Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

Why do the Democrats hate the Evangelicals so much?
That's just weird.

They're programmed too.

Like when the Bolsheviks first took over in Russia, then started destroying churches.

After the krauts invaded in 1941, suddenly stalin found a use for the Christian Faith and Churches were OK again, for a while.

Just wait until the left has no use for queers or muzbots anymore.


Your Zionists are the worst of them all.

Many of you call for an Apocalypse over Israel, that makes you the #1 trash in this World.
They hate Christians in general. Evangelicals draw their ire in particular because they are Christians relatively united in their political support.

No Evangelicals are not true Christians, they are fundamentalist and downright prejudice against those who do not think like them.

Doesn't the bible talk about not judging ?

I have "evangelical" friends who are sterling examples of the teachings of Christ.

So you judge and approve the sterling examples?
And actually, to the dismay of every liberal who know only one verse of the Bible, the warning is not a
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

Evangelicals are supporters of Israel. Not atheistic jews of the American media, Wall Street and the Democrat Party.
You conflate the two ... but then again you aren’t that bright.

I am a RC , I can judge on facts. Oh now you are attacking me and claiming all the Dems are atheist. Wow.

How very odd. You are insinuating that the Evangelicals are anti-Semitic, and you are RC. You do realize that the RC persecuted Jews, Orthodox Christians and Protestants for centuries. They rounded up people and mass murdered them. The Holocaust came right out of the RC church’s theology. You need to be better informed. You should read about European history.

The Holocaust was committed by a Germany that was 2/3rd's Protestant, and they killed millions of Catholics, and even Catholic priests, friars, and other Catholic clergy were killed.

As usual you know nothing, like most American Protestant Zionist savages.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

Jews tend to be liberal.

Evangelicals support Israel and the Jews.

I could see this as reflecting negatively on the Jews, who take that support and give nothing back.

But I know that you see this as being a way to smear Evangelicals.

But nothing in your op explains how or why.


Evangelicals are , well excuse me, but bigots.

Wow. That's so stupid I don't know where to begin.

1. I take it that you consider the lack of Jewish senators to be "proof" of this alleged "bigotry"?

Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.
...Naw, the Evangelicals want Jews in Palestine so Jesus can come back and the end of the world can start. So it's really not funny at all. It's kind of sad, all these Bible Thumpers hoping for the end of the world because no one accepts their values. .
Biggest pile of hor$e$hit I've seen in some time.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because 6,000,000 Jews were murdered by EuroTrash within Living Memory.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they admire the way the Jews have held themselves together as a People for the better part of 2,000 years.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they grieve over the better part of 2,000 years of persecutions of Jews by Pagans and Christians and Muslims.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because after 2,000 years, the Jews rediscovered their balls and stopped being victims and started fighting for themselves again.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they carved out a homeland for themselves in 1948-1949 against frightful impossible odds.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they kicked Arab-Muslim ass in 1967 and again in 1973 against extremely high odds.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because Israel is a regional nuclear power and able to take-on all comers or combinations in their region.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they are a good Intelligence and Economic and Military partner.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they are an island of European culture and learning in a sea of barbarism and ignorance.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they trust the Jews as gatekeepers for the holy places of Christianity more than they trust Muslims.

Americans of many kinds support Israel because they are not Muslims.

There are, indeed, many reasons, very few of which have anything to do with hallucinatory apocalyptic visions as you would have people believe.
6 millions is just an average approximation.

The actual figure is unknown but estimated to be between 4 and 8 millions.

As one who had a family member who was there to help liberate the Concentration Camps,( I have Brownie pictures to prove that,) I have to say millions of others, Americans, Russian, poles, Italians and many others died, too. It does not mean we have to agree with everything Israel Leaders do.

Netanyahu is a war monger,who has tried to get the US to fight his war with Iran. He is a thug, just like Trump. So this excuse of how many died in the 1940’s is stale and not a viable excuse any more.

68 Palestinians dead, 2700 wounded,along with the 2000 Israel killed in the last war is enexcusable.

We live in the present and Israel is wrong. I do not live in the past.

What is wrong is that the terrorists and their families are paid a monthly stipend with our tax dollars. The terrorist goes to prison and gets a paycheck as does his family.

That is wrong.
...Naw, the Evangelicals want Jews in Palestine so Jesus can come back and the end of the world can start. So it's really not funny at all. It's kind of sad, all these Bible Thumpers hoping for the end of the world because no one accepts their values. .
Biggest pile of hor$e$hit I've seen in some time.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because 6,000,000 Jews were murdered by EuroTrash within Living Memory.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they admire the way the Jews have held themselves together as a People for the better part of 2,000 years.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they grieve over the better part of 2,000 years of persecutions of Jews by Pagans and Christians and Muslims.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because after 2,000 years, the Jews rediscovered their balls and stopped being victims and started fighting for themselves again.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they carved out a homeland for themselves in 1948-1949 against frightful impossible odds.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they kicked Arab-Muslim ass in 1967 and again in 1973 against extremely high odds.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because Israel is a regional nuclear power and able to take-on all comers or combinations in their region.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they are a good Intelligence and Economic and Military partner.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they are an island of European culture and learning in a sea of barbarism and ignorance.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they trust the Jews as gatekeepers for the holy places of Christianity more than they trust Muslims.

Americans of many kinds support Israel because they are not Muslims.

There are, indeed, many reasons, very few of which have anything to do with hallucinatory apocalyptic visions as you would have people believe.

NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.
...Naw, the Evangelicals want Jews in Palestine so Jesus can come back and the end of the world can start. So it's really not funny at all. It's kind of sad, all these Bible Thumpers hoping for the end of the world because no one accepts their values. .
Biggest pile of hor$e$hit I've seen in some time.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because 6,000,000 Jews were murdered by EuroTrash within Living Memory.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they admire the way the Jews have held themselves together as a People for the better part of 2,000 years.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they grieve over the better part of 2,000 years of persecutions of Jews by Pagans and Christians and Muslims.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because after 2,000 years, the Jews rediscovered their balls and stopped being victims and started fighting for themselves again.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they carved out a homeland for themselves in 1948-1949 against frightful impossible odds.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they kicked Arab-Muslim ass in 1967 and again in 1973 against extremely high odds.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because Israel is a regional nuclear power and able to take-on all comers or combinations in their region.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they are a good Intelligence and Economic and Military partner.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they are an island of European culture and learning in a sea of barbarism and ignorance.

Americans of all kinds support Israel because they trust the Jews as gatekeepers for the holy places of Christianity more than they trust Muslims.

Americans of many kinds support Israel because they are not Muslims.

There are, indeed, many reasons, very few of which have anything to do with hallucinatory apocalyptic visions as you would have people believe.

The irony here is Jews are responsible for most of their own problems, their Zionism turned off Muslims, they turned off Eastern Europe with Jewish Commie butchers, ethnic Jews wrote the texts of Christianity which say Jews killed Jesus, and that Jews who won't accept Jesus will go to Hell.
The Jewish Judenrate councils also documented the Jewish community to the Nazis, and the Jewish Ghetto Police were responsible for rounding up Jews for the Nazis.
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

They are not subservient to Netanyahu and his war mongering.

Israel once had decent Leaders who tried to work out a peaceful solution.

Now, you have 2 wanna be Dictators. Bibi and Donald, along with Putin.
Putting an embassy in the capital city of the country it's in, is war mongering. Uh huh.

Why did they have to move it , it was already in Tel Aviv.

Ask Bill Clinton. It was what we have been promising to do since 1995. Seriously what other country on the planet do we not recognize their capital? It’s absolutely unheard of, and completely bonkers. “We know your government buildings are in Jerusalem, we know you call your capital Jerusalem, but we’re just going to pretend like it isn’t Jerusalem.” That’s freaking lunacy!!!

Clinton was wrong. Why don't the Native Americans take over Wash DC?



How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

Israel a terrorist too, as the terroristic massacres over the years, including the other day prove.

I'm ashamed that I've paid American tax-dollars for Israel the terrorist.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon. Ever hear of the
Herodian Dynasty

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.

How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

That's OK, America is a Goy country. We eat pork here.

Jews are welcome and tolerated, though.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......

Why would anyone be surprised that no Republican s
Senators are Jewish?

They have elected just eight blacks to Congress in the last hundred years

Which proves what? That blacks tend to support the Party that supports higher social spending for disadvantaged citizens?
A HUNDRED years?
Republicans could only find eight blacks worthy of running as Republicans?

RW, we, ie the two of us, have often discussed the massive success of the Democratic Party in attracting blacks.

So, you are well aware of this.

Yet here you are, ignoring that fact and the obvious implication it has for the pool of potential black candidates available to the GOP.

This is you race baiting. You should be ashamed.

Actions like this, are tearing this nation apart.

Does that not bother you?
The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

Israel a terrorist too, as the terroristic massacres over the years, including the other day prove.

I'm ashamed that I've paid American tax-dollars for Israel the terrorist.

You think they be independent now since man Jews in the US are rich. Sheldon Adelson comes to mind. They do not need our 4 billion a year.

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