Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


A jew begun Shia Islam which is what Iran is mainly.

Good lord, the stupid is strong with this one. Tell me little girl, how and when did Abraham "start" Shia Islam?


You'll need to pay attention to your "sources".

"A Jew of Yemen, Arabia, of the seventh century, who settled in Medina and embraced Islam."

You'll lose a Religious discussion with me every time honey. "Embraced" and "Started" are not the same ;)

WHO do you think started Shia Islam , a jew, by then they had jews, but Abram and Sara were not Jews, nor was Moses, all according to the scriptures, because we have no real history they even existed.

I just proved it and even by the jewish own writings.
Abraham is where Ishmael came from. Islam descends from Ishmael. That's as close as it gets honey, your ignorance not with standing.

Yes that is who I mean, excuse me, not a Jew either. Right I was thinking of Isaac, and his son Esau according to Moses would of inherited, but Jacob was very underhanded so was his Mother, like her brother. So you see none were Jews. They just were liars.

Deut 21:
Rights of the Firstborn.

15 If a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved, and if both the loved and the unloved bear him sons, but the firstborn is the son of the unloved wife: 16 when he comes to bequeath his property to his sons he may not consider as his firstborn the son of the wife he loves, in preference to the son of the wife he does not love, the firstborn.

17 On the contrary, he shall recognize as his firstborn the son of the unloved wife, giving him a double share of whatever he happens to own, since he is the first fruits of his manhood, and to him belong the rights of the firstborn.
But Moses wasn't a jew either.
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Just read something on twitter saying that GOP evangelicals are responsible for a contradiction when it comes to Israel. Either Israel and Palestine are both states and Israel is occupying Palestine, or only Israel is a state, in which case it's an apartheid state. Whichever is the case, the US doesn't have moral standing for its involvement.

I think that's rather poignant. I'm not sure which of the two scenarios is true, but I agree that we shouldn't be involved. It seems much like Syria to me, where there is no way to be involved supporting the good guys because there are no good guys. In the Israel-Palestine conflict, there is no righteousness and no morality left. There are only sides that are so angry at the other side's wrongs they have little concern for performing wrongs themselves. If they're going to fight it out then they should fight it out without us weighing in.

The Palestinians want to commit genocide on the Jews.

I'm comfortable judging them to be the bad guys.

Also, don't ignore the context of the wider clash between West and Islam.

other way around charlie,you understand that both parties are corrupt but you been listening way too much what the CIA media in the states tells you it is the zionists Jews of Israel that want to commit genocide on the palestines.wakey wakey.LOL

Yeah, that doesn't make any sense.

The Israelis have been in a position of dominance over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank for generations.

If they wanted to commit genocide, you would be able to tell by now.
"So you really AREN'T a "Christian", you're out of the closet."

You are a non-Christian, Doc1. That has been known for a long time. "The Crazee Christians" are the far right evangies, fundies, Penties, and Catholics, who all think Jews are evil, like you.

Traditional Christians understand that the Jews did not kill Christ (the Romans did), the Jews did not drink Christian blood, and the Jews did not eat the flesh of sacrificed Christian babies.

Read Matthew 5 to 8 again, please, and pray for awareness then forgiveness.
The Democrats have long been the protector of Jews, Hispanics, immigrants, etc., stretching back to the 1850s.
Jews tend to be liberal.

Evangelicals support Israel and the Jews.

I could see this as reflecting negatively on the Jews, who take that support and give nothing back.

But I know that you see this as being a way to smear Evangelicals.

But nothing in your op explains how or why.


Evangelicals are , well excuse me, but bigots.

Wow. That's so stupid I don't know where to begin.

1. I take it that you consider the lack of Jewish senators to be "proof" of this alleged "bigotry"?

Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Was a Christian

Is now a Jew

Used to believe Jesus was the Son of God, now believes he was a total fraud who got what he deserved....


Judah MaccaBEE

Mike Huckabee = JDAAC = Jew disguised as a Christian, which explains why he spends more time in Israel than the US
Oh be quiet, you fraud.

Jews think nothing of the sort. They believe he was a small town rabbi and revolutionary, and that his character was blown up out of shape and reason by the Crazee Christians.

So you really AREN'T a "Christian", you're out of the closet.

You do not lie every day to the world and still pretend you are a good Christian! Sarah Sanders does just that.

Sure she does, but the post was about Jake, oh yes, you're not a "Christian" either.
Yes, Sarah lies daily, and Doc1 tries to emulate her daily. That is not Christian behavior.
Evangelicals are , well excuse me, but bigots.

Wow. That's so stupid I don't know where to begin.

1. I take it that you consider the lack of Jewish senators to be "proof" of this alleged "bigotry"?

Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)
Evangelicals are , well excuse me, but bigots.

Wow. That's so stupid I don't know where to begin.

1. I take it that you consider the lack of Jewish senators to be "proof" of this alleged "bigotry"?

Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)

1.) >>> Israel is more of an enemy.

2.)>>> Democracy, and Liberalism of Israel, While the Muslim World is properly Right-Wing.

3.)>>> Not a whole lot of Palestinian Commies, but Salomon Morel is a Jewish Communist Israel took in, and mocked Poland another properly Right-Wing country.

4.)>>>> If you don't support Genocide, you should stop supporting Zionism, Zionists like W Bush, and H.W Bush committed genocide in Iraq, they also helped bring on White Genocide by bringing in millions of Mexicans, and some Muslims to the U.S.A.

5.)>>>> So, it's not Israel with Nukes running to the U.S.A with more Nukes that's the threat, it's Iran, and Palestine with no Nukes, eh?

6.) >>>>Yet, Zionists pressure Poland for money, and for Polish anti-defamation laws, I care more for Muslims than Jews.

7.)>>>>> That's funny most American Jews I've met have been stuck up, Liberal snots, who fight against Christian values, but support Israel.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

And yet the GOP is the friend of Israel while the left only wants the Jews in America to vote for them.

I find that amusing. Not in a “ha ha” way, but a hypocritical way.
Wow. That's so stupid I don't know where to begin.

1. I take it that you consider the lack of Jewish senators to be "proof" of this alleged "bigotry"?

Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)
Wow. That's so stupid I don't know where to begin.

1. I take it that you consider the lack of Jewish senators to be "proof" of this alleged "bigotry"?

Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)

1.) >>> Israel is more of an enemy.

Circular reasoning on your part.

2.)>>> Democracy, and Liberalism, the Muslim World is properly Right-Wing.

The right left comparison between Christian and Muslim nations, does not work, and is only done by people trying to confuse the issue.

3.)>>> Not a whole lot of Palestinian Commies, but Salomon Morel is a Jewish Communist Israel took in, and mocked Poland another properly Right-Wing country.

3a my point about their long alliance with the Soviet Union stands. THey are not our friend, and will never be our friend.

3b. THe problem of communists in Western LIberal society is a problem, that we share with Israel. Pointing out that they have vile evil morons in their society like we do, is not much of a strike against them.

4.)>>>> If you don't support Genocide, you should stop supporting Zionism, Zionists like W Bush, and H.W Bush committed genocide in Iraq, they also helped bring on White Genocide by bringing in millions of Mexicans, and some Muslims to the U.S.A.

Deflections from my point on the intend of the Palestinians.

5.)>>>> So, it's not Israel with Nukes running to the U.S.A with more Nukes that's the threat, it's Iran, and Palestine with no Nukes, eh?

Correct. We are not prefect, but we are not the bad guys.

And you know it. See the lack of Muslim immigration into Poland.

6.) >>>>Yet, Zionists pressure Poland for money, and for Polish anti-defamation laws, I care more for Muslims than Jews.

I hope your nation stays strong. But as I said, the reasons you do not take in muslim "Refugees" are all reasons to be sympathetic to a western nation surrounded by them.

7.)>>>>> That's funny most American Jews I've met have been stuck up, Liberal snots, who fight against Christian values, but support Israel.

But that is a flaw of my nation, one that shows how much they are a part of US, not one that shows they are not.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Was a Christian

Is now a Jew

Used to believe Jesus was the Son of God, now believes he was a total fraud who got what he deserved....


Judah MaccaBEE

Mike Huckabee = JDAAC = Jew disguised as a Christian, which explains why he spends more time in Israel than the US
Oh be quiet, you fraud.

Jews think nothing of the sort. They believe he was a small town rabbi and revolutionary, and that his character was blown up out of shape and reason by the Crazee Christians.

So you really AREN'T a "Christian", you're out of the closet.

You do not lie every day to the world and still pretend you are a good Christian! Sarah Sanders does just that.

Sure she does, but the post was about Jake, oh yes, you're not a "Christian" either.

You know that,how?

In my case I have Faith, but there is not much man made Christianity left in me.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

And yet the GOP is the friend of Israel while the left only wants the Jews in America to vote for them.

I find that amusing. Not in a “ha ha” way, but a hypocritical way.

Both parties are pro-Israel, just one is retarded about Israel the GOP, and one isn't so retarded about Israel.

The GOP is turning off it's own Polish American fan base in Trump here, to fight for a smaller Jewish American populace, whom voted for Hillary.

Tensions rise between U.S. and Poland over ‘Holocaust law’

You GOP are idiots, you just like the power of looting, and shooting, and W Bush, H.W Bush, and Israel (Zionists) do love the power of looting, and shooting.
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Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)
Well explain what it means to me then?

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)

1.) >>> Israel is more of an enemy.

Circular reasoning on your part.

2.)>>> Democracy, and Liberalism, the Muslim World is properly Right-Wing.

The right left comparison between Christian and Muslim nations, does not work, and is only done by people trying to confuse the issue.

3.)>>> Not a whole lot of Palestinian Commies, but Salomon Morel is a Jewish Communist Israel took in, and mocked Poland another properly Right-Wing country.

3a my point about their long alliance with the Soviet Union stands. THey are not our friend, and will never be our friend.

3b. THe problem of communists in Western LIberal society is a problem, that we share with Israel. Pointing out that they have vile evil morons in their society like we do, is not much of a strike against them.

4.)>>>> If you don't support Genocide, you should stop supporting Zionism, Zionists like W Bush, and H.W Bush committed genocide in Iraq, they also helped bring on White Genocide by bringing in millions of Mexicans, and some Muslims to the U.S.A.

Deflections from my point on the intend of the Palestinians.

5.)>>>> So, it's not Israel with Nukes running to the U.S.A with more Nukes that's the threat, it's Iran, and Palestine with no Nukes, eh?

Correct. We are not prefect, but we are not the bad guys.

And you know it. See the lack of Muslim immigration into Poland.

6.) >>>>Yet, Zionists pressure Poland for money, and for Polish anti-defamation laws, I care more for Muslims than Jews.

I hope your nation stays strong. But as I said, the reasons you do not take in muslim "Refugees" are all reasons to be sympathetic to a western nation surrounded by them.

7.)>>>>> That's funny most American Jews I've met have been stuck up, Liberal snots, who fight against Christian values, but support Israel.

But that is a flaw of my nation, one that shows how much they are a part of US, not one that shows they are not.

Israel is not our friend, the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard among others prove it

Israel has if anything helped create Islamic refugees, they are one of many parties whom are bombing Syria, so more Syrians can flee to the West.
Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)
Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)

1.) >>> Israel is more of an enemy.

Circular reasoning on your part.

2.)>>> Democracy, and Liberalism, the Muslim World is properly Right-Wing.

The right left comparison between Christian and Muslim nations, does not work, and is only done by people trying to confuse the issue.

3.)>>> Not a whole lot of Palestinian Commies, but Salomon Morel is a Jewish Communist Israel took in, and mocked Poland another properly Right-Wing country.

3a my point about their long alliance with the Soviet Union stands. THey are not our friend, and will never be our friend.

3b. THe problem of communists in Western LIberal society is a problem, that we share with Israel. Pointing out that they have vile evil morons in their society like we do, is not much of a strike against them.

4.)>>>> If you don't support Genocide, you should stop supporting Zionism, Zionists like W Bush, and H.W Bush committed genocide in Iraq, they also helped bring on White Genocide by bringing in millions of Mexicans, and some Muslims to the U.S.A.

Deflections from my point on the intend of the Palestinians.

5.)>>>> So, it's not Israel with Nukes running to the U.S.A with more Nukes that's the threat, it's Iran, and Palestine with no Nukes, eh?

Correct. We are not prefect, but we are not the bad guys.

And you know it. See the lack of Muslim immigration into Poland.

6.) >>>>Yet, Zionists pressure Poland for money, and for Polish anti-defamation laws, I care more for Muslims than Jews.

I hope your nation stays strong. But as I said, the reasons you do not take in muslim "Refugees" are all reasons to be sympathetic to a western nation surrounded by them.

7.)>>>>> That's funny most American Jews I've met have been stuck up, Liberal snots, who fight against Christian values, but support Israel.

But that is a flaw of my nation, one that shows how much they are a part of US, not one that shows they are not.

Israel is not our friend, the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard among others prove it

Israel has if anything helped create Islamic refugees, they are one of many parties whom are bombing Syria, so more Syrians can flee to the West.

THe US liberty was in 1967. If you have to go back that far, your case is weak.

Do you want me to start bragging about how my father's generation saved Europe from the Nazi's? Cause I can. With pictures.

If Europe lets in Muslims, that is on them and their stupidity.

There is a simple answer. One your nation was smart enough to come up with, independently.

Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)
Jews tend to have liberal politics and register and run as Democrats.


They also tend to be urban, so even if they are republicans, they are more likely to live somewhere where they have no chance of winning.

D'uh again.

If that's true, why do you support Israel?

Jews have no business having a secure Israel, if they don't support a secure America.

1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)

1.) >>> Israel is more of an enemy.

Circular reasoning on your part.

2.)>>> Democracy, and Liberalism, the Muslim World is properly Right-Wing.

The right left comparison between Christian and Muslim nations, does not work, and is only done by people trying to confuse the issue.

3.)>>> Not a whole lot of Palestinian Commies, but Salomon Morel is a Jewish Communist Israel took in, and mocked Poland another properly Right-Wing country.

3a my point about their long alliance with the Soviet Union stands. THey are not our friend, and will never be our friend.

3b. THe problem of communists in Western LIberal society is a problem, that we share with Israel. Pointing out that they have vile evil morons in their society like we do, is not much of a strike against them.

4.)>>>> If you don't support Genocide, you should stop supporting Zionism, Zionists like W Bush, and H.W Bush committed genocide in Iraq, they also helped bring on White Genocide by bringing in millions of Mexicans, and some Muslims to the U.S.A.

Deflections from my point on the intend of the Palestinians.

5.)>>>> So, it's not Israel with Nukes running to the U.S.A with more Nukes that's the threat, it's Iran, and Palestine with no Nukes, eh?

Correct. We are not prefect, but we are not the bad guys.

And you know it. See the lack of Muslim immigration into Poland.

6.) >>>>Yet, Zionists pressure Poland for money, and for Polish anti-defamation laws, I care more for Muslims than Jews.

I hope your nation stays strong. But as I said, the reasons you do not take in muslim "Refugees" are all reasons to be sympathetic to a western nation surrounded by them.

7.)>>>>> That's funny most American Jews I've met have been stuck up, Liberal snots, who fight against Christian values, but support Israel.

But that is a flaw of my nation, one that shows how much they are a part of US, not one that shows they are not.

Israel is not our friend, the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard among others prove it

Israel has if anything helped create Islamic refugees, they are one of many parties whom are bombing Syria, so more Syrians can flee to the West.

I enjoy reading Sobie's posts------reminds me of my childhood------my little semi rural/suburban town was
LITTERED with old Nazi propaganda and some new-----little seedy pamphlets--------that adulated adolf and used the world "Zionism" as if it was something like
FUCK. Not a whole lot of polacks there------I came upon that pestilence later. Lots of the people of my town were descendants of northern European farm
type people----lots of german essence------they hated polacks (???) but they hated blacks and Irish and
Hispanics and...... too. AND thee protestants and catholics hated each other too
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

And yet the GOP is the friend of Israel while the left only wants the Jews in America to vote for them.

I find that amusing. Not in a “ha ha” way, but a hypocritical way.

Both parties are pro-Israel, just one is retarded about Israel the GOP, and one isn't so retarded about Israel.

The GOP is turning off it's own Polish American fan base in Trump here, to fight for a smaller Jewish American populace, whom voted for Hillary.

Tensions rise between U.S. and Poland over ‘Holocaust law’

You GOP are idiots, you just like the power of looting, and shooting, and W Bush, H.W Bush, and Israel (Zionists) do love the power of looting, and shooting.

Wow I didn't know trump signed that. Tell the jews to go to H---ll.

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