to HONOR and we should not honor the Confederate cause, just as we should not honor Nazi cause.

They are made to HONOR GREAT EVENTS...dumbass.

Confederates have nothing to be honored for. They fought to perpetuate slavery by succession from the Union. From historic perspective their cause was a disgrace.
Bigotry put into law, by bigots.

There that makes it all better.
Stupidity thinks erasing history will improve the future.

Statues are not history. They are made to HONOR and we should not honor the Confederate cause, just as we should not honor Nazi cause.

They are made to HONOR GREAT EVENTS...dumbass.

Confederates have nothing to be honored for. They fought to perpetuate slavery by succeding from the Union. From historic perspective their cause was a disgrace.

You must have a reading comprehension problem, it's honor "GREAT EVENTS", similar to "ILLEGAL" immigrants.
Bigotry put into law, by bigots.

There that makes it all better.
Stupidity thinks erasing history will improve the future.

Statues are not history. They are made to HONOR and we should not honor the Confederate cause, just as we should not honor Nazi cause.

They are made to HONOR GREAT EVENTS...dumbass.

Confederates have nothing to be honored for. They fought to perpetuate slavery by succeding from the Union. From historic perspective their cause was a disgrace.

You must have a reading comprehension problem, it's honor "GREAT EVENTS", similar to "ILLEGAL" immigrants.

Put up statues of Lincoln instead then. :rolleyes:
Stupidity thinks erasing history will improve the future.

Statues are not history. They are made to HONOR and we should not honor the Confederate cause, just as we should not honor Nazi cause.

They are made to HONOR GREAT EVENTS...dumbass.

Confederates have nothing to be honored for. They fought to perpetuate slavery by succeding from the Union. From historic perspective their cause was a disgrace.

You must have a reading comprehension problem, it's honor "GREAT EVENTS", similar to "ILLEGAL" immigrants.

Put up statues of Lincoln instead then. :rolleyes:

Sigh....go away.
only idiots think a statue is history.
Only idiots think that tearing down statutes will make things right.

You know who else tears down statutes?

The Taliban...or as Obama would say.....The Tallybon.

Terrorists tear down statutes.
Statues are not history. They are made to HONOR and we should not honor the Confederate cause, just as we should not honor Nazi cause.

They are made to HONOR GREAT EVENTS...dumbass.

Confederates have nothing to be honored for. They fought to perpetuate slavery by succeding from the Union. From historic perspective their cause was a disgrace.

You must have a reading comprehension problem, it's honor "GREAT EVENTS", similar to "ILLEGAL" immigrants.

Put up statues of Lincoln instead then. :rolleyes:

Sigh....go away.

What? You don't think that would Honor Great Events?

You full of shit obviously, these monuments are for slavery lovin' homeboys. Nazis don't deserve monuments niether do Confederates. NOTHING to do with great events.
only idiots think a statue is history.
Only idiots think that tearing down statutes will make things right.

You know who else tears down statutes?

The Taliban...or as Obama would say.....The Tallybon.

Terrorists tear down statutes.

Why are there no Nazi statues in Germany then?

Because you give statues to people who DESERVED IT, duh.

We SHOULD NOT have to bring down these statues...because they should never have been put up. But salvaging southern pride during reconstruction was higher priority than reflecting on treason in the name of perpetuation of slavery.
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