Not Enough Snow To Run Iditerad!!

“Barrow is ground zero for climate-change science,” Itta said. “We worry that climate change is shrinking the sea ice and we don’t know how that will affect the animals that depend on it. At this time there is no effective plan if a catastrophe such as a ship collision or oil spill occurs. The Coast Guard hasn’t decided what its presence will be in the Arctic. Someone needs to monitor new traffic as the ice recedes and when tourist ships come through the Northwest Passage, which is already happening.”

The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, according to a 2004 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report, the most recent available. Summer sea ice in the region shrank by nearly 40 percent between 1978 and 2007. Winter temperatures have been several degrees Fahrenheit warmer than they were a few decades ago. Trees have spread into the tundra. In 2008, a wildfire broke out in an area north of the Brooks Range, where the local dialect had no word for forest fire.

Even officials who question the source of the warming are concerned. “I’m agnostic as to the causes,” Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen told me. “All I know is there is water where there was once ice.” And where there is water, “we are responsible for it.”

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More information
Climate Impacts in Alaska | Climate Change | US EPA

Alaska is the largest state in the United States, accounting for about 20% of the total area of the United States and more than twice the land area of Texas. Alaska includes lands on both sides of the Arctic Circle, which makes the United States an Arctic nation. The state spans a wide range of climatic and ecological conditions that include rainforests, glaciers, boreal forest, tundra, peatlands, and meadows. Alaska contains 16 national wildlife refuges spanning 76 million acres and hosts 60% of the total area managed by the National Park Service, including the largest U.S. National Park (Wrangell-St. Elias with 13.2 million acres).[1] [2]

Over the past 60 years, the average temperature across Alaska has increased by approximately 3°F.[3] This increase is more than twice the warming seen in the rest of the United States. Warming in the winter has increased by an average of 6°F [3]and has led to changes in ecosystems, such as earlier breakup of river ice in the spring. As the climate continues to warm, average annual temperatures in Alaska are projected to increase an additional 2 to 4°F by the middle of this century.[3]Precipitation in Alaska is projected to increase during all seasons by the end of this century. Despite increased precipitation, the state is likely to become drier due to greater evaporation caused by warming temperatures and longer growing seasons.

Amazing how the ignorant asses flap yap yet do not even bother to check what the situation is.
The weather service said the winter with the lowest recorded snow accumulation for the entire season was that of 1957-58, when only 30.4 inches of snow was measured.

So GloBULL warming caused that in 1957-58?

Did they cancel the Iditerad?

It didn't exist until 1973. Get informed and then comment

Excuse Me.....I'm not a climate specialist like all the goddamned people who vote Republican.

Then why did you start a thread about it and promptly get shellacked? It's weather, been happening since the beginning of time

Funny it's never 'weather' from the deniers when they are posting dozens of threads about a cold snap.

Snap being the key word. These right wing bastards had rather see the planet explode than to ever admit they don't need a sweater any more. It's money......the Right had rather die than to admit the planet needs help.
Did they cancel the Iditerad?

It didn't exist until 1973. Get informed and then comment

Excuse Me.....I'm not a climate specialist like all the goddamned people who vote Republican.

Then why did you start a thread about it and promptly get shellacked? It's weather, been happening since the beginning of time

Funny it's never 'weather' from the deniers when they are posting dozens of threads about a cold snap.

Snap being the key word. These right wing bastards had rather see the planet explode than to ever admit they don't need a sweater any more. It's money......the Right had rather die than to admit the planet needs help.
The weather service said the winter with the lowest recorded snow accumulation for the entire season was that of 1957-58, when only 30.4 inches of snow was measured.

So GloBULL warming caused that in 1957-58?

Did they cancel the Iditerad?

It didn't exist until 1973. Get informed and then comment

Excuse Me.....I'm not a climate specialist like all the goddamned people who vote Republican.

Then why did you start a thread about it and promptly get shellacked? It's weather, been happening since the beginning of time

Funny it's never 'weather' from the deniers when they are posting dozens of threads about a cold snap.
Hope it's not a bakers dozen or this would be a thread about gays.
Snow is largely a no-show for Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race | NOAA

newsreports, a lack of snow covering the trail’s harsh terrain made the race especially challenging, and many mushers pulled out of the race due to injuries and broken sleds.

The maps at right show model-estimated snow depth across the state as of March 5. (Mouse over the buttons at lower left to see the snow depth combined with topography.) Historical Iditarod trail routes are shown in black. Snow depth increases from gray (one foot or less), to blue, to white (3 feet or more).

The race traditionally starts in Anchorage and ends in Nome. It splits into northern (used in even years) and southern (used in odd years) routes at the town of Ophir. The only year to follow a different course was 2003 (white line), when a similarly mild winter and lack of snow forced the race to start farther north, at Fairbanks. According to news reports, race organizers debated using that starting point for a second time this year, but eventually decided against it.

This is hardly the first year since 1998 that the race has had a lack of snow.
The weather service said the winter with the lowest recorded snow accumulation for the entire season was that of 1957-58, when only 30.4 inches of snow was measured.

So GloBULL warming caused that in 1957-58?

Did they cancel the Iditerad?

It didn't exist until 1973. Get informed and then comment

Excuse Me.....I'm not a climate specialist like all the goddamned people who vote Republican.

"PARIS—More than 190 nations have agreed on a plan to limit climate change, ending a decadeslong search for an accord requiring the world’s economies to regulate the emission of gases that scientists say are causing the earth to warm.

Nations Unite in Global Agreement on Climate Change

After two weeks of negotiations here, 195 countries united Saturday around a document that is effectively a blueprint for how the world will tackle global warming. "

Yes -- the plan calls for cutting HUGE checks to underdeveloped nations on the premise that we are harming them. It's a POLITICAL statement -- not a scientific one. And it's a collection of national beggars and whiners lining up for REDISTRIBUTION on a global scale.

What's not to love about that -- if you're a leftist? Well for starters -- that money is coming OUT OF aid for Detroit, Baltimore and Compton.. That's what.......
The lack of snow may be related to a long term trend in Southern Alaska. But when you look at the STATION data for Fairbanks --- there is little to actually panic about in terms of "trend" in temperature.


Deep Cold: Interior and Northern Alaska Weather & Climate

Note that for DECEMBER to FEBRUARY (official Yukon winter season) there just is NOT any scary Global Swarming to be found over the past 80 or 90 years. Funny how that works isn't it? All the blubbering and tears and screaming and YET --- when someone sticks a thermometer outside and makes a raw record --- it's not NEAR as scary as those highly "massaged" messages from the NOAA temperature cooking kitchen.

Where did Global Warming GO in Fairbanks? Dunno... Not showing up in peak winter eh???

BUT ------ what this winter season avg graph does NOT show -- is THIS season which has been UNUSUALLY mild and almost in DROUGHT conditions. There's also an interesting decrease in the both variance and the mean of the snow accumulations since the 1950s.. Maybe that's better instrumentation and record-keeping. Who knows?
"In 2008, a wildfire broke out in an area north of the Brooks Range, where the local dialect had no word for forest fire."

When a people that inhabit an area have no word for it, you know it is something new.
"In 2008, a wildfire broke out in an area north of the Brooks Range, where the local dialect had no word for forest fire."

When a people that inhabit an area have no word for it, you know it is something new.
:link: Sure.. The rough translation of the description is probably "flaming trees" -- not "forest fire" :happy-1:

One of those sad tales that substitute for data...
"In 2008, a wildfire broke out in an area north of the Brooks Range, where the local dialect had no word for forest fire."

When a people that inhabit an area have no word for it, you know it is something new.

Oh I GET IT Einstein or Pascal or Newton.. There are no FORESTS up in the tundra.. Thats why there's no word for it. It's burning sagebrush.

Not a common occurrence -- but also NOT a new deal..

Alaska Fire Crews Battling 2 Large Tundra Wildfires

Tundra fires are more common in southwest Alaska, but rare in the far north, she said. In 2007, a lightning-caused fire burned 400 square miles in the Brooks Range in the North Slope in an area where lightning is an anomaly.

The current fires are burning about 400 miles south of where the 2007 fire took place. Both fires are located in a biologically dynamic area where waterfowl nest, Saperstein said.

"There's lots of vegetation," she said. "And where you have vegetation, it's fuel."


Nice story Einstein..


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